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Saw a video that led me to an article describing a theory by a guy named Patrick Jackson concerning spherical UFOs and how they work in a 3-layer defense system to protect earth, or something like that. Pretty damn interesting, at least to me. Got my gears turning. Especially with how places of significance like the Vatican and the UN headquarters have these weird “sphere within a sphere” sculptures on the respective properties (pic rel.) Makes ya think.

I’ll link the article, but I’ll also post snippets from it below to inspire conversation.

“Context and operation of a UFO network on Earth”

“Jackson provides a historical context, from which we learn that some of the first documented orbs date back to WWII, where orbs were seen intercepting the US, British, and German air forces by swarming the military aircraft, whizzing around them, and causing disruptions in their instrumentation readings as well as numerous communication issues. Less well known is how the orbs were actually altering the laws of physics around the aircraft itself.”
“Jackson has found not one but three kinds of orbs in operation. The first, known as type 1, is large and operates at altitudes of approximately 100,000 feet in swarms of about 50 or 60. They are often seen as clusters or in lines. Jackson surmised that these orbs were responsible for directing the interception of unwelcome UFOs visiting Earth. How does the 3-orb interception strategy work?”
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“As clusters of orbs, type 1 orbs appear to be distributed in groups, perhaps throughout the most populated areas of earth (i.e., the population factor determines which areas are “protected” by the orb network and will become disturbingly consequential later). When an uninvited aliencraft enters the earth’s lower atmosphere and finds itself located between several clusters of type 1 orbs, they will use a microwave transmitter to notify type 3 orbs down on the ground, following a sort of satellite network model as we use on earth, except that instead of communicating up to higher satellites (as our current networks do), type 1 orbs signal down to the ground, where type 3 orbs, which are waiting in houses or buildings “in order to remain undetectable to other kinds of intruding craft, are activated. Once notified of an intrusion by a type 1 orb, a ground-based type 3 orb will then signal up to type 2 orbs, which operate on a kind of relay system. Type 2 relay orbs then create a formation of type 1 orbs, and this formation will surround and intercept the intruder craft. Jackson mapped out the entire relay and interception sequence in this action diagram” (pic rel.)

“Jackson also provides photo evidence of orbs in the sky whose configurations visually match the described pattern, such as here” (also pic rel.)
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“Why Paranormal?”

“As previously mentioned, type 3 orbs operate in homes or buildings in order to remain hidden from other types of intruding craft, and they activate when type 1 orbs alert them to their presence. These type 3 orbs begin to communicate with the type 1 orbs, which causes radiation to be emitted. The unknown architects of this UFO network are apparently aware that the high-intensity microwave transmissions coming from these household type 3 orbs are harmful to human beings. And Jackson believes that they need to motivate humans to get away from the orbs when they are active and transmitting. He quotes the radiation inverse square law, which specifies that the intensity of the radiation goes down by the square of the distance from the source, such that, by moving twice as far from the radiation source, the intensity of the radiation will decrease by a factor of four. This motivates the paranormal connection: the orbs aim to scare humans away from the immediate location of the orbs by means of poltergeist activity – noises and objects being thrown about in a home.”

(pic rel is the book in question.)
“To confirm his theory, Jackson gathered a list of the most haunted houses in the UK, and selected 30 East Drive, in Pontefract, said to be the most haunted house in England, as his experimental target for this reason – a haunted house should be populated by a type 3 orb. Jackson did indeed experience the radiative effects of emissions, felt unwell, and experienced brain swelling, all of which were later determined to be symptoms of radiation poisoning. What we can say with certainty is that radiation exposure makes no sense in a spiritual context, and so this exposure supports his theory.”
“The transmissions are intermittent, and take place only when the system detects a high altitude intrusion, at which point the type 1 orbs activate the type 3. The purpose of the orbs is almost always protection, so they need to cause people to move away from the transmission source as a protective measure for their health. In addition to moving objects in the house, an orb may also block doors in the attic, which causes people to move downstairs, and then the orb, now in the highest area of the house, begins to transmit up to the orb network.”
“The method by which these orbs congregate in an interception network is, according to Jackson, rule-based artificial intelligence, which appears to reference some kind of database against which field observations are compared. If the flight characteristics of alien craft match the stored rules, then a set of pre-coded actions are triggered.”
(I ended the quoted paragraph here because it continues to drone on about some chintzy phone app I can’t find, accompanied with a video (link) that, speaking personally, doesn’t really show a damn thing. I’m more so interested in keeping focus on the idea of the sphere defense system being talked about, but the article is up there if you want to read it in full.)
“Several conclusions can be drawn from Jackson’s work.”
“1) Jackson mentions having a number of orbs in his possession, one of which Jaime Maussan, a UFO reporter, acquired. The orb essentially exploded when it fell into a field, and the property owner sold Maussan the broken and partially opened object. The object was cracked open on opposite sides, which allowed investigators to inspect its mechanism. Steve Colbern, a colleague of Jackson’s, found what turned out to be a nanotechnological device composed partly of carbon nanotube bundles believed to be its electronics embedded in the metal, along with regular-shaped voids about half a millimeter across. deliberately introduced into the metal to lower the density. The material appears to have the same density as aluminum but is mostly a titanium alloy and is incredibly strong. It has a built-in anti-gravity device capable of turning at forces exceeding 5 g. One of the orbs was recently shown by Sean Kirkpatrick in his Congressional AARO hearing, and he apparently doesn’t know Jackson’s work, since he states that this object is unknown ( https://youtu.be/nW0jyAJyPok?si=sZqTe-50XCjK6GZ0&t=8 )”
Forgot to include the first link, here it is.

“2) Something not mentioned in all of this is that if this system is correct, then it is clear that whoever designed it intended for humans not to know that it exists. Instead, for example, of allowing household type 3 orbs to move in full view of people in a house or building, the system needs to create a second, false narrative – that of indwelling spirits in a haunted house – such that by scaring people away, it will also protect humans from radiation exposure.”

“3) An alien system that wards off other alien craft in our atmosphere has several implications; Jackson believes it to be a defensive network protecting humans, although other interpretations are possible. The system is clearly maintaining the status quo on earth: is it warding off ETs who might be here to elevate the earth’s inhabitants? If so, the system could also be seen as part of what some believe, which is that the earth is a kind of prison, and this system would prevent any foreign intelligence from effecting change.

“4) Jackson’s book shows what almost no one is talking about, which is that, beyond cattle mutilations, there have been similar mutilations of humans. The book shows several photographs of bodies whose body parts appear to have been removed while the victim was alive. As in the case of cattle mutilations, human organs, often glandular, were removed in a precise cutting method that cauterized wounds instantly through high heat. Jackson offers a term for ETs, which are here to protect, versus those who are performing these mutilations, rustlers and wranglers. As mentioned earlier, the bodies of these victims have been found in remote, desolate areas, from which Jackson concludes that the orb
system is here to protect humans, because it operates in areas of high population density, where these kinds of mutilations are never found.”
“5) Jackson’s work has detractors, but in my opinion, it is too solid to ignore, and is open to further research, and I’m advised that the US government is involved in verifying his claims. What he observes is well documented; let us hope that he is right.”

Dumb ghost hunting nonsense aside, I think the idea itself is pretty interesting. Wondering what anons have to say.

I'm not saying ghosts aren't real or whatever, either. I just want to keep the focus on whatever the fuck these spheres are.
Honestly, I think there is something like this going on. Would explain why interstellar aircraft seemingly beyond our comprehension tend to nosedive into earth's wilderness.
Someone in another thread posted a link to this video: https://vimeo.com/104295906

Feel like it applies to this thread. Although, I don't think mh370 had something malicious about it. If anything, the govt probably figured out how to either operate or reverse engineer this technology and this was some kind of field test.
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Another article with interesting information:

>If so, the system could also be seen as part of what some believe, which is that the earth is a kind of prison, and this system would prevent any foreign intelligence from effecting change.
Reserve planet or a sanctuary. We can still leave as we are sending shit to space all the time. Now i wonder if that extends to the entire solar system.
It seems reasonable. Bunch of von Neumann probes sent across the universe to record, catalogue and protect primitive life. Makes you think about what they are protecting us from?
Galactic poachers? Bunch of ayy teenagers drunk driving their craft to fuck with some monkeys? Some bigger and and organized threat?
It also checks out with recent reports of UAP's fucking with nuclear missle sites across the planet.
I'm friends with Patrick on facdebook, he has a group where we all share pictures and videos of the orbs and drones. You can capture pictures of them with IR equipment. You should also read his book "Quantum Paranormal" which discusses his theories in detail.
Galactic poachers and the like could be possible. Probably think earth is free real estate right up to the point they get BTFO by the spheres
Meth problems.
This is a really quality thread OP, thank you.
Got any good pics to share?
Its fishing dialdown relays for perareal flats. An solidification resonance. For saveing bateryspans.
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It's a fence around a food source (us).
This is not to protect us, it's to keep us from being protected. We are the garden of edibles around which the orb fence sits.
Nothin' gets in, nothin' gets out. Effective system. Hoping that's not the case though. Prison planet motif always disturbed me
The mantids have finished the hybridization protocol now, so you see humans all the time that are not humans. Notice how no one is abducted by greys anymore?

The hybrids will now be breeding with humans to pass on dominate hybrid genetic aspects. You only need prison planet long enough to genetically create slave planet.
This is how you win a war without firing a shot.
Sadly our intelligence services are such retards they can't conceive of a way to fight this.
>You can capture pictures of them with IR equipment.
Can you elaborate on the IR equipment and how they're used/what to look for? I have things that might work.
Jackson has a youtube account, I've only watched one or two of his videos but I see some where he's testing equipment. Maybe you can find your answers there. Curious to see if someone can produce results, if so

I'm not that poster, but they way UAPs are detected normally is by looking for what's not there. If you're using infrared you'd be looking for cold spots that shouldn't be a cold spot and so forth. Whatever wavelength or particle you're detecting, you actually track spots where it should be ubiquitous but is not there.

He has an entire website where he sells the equipment and demonstrates how to use it.
There are definitely some interesting shots of the drones but instead of me sharing, you should just go to the facebook group where it is all consolidated, so go to Patrick's website. There is also a documentary coming out next year according to Patrick.
I think you would be interested in webm related. These orbs you are seeing are actually drones sent by the Pleiadians from their ships above Earth to do various tasks, this one in the webm is capturing a cabal chemtrailer plane and teleporting it to the moon to hold/contain them there. These Pleiadians are very benevolent and are helping us fight off the cabal, they cannot show themselves because of the Prime Directive laws, and also because the United Federation of Planets is actively blocking any attempt by the Pleiadians and Urmahs to show us humans down here full proof of their existence, i.e. real pictures from their ships and of themselves. The United Federation of Planets is also infiltrated by the cabal, just as the cabal infiltrated our governments down here, law of mirrors. (As above, so below. As within, so without. These are not satanic, the cabal took the original meaning and twisted it to fit their agendas.)
You're a godsend, I thought about this exact video when I first read the article. Absolutely insane. So they're Pleiadian in nature? And they use these machines to bypass this cabal thing?
Gotcha, waiting to be accepted.
You made that up. Anyone throwing out shit about 'Pleiadians' 'cabal' 'Federation' and so forth are either new age nitwits watching too many shittier youtube videos, or someone actively involved in a psyop against the truth.

But go ahead. Demonstrate how you know any of this is real. Meanwhile tens of thousands of abduction reports tell an entirely different story.
They just picked up a container full of food. Anyone who says this is good, is the bad.
Never said it was good
>or someone actively involved in a psyop against the truth.
Probably this
White rabbit chasing and such.
I refuse to treat seriously any retard claims about some sci-fi star trek bullshit organizations of ayys. That's low scale thinking. If there is any civilization capable of producing these orbs it would be Type-2 at least and above Type-3 at most.
At this level you would get something more akin to fucking Xeelee from Xeelee Sequence rather then some gay club like Federation from ST or Republic from SW.
I believe that if these orbs do in fact exist they are following a set of guidelines given to them by creators that are either so far beyond us that they don't even care about contact or are long gone.
Same desu. I used to be interested in the Corey Goode and David Wilcock shit but it just got so ridiculous. Just an elaborate excuse for Corey to promote a comic book riddled with Steven Greer level hogshit.
big if true.

There is nothing in Jackson's book regarding this, I think you are conflating some other stuff with this

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