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Why do psychedelic mushrooms have the effect that they do and what are the implications of those effects?
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The effect of knowing is achievable through various methods, drugs are the quickest
>anon wants a biochem lesson
hallucinate. see things moving. ok
quickest but hardest
It's painful and also dangerous. People who poo-poo hallucinogens are just terrified- and rightfully so.
ya ever see the coupling mechanism for train cars? there like a particular shaped grabbing hands. your brain is filled with all these different little grabbing mechanisms, drugs are molocules that happen to have a portion of there external shape that is in simple terms a handle that those little grasping mechanisms are designed to hold onto, your bodys own neurotransmitters have the same handles attached to different molecules that sing a different "song" so when the drugs latch onto the grabbers meant for your bodies natural communications, you get a different electrical output transmitted from the grabber then if it had grabbed its intended handle, AND your body produces its internal communication molecules in rather small quantities, but with drugs you can vastly increase the grabber saturation - to the point your brain will grow more grabbers ie tolerance - and subsequently the overall volume of said "song"
psilocybin is a mind-altering substance that heightens your divine reception. the reason for this is that god sees that you're high and thinks it would be funny to talk to you
FACT: Psychedelics are the only way a regular human can speak to/interact with higher dimensional beings.

FACT: A regular human can only achieve 1/1000th the effect of even a low dose of psychedelic through intense training and meditation. Even then, they will not be able to communicate.

Psychedelics are opening the doors to entities to do whatever the fuck they want with you, either good or bad. You will have little control over the end result, which will likely be permanent. Take this as you will.
Ever notice nobody ever says they're bad? You only ever hear them described as destroyers of anxiety and depression and are so spiritual, makes me very dubious, almost like they actually were changed for the worse, but they themselves don't recognise it and even see it as a good thing since it is a permanence to them now.
>Psychedelics are opening the doors to entities to do whatever the fuck they want with you, either good or bad. You will have little control over the end result, which will likely be permanent. Take this as you will.
You're simple and trying to scare people like this is heinous.
Mushrooms have quite a variety of ways to incapacitate those who eat them: liquify their organs, interrupt their metabolism, metabolism over-drive/heart attacks, or (for psychedelic ones) interrupting the mechanism that tunes our awareness to this plane of existence. Maybe these are just some evolutionary quirks of a form of life that could even be older than the planet, and that just wants to make extra fertilizer. Or, maybe there's some overarching intelligence to the fungal world that plays sides and tinkers with other forms of life.
I get a better cleaner and more heightened conscious state then cannabis with only a 10 minute meditation session
He's right, but it's a good thing.
Yes but krebalan with nepalan aint makeing youself almighty judgment overture.
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Neuron connections on and off psilocybin. A nice visual to just how much it enhances everything and why it is is hard to predict how it will effect you. Every aspect of your existence will be connected in multiple ways it never has before, memories, feelings, spiritual experiences, senses all connected in new exponentially more vast and intense ways.

You will change, you will be way more receptive and it will depend on your experiences and how you have lived, this will be intense. For myself it was a very good helpful experience, but I've known people that have literally gone through nightmares too. I'd say worth the risk if you want a real deep experience unlike anything else.
Psylocybin turns off connections between different parts of your brain and induces neuroplasticity.

Or prolongs it, if you started getting fucked up early in life and kept going after a point where most people lose that (around 25 or so. By 25 most people are set in terms of “hmm this person or situation might be dangerous, I should be careful”)
I should be clear right is on it.
No he isn't. Entheogens are helpful, therapeutic. The issue is the stigma and the charged, pent up energies associated with the ordeals. We've robbed youth of the "vision quest" and this is a miserable mistake to make. This is exactly why everyone's suicidal and always tries to push each other over the edge (then freaks out when people inevitably do it).
The ancients never had this kind of "sickness" in their historical records. It's funny no one ever asks why. Though, to be fair, no one ever actually reads the medical literature and if they do, no one really talks about it. The funny thing is, if one did read the medical literature, they'd find with complete certainty just how often everyone in the ancient world was blitzed as shit (it was extremely often).
FACT: Meditation is not about achieving a psychedelic state, so stop "culturally appropriating" religion.

Making union with the object of your meditation, is quite a bit different from dissolving your identity, and scramble your personality.
Humans and grayys and reptilians and mantids were all engineered by mushroom people

Fact, you haven't spent 30 years in a monastery achieving things, you just popped a drug and now facts are whatever shit your altered brain spews.
People have such shallow and stupid views and debates on this precisely because of black-and-white thinking, or already instinctively tending “for” or “against” then skewing all the arguments one can in favor of one’s point and stereotyping and criticizing strawmans they set up of the other sides.

Anti-psychedelics people often have the simple equation, “it’s drugs, and drugs are bad, and hence any person who even wants to try these or support their use is a fucking junkie.” Or, conversely, people who are upset that it’s illegal or socially frowned upon by many, go the other direction of extremism and unqualifiedly praise and extol psychedelics because one claims to have found positive benefits in it, etc.

The truth is, they can be improperly abused, and can have bad side effects. Especially if you take irresponsible doses, mix it with too much other shit, or already have some deep-seated mental issues in you or latent gnawing traumas, stresses, fears, etc., or a possible tendency towards schizophrenia or psychosis the drug could activate. Conversely, though, they can also lead to incredible and profoundly healing experiences that some people find incredibly spiritually and therapeutically insightful. The classic psychedelics have complex methods-of-action in the brain that sets them clearly apart from other classic drugs like stimulants, opiates or opioids, alcohol, downers or benzodiazepines generally, etc. They’re not and cannot be physically addictive if they’re the real version of that psychedelic drug, as tolerance builds up quickly requiring you to take breaks between uses, and there’s no physical withdrawal cravings.

It’s possible they could be considered medicines, not necessarily for any clear bodily ailments, but psychological medicines. There are actually many amazing studies and reports that positive trips on the classic psychedelics can have long-lasting benefits on one’s mental health.
Conversely, they can also fuck up your own psyche, as it’s just taking and amplifying what’s already there. This could be tranquility, joy, peace, bliss, gratitude, appreciation for life, meditativeness, etc., but could also be paranoia, terror, despair, anxiety, etc. Like other medicines that may have valid uses, these could also potentially be abused with harmful side effects.

For instance, opiates could be useful for injured people or chronic pain sufferers, but can also fuck you up with their addiction potential. They can have valid medicinal uses, but also clearly be abused.

People can easily and irresponsibly do this with psychedelics when getting too much one-sided propaganda of how good they are, all the potential amazing benefits of them, profound feelings of spiritual insight or enlightenment offered, etc. But they can also bite you in the fucking ass if you mess around with them for fun too much. (Which, to make clear, is not necessarily ascribing any agency towards the drug, but it’s just a figure of speech, as actually it’s your own mind and psychic environment that’s turning on you when you have a “bad trip” from the heightened emotions and disordered thought patterns the drug is triggering.)

Some view them as potentially a gift from God, or from Nature itself, or some Great Spirit or external wise beings who might live in an overlapping spirit plane that can sometimes come in communication with our psyche and life theorist various methods (various indigenous shamanic beliefs). It is up to you how much you want to trust the various forms of shamanism, and how confident you are that you can make your own DIY-shamanism.
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Lots of serotonin receptors in your gut get activated and your brain tries to deal with those signals which causes hallucinations, there's a bit more to it, but in short all spiritual experience is communion with metabolism, hence the ideas of cycles of life, separate entities, eyes looking back, devouring horrors, snakes, etc.
Sure thing, pal. Sure thing. Definitely no demons and they definitely can't possess you. Carry on.
puts you in touch with the more animalistic side of your brain on a sub-concious level.
Kill the frog implications fag. You do this every day. You are a fed. I will find your home and murder you.
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In general, this conversation is a pain in the ass and usually filled with tons of misinformation, mostly due to the colossally fucking massive world of difference between setting, mood, how tired you are, genetics, how empty your stomach is, general health, etc... and most important of all, dosage size when the drug is ingested. Not to mention the huge variance in tryptamine between "strains" and even within the fruiting flush itself. A lot of people who approach shrooms come at it from the angle of a cannabis smoker, where how high you get on weed plateaus, independent of how many hits said person ingests in one sitting. The world of difference in the narcotic effects from shrooms between microdosing (0.1-0.5g), midrange dosing (1-3g) and hero/shaman dosing (5g+) cannot be understated enough. A microdose can have a mood boosting effect while overall leaving you sober and normal. Midrange doses will provide the stereotypical hallucinogenic effects, and this is usually the "sweet spot" of taking shrooms for the purpose of introspection, depression/anxiety relief, and reaching insightful meditative states. Hero dosing can and will bring you into an alternate dimension where you're entirely untethered from reality. You can look up the subjective experiences people report on this, but in this state, you need to buckle up to see some shit, including full visual experience while your eyes are closed with blindfolds on.

It goes without saying that the hero dose is where people generally both fuck up and experience positive transformation, and represents the extreme potential to either severely damage you or make you wake up as a giga Chad. That being said, bad trips are incredibly rare when you respect the power of shrooms, properly set up your journey, and work your way up from smaller doses to test your genetic reaction to it.
>Why do psychedelic mushrooms have the effect that they do
psilocybin is nearly identical to serotonin and increases cross-brain communication
That's not the point, you don't take psychs to reach a heightened states, you use them to see what's on the other side. Often resulting in the opposite effect.
>psilocybin is nearly identical to serotonin and increases cross-brain communication
This is true. picrel left is sober brain connections right is on a weak dose of shrooms. It completely annihilates all separation in the mind, which is why it's often connotated with 'interconnectedness'. Parts of your unconscious brain that never interact with the conscious mind begin to merge. it's a powerful tool, but just like any tool, it can be used to terrifying or beneficial effect
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And to add - when a certain controlled setting and protocol is followed, the medical literature is finally coming around to support the incredibly therapeutic psychological healing properties psilocybin has for depression and anxiety relief, and the data on said studies MOGS pharma SSRI and benzo statistics. Not only the side effect profile, but like others have pointed out, the fact that you don't need to take it often and the therapeutic effects last very long, often times in upwards of 4+ months from a single sitting.

Fun little bonus - it's also making the rounds on self improvement/pickup groups, because the way psilocybin acts upon your amygdala is that it can turn down your social inhibitions to a heavy degree. So people who are otherwise charming but are being held back from social anxiety (this was me) can level up from a twitchy sexless bum on a dry streak to a cold blooded killer. Shrooms hold a special place in my heart personally because they took me out of a shut-in phase after a facemelting breakup and back into the world. I won't brag, but I will say that being low-inhibition made sure I was eating well again with the opposite sex.
I like how these scans reveal where the rubber meets the road in terms of what's going on in the brain. They also help explain why the most common report in the studies was that patients felt "reset". When taken properly and carefully, the most common theme is that people feel like they have a clean slate and new headspace to tackle things that previously were massive sources of anxiety. Like you said, they're not magic bullets, but they're simply tools.
Totally agree.
Since I started taking them, a couple years ago, its changed me and helped my rediscover my true self. Dropped a lot of old, self destructive habits, boosted my creativity and anxiety has almost all fallen off and my connection with spirituality and my soul has returned.
For a while I was frequently doing at least 3g doses, too.
I poo pood them for years. Now I'm so glad I ever did them and have also started to share with others how beneficial and healing they are.
Granted, not everyone can handle them or understand them. But to those people I recommend microdosing or general mental help before going deep.
i think it also reconnects some of the pathways that USED to be connected in the human brain when were were still neandrethals/monkeys
>but could also be paranoia, terror, despair, anxiety, etc
Given that the person isn't a retard hero dosing right away, the initial anxiety is a huge part of healing. When I first tripped, I went back to every traumatic moment of my life, with the full realism of being physically there in person again. From being yelled at as a child, to physical injuries in sports, I faced it all and relived memories I didn't even know I still had that were stored away in my subconscious. Most incredible was an awful breakup I had in which I was blackout drunk and previously didn't remember anything. I didn't even think this was possible, but I got to actually see what was said and done in vivd detail, which reveals how much our subconscious mind remembers events that lie under the surface of our conscious forgetfulness.

It's actually incredible how much shit and trash we have hiding in the shadows of our psyche that drag us down. Shrooms give you the opportunity to face yourself. This set me free, but I can see how others can get mindbroken from this.
shrooms ALWAYS give me this horrible feeling of impending doom on the comeup, it's unavoidable, but it's part of the drugs nature that you are forced to face some nasty shit before you get the reward for managing to overcome it
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shrooms killed my inner child and me and my partner had such awful experiences we both swore them off, so, sure
You're an idiot and it's clear you don't read books.
Have you ever read much of Jung? It sounds like you should. This is basically his whole thing.
i know this sounds like horrible advice, but take shrooms again, unironically the best way to cure psychedelic related trauma is to take psychedelics again. Basically it's like rolling a dice, you could get something really good or bad
Why don't I ever hallucinate on shrooms. To me it's just like being mega weed high
Many factors. Set and setting are both very important, dose, When you last ate and so on and so forth.
Im this inside reality sanicaly.
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>be intermediate level psychedelic user
>have had reality dissolving bizarro trips in the past (like 8 years ago)
>decide to try the big 5g mushroom silent darkness trip
>learn a lot, get a lot of insight, quite a bit of hallucination
>come down 8 hours later
>"was that it?"
>next few months
>best time of my life
yea but for a short period, you can accually see prana everyday if you chill enough
I have a degree in philosophy, retard. Keep assuming things about strangers because of one sentence or one glance.
Holy fucking kek what a retard.
>I... I have a degree
you think you're smart? name all the american female presidents
I really want an explanation for what causes the difference in effects of psychedelics between people and what this implies about them
anytime i have done acid or mushrooms or 2cb or even mdma my experience is characteristically completely different to everyone else where i get far more hallucinations
I even get visuals on weed semi-frequently
when i done acid with my ex i had 1/4 of a tab and she had 3/4 and her experience was like being ‘funky stoned’ whereas i was having massive loops and having full hallucinations for 12+ hrs
its always been in the back of my head that it could just be due to me having a bitter tab(nbome) when i was 15 and that somehow that permafucked my brain into being sensitive
To those who know…
What does the mushroom say to you once it starts to integrate with you?

I’ve only done this three times but usually get the same first response from them so I’m interested what responses others may have gotten at the beginning of their high.
imagine how out of touch with reality you would be if you spent your life in a monastery for 30 years. its almost like all the meditating is actually a huge selfish waste of time and the only good that can come of it is if ALL others can follow

They benefit similars just like everyone else does. It is no more selfish than you.

>imagine how out of touch with reality you would be if you spent your life in a monastery for 30 years

Reality? You mean the systematic construction of rules and values of a mere 100iq average civilisation?
Out of touch? You mean there is so much to learn about capitalism and communism that they didn't really get it in the first 20 years of their lives? And the influx of new monks doesn't provide a connection to current times?

I do not think you thought it through.
>imagine how out of touch with reality
Reality is the very essence of their study
They can make you worse in the sense that humans are worse than animals(i.e. left the garden of eden). What you learn isn't neccessarily stuff you can use and it can shift your conception of the game you are playing to an extent that you find it hard to learn how to play again. That said, assuming you aren't just using them for fun, I think you only get really really drawn in to it if it is something you know deep down that you need.
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>Ahh, if you take a little You'll have a good time, if you take a moderate amount you'll have a good time, and lights and stuff, if you take a lot you'll think you've always lived in a psychward and hatman is your nurse. (or hang out with odin, or think death as a pretty goth girl stopped by and break out crying thinking this shit is finally over to have her awkwardly explain it wasn't that visit but you could probably take it easier.

You know, regular stuff. If you take more then a little your dick won't work generally (but it will feel great to try), and you can't sleep. Coming down from them (whole thing about 6 -8 hours, come down from a bit more then halfway) is really great.

If you want to quantify the visions and such, I think it's a way to have an honest conversation with yourself. There's a certain window where the pattern recognition and problem solving is amped way the fuck up and you basically have a good shot at figuring out your shit.

That or your brain will attempt to explain to your dumb ass the problems with your life in the form of a spontaneously imagined manga about a strong police lady who is struggling to trust and deal with her emotions and own deficiencies and now your favorite manga literally doesn't exist in this universe despite you being able to remember the complete manga issue.

It's kind of lovely, If you go into it honest and in a space where you are safe you'll probably have a good time. Go spend some time outside and it will be lovely as fuck, make you want to be a plantosexual.

In essence, have one happy day (or 6-8 hours or whatever). I personally make tea (grind mushrooms, steep 20 mins with some lemon and filter or you can try to chug the whole thing with OJ. I personally get queezy enough to stick to the tea despite whatever loss of potency.

I need to go on a Trip again.
When you first do drugs they are novel and you may be convinced they are worth something and make you feel and see things but that can go away and then you might still get trippy visuals but my dreams are toast. It's not like I did tons of drugs thinking there was an answer in them but shrooms can make you feel totally connected to everything or they can make you think you are dying and the world is like idk hell sometimes something just totally weird
~~there you are, how have you been~~
Im also baffled and disturbed by it. I took 4g (novice amount by some standards here) and i cant fathom how a simple "chemical" can cause such an insane and absurb blend of visions, halluciantions, sounds and touch sensations, and not only intense feelings but what I can only describe as a "creative and spiritual orgasm." over and over again. How does the biochemistry of our brains allow for this? why? Why would such a cartoonish and unbelievable effect of a chemical cause this?
how much would you take, and when, how often? like .5g before a date? Ive had this effect with phenibut
Have you ever actually thought or tried to work through those memories before? I have more than few traumatic memories and depressing periods of my life and one thing i was surprised at is how they didnt appear or manifest at all during my large trips. I was worried that I would go through what happened with you but its like my mind completey shed those experiences and i could be me without the trauma of it; and i think the reason for that is I have a very introverted and reflective personality and ive spent a lot of time ruminating and going through those memories myself when I am sober, so maybe my psyche didnt feel the need to bring them up. In the comedown of the trip I interpreted it as I have truly overcome those traumas and moved on from them
maybe. the last time i was seeing stuff, had voices talking to me, bad memories constantly coming up coupled with seizures(?), and then weeks of trauma memories popping up again and again.

everything i read before says psychs are great for reconnecting to your inner child and stuff so why are they so weird for me? my inner child's the only part of me that i really want to protect but when i tripped we lost contact w each other. idk. maybe im overthinking it
All images and sensations are generated by your brain, i.e, chemical reactions. You can exeperiece qualia because you have a soul, but your body and chemicals is what generates those sensations. That doesn't necessarily mean that those sensations are not real, or that they don't pertain to reality.
>Why do psychedelic mushrooms have the effect that they do
Because God designed that wat, nigga.

>what are the implications of those effects?
The implications are as follow. You gonna have people who will like to feel those effects and they will start to believe that this experiences are making them "enlightened" some will say they talked to "God" and that sort of thing. On the other hand you gonna have people who don't try this shit and will laugh at those who take it and all the non sense they say and how they act foolish while on the influence. lol
The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life; ease which remains unlikely, given that the choice of doing these drugs with the goal of opening your awareness and opening your mind is already a sign of close-mindedness and poor ability to reflect.
Without psychedelics you can get some transcendence from your physical form, but you will never enter hyper reality or anything like that, though what happens when you starve yourself to near death or whatever in meditation
like some have done I have no idea and can't comment on. Psychedelics remove the filter on the limiter on information in your brain and allow your brain to process everything it filters out, it seems like it magnifies things down to a micro level of observation and this level contains everything that exists in the universe, you can experience things you have no context for being able to experience fully and things that don't even resemble normal reality but are clearly real in the sense that they create a harmonious aesthetic and make sense as you experience them, nothing like a dream where you can only experience different configurations of thoughts and experiences you have felt in real life. They evolve your brain and make you incredibly psychologically strong if you take a full trip and handle it like a man, years of data can be experienced in one second with no way out, you could be eaten to death on a loop a thousand times in a row by a cougar before you could even think to scream in real life, or worse things than exist in normal life, though through knowing and understanding suffering you will learn to understand love, peace and light, an appreciation for all life and all types of experience.
People who act like taking anything to increase your bodies ability to perform at a task is a sign of weakness and failure are extremely close minded trogladytes, drugs were left here to help the strong move to further levels and kill the weak and stop them from reproducing, often the same drugs achieve both.
How does your brain generate experiences and visuals that it has no context for only while under the influence of a psychedelic drug? This effect is why there are intelligent, skeptical scientists etc. interested in this as an unexplainable phenomenon and it's not something that would be easy to communicate to someone who hasn't done it as something significant because it's so far out of what they have ever experienced, but our brains have developed to experience this reality as we do through millions of years of evolution and then all of a sudden there is a whole other hyper reality you can access that has better visuals, a higher frame rate, a wider range of colors and things beyond what you could ever normally just think of.
kys materialistcuck
consciousness creates the brain
Magic mushrooms are a very esoteric substance.
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Make sure to pick them yourself so kikes can't spike them with who knows what
Kikes spray the mushrooms in forests with poisons, that's the worst option, either get them from a trusted friend or grow them.
growing mushrooms is easier than growing tomatoes, no excuse not to be eating your own home grown produce. But more often than not you end up with more shrooms than you know what to do with
A lovely conundrum facing me in around 2 months
The guides I looked up are concerned with contamination and being perfectly sterile. That doesn't sound like tomatoes?
>trusted friend
TI, taken over with synthetic telepathy and remote electronic mind control
>grow them
spore DNA already spiked with nanobots
the only hard part is getting them inoculated, other fungus/bacteria will compete for the growing medium. However once they have properly formed mycelium you just leave it in a dark corner and forget about it, sterility doesn't really matter at that point. You just need to spritz it with water every month or so and add some more growing medium between harvests.

Yes fungus for the most part does not consume other fungus, they need debris and space so once real estate on the surface of your medium is taken by happy white hyphae you're safe.
I recently started using agar to regulate the liquid cultures and it is giving me impressive levels of control in isolating infections and selecting strong genetics before I knock up the cakes.
That said, PF tek just works and if you do enough jars standard deviation will basically guarantee you some yield.
Enjoy, expand, and spread the good word!
It both makes you grow up permanently, which is a good thing depending on your age, and connects you with every part of yourself and can let you reexperience your nostalgic memories you had forgotten. It sounds like you weren't ready to experience the darkest parts of yourself, or to move on from what you were.
Cannabis won't do this, you are lucky you can't accidentally reach the high levels of vibration you can reach through DMT because it would make you go insane to always be able to do that.
The mushroom seems to have familiarity with you.

It always seems surprised with me.
> Watch out
Forbidden fruit is forbidden only is you aren't ready, meaning if you are tempted you could lost yourself and fucked up your mind. So, do not open the door without being the righteous one. (That is why holy scripture as new testament and Quran are preparing you for the journey,)
>rot your brain with 1000+ year old semitic absolutist dogma FIRST or else it will definitely fuck you up!

But Mhammed would let you marry a pretty 9-year-old.
You just do not get it.
No they dont okay?
Didn't do any of that for me.
I Had visions of death and an experience like I was a child looking at the world in awe, in short it made me stupid whilst on it and feel as though I was inferior afterwards.
It also gave me physical discomforts like glass in my throat.
Took 5g very irresponsibly in the worst environment. I can’t lie dude I’ve never felt so alive since that experience.

Whether your trip is good or bad with shrooms the experience is going to be profound. I didn’t meet goblin people but I understood my place in the world better.

Even the panicking paranoia I think is a kick to the system some people need.
They fuck with your brain neurons and make you think you experience something
Yeah, I got a 20 yr psychosis years after my shroom trips and the psychosis was far more Intricate and enlightening, whilst also being torment.

After that 20 years ended I tried shrooms again and it felt like a mere low level buzz compared.

No hallucinations or enjoyable feelings any more, in short, fuck with neurons long enough and you become immune to altered states.
Your overall emotional state in general becomes flat too.
I used to feel all special like a hippy with a heroic soul/spirit and the neuronal chaos caused me to feel like a robot without it.

Growing up?

Suppose so, but I am ancient not adult, they try to say you get all spiritually and emotionally enhanced, but its the opposite.
You just had a bad trip.
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All my trips were pretty fucking stupid because I had an optimal mental state off them.
Did you take many doses and became social over time or did a big dose and went outside or you microdose before socializing
What do you think about doing big doses in public, will I dissolve my ego and make a fool out of myself?
Quickest, I think hardest in the way that they are the most temporary forms of enlightenment. The experiences you have are not totally ascertained, even if you feel they are.

I think most of their utility lies in showing you what your mind can do. I think chasing that and trying to find actual enlightenment from them will lead to overindulgence and ultimately the frying of your brain.
Drug abuse is in no way enlightenment. Trust me, I have seen those who have gone all the way into psychs.
Well said.
>meditation doesn't work
It does, it just requires a lot of training. A LOT. I mean an absolute shitton. It likely takes an entire lifetime. I have gotten very very close to a breakthrough experience purely through a sober, focused meditative state. I've been doing this for about 10 years. The problem I run into now is that if I'm listening to a tape or guided meditation session that I'm familiar with, it doesn't work anymore. After a peak experience is attained through one recording, future listenings have zero effect at all. I'm trying to find a solution to this problem. I could possibly try to generate hemi-sync audio files myself.
Differences are possible due to innate biological tryptamine levels. Autistics and schizophrenics metabolize DMT differently than normies, and we excrete bufotenine in our urine. There are studies on this.
Fucking druggies.
>30 years in a monastery does not compare to entheogenic experience have you ever tried one of either? Cause it sounds like you haven't.

I'm afraid I have come far closer than a drug addict buddy.
>two: even if it was true that would be called psychosis imagine if you ''enlightened your mental state'' to a point that you wouldn't be able to tell if you're tripping or not

Many people trip and have no idea they are.
Many people also spend 12 hours tripping and equate it to the most profound experience you can have because they have basically never even bent their own will.

Many schizophrenics learn how to bend will/thought/emotion through decades of isolation and mental divergence. I have never heard any tripper say anything profound beyond the usual 'expand your mind' 'it is like infinite wisdom' 'I feel enlightened' etc.
Put them to the test and they can say nothing that a capable drunk can say.
>capable drunk can say.
Or cant say depending on the specimen and experience/reasoning ability.
And yes I have dabbled with occult-type rituals and psychedelics and it led nowhere good until decades later after I rebuilt my flaws into virtues.

Tell me what experience do you have?

I have been in relative isolation for 30 years.
Thought intensely and experienced psychosis for 20 years.
Taken multiple types of psychoactive substances.
studied the occult and religion throughout.

Tell me why thinking some empty bullshit like a few hours of mental alteration should impress me when I can compare it all by experience?
And do not misunderstand me, I do believe momentary enlightenment is possible on drugs, but that is not the source of the enlightenment.

You are easily led if you think it is and have no spiritual understanding.
>People love to say ''oh you can just dmt and shroom trip off of being sober if you just train your mind man'' and that's probably one of the worst takes i've heard

On the other side of that, drug addicts who do it for the buzz say 'there's nothing like it' without experiencing anything but that and normality.
That has to be the most obvious bullshit in existence.

Not only do they often semi-vegetate for decades, they chase the original buzz long after the drugs have virtually no effect because they have exhausted the possibility of the drug of choice in a mere 100 hours.
The total effect of a dose of shrooms that was beyond the established plausible non-scary dose, on myself as a teenager getting into it... was that I did not know where I was and could not find my way back to where I was staying, I could not roll a joint and I could not establish I required help to do anything. I just milled for hours and if it wasn't for my friend I would have walked 40 miles away from the flat in a straight line because it looked appealing that way.

It retards, it damages memory capability.
The only reason people do not mention it is because they have forgotten what they are missing and assume they are missing nothing and the retardation factor, if not heavily mentally willed out of for years, remains and they are not effective communicators.

So prove you haven't become less than you would have been, by all means.

I am waiting.
And civilisations that revered shamans and did those rituals believe there same thing as those who did not. There is a spirit in the sky and a pointy stick kills an angry white man.

Where exactly is the information which came from being supposedly filled with wisdom?
>there same thing
*The same things
Modernity has no room for fallers on their faces.
Utopia will not be brought about by tripping hippies who fail to even want a home and instead travel on government handouts, retarding themselves until they have mild ptsd and think it is something to do with the bad shit they saw on TV.
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You deactivate your firewall and get the full experience of life, it's not good, not bad it is what it is. We fly with our milky way 1.300.000 mph through the universe and people think they see space elves... I don't know man, I really want to believe but I think ppl on shrooms are just high that's it
As for the people claiming they remembered a lot when they took psychedelics, the neuronal firing of connections rarely used does present this, it only appears profound because they remember nothing new for all the time they are off drugs. It is not an indication they are in fact gaining memory, because on the other side of the coin the connection strength of overall memory function is being tampered with and extended use will show diminished capacity.

The thing is, no-one is actually testing memory because it is fundamentally unreliable.

No doubt MK ultra recognized this and the agenda to dumb down those who do not listen to authority maintains the deep state allowed spread of mind altering substances.

You are being pacified and you will never blame the culprits because you are less intelligent than the fools who didn't listen to high IQ doctors saying drugs are not good unless for a symptom which hinders living well.

Out, you simple fuckers.
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Yes, they have course intelligence.
Fine intelligence illudes them and things appear to contradict because it doesn't fit the black and white stance of sides.

Evolution of mind is leaving them behind because the best thing they can think to do to increase mental capacity is take drugs without even thinking balance prescribes negatives along with positives.

In China the triads who do not believe in balance are also being pacified, this is not limited to capitalist deep-state agendas.

No master of thought thinks you can get something for nothing.
Even Jesus becoming God's only begotten son came at the cost of his crucifixion and he did not even ask for it.

The evidence for balance relative to weighted and measured effect is everywhere.
Shamanism developed as a way to connect with the spiritual world and maintain balance between humans and nature.

They did not understand that balance goes beyond this. Medicine was trial and error, efficacy was established without correct protocols of noting down negatives.
>the drug that has been clinically proven to induce neurogenesis actually makes you stupider

the glow is blinding, try a different tactic
A lot of these people have no access to psychs, are too scared of them or just too sad and attached to the idea that they are on a path to becoming spiritually special and a seer without any real hardship, and the representatives of the movement push the idea that meditation is just as good because it would be unwise to tell schizophrenic people that they will never reach the highest spiritual plane without doing something that will probably fuck them up. You need psychedelics to fully transcend to those spaces or else you would go insane normally, there is nothing impure about needing tools from your environment to achieve things, without food you would die.
Neurogenesis happens all the time you fool, it amplifies it in short term and quells potential in long term use.

As an example so you can see what I mean.
If you raise a metabolic rate the immune system gets stronger, but it burns out the resources for the future strength of immunity which would have been stable and without fluctuation.

Antibiotics also display a negative, as does every other conceivable drug which has a positive effect.

I shouldn't have to explain this to a paranoid fucker who expects glowies, so you have appropriated that term from some idiot like yourself or someone who actually had a point.

Just like the modern Islamist appropriates Mohammed shepard of peasants, you appropriate a lack of understanding of what modern balance is, from navaho idians and such.
I can't tell how many of the people who talk about psychs online like this are just really stupid NPCs or liars making up stories to feel cool and push a preconceived notion and judge what they view as "drug addicts" from their place as a 14 year old who has never experienced anything outside of school and edgy zoomer memes so they become hyper self righteous.
Yeah but you can be a prick and be right buddy.
decades of medical literature disagrees, but of course the rando with a highschool degree on 4chan is the 'correct' one. Kek
Show me one effective disagreement.

I will then show you a long term effect that is currently being studied before being revealed.

Once again I will wait.
Vs the generation that believes ecstacy is the miracle drug despite the comedowns are often suicidal.
Or is a machine lef showing its face the height of human endeavor and we maybe should just forget space and live off the land in VW campers sucking dmt through an old Mcdonalds straw?
0.5g before any social activity was the sweetspot. Had me feeling fearless, confident, and cocky while also being empathetic at the same time. It's an absolute killer combo with girls. I heard phen is also a cheatcode and similar, wouldn't mind trying it too one day. Worth noting - a shroom flush can have lopsided psilocybin concentration distributed among the substrate, so you need to play with dosages a bit to find your own range. I'd put ~0.3g in tea, wait 45 minutes, and if the dosage felt average, I'd sprinkle in a sneamy 0.2g. But some strains will blow your hair back with how strong they are, like "penis envy" (I really fucking hate shroom nomenclature) is a bit too strong to microdose at 0.5g for me personally. Talking to girls would be too funny (didn't harm my date results though kek). It all taught me that you can get away with anything when you're not nervous or anxious.
Always microdose for the purposes of social charismamaxxing and suppressing anxiety. There are social benefits to high dose tripping, but those benefits are more related to the long term effects of how you behave AFTER you wake up, not the trip itself. Yes, you absolutely can have an ego death in public, and there's horror stories of people doing embarrassing shit because for some reason they thought megadosing psychedelics in public was a good idea. Shrooms basically give you truth serum for 6 hours, and you'll say anything that's on your mind. So imagine combining that with entering Narnia or God forbid you bad trip and think everyone is an alien or demon. Only ever mid dose or higher with people who are also doing it in an isolated setting. And yes you will be hornier than an adolescant rabbit, so keep that in mind if you'll be around females you don't want awkwardness with after. I personally just mid dose for introspection, always alone and blindfolded, and if I'm leaving the house I never go above 0.5g . Follow that formula and you'll be fine.
I have never seen a drug without a list of side effects.

Where do you get your meds? The vitamins isle?
aisle (I think)

The horseshit is strong in this one.

Clearly a university drone who never studied biology or medicine, but knows everything anyway.

To put it in your eloquent terms
Phenibut is a shit version of gabapentin, much better for social anxiety, much less addictive than phenibut while feeling more pleasant, just find your sweet spot before going out so you don't get too tired.
I cannot find better than heroin or valium for a momentary relaxing social engagement.

No I do not get addicted, because I do it once a month.
>reads decades of medical literature, misses 'drugs have many side effects in every case'

Wow, maybe stop making university look like a breeding ground for incestual retardation?
Those work even better obviously, NPCs can't handle addictive drugs without taking steps towards becoming a neurotic NA/AA freak who sees themselves as a pathetic powerless loser or a destructive junkie, and they never look up the effects so they can compensate for any side effects, little things like not being hydrated on opiates can be the difference between brain damage and taking a harmless drug and this is too complex for them.
The thread has drawn in the retarded chemical abusers and your point just illustrates what they require to see of themselves.
To be fair though, falling out of high school and into freedom as a youth promotes an attitude that feeling now, is more important than consequences later. Age to most teenagers is just something that happens to old fuckers.
Everyone I have ever actually met that does drugs is an NPC who is running from something so I don't blame you for thinking that it is a cope.
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>deep state allowed spread of mind altering substances.
Psilocybin is not only illegal, it's a fucking schedule 1 drug, meaning it's giga, mega, ultra illegal. It's put in the same category as fucking fentanly, heroin, and opium. To be a schedule-1 drug, a substance must have 1. High abuse potential, 2. No accepted medical uses whatsoever, and 3. Be considered totally unsafe
This is despite:
>psilocybin not only having zero (0) addiction potential, one of its most therapeutic medicinal uses is addiction relief
>being a well known anti depressant and anti anxiety therapeutic
>having a significantly higher LD-50 than nearly every OTC medication

The amount of mental hoolahoops you had to backflip through to come to your conclusion is not only stellar, it's gaslighting to the highest possible degree. This alone nullifies the rest of your claims
I have explained my 147 IQ estimation of the effects it had on me. That you see hoolahoops is most likely because you lack data. The establishment fears releasing the appropriate data because they have had multiple black projects on soldiers and civilians to acquire it.

If you think facts are nullified because you cannot see different facts, you are not important enough to be concerned with.
>allowed spread
Oh and how could I forget. How does one "allow" the spread of a fucking mushroom? Every human on the planet has probably walked within 5 meters of a cubensis mushroom in their lives. Without even growing them, there's communities that go out and literally eat them off the forest floor (don't do this)
Psychedelics don't seem to be very good at pacifying people considering their use helped spark a movement of anti establishment protests around the country, they seem to wake most people up, make them more fearless and likely to act.
It is mental efficiency omega fears, not alpha who cannot outclass the military without a strategic command structure and discipline.
It does seem like a lot of the drugs that are popular are pushed into the collective consciousness by people higher up, most people will only use a drug when everyone around them is also doing it. DMT was legal and cheap for years, it is one of the most amazing experiences you can have and it was unknown until Joe Rogan pushed it repeatedly into the mainstream. The story about Hofmann discovering what LSD does doesn't even make sense, one of the most skilled chemists accidentally spilled a chemical onto his bare skin and tripped balls? Everything I have read suggests LSD can't even absorb through the skin unless there is a cut. I think they pushed LSD partially to make the anti war opposition look insane to normies and to create an art movement and culture that makes the west look superior to the rest of the world. Now I think it is mostly about increasing productivity and making creative breakthroughs among people in tech etc.
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>I have all the data
>but they're hiding the data

>I was a teenager getting into it
Yeah, even the medical community that supports psilocybin agrees that nobody under 25 should take it anon. Sorry you got pulled into that as a kid. Luckily I knew the "don't take drugs with a developing brain" rule as a teen, so not my problem.
I have my estimation of the data.
Equivalent to a high IQ mkultra subject who has experienced a few tours in warzones.

I did not know that the young brain was more problematic, alas I can only say, after decades the effects of shrooms are minimal, this supports your statement.
Disagree, i do them once every 6 month and they are great.
The psychedelic community is heavily tarnished by 1960s hippie boomers who heavily stained the image. Like you said, there was a huge push to lump everything into the commie/anti-war/hippie/stoner box, and a lot of the boomers didn't help this image at all while being maximum degenerates. Even in the modern psilocybin studies, as thankfully the truth is finally starting to slowly pop its head out, the social stigma of psychedelics is considered the #1 side effect in many of the research papers. The fags ITT calling people "junkies" might seem low-brow, but it is unfortunately effective at scaring people away from alternatives to big pharm poison. It's why even as one of the biggest advocates of shrooms and their incredible medicinal power, I won't talk to anyone about it unless I've heavily picked their brain to see how propagandized they are and if they have the fluoride stare.
Are you under the impression that because it is not synthetic it does not have side effects or something?

Are you suggesting a mushroom is the only form of drug source that fits this profile?

Why is it so hard to believe that the study of evolving and learning humans in a test chamber of civilian and military assets such as a society is not something which happens because decades appear to have passed since information was presented that suggested these studies take place?
There are also guerilla groups in the population who are told that the effective management of paedophilia is the emotional diminishment through chemical partial labotomisation with LSD and Shrooms.
Yep, it's exactly why psychedelics are the highest category of illegal. There's no second to their capacity to change you and make you more likely to act, while also being specifically remarked for their fear relieving effect.

In the same way MKULTRA used psychedelics to turn people into ruthless assassins, they can turn you into someone who's focused, athletic, motivated, moral, and disciplined. They're tools that simply modify behavior. That's what psychedelics means - to modify one's psyche.
Personally, I am now glad I suffered hell instead of a beautiful fairytale.

I prefer being a soldier because I am become it.

That being said, it did not alter my capacity for error, I had to change that myself and it was not easy.

Lack of fear comes with lack of joy, we just do not notice something missing so often when it is just as comfy to be content as it is to be falling all over society like a puppy with its master come home every fucking metting.
Shrooms and LSD have the exact opposite effect of emotional lobotomization, I have never felt things more fully down to the root of the information I am receiving and it's inner workings, I have become so aware I can't even step on an ant hill without being conscious of the effect I had on my environment, my pattern recognition skills have obviously increased, everything is easier now, one thing I noticed is I can sit down and even beat a hard old school adventure game without a walkthrough with consistent progress when before I would end up walking in a circle stumped on a puzzle in almost all of them eventually, beat Riven easily the other night when before I was fully stuck not even that far in.
You do not seem to understand that experiences differ.

It has been explained in this thread sufficiently that the alteration of mentality can go many ways.

You also seem to be unaware that skills improve without drugs if you just focus, that you are more happy probably has little to do with anything except you have dropped baggage or picked up focus, (absence of traits and thus amplification of others) or a combination thereof.

State is designated by reaction to input primarily, not some enhanced state that remains an absolute definitive.
I have never seen any evidence or consistent accounts from people that it lobotomizes you emotionally though I can see people having this effect if they took it and experienced trauma they weren't ready for. There is also different recipes and methods for creating LSD, I have had real, tested LSD that turned my whole body numb every time when it kicked in and created a lot of activity in the front of my brain, other LSD that caused more activity and pressure in the back of my brain, with tendencies towards different types of imagery and feelings, so there is that variable. Part of it is that you really need to have a pure high quality source.
So the question is.

Do you prefer paedophile fairytale emotional happinesses who fumble their way innocently into situations with minors who show interest or appear to, or soldier paedophiles without fear and who one of so many will suddenly just do the whole rape and torture with abduction?

Because MK has the methods
>I can see people having this effect if they took it and experienced trauma they weren't ready for
Trauma generally results in an amplified emotional misery, not a labotomy of emotion.

The issue is neurology and chemical makeup.
Your neurons can be altered in hundreds or thousands of unique ways, you will never know what batch you are getting, or how experimental it is.

If you cannot see that experimental drug testing is happening despite the covid vaccines (the ones which were not definable as vaccines) which went through a very slight test phase compared to all other medications (effectively tested on the populous)
In the UK everyone had to sign a waiver that fine print explained was an experimental drug, which people just didn't read, because trust the science!
Then I do not know what to tell you, they can actually do it to you like cattle enmasse.
Some people shut down emotionally after a traumatic event and have heard of this happening to people after a big trip too young, sometimes the opposite also happens where they flip out.
Nothing has changed since thalidomide.
OK, I will take your word for it, though it never happened to me because of one event.

I suffered a suicidal depression that lasted a decade because my neurology had been changed, I could not put it down to the shit I didn't fear going through.
It's a bit more tricky than growing vegetables, and yeah, contamination is the biggest sticking point. It's basically all about hygiene and making sure the billions of spores floating around everywhere don't get into your spawn. I wasted my first spore syringe on the dreaded normie uncle ben rice tek, avoid that shit like the plague. Look up the PFtek, it's the easiest way to go, and vermiculite makes life easy
I was kinda amazed at how resilient some contaminants are, let's not kid how that shit can spread. I had 2 hour pressure cooked rice jars still somehow get trichoderma (I guess poor quality syringe?). Anyway, I have a clean success rate since I started using verm. I think the self regulating moisture is the make/break for avoiding contamination
You keep bringing up pedos and it's weirding me out man.
>I suffered a suicidal depression that lasted a decade because my neurology had been changed, I could not put it down to the shit I didn't fear going through.
Please note this is not immediate, the new neural connections formed take time to establish dominance over old and more joyful ones which slowly become pacified.

So you can be quite happy the months after taking a trip then find you are blaming your situation for the new misery.

Full disclosure is what you want unless you suddenly find out you are killing billions of lifeforms for meat in contraptions that look like they belong in the middle ages.

Leave it to the abbotoir/guerillas eh?

Full disclosure only means the stuff you don't know, not the stuff you want to forget.
>Experiences differ
Not that much. I've had bad mushroom trips and you can have 'deadening' ones sure. But to pretend that the majority of people, the majority of the time aren't having freeing, often joyous experiances is just wrong. I personally think it's part of the reason why these drugs are so effective against addiction
>Problem solving
>Learning enhancing (Neuroplasticity)
>Inhibition lowering
>Mood Raising
It's basically a fuck you to the bad loops that people use to cope, which alone. If Mushrooms had their only useful property being to break addiction to alcohol it would be amazing and every reason to make it legal.

You can be a soldier either way
>but do you want to be an Uruk-Hai
>Or Tom Fucking Bombadil?
Hey Dol!
>You can be a soldier either way
Yeah but happy go lucky fucks fall on their ass more often when they get home.
>but do you want to be an Uruk-Hai
>>Or Tom Fucking Bombadil?
I want to be the one who doesn't say, I will just kill then die because my group says so and so does the other group to them.

I understand war is to drive economic advancement in foreign countries for resource gathering in the future, but I just cannot see why there is not a better way to motivate societies to try to become advanced.
Keep em lean, keep em keen.
Be so mean, they dare to dream.
Die o' patriot
You are worth the same as any civilian, until you bend because you saw the horror.
>It's basically a fuck you to the bad loops that people use to cope, which alone. If Mushrooms had their only useful property being to break addiction to alcohol it would be amazing and every reason to make it legal.
Yeah but the 10% that go quietly into the misery of future neurological extreme divergence is not equal in ethical counter value to the few who actually break the habit because of it. So come up with something that makes sense, or I will say 'if unicorns cum rainbows does that mean it rained when the unicorns fucked, or did the dark knight make the joker well again by giving them condoms?'
Consuming massive amounts of DMT and shrooms has caused me to exist in a neverending contrasting state of "oh my god existence is so fucked the human body is so weird why am I here" and "holy shit existence is the most beautiful thing ever how does nobody realize this". Hard to say if I prefer this to when I was a normie atheist
>If Mushrooms had their only useful property being to break addiction to alcohol it would be amazing and every reason to make it legal.

Addiction is driven by many things, not just brain function. Memory patterns and lifestyle and location/peer group and social preferences also play a part.

To adequately negate every alcoholic addiction would require memory alteration, neuronal pathway alteration, relocation, peer group reassignment and of course lets not forget simple preference to be a social drinker. Which would not go away without significant memory removal.

The best way to get a drunk to quit, is to tell him if he drinks again he will possibly die, the second best way is to develop a drug for every specific person who drinks heavily. They are not in the habit of spending millions on research for one mind, Elon Musk prophecies not withstanding.
quitting addiction is a personal choice, if a person is stuck in their ways they will never make that decision, psychs can open their mind enough to choose to make decisions they never normally would. Therapy and antidepressants can do similar but not with nearly the same efficiency. But on the contrary, drugs like shrooms can make them crave alcohol MORE, it's just rolling a dice, but most of the time it is beneficial. A person should already be sane of mind and not severely mentally ill outside of depression to minimize the chances of something going wrong, then it can be an amazing tool far more powerful than any other medicine known to man with the right trip sitter and mindset going in.

If you go in WANTING to quit alcohol, you will. If you do it not expecting it to work, that's probably what will happen.

>is to tell him if he drinks again he will possibly die, the second best way is to develop a drug for every specific person who drinks heavily.

you can tell a person whatever they want, in the end it's their decision. disulfirim is a drug that makes you unable to drink without vomiting, but again, it's their choice to take it. If they want to drink, they'll just not take it in the morning.
This is why the government has raised the price of a pint by a ridiculous amount. People can only afford a few really. As for at home drinkers, they do not give a bollocks about them because most stay indoors and vegetate, not break each others faces every night.

There is slowly becoming a better class of outdoor pisshead, a rich and more controlled one.

As you can see from my post ^ I am quite happy with the fact things are getting better.
At least if you want to fight all comers you have to pay more tax.
I don't know where you get that this happens to 10%, or that the percentage it works for is equivalent to it working for "only a few" as it seems to work pretty consistently so far in studies. With more studies they will be able to isolate why it causes problems with people and who it has more potential to help. A lot of it is that there are a lot of kids in an NPC state of mind who don't want to contemplate death, philosophy, existence or reality and being forced to ruins their fun time, or schizos/ potential schizos and bi polar people not taking warnings others constantly give them.
I do not know the exact figures and neither does the medical field.

Long term testing has not even finished, it has not been a lifetime yet without drink. Also the report rate of depression and anxiety and other divergences is really quite low.
Not much testing can be done so far because of legality, though it is slowly being done now.
>and other divergences is really quite low.
Also the tendency for people is to blame the situation they are in for their condition, even if the effects of the drug are slowly becoming evident.
If you wouldn't play Russian roulette for a chance at a second life.
Then do not take shrooms when you are well.

There is nothing to be gained by believing some mythical fantasy about everlasting granduer, despite people pick that side and remain there without any evidence they are any better off except their own contentment with the life they have before and after taking the drugs.
Shrooms stopped me getting addicted, to heroin, drink, and weed. But I have to say it is because I do not enjoy it, not because something is fixed. If your enjoyment level goes down you do less of everything.

Do you really want that?

I have ridden my motorbike 3 times in the last year and played the PC games I have once every 2 or 3 months for 15 minutes.

The reduction will not be so bad for you but this is the result of extensive neuron alteration.

Fact is you will probably just feel so similar that you do not notice you have lost the will to do shit sometimes, as the will has only been lowered not crippled.

I don't like it, especially when people are without the facts and assume they lose nothing.

Is passion and willpower important to you, or will you just shave some off to not do silly shit you should really be focussing on for long times to stop, not looking for a partial castration because you cum a lot.

The next trannie is the mental cock chopper.
poison mushrooms are a posison do not take mushrooms mushroom poison mushroom use poison to trick you mushroom anti christ weapon do not trust mushroom nhate hte,m hate them
They are indeed classified as a poison.
>will I dissolve my ego and make a fool out of myself?
Most definitely. I took acid when I was taking my driver's license and it was wild. I was walking on the walls and shit. Shit, son! However the very next day everyone knew me and they came talk to me, said how much they did think I was a dwork, but they never imagined that I would take acid. The chicks they keept looking at me like if they were measuring me or something.

I was very lucky. I don't advise taking acid in public or places with a lot of people. Don't do it.
>welcome back, we love you
>please put down all that nonsense you're holding, it's hurting you
>breathe deeply and regularly and ride this feeling of doom like a rocket, we're crashing your default mode network :)))
>this peak, this flow, this sun, this connection is within you always and only temporarily obscured by the clouds and storms of thought
>without love, all of this is totally pointless
>cells, interlinked
>gtfo inflammation
>you need to throw this gut-wrenching anxiety up
>you need to cry this wound out of you like shrapnel
>you need to sing about this joy
>you should drink some water, like a gallon :)))
>spirits real, magic real, but yours is the only one you need to worry about controlling
>and many things for which human beings lack the words or even appropriate visuals in terms of things like the lifecycle of the universe and the divine fire of intelligence and how it softens the boundaries between material and that which is perceived as not
It forces your neurons to fire randomly, creating new and random connections, which is highly beneficial for the mind especially when wanting to treat chronic neurotic problems like addictions, PTSD, depression, etc.

The random firing off of everything also just sort of short-circuits you and makes you experience weirdness, like smelling time and tasting space and all other manner of undescribable things because they couldn't possibly exist in our reality because that's not what we've evolved for.

Whether it has any sacred purpose or not is up to you, but the science behind the reaction is basically that.

My advice? Have a little weed. It helps mellow out the trip so it's more peaceful and calm, without diminishing the experience.

Weed + Mushrooms is great. Avoid anything toxic like alcohol or tobacco. You become hyper sensitive so things like this can make you feel VERY sick.

Enjoy your trip <3
why do you gayass reddit niggas come here
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anybody know how to make a trip more religious than usual?

ive got some ideas like; prayer, having an icon or even being on a church, perhaps reading some psalms before
do not trip your neurons are actively fucking dying your being mega retarded
Taking shrooms will remove any ideal of title or role.
You cannot be more religious on shrooms. It eradicates any need to be.
>comes into a thread about psychedelics to tell people taking psychedelics to not take psychedelics

what anon said, ego death will destroy any preconceived notions you have. go in with a positive mindset, that's the best you can do, your brain will make up the rest
because i enjoy helping people
you are a retarded faggot and likely underage, come back when you know what you're talking about
help yourself to a noose
listen to religious music
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Georgian chants + prayer before.
If you smoke weed while on any sort of real trip you will enter a hyper deathloop in between pure voids as part of your short term memory was deleted by the weed, all of your long term memory deleted by the psychedelic and you have either nothing or a short loop of everything repeating, along with that feeling of paranoia you get from weed multiplied by a thousand, black outs.
sorry i dont like people having their brain neurons fried. kike
can atheists have a religious-like experience on psychedelics?
religion is not real
idk man i know alot of dudes who are religious i think religion is a real thing
My last mushroom trip was 3g of golden teachers and it was great despite being emotionally painful and scary at times, I just wish the come up wasn't so terrifying once you notice it kicking in and wondering if you've overdone it which is compounded still by the nausea from eating the shrooms.
you can't have a religious experience on psychs because religion isn't real up there
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well im just looking for an alternative perspective that may help.
idk and maybe blast david goggins 8 hr motivational videos (someone recommended that in other thread)

i suspected so, but also im hoping to see rennaissance paintings instead of 60s type psychedelic visions, is that possible? i know it sounds dumb

any recommendations? i only know hildegard von bingen

checked and based
Anybody else see the kaleidoscope of eyes? No psychedelics involved but I see it frequently.
he's talking about the people trying them every weekend?
>im hoping to see rennaissance paintings instead of 60s type psychedelic visions
nigga that isn't how it works, you can settle for getting your ass spiritually fucked
I see the kaleidoscope behind my eyelids when I'm coming up and it freaks me out, but I also hear a repetitive noise I know isn't there akin to a cockpit warning siren for nearly my entire trip. It stops when I come down so I don't think it's schizophrenia.
Thats your past life where you died in a plane crash
Maybe, I can't tell for sure. I had an autistic obsession with aircraft, flight simulators, and wanted to be a pilot as a kid, so the theory has some merit.
you take that back or ill suck your cock!!
i just ate 7g friday
6 month break from everything now (weed alc cigs shooms energydrinks/coffee)
so about my experience, 5-10 years ago saw a reiki healer and sort of experienced that she was treating me in a kind way, but under the surface, she was validating the struggle to face my fears. in that dichotomy i looked at the carpet and had a expectation that at some point, scarily, i will eat 5g and will be turned literally into a human trichome, thats what i compared humanity to
come this year, i used about a dozen or more times and hit 20g at the top, then 16's 3 or more.
nothing like that expectation happened, in that way. i recommend spontaneity and have found some glaring inconsistencies with my expectations
but anyways see you in 6 months
for general spirituality check out david hykes and harmonic choir
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This anon is correct. I know people who have tripped 10 times a month for years. I know people who tripped every day for 6 months. They are all in some capacity fried. Be careful out there friends.
I doubt you could trip that often because of the tolerance, each successive day you must almost 3x the dose.
That's dose * 3^n where n is the number of successive days.
After just a week you'd need 2000 times the initial dose to feel anything if that's even possible.
Something I always go back to when the fungus rears its head is how fragile our current social contract is, and how easy it is to lose your bargaining chip if you fall off the horse and fuck around for too long before getting back in the race, especially for young people. I'm getting at that autonomy we all have to just walk out of our homes and go and do whatever we want, which inevitably violates the contract and the system punishes you with restriction and ostracization.
As sinful as betting feels, investing in things such as the stock or crypto hivemind helps me delegate some of the socially responsible tasks so my flesh body doesn't have to focus as hard on keeping itself comfortable. On top of the obvious like investing in health and sleep, this is how my ego must cope. All in all, my life has only improved after introducing the sacred mushroom.
seen studies that talk about HSPs(highly sensitive persons) which overlaps with autism
and how theyre response to compounds is way stronger than normies which kinda checks out
This, it just doesn't work that way.

Looks good, I took about 5g today and I guess they weren't crisp enough or something, I've had them for a bit (because that dollar value was there) so instead of having a fairly solid trip, it just sort of clocked in like half the amount? Maybe I was just not in the mindset? I don't know. Minimumal visuals outside of the peak about an hour into it but otherwise a very friendly touchy feely exposure. Did it as a tea with some lemon, I was in and out in like 5 hours which only goes to the batch having lost potency from air/moisture exposure presumably. They didn't look off, maybe I just got the touchy feely ones.
Literally makes no sense. Hallucinogens aren't classified as having any addiction potential whatsoever

>There are also no reports of physical dependence developing from chronic use of psilocybin (exhibiting both tolerance and withdrawal)
Specifically psilocybin (shrooms), can't speak on behalf of the others. **
i wouldnt worry about it
It does...

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