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/x/ - Paranormal

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Here are my goals/dreams:

1. To open up a Shamanic healing center in Ecuador where I heal people with shamanic healing plants for months at a time- all for free.

2. To adopt AT LEAST 40 orphans from different countries and to train them up to be gods. That means before age six I want to pay for master instructors to teach them how to be masters in chess, mathematics, martial arts, gymnastics, swords, guns, multiple languages, programming/AI, health, growing all their own food, psychic powers... Plus I will teach them everything I know. Then send them to a rich private boarding school at age 12-13, give them a house in the jungle and give them a trust fund. All with the intention of making them soldiers to help others in the world, to have a great life and to instruct them to help at least 10-40 other orphans/people before they die. So it creates a chain of orphans helping other orphans infinitely from countries all across the world. A group of revolutionaries that are gods.

3. I want to open an animal sanctuary in Ecuador for cows and dogs.

I've made it my goal that I must do at least these things before I die so I can feel at least I little satisfied that I tried helping other life forms as much as I can.

>How should I go about making these dreams come true? At this point I'm just going to save and invest until I have enough. But I was wondering if /x/ had any ideas

>Also- add me on Discord if you want to talk to me about this or give me ideas for funding:

Probably start with getting a lot of fucking money

Wow genius suggestion lol. I already know I needed 60 million at minimum to make this dream with the orphans come true. 600 million if I want to give them each trust funds with great money in it.
Well my suggestion would be work towards making 600 million first of all.
My second suggestion is don't ask 4chan for advice if you want to make 600 million.
Obviously money isn't the option, so you will have to charm them with honesty. Start small and show them a drop of the divine love, but careful, there are people inhabited by evil. Literal poverty and suffering will be the only way you get to give anything to anyone else

Yeah. Was looking for suggestions that weren't just about raising money. You don't know what kind of an idea the people on here could give.
I do actually and the ideas they give aren't gonna be good ones friend.
But uh I'm sure someone has the hidden esoteric secret to making 600 million and will post it here.

Alright negative Nancy thanks
I'm sorry friend your goal is noble. LOA general is probably your best bet for this question.
I see you switched strategy >>38406761
Maybe learn some humility before setting up some grandiose goal for yourself
Lol you're an ass both while giving and receiving advice
What ayahuasca does to a motherfucker
Most parents fail to achieve 1/100th of your goal for their own offspring, but somehow you're going to do this for AT LEAST 40 orphans? (God forbid it would be 39! Imagine your disappointment on your death bed.)
Just reading your replies and the vibe from you, i have a hard time believing you'd have the patience to raise a single child properly, let alone 40.
BTW, the life you envision for "your" orphans seems nice on paper, in a fairy tale kind of way, all super-smart and powerful and set up for life and with a mission to walk the earth and help people, but that's just not the way life works. If somehow you would manage to raise the money and set up your trust fund orphanage, i assure you you'd have a bunch of miserable, poorly-adjusted fuck-ups on your hands. But your plan is so unrealistic, bone-headed and far-fetched that there's hardly no reason to worry about that.
Come back to earth, anon.
Pretty sure this sort "altruism" which youre faking is a sign of a brain tumor or some other terminal disease. I suggest going to the emergency room
He's begging for money on /x/.
600 million dollars, to be exact.
A real gem.

Thanks negative nancy
You can feel to 50000 to 60000 hours of high level energetic training in that reply

Thanks Nancy
Sort yourself out cunt
Uh, you do know that path in life does exist, right? Problem is you'll live a life as a drug trafficker that dabbles as a sham shaman.

Typical Nancy

I'm gonna give you all the help you need, watch this video:
And then you will understand why nobody can help you, and why you don't need the help from anybody.
Thinking you need help keeps you in a state of needing help, and we can't do anything to change that, it has to be you.
Realize there's another universe where you did all that and more, anything you could dream of.
And move there.

Brain rot

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