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Four nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asleep, put on a music Playlist that I had downloaded, and went the whole forty minutes unable to sleep.

At some point I got a ton of flashes and presences, figured it was just some delirium from not being able to sleep, kept ignoring it and tossing and turning like im playing fucking twister until I swear I felt something soft randomly hold my hand.

Some more time after that and similar friendly and unhostile feelings, I'm over here wide awake drawing this fucking thing and I got several flashes of like, tarot cards, all involving this skull headed fucker. The High Priestess, The Moon, The Hermit, and I think maybe The Sun and or The Star.

Searches say it's a wendigo, all I can think of is that's just how it chooses to present itself. Live near lots of forests. Feel more creatively focused but now it's just towards whatever this muse wants drawn involving it.

Also want the AC turned all the way up so my rooms cold all the time. But that just might be me.

Advice? Have I fucked up somewhere?

Nobody come here to tell me that it's not a wendigo or that I should fuck it- I'm not doing either of those and I'm aware it's not "your muscle mommy". Surrounded by native land out here. Have native ancestry but not part of a tribe.

Saw a dead deer on the road today. Made me dad. On that same topic, nobody try to recommend killing or banishing this thing, I want to understand what it is or might be and why it's here.

Current ideas from previous thread are Leshy, The Horned God, The Fae, or some forest guardian.

I'll be at work when this posts, so I'll take some time to get back.
I think it's trying to convey a story with the cards, either it's story or it's trying to play you like a story, ask it to stop playing card games and speak next time.

Cleaning duty ended early, so I'm free to chat.

Pic related is one of the tarot cards it had me draw. Communication with it is finicky at best. There's not much that I can say to it that'll react anything more than a mental head tilt or pat on the head, like dealing with a needy dog. It seems to just do whatever it wants. I haven't figured out a rhyme or reason to it.

Began noticing more movement in the corner of my eye, even when I know it's not possible. If I get myself creatively tranced though my paranoia goes away.

I could maybe try to lure it in for a talk but mental projections or any ''astral" stuff is really, really not my strong suite.
still OP here. Pic didn't send, but the thread pic is also mine.
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damn it. Pic.
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That's a demon. Don't let it touch you. They fuck with you while you're vulnerable and half awake.
op here, saw this painting in person a while ago. The scans don't do his work any justice at all.

How fucked am I if my first thought at looking at the original was that he looked fluffy. Just looks like hed give great hugs.

I had considered if it was demon, but something makes me doubt that. I've got lots of icons and a few wards here and there, and the cats would go crazy if it was something that bad.

Well, unless maybe I'd accidentally invited it in. But still.
>How fucked am I if my first thought at looking at the original was that he looked fluffy. Just looks like hed give great hugs.
Not fucked, I guess. It's not that weird.
>I had considered if it was demon, but something makes me doubt that. I've got lots of icons and a few wards here and there, and the cats would go crazy if it was something that bad.
No. People put too much stake in animals reacting to the spirit world. I have, let's call them, "issues" as well. Animals don't react to it at all. I don't know what icons or wards you're referring to, but unless they're Christian, they won't keep demons away. You seem naive, so that's what this thing is likely exploiting. Too trusting and easily placated by imagery you like. It's not actually a generic deer skull wendigo thing. It doesn't have a form. Probably saw the things you like while monitoring you, and presents itself that way to draw you in.
They're Christian.

Silver crosses, gold ones, wood rosaries, prayer beads, rudia. I might be paranoid, but as for being harmed, that hasnt happened since forever ago. All of its blessed and all of it I've gotten in person. Some of its "old country" stuff the parents had from Mexico. We used to have demon problems, real ones. That bit of paranoia is why I still hang onto a lot of that, and it's plastered around every door. I don't trust anything I get from churches in the US. Just feels weak, commercialized and lightless.

Though maybe I am naive. A lot of this is out of my league and involves a lot of what I've forgotten from when I was a kid listening to moms instructions. Grandma's too.

Figured it wouldn't be its true form or whatever. I appreciate the input.
I see, alright. Well, I can tell you this. When I typed out that I believed you had a demon, my "issue" immediately made itself known with a claw down my back and a whiff of sulphur. Make of that what you will. It seemed upset that I sussed it out. God bless you.

Thanks, and stay safe anon.
Burn some pine tonight

Tonight my heads pretty blank. The house feels empty, no new flashes or visions. I can't even feel like I want to finish drawing the high Priestess. If I want art I'll need a physical or semi-physical media.

Begun feeling strangely weak, paranoia increasing. Like looking at a dead coral reef. Nothing from anyone else though. Heart feels heavy, guilty. Not my own though. Can't tell if projected or otherwise. Gets worse as the night goes on.

Feel free to share any stories of your own to pass the time. Might see to writing some of this down in my grimoire.
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You of all people should know


It’s normal tho, no one actually likes (you)

Does anyone else feel like there’s something kinda weird going on tonight? Like for real bros, I feel the genie in my weenie iykwim

Lmao, actually laughed
1 AM. Not very tired. Paranoia down. Feeling kinda cozy.

Hey, on a side note, any chance this things like a tulpa or house spirit? This only really started happening after I came back after being away for a week. Chance that somethings trying to scare me away or welcome me back?
OP Here.

So, nothing new to report except I just found out my latest reply only happened in a fucking dream. I dreamt about this fucking thread.

Anyways, to put it long story short, it was two repeat links and some sentences that were perfectly legible but now I can't remember what it was entirely.

What I can remember are some sentence fragments.

"You should listen... creativity... miracle.. dream sweet..."
what in the god damn
12 AM.

Slightly rainy. Forest feels renewed. Sky looks happy. Something about today feels so beautiful. Heading out for a while.
It might be trying to get you to listen to it, saying you can have good dreams if you do. If it is a demon it could be trying to bait you in while you're dreaming, but I don't know what the ramifications would be if you start engaging with this thing when it wants you to. Stay vigilant and try to avoid doing what it says.
Even if it's not a demon, I doubt following requests from a skull-headed animal that wants into your dreams is a good idea. Sleep with a bible or something silver (don't choose something sharp) next to you or touching you, maybe that could help.
It was a post with some pretty weird sentence mixing based off of the album I had downloaded (and listened to for a bit)

One extra part I'm remembering is "Show" but I don't remember the context. It was in two parts

You should listen to <link> [unintelligable] miracle... musical... [end sentence]

Show... creativity... dream.. sweet.. <link> [unintelligible] [end sentence]

There's a silver cross and Mary hanging on my desk just a foot away from my bed, and on my left is another giant wooden crucifix on the wall. I could try, but if that hasn't been keeping it away from the start I may need something more.
thinking on what to do. All I can really say or know for certain is, it gives really nice hugs. At least when it was still here.

Yeah that anon who said I was naive is probably right about that. Still, now that I think about it I've never really had a negative experience with spirits, even at my lowest. But I suppose there's a first time for everything.

They usually just appear, do a thing and go away. And I was kinda stupid as a kid, late at night when I cooked for myself I'd sometimes leave the leftovers served up on a plate on the island in the dark and sat next to it while I ate. Never felt like a "hehe ooh I have power type deal" but more of like "there are extant forms of life that deserve a mutual respect and understanding".

I don't know why I'm rambling. I'll probably piss off and do something else soon.
Oh, and I'll update if I remember anything else. I woke up super late today.
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Got to work on the portrait a little early. It's about three hours till sunset, worked on it until the headset died. Hopefully this will let me ignore it in the night.

There's a certain air, like this static, warm, electric feeling whenever I pause the work just to see how it's going. Kind of like pride.
anon did you somehow, accidentally, give a fucking offering to a spirit without saying what you wanted in return
I dunno, maybe when I was a kid. I was weirder then
Hey, this is the Anon from the past thread that suggested the fae and Horned God

I don’t know why I forgot to mention this, but have you considered Veles?
When I work with him I always see him as a having a deer skull and wearing black robes.
Oh, nice to see you're back!

I haven't, really. Again a lot of this is out of my depth, I'm a frigging rust covered novice that only kept up with basic stuff. My specialty was runes and sigils, not all this.

I'll look into Veles.
Veles (Volos, Valas)

God of earth, waters, the underworld. Order and Chaos, Death and Fertility.
Associated with dragons, cattle, magic, musicians, wealth, trickery, peasants, war, shepards, the dead, oracles, poetry, harvest, wilderness, marshes, all animals, fields

Depicted as a dragon, bear, wolf, serpent, bearded man with horns. A shapeshifting god.

He is a trickster.

Son of Zemun and Rod

Husband to Devana, Goddess of the hunt, forests and forest creatures.

Punishes oath breakers with diseases, punishes warriors with death.

Is always dying and being reborn, no eternal death, a serpent which sheds its skin over and over.

The serpent around the roots of the tree.

Possible offerings: Wine spilled over the roots of a tree, collected rain water, handpicked forest fruit, ferns, wheat, animal fur, fallen claws, bones, cattles horns

Trade deals and documents can be finalized with his name, his name can be sworn with.
His idol can be placed in Market places.
An amulet in his honor can be made to bless a field.

His tree is the willow according to one source.

His festival can fall anywhere from late December to February (Although one source said February 11th)
His feast is celebrated with song, and offerings of music, butter, milk, and basil can be given to him.
He is also worshipped during Kolyada, Radunitsa, Semik, and Roditel’skaya Nedelya.

Can travel between the living world and the afterlife, can assist in communicating with the dead. He sends spirits of the dead to the living realm as heralds.

Opposing god of Perun, god of thunder
Some stories call them brothers, but they are consistently the symbol of chaos bringing balance
The feud began either over cattle, a wife (the Sun), or the rain. In most stories Veles stole one of these things from Perun.
Veles is the Earth, Perun is the sky.

The Underworld (Virey or Iriy), which is his domain which he rules over, is a place of eternal spring. The fertility goddess, Jarilo, stays in his realm during the winter, and then returns in the spring thus bringing her life back into the world. It is said to be a lovely realm. Birds were said to fly across the sea to his realm during the winter as well to escape the cold.

He is a protector of mankind, both living and dead, and protects against malicious spirits.

One blog by a worshipper said he appreciates songs and prayers to be done in any Slavic tongue more than others.

A Veles Mantra:

O Boлoce пoём вepнo! (O vo-LOS-YE po-YOM ver-no)
Дeд Бoянa и дeд cмepтeй, (DYED bo-YA-NA i DYED smer-TEY)
Дepжи нaшeгo oт oгнeй! (DER-ZHI NA-SHYE-vo OT og-NEY)
About Veles we sing truly!
Grandfather of Boyan and of Deaths,
Keep us away from the (funeral) fires!
Ornery untoleratable.
This is my original research I typed up.
Like I said he appeared to me with a deer skull and black robes.
Well, I have recently begun learning Russian alongside a polish friend, but I have nothing I can think of that would have attracted such an entity. The only thing that I can think of, is the poetry aspect as I recently bought a number of old bound journals to write in, as well as a quill. I like to take time setting up my station whenever i feel it is private enough to do so.

It may be something on the greater side of things, as i'm always inclined to include some type of aura on any work that involves it.
Poetry could be it, do you play any Russian music? I ask because a lot of people when they learn new languages play music for listening practice.

I had someone mention Veles to me because I have an affinity for working with tricksters, did all this research and more and then did a bit of work with him. I find him to be very pleasant and more refreshing in his energy than you might expect.

And maybe you’re simply chosen by him as opposed to you doing something to attract him.
I did, yeah, stuff from Viktor Tsoi and afghan war music on a channel called Omnistar East, artists like Gruppa Kaskad or My Yard.

Still, I stopped studying Ruski only about a week ago. I've been meaning to get back into it, but well, life.
the boys and i would play it on car rides and sing a few songs here and there.
Maybe that’s what called to him if it is Veles
If it is Veles, still, seems oddly late.
anons we should convince OP to kiss the wendigo.

its literally giving you headpats and positive affirmation. you should try giving some back.
OP Here.

I'm awake, nothing new to report. Was able to wake up earlier at about 5 but then knocked myself the fuck out and didn't get up till around 10 AM.

Was able to go to bed early without any extra-causal interference. Guess I just have to get a little bit of something done each day and it doesn't give me all the extra visions at night. No new dreams but there's another sentence just rumbling about in my head.
Id suck your tube.
it wants/needs a drink or its near water or something.
What’s the sentence?
Oh shit! I forgot to post that. Fuck.

Previous sentence I had in a dream was

You should listen to <link> [unintelligable] miracle... musical... [end sentence]

Show... creativity... dream.. sweet.. <link> [unintelligible] [end sentence]

This time it's just in my head, random words that pop up every now and then. It's like, think of when a song gets stuck in your head and some words seem to stand out a bit once you actually listen to the lyrics.

The sentence fragment is.

"Wait. I await... freeflowing... live the dream..."

"You look... divine tonight... vibrant lights... pure delight... surround us... sail... whelp."

Only intelligible thing I seem to get, feels more like an order. "Do what you want to do."
It's about 12 PM. I'll probably fall asleep again. No big changes or new strong mind-rape visions. It's probably either giving me more distance or simply influencing me less. Still, sleep schedule is kind of nailed.

Cats seem to have an interest in me some more. Spotting them acting like sentries around the halls. Maybe something went too far and set something off for them to be vigilant.
update - immediately after right hand and cheek felt tingly. being bid goodnight. Laying in bed trying to sleep. I'm just confused. I don't understand.
She Fucken wants it bro
Give her the D
It is now fuckjing five AM. Sunrise, no sleep, not tired but sleepy.

God. Damn it.
Embrace this. It seems good. Don’t worry about how it came just welcome it
Bros winning life and getting the skull headed furry pal or more, wish I was that lucky lmao, ask them to meet or send some positive vibes to the people talking in this thread or something lol
Go get that sweet sweet wendussy, bro.
OP Here. At some point around like, 7 or 8 I managed to black out until however many hours to 4:30

Nothing new to report.

Side note to those anons who keep telling me to "bag the wendussy", I, like a few of you, have terrible luck with women. I've had a chair thrown at me once, but to be honest the two of us had a laugh.

Anyways, anon here doesn't want to fuck (I like marriage first, okay?) and there isn't really any driving sexual tension here okay?
>there isn't really any driving sexual tension here
>it gives really nice hugs
there's a tension of some kind
>anon here doesn't want to fuck
did the wendigo type this
I hope you both don't give up on at least friendship

"You look... divine tonight... vibrant lights... pure delight... surround us... sail... whelp."

Signed, yours truly, the whale
Yknow while the idea of being possessed did come up, I'd like to imagine I was perfectly in my right mind when I typed that out

I'm just trying to play Minecraft tonight man
Completely unrelated but what would what a white veil mean.

Just. Uh.

I have a hunch man, You can’t fool me anon, that art looks very similar to…something. Shameless, is that you?
Have you tried, you know, actually talking to it, like meditative/trance state talking? I feel both of you are dancing around but not getting to the fucking point. I can tell you from experience that it makes this whole shit show a lot easier. Afaik, yes it's a spirit, from what I'm reading on this thread you just happened to come across them and he kinda took a liking to you. That's not bad or good, but do put boundaries with it; if it wants to interact it shouldn't do this or that. Not every spirit is familiar with healthy human interaction, if you want to continue this you should at least be aware that there is a high chance it will harm you if you aren't very very clear with it. And that is assuming it's benevolent.
Idk man, looks like art from shamelessgrimoire to me, just a hunch tho
This is an incredibly good point. Don’t worry about how it got there, just talk to it
meditation has been a pretty big fail recently. If I try with some of my older methods I feel like I'm going to die of fear. Anxiety just spikes and I can't trance myself then, just get really fucking focused.

This does lesson with the candles I've started burning. I think it mightve attached to one when I got home. Been doing that to sort of scoot it around, it's got less of a presence if I "know" where it is.

Yeah nothing I'm writing makes sense, but trance talking has been a flop. Artworks seem to just work better. I'll probably get to work on the portrait again. Still out of watercolor but I've got some invisible ink, so maybe I could use that.

Some basic boundaries have been set with what I have been able to get through and understand, but it's pretty wibbly wobbly. Most others just, again, do a thing here and there and then go away, so no real agreements made except "don't fuck with the shit too hard"
Also I'm slowing down replies to this thread because again, same feeling pops up when I come here now.

Please stop telling us to fuck, because I think she's reacting to what I type in the thread.
Also, to elaborate on my point. Op, yes it might not be your strong suit to do any projection or whatever you meant earlier in the thread, but in essence, tough shit. I am saying to you that you NEED to find a method of communication that is clearer and safer than it beaming fragmented shards of thought into your head,ok? It won't stop there, and you need a viable way to clearly tell it to fuck off with that cause it will escalate if not, and it will, not might but will cause harm to you. it is very clearly trying to communicate but you aren't, which I could also get, but you really have to make a choice here to fully go for attempting communication or just nuking it, both options are available and doable, but you got to be the person who makes that call. Make it for god sake.
Saw the numbers 7 8 8 8

Any meaning?

Also, damn it I'm trying, but I'm running out of materials. Have to go to the shop today. At least the beds considered a neutral ground. But also now all the cats are sleeping with me. Same with the spirit. It's too fucking warm and I miss my AC unit already.
Ok that's something. You need to find out why meditative state is giving you so much fear. Don't just gloss over that, it needs to be addressed why you can't seemingly have introspective or spiritual practices anymore, and from what you are saying he is causing it, either directly or you being so scared of it that you can't do anything. Both are not healthy, and this is exactly what I mean with healthy interactions. It should not interfere with introspection on your end in any way. No ifs, no buts. It should show itself to be kind by limiting negative reactions, which would mean it taking a good step back when you do so to show good intentions. I hope you reading that will make it understand that its causing harm, through action or inaction, it doesn't matter.
And no, what you are saying does make sense, again trust me when I say I can understand your situation ok? But trust me as well when I say you need to find a better communication strategy. Right now you are just seemingly doing what it wants, with no agency of your own. If it's well intended on their part it's still a massive risk for you, and you again need to be aware it is a risk that's currently ongoing, you need to address this
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when'd you figure out it was a she
shut up
just got fucking laughed at
At least they find it funny instead of something worse lmao, I still stand by my word that you should ask em to visit or send some good vibes or something to the people in this thread for the greater good


Be brave
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wake up wake up anon theres u dont have any supernatural friend , those are just the affects of the copium u are consuming every day
i dunno man, I don't see why I need copium when I have my kitty-cat
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Anon you shouldn't call her a kitty cat
unless she likes being called that?
I don't know she seems pretty nice
an actual cat.

So, actually, introspection is personally easy. Barely an inconvenience. But now that you've mentioned that, it gets a little too self reflective. It's this downward spiral of what you could have, should have, should do, and it spirals hard.

Gonna be trying again tonight. See if maybe writing this out works. Candles and dark room only at my writing station. Feeling this constant like, nibble or something at my ear. Not unpleasant.
hopefully your dreams are strange but comfy

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