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Whenever someone look at nature, they don't think about how it works, they just see the greenery and say "woah, it's so beautiful" like a mindless automaton, they are unable to see the constant bloodshed and struggle for survival that happens everywhere at once in wildlife, it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases, nature was never safe for anyone before man conquered it and made it safer by killing all the dangerous animals and creating remedies for illnesses that we can catch.

Nature is not to be embraced, it is to be transcended because it is inherently barbaric, man's goal is to strive to be above nature.
Nature isn't and was never evil, only its creations can comprehend the concept of evil. Nature CREATED evil.
i dunno man, im not fond of cities either, they make everything seem soulless
Correct, our true home isn't this planet, we all come from the spiritual world where everything is heavenly, this is why we create technology, it's our subconscious attempting to replicate the perfection we had in the spiritual world into this one, technology is a direct manifestation of spirituality
You really sound like you don't understand nature at all. Nature is both of those things, it's beautiful, it's terrifying, it's creation and destruction. You focus on the final moments of a living being, you disregard everything that comes in between.
>everything that comes in between.
Struggle, pain, constant anxiety of being predated upon, this is the "in between" you speak of.
I think the Fall of mankind also effected nature which is why animals who are without sin still suffer and get diseases but nature was still created good, just like mankind was even though men suffer.
>bloodshed and struggle for survival that happens everywhere at once in wildlife, it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases
Wow it's so beautiful.
Wouldn't be so beautiful if you were an animal living in nature yourself.
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based, this is why magenta is the best color, it's the anti-nature color
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>magentas your nature
woops :3
this is rose, not magenta, colorblind fucker
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seething yet?
The reason why many people defend nature zealously, my friend, is because they're religious, which is primitive
all suffering is illusion.
pain is an illusion.
your meat suit is an illusion.
you are not your bones and meat.
you are an eternal soul temporarily encased in this meat suit and being killed or dying is only scary because of the perception of pain and uncertainty which causes dread but your perception is just that, an illusion of your flesh and blood mind, not your consciousness and essence itself.
death and decay are necessary for life to recycle and renew itself.
you yourself have been through this cycle many times.
do you care that you were eaten alive a few times during past life times?
maybe you were murdered a few times too.
do you remember the pain?
maybe you have murdered somebody else.
do you feel guilty?
probably not.
if you don't know you don't care.
you have to be 18 years old to post here.
bro ur a brain
im sorry to break it to you like this anon but there is only one material life and when you die its over. there is no past life or future life. we're out of the stone age we have science to explain these things
Looks like I struck a nerve
The bloodshed is the most beautiful part.
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This is for you.
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Op stop being a tard.
I ask why reality wants me to surrender and then this is the next thread
I think the same, OP.
Behind all those majestic mountains, those lush forests, those pristine lakes, there is daily death of every kind of animal and plant. The plant sucks life force from the ground, the herbivore from the plant, the carnivore from the herbivore.
Every day countless insects dies. Once I read about a wasp which breeds using a butterfly cocoon, killing the host in the process in a very psycopathic way.
The npc, the golem, the mindless weareone zombie, he don't see any of it, he only see the landscape, then proceed to mock us who can see beyond that, calling us pessimists, even knowing he will also die one day and without his brain, he will no longer be able to process any information, including these beautiful landscapes.
Ayo *smacks lips* just believe in science man!
Absolute truth! Never, ever could it be that our fundamental, meta-physical model of reality is not what we think it is.
Trust the Science! And its HOLY SCRIPTURE!
Do you have nothing better to do than provide a running commentary on me gardening?
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Who should I listen to? A bunch of soulless internet bots and autists that have never left their mom's basement telling me that nature is le bad, or literally every spiritually awakened culture in the world? who -coincidentally- also have a fond love and respect for nature.
The real horror here is that you and so many like you have been bred in the cities like lab rats, conditioned to be completely dependant, entirely domesticated into something that hates and fears it's own nature, the perfect insect slave to willingly and joyfully assist the machines that bred you to thoughtlessly destroy and defile what remains of the world to serve it's inorganic evolution at the cost of biological life, a virus killing its host.
it's beautiful and refined and awe inspiring but yeah it's just like a constant state of war for resources and romantic competition indifferent to what it creates
>Hey zebra getting your face ripped in half by a crocodile i know it looks bad but this is chill cuz like, its all just an illusion man
>Correct, our true home isn't this planet
Most things that are beautiful are also terrible. Just as a tree's boughs cannot reach heaven without roots that also reach down to hell.
Furthermore, what does man's "dominion" over nature accomplish? It has all the same horrors, some even worse like poverty, war, engineered diseases and the like. But it also has the beauty of music and art, the life saving medicine.
To see yourself as above nature, the idea that man can create a "utopia" apart from nature is the utmost folly. Ironically is the world of man that must be transcended, and instead turn to nature and more importantly to learn from nature.

Nature teaches us to appreciate life, the brutality of it, the struggle to survive, the chaotic balance, and yet despite the struggle and barbarity, it is beautiful. Peace and serenity can be found, prosperity and well being too. Furthermore, all in this realm is mortal and impermanent, this will give you the appreciation for the immortality of your soul, which had you only known permanence you would not know what a gift the spark of divinity is, we are here to learn.
And so to turn from that teacher and to instead declare that you are better than it, that you can create something apart from it, something better than it, is the most foolish thing one can do.
There’s something highly demonic about nature. It doesn’t need to be as bloody and savage as it is. There’s definitely demons behind it.
>we are spiritual beings
This is correct but to understand spirituality, one must experience its opposite, to understand the immortality of the soul, one must experience the frailty of mortality.
this anon gets it
well it's a good thing we're not, they're there to teach lessons, we're meant to learn
An illusion can still be a great teacher if one has eyes to see through it
okay now do humanity and it's machinations
You don't need opposites to understand difference, and you don't need the amounts of suffering in this realm to understand mortality.
This is post-hoc rationalizing, not explanation.
This is trying to get someone to understand the hand needs a thumb because gloves have five holes.

There is no learning meant from this. The only thing to learn is that you need to get out.
>Nature is evil
Hi, jew.
Why are jew loving 'Muricans so afraid of nature?
If one did not experience cold and only experienced warmth, one would not know what warmth is. Things are given meaning by their opposites, if there were no wrong, there would be no right, and so on and so forth.
Being an immaterial being is meaningless unless you experience the material, immortality is meaningless unless you experience mortality, it allows you to appreciate these things just as one can appreciate getting home on an icy day and warming up under a blanket.
You want to get out but you are here for a reason, and that reason is to learn. You will simply remain here until you learn the lessons that this existence has to offer, otherwise you will continually repeat it like a class.
>>If one did not experience cold and only experienced warmth, one would not know what warmth is.
so what? who gives a shit about words, what matters is the experience not some rationalization and mental masturbation.
>If one did not experience cold and only experienced warmth, one would not know what warmth is
If one knew 70 deg, and then knew 72 degrees, one can know warm without ever knowing cold.
You don't need opposites, you need difference. Not everything even has an opposite, and that is quickly apparent the moment you get beyond such juvenile examples.
>You want to get out but you are here for a reason, and that reason is to learn.
Wrong. You are here for an indulgence and the only thing to learn is "I am done, I want to leave."
Eternal self is already perfect and doesn't need to learn anything.
The only reason you return is because you want to be here, not because there is anything of worth to learn.
I don't know, I don't see much really messed up stuff. Way more in human society.
well, enjoy your stay, you'll be here for awhile.
The only kind of people who reincarnate on Earth are those who refuse to look past nature's horizon.
Checked, but why do you think someone who espouses the sole goal of this place is get out is going to be here for a while?
Because they dont match your dogma?
“In the whole vast domain of living nature there reigns an open violence, a kind of prescriptive fury which arms all the creatures to their common doom. As soon as you leave the inanimate kingdom, you find the decree of violent death inscribed on the very frontiers of life. You feel it already in the vegetable kingdom: from the great catalpa to the humblest herb, how many plants die, and how many are killed. But from the moment you enter the animal kingdom, this law is suddenly in the most dreadful evidence. A power of violence at once hidden and palpable … has in each species appointed a certain number of animals to devour the others. Thus there are insects of prey, reptiles of prey, birds of prey, fishes of prey, quadrupeds of prey. There is no instant of time when one creature is not being devoured by another. Over all these numerous races of animals man is placed, and his destructive hand spares nothing that lives. He kills to obtain food and he kills to clothe himself. He kills to adorn himself, he kills in order to attack, and he kills in order to defend himself. He kills to instruct himself and he kills to amuse himself. He kills to kill. Proud and terrible king, he wants everything and nothing resists him.

From the lamb he tears its guts and makes his harp resound ... from the wolf his most deadly tooth to polish his pretty works of art; from the elephant his tusks to make a toy for his child - his table is covered with corpses ... And who in all of this will exterminate him who exterminates all others? Himself. It is man who is charged with the slaughter of man ... So it is accomplished ... the first law of the violent destruction of living creatures. The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death.”
― Joseph de Maistre
It just makes sense to me.
This life is full of lessons, everywhere you look you can find wisdom and knowledge, you can learn things and not just material things but plenty of spiritual things. The process in learning these things is meaningful and worthwhile, if you were given everything you could not appreciate it or even necessarily apply it.
So to put it in an analogy, this existence is almost like being in a classroom, except unlike real classrooms, you're not allowed to leave this one until you pass the class. Those who rebel, who merely wish to leave without having learned what this life has to offer, will not pass and will have to repeat the class (reincarnation) and will continue to do so until they pass. You are the culmination of your past lives, ancestral memories exist for a reason.

To take the analogy one step further, in an ideal world, classrooms are supposed to help you grow and mature (granted our human versions are quite awful) and so this must mean that even as immortal fractions of divine essence, we too must grow and this is merely a part of that process.

I'd genuinely like to help people who want to "get out" and I've come to the conclusion that in order to do so, you must gain something immaterial and existential from this material, mortal realm. Failure to do so and to simply be angry at this existence will keep you here.
Look at what he said
>Eternal self is already perfect
If that was the case would you really be here? That's why I brought up my earlier points, that in order to understand/appreciate something, you must know its opposite. As a tree's boughs reach to the heavens, so too must its roots reach hell. To understand our immortal nature, we must understand what it means to be mortal.

Which is accepting mortality, not being angry about it all.
Based, fuck Nature
Nature and egoism are a consequence of logic and practicity.
Only once there's a sufficient base of wellness can one choose to be "selfless" consistently (without dying immediately).
>It just makes sense to me.
>This life is full of lessons
Not to me. The whole concept of needing lessons in the first place makes no sense if Source is supposed to any sort of omnipotence, or eternality.
Nor does it make any sense that it should require what we observe. Opposition doesnt require the extremity we see, and even if extreme situation is needed is does not need to be sufferable conditions.
>everywhere you look you can find wisdom and knowledge, you can learn things and not just material things but plenty of spiritual things
I again assert the only spiritual lessons is the temporary causes suffering, and to remove yourself from it.
All other lessons are partial, or material.
>this existence is almost like being in a classroom
I disagree with your analogy. this is not a classroom. This is detention.
This is best a mud puddle. And we are told that splashing in the mud puddle will get us dirty, and we will need to be washed. But we wanted to splash in the mud puddle. And so we are splashing, and we cry at the washing required to get out.
There was no lesson other than "dont splash in the mud puddle". It was an indulgence, because there is no real harm, even though we cry, but there was nothing gained from it either.
>you must gain something immaterial and existential from this material, mortal realm
Well as you said - I hope you enjoy being here, because as long as you think it has worth you will remain here.
>If that was the case would you really be here?
Yes. Because out eternal self is limited, both in ability and in free will. Part of that limitation is being covered by the material for some time.
Not all make this choice, very very few in fact.
and of those, very few go any further than a single life of the demiurge.
what does man's "dominion" over nature accomplish?
Well retarded low soul chimp people see the word 'dominion' and hear 'dominate' so they use their stupid low soul chimp iq to insist that being human means to 'dominate' nature itself.
This place is our domain, we are supposed to take care of it as wardens and have dominion over it in a way that is symbiotic.
This is why jews love tech and control so much, they hate the natural order (jews are physically weak so they get dominated without some false authority) and demand that the rest of the world join them 'above' nature itself.

I hate jews so much, and I hate christians more for allowing the synagogue of satan to run rampant. Christians do everything in their power to follow every part of the bible except for the parts that came from Christs mouth.
> temporary causes suffering, and to remove yourself from it
See, I think you're not meant to remove yourself from suffering, life is suffering, to live is to find meaning in that suffering. If you removed suffering, you could never experience what life has to offer, if you remove sorrow, you also remove joy, if you remove mortality, you also remove immortality.
>this is not a classroom. This is detention.
It is what you make it to be, if you want to learn, it's a class, if you want to rebel, it's detention.
And as far as mud goes, stop crying about cleaning up, just clean up and stop splashing, it's that simple.

I do like how you tried to use my own thing against me, however I'd like to point out that while I think this existence has some inherent worth, the goal is to obtain that worth and once having done so, you will be able to leave. I do not think this life is better than the existence of the spirit, that instead this life adds to the experience of spirituality, if one has eyes to see it.

See, out goals actually coincide, to leave this mortal shell and return to the spirit. I have a plan to do that, where as you just seem to be angry, but I don't see how you expect to escape exactly. Care to elucidate?
>Life is Le Bad and I just want Le Good
Literal toddler mentality
>I think you're not meant to remove yourself from suffering
What a cruel conception.
> life is suffering
Wrong. The temporal is suffering. Life is eternal.
>If you removed suffering, you could never experience what life has to offer
Nonsense. You could experience it and more. Suffering comes from the removal to the positive experience, the lack of attaining the positive experience, or the lack of there being positive experience where it was thought to be.
It is completely possible to have positive experience without these events, and without suffering.
>if you remove sorrow, you also remove joy
You again appeal opposites and such an appeal is not logically sound, nor spiritually true.
You dont need opposite, you need difference.
>if you want to learn, it's a class, if you want to rebel, it's detention.
And you want there to be worth here, so you will remain.
I hope you enjoy it.
> as far as mud goes, stop crying about cleaning up
No one is crying about cleaning up but you who says there is no possibility of NOT being muddy.
you only have to clean if you jump in the mud.
You dont have to jump in the mud.
And you dont have to jump in the mud at all to understand this.
>Life is Le Good and anyone who doesn't have a smile on their face is stupid
Literal npc mentality
>I have a plan to do that, where as you just seem to be angry
Projection. You see anbger because you are defensive that your model has holes and they are being pointed out.
You say you have a plan, and then demand I say mine.
Why do you care what plans are which?
Why do you need to change the subject so drastically?
I will do so, but I see it entirely as you withering and no longer wanting to discuss the actual topic.
I'm saying we both want to escape, I've said how I plan to, I am curious how you are going to go about it, merely this and nothing more.
As of yet you just seem to sai "I don't want to be here" and that's it.
Life ends, it's not eternal.
And suffering is life, this is a basic truth.
You seem to be upset and are in denial about this base truth, and in turn suffer in such a minute way, and so end up being ironic.
This life does have worth, otherwise why would you be here at all? Why would this life exist?

You should read some Jung, granted he's not for beginners, but he was a brilliant man. Your shadow is showing.
Depends. Is it amidst utmost nature's uncaring wrath hurricane force flooding or mildest of days with lovely breeze cool shaded day.
Without accounting for this variation leads you to saying dumb shit like hey it's a matter of life just accept it bro when your brain was meant to operate ahead of time, dumb human faggot
What? Nowhere I implied what your stupid greentext says.
Nature isnt evil, but it is our hell. "Hell" is the death of the soul in which we live as pure carbons, as parts of a plant, mushroom, rocks, single cell organisms, etc, so that one day we may return into a body with a soul. This is how life began on earth. Abiogenesis is the panspermic dumping of single celled carbon matter onto the earth which eventually evolved into an ecosystem. These progenitors are long gone now, though
It sounds almost wrong for the meaning of what is right to be determinable only from immense suffering.

There exist entities which are capable of containing these visualizations within themselves, thus preventing them from leaking out. Media such as songs, games, drawings assist with that process. Concepts given form and function which illustrate the ends of all things.

I suppose it would have been fine had it only included us in the equation, because for an absolute being to find that meaning, they have to follow this process with absolutes; angels have the full understanding related to what their purpose is, Satan is the inversion of Jesus, and in order to justify the cessation of Satan the evidence file needs to also be absolute - include every potential circumstance and the entire process of 'it' happening, from the beginning to the end.

I don't understand what causes free will to emerge, I suppose some extreme circumstances are also bound to allow for that like the brains of some people functioning at a higher / lower level than that of the average, thus allowing for greatness / degeneracy. Though at large it feels like it should never have emerged in a realm which exists solely for that absolute being to find out that meaning itself.

I could forgive it if I found out that under that unrelenting behemoth of a process there was a soul which was trapped in a vessel that would only release it after it found the answer to that question. This is very much related to my own state, as I also find myself as an unwilling observer in a vessel which I've been told behaved differently before a specific date, which is also the date I remember as the moment 'I' began to feel.
Those who cannot see but have a need for justification read, those who see ask, inquire, visualize and thus see.

In terms of consciousness it directly suggests that for some of us, instead of going from creating the peak of greatness to then immediately follow with the peak of degeneracy, we'd keep things far more controlled and constrained, using our mental abilities to further visualize what the abyss is like without manifesting these horrors to play out "'naturally'".

By this I am also clearly suggesting that for those who are aware, we followed the same process but then broke away from it once we saw what causing harm does. Could be as simple and meaningless as stealing candy and other assortment from a store some few hundred years ago, having yet to learn both the difference between satiating desire righteously and at large, thinking about the chain of events which could potentially unfold if one were to do something irrational.

Even though it's true they are vastly limited in scope, many games serve this purpose well.

But again, the difference is that we don't use media as the basis from which our foundation emerges, we use media to bring light to the foundation upon which we already stand, and which we are yet to uncover in it's entirety, like a map.

Take for example the map in Terraria as soon as you enter a world for the first time - you don't read books to get a rough idea of how the rest of it looks like, you go there directly and just see.

I suppose this makes for a great filter between those who see and those who don't. The intent behind the existence of these things is made clear, and so are the circumstances in which they are used.
What's the meaning of materials such as copper, iron, coal, stone et cetera in a world which is under the supervision of you?

What would you like to see if you were given the hand to create one however you saw fit?

How would you justify the lack of something to overcome, and if you did want to overcome something - like your inability to draw well - how would you go about it?

Though I am aware there is a difference between something that is not alive and just exists with it's defined properties, and something that is alive, which exists solely to perpetuate a cycle of using resources like grass that grows only to be used by that entity until it dies (if it ever does). We may be fragments trying to comprehend the whole so we keep a distanced approach, but this clearly can't be the case for entities whose entire existence is constrained within a given set of rules.

Going back to one of my previous posts I do wonder if "God" is an entity which thought it was only right to make things the most complete they could be (absolute) while also retaining a soul, or if it's a relentless process which cannot break free from it's own constraints like mosquitoes.
>t. jew
this is such a good fucking concept. great work OP. it makes me think of ancient societies and the battle between refinement and civilization v. evolution and nature. fucking barbarians.
captivates nature
>sees humans
>ignores them because a snail sits atop a rock

what does the wise snail say ?
..... @_@
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>>38428672 (OP)
You are a weak human being and you still need to go on your stepdad's camping trip this weekend.
>I'm saying we both want to escape
Not exactly. I said the only lesson from material existence is to get out. But as for my goal, getting out of samsara is only peripheral, and ultimately unnecessary.
>Life ends, it's not eternal.
Bodies end. Life does not.
You seem to only have understanding of these material bodies, and you want to iumagine others as upset to stroke your ego.
>why would you be here at all?
I already said this. Pay attention if you are going to pretend to be wise.
It is an indulgence.
>You should read some Jung
Red book is nice, and you missed its point completely, but ultimately Jung does not understand either because he cannot posit the third.
You should read up on your Vallabha Acarya.
The soul doesn't live, in order to live, one must be capable of death. Souls can decay or become corrupt, but they do not die
>Imagine others as angry
Ah so you're being ironic
>in order to live, one must be capable of death
Then we are arguing over the definition of "live", because to be a soul is to live. the apparent manifestation and umanifestation of material systems comes from the inhabitation of soul.
>Souls can decay or become corrupt
Nonsense, soul is eternal. It can be covered, but there is not affecting the nature of saoul.
>Ah so you're being ironic
I am a mirror, what do you see? Or you can stop trying to guess people's emotions and try to deal with their ideas.
Npc hylic
>According to muh [insert religion/cult] you are [insert corresponding semantics].
A soul breathes life into the material but it itself is not living, it just is.
I suppose you can sit in denial and throw witticisms all you want, either way your typing style is generally aggressive but I suppose it could be an error on my part. Regardless, you don't seem to be intent on going anywhere or doing anything. I try to gain from my conversations here but you seem to not want to contribute out of spite. I've been forthcoming, you have not, you are no mirror but instead something that reacts and lashes put rather than reflects.
I'd prefer a mirror.
Transhumanism. Us against the Nature.
>A soul breathes life into the material but it itself is not living, it just is.
What a soul just is, is living. It can give the appearance of life in the material because it is life.
>useless attacks on me directly because you have no ability to address what I said
If that is what you need to feel better.
I have not once attacked you, insulted you ,or cast aspersions on your character.
I attacked your idea and was blunt and fierce in calling it nonsense.
You attacked me, not my ideas, and you continue to do so. You say I am angry, I am too aggressive, I must be in denial, I must not want to learn anything.
You see yourself ,and you hate what you see.
What does a christian have in common with a WEF-member? They both deny that we are a part of nature.

What does a new ager have in common with a communist? They both think everyone is fundamentally the same yet each community starts with a a huge portret of the guru and ends with abuse.
is that a spell like "I'm rubber, you're glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" the mirror thing only works in person anon, online you're interpreting the other person but unlikely actually succeeding at such. And often times you don't project online.
You completely ignore the point. I have addressed other anon's ideas. They could not address my ideas, so they attacked me.

Do YOU have anything to say on the topic? Or did you just want to weigh in on argument etiquette?
You're an idiot
Glad somebody else sees this for what it is. We look at the pretty trees and maybe a lake and listen to music to makes Nature out to be this mystical mysterious wonderful piece of beauty and ethereal enchantment. In reality it's like you said. Non stop savagery. Animals and bugs eating each other alive, raping each other, eating their own excrement. Festering diseases and horrid shite. I like what the human imagination has done, I like our imaginary concept of nature. Its' fun in like a Black Metal sense or something. But to actually worship this shit and pretend its anything but proof we're in something akin to Hell is just mass cognitive delusion.
Was mostly nit picking on the whole "I'm a mirror thing" because that particularly annoys me.

As for the argument, do you think we're in a prison? Is that your detention/splashing in the mud comparison? You don't think there's anything to learn you just want to get out, is that a neat summary? Just trying to understand before I weigh in.
Not the guy you're replying to but I always hear these NDE fags saying "we're sent to Earth to learn". I'm done learning and ready to die, feels like I'm trapped here in a prison, yes.
I'm sorry that your science cult has indoctrinated you, son. Will pray that you can escape someday and realize the truth.
Extremely gay thread.
>the whole "I'm a mirror thing"
>Or you can stop trying to guess people's emotions and try to deal with their ideas.
No one wanted to choose this option. Hm.
>do you think we're in a prison?
I have said what I think clearly. No need to guess.
>It is an indulgence.
for sure, i'd rather live in a futuristic utopia where virtual reality is accessible to everyone and we can do whatever we want in it
This post has been brought to you by Exxon-Mobile.
>String dislike of naturally occurring foods
How fat do you have to be to say this? Vegetables only taste bland if you've fried your taste buds on goyslop with too much salt, sugar and msg.
I'm trying to clarify as misunderstanding can occur on the internet and I'd rather not go forward on my assumptions. So if you'd be so kind, did mu summary sound accurate or would you be so kind as to correct me.
Define "nature"
For some, nature is just limited to wildlife on earth, meaning flora and fauna
For some, nature also include natural phenomena like weather
For some, man is a part of nature, and therefore everything he creates is also part of natural, meaning that nothing is really "artificial"
For some, nature encompasses the entirety of the universe, including planets, stars, galaxies, and so on

So, what is "nature" to you?
>For some, nature encompasses the entirety of the universe, including planets, stars, galaxies, and so on
This one, but man is not part of nature, we're spiritual beings who are able to think, imaginate and create things that nature can't do by itself, such as computers and cars
The universe is natural, even the body of man is natural because it is no different from animals, but our mind, is what is spiritual and truly differentiate us from what is "natural", like another anon said, us being able to build technology is a direct manifestation of us being spiritual beings rather than natural ones
Don't bother, the guy just wants to be an ass and not actually talk about anything, claims he's "being clear" when instead he's just obtuse. No doubt he will start being passive aggressive with you too.
>it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases
That's the beauty. Nothing go to waste, everything is recycled. It's a pretty good system if you ask me. Can you develop a system where nothing is lost and everything can be recycled?

> nature was never safe for anyone before man conquered it and made it safer by killing all the dangerous animals and creating remedies for illnesses that we can catch.
Hoe do you know? Where you always here watching humanity develop? The Scriptures tell us of a time where man lived in harmony with nature and animals didn't kill each other, plants and flowers didn't have torns and so on.
i got like 5 different flowers that color out in the garden
But your hot take is as mindless and superficial as the straw man viewpoint you're railing against.

¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

I'd argue that your perspective, in this case, says more about you than it does about this s-called nature you're attempting to describe.
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Nature is the best thing ever. Imagine how big of a faggot you have to be to dislike nature.
>Struggle, pain, constant anxiety of being predated upon
These feel good, bitch. Not at all like the struggle, pain, and anxiety of modernism which does not feel like suffered alleviation but a slow numbing death.
>did mu summary sound accurate or would you be so kind as to correct me.
I just did correct you. No, it does not sound accurate.
This is not a prison.
It is an indulgence.
>See what I mean
So we came here because we wanted to? Like how one indulges on sweets?
How can I be any more clear? It's not a class - there are no lessons here.
It's not a prison, this isnt meant as punishment.
It's an indulgence.
Do you not know what an indulgence is?
Yes, we came here to try and take the place of God. We wanted to try and exist as the center, without awarenedss of God.
That is what this place is for.
Careful, it includes suffering.
There are many ways to get out, when you are ready.
Which god, the god of the pleroma, the demiurge, Christ or something else?
>Nature is not to be embraced, it is to be transcended because it is inherently barbaric, man's goal is to strive to be above nature.
We know
Isvarah paramah - the topmost controller
Sat-cit-ananda vigraha - a spiritual form, eternally existent, aware, and joyful
Anadir adir - the origin of all who is without origin
Sarva-karana-karanam - the cause of all causes
These are the traits I mean when I say God. There are many details one can add, depending on time,place, and circumstance.
I would also add omnipotence, and specifically infinite all-inclusiveness, and especially without external imposition or limit.

Is that enough, or do you want a specific name and form so people can devolve into trying to troll that and build strawman instead of reason what I post?
No it's sufficient, it's just god can mean anything from an idea to a being or even a feeling. From some earlier posts I got that you were some branch of the Vedic philosophy, but even that branches off into numerous beliefs on even what god is.
Thanks for the clarification.
>These feel good, bitch
Why? Are you an animal? Did you survive an encounter with a bear?
Based alert
Faggots will cry about a praying mantis eating a butterfly but will then go on to feast on veal from a baby cow that was stolen from its mother without a thought in their heads. Nature is evil until its time for you to express your nature, when its your nature than it's just nature and there's no need to moralize.
Yeah, but guess what, humans are not part of nature, we're above animals and therefore we're above nature too, we use it for our needs.
Get fucked nihilist barbaric retard.
Superior social organization and tool use doesn't magically make you above nature moron. A ant colony isn't anymore unnatural than the lone grasshopper. Everything has its own inherent nature and it's the nature of humans to use tools and form tribal groups. It's also the nature of superior humans to form ever larger tribal groups and superior tools, and the humans that don't do this are assimilated or exterminated by those that do. That's nature. The evolutionary arms race has not, and will not end. It's what created the nuclear bomb.
>Superior social organization and tool use doesn't magically make you above nature moron.
I don't see anything in nature that can generate technology, has emotional intelligence, is capable of abstract thought, and capable of not being mindlessly barbaric like the rest of nature is, you know?
Have you ever seen any animal in nature cry emotional tears? Or an animal worship god? Then fuck off.
>he doesn't know even of duality
Because you did not only show us where the wrongs but foretold encouraged something nicer.
Nobody has any souls or whatever goes on here.
Alone woth yourself.
Yes humans are superior to animals, just as some humans and groups of humans are superior in these ways compared to others. You're closer to an animal than I am. You're clearly incapable of seeing the world cooly, or even understanding about what I'm talking about. You're bragging about being superior to a cockroach and acting like that is self evidence of your greatness, or meaning you should be considered anything other than a object. I think your skin is brown and that you're ugly.
>ad hominem insults with no valid arguments
I accept your concession, now kindly go back to your cave.
No, I made real arguments mixed in with the insults but you're a emotional retard who didn't notice them due to the hyper-emotional response said insults triggered. Not that you can actually understand what I'm talking about anymore. The only productive use of my time is to continue to insult you.
>more ad hominem insults with no real arguments once again
Yawn, if you're gonna keep sperging out like an ape then atleast do it in an entertaining way so that I don't consider you a waste of time.
You are ugly stupid brown person who is barely any different from the pathetic monkeys you lord over in your simian exaltations of greatness. I will continue to raise your cortisol levels as this gives me dopamine.
I know you're mad, but you're just looking like a scratched CD at this point.
You're still looking like a sub-90 IQ Mexican
I was gonna say, this guy doesn’t like fruit?
>Hyena neck deep in some gazelles ass, drenched in blood, calmly having snack
>The gazelle staring at its GOD in the sky, enraptured and feeling nothing
>The moss growing on the stained ground
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Fucking martians is what you faggots are. Why don't you niggers fuck off from my planet or better yet, kill yourselves instead of shitting it up with your tech and goyslop all the time?

All Abrahamists eagerly wait to leave this planet and disregard any and all flora/fauna by their books, what the hell are you on?

buddhism doesn't condone competitions in life, which is what survival in nature is
You can be above nature and still find it beautifull? I am a biologist and I know better than most how nature works. But specifically since I know I find it absolutely awe inspiring. What you can parasitation is the cycle of life. One can conquer nature and still find it mesmerising
>The nurse came after Crawford left. She shot some Demerol into his intravenous line and the clock grew fuzzy. He couldn't keep up with the second hand.
>He wondered if Demerol would work on your feelings. He could hold Molly a while with his face. Until they finished fixing it anyway. That would be a cheap shot. Hold her for what? He was drifting off and he hoped he wouldn't dream.
>He did drift between memory and dream, but it wasn't so bad. He didn't dream of Molly leaving, or of Dolarhyde. It was a long memory-dream of Shiloh, interrupted by lights shone in his face and the gasp and hiss of the blood-pressure cuff...
>It was spring, soon after he shot Garrett Jacob Hobbs, when Graham visited Shiloh.
>On a soft April day he walked across the asphalt road to Bloody Pond. The new grass, still light green, grew down the slope to the water. The clear water had risen into the grass and the grass was visible in the water, growing down, down, as though it covered the bottorn of the pond.
>Graham knew what had happened there in April 1862.
>He sat down in the grass, felt the damp ground through his trousers.
>A tourist's automobile went by and after it had passed, Graham saw movement behind it in the road. The car had broken a chicken snake's back. It slid in endless figure eights across itself in the center of the asphalt road, sometimes showing its black back, sometimes its pale belly.
>Shiloh's awesome presence hooded him with cold, though he was sweating in the mild spring sun.
>Graham got up off the grass, his trousers damp behind. He was light-headed.
>The snake looped on itself. He stood over it, picked it up by the end of its smooth dry tail, and with a long fluid motion cracked it like a whip.
>Its brains zinged into the pond. A bream rose to them.
>He had thought Shiloh haunted, its beauty sinister like flags.
>Now, drifting between memory and narcotic sleep, he saw that Shiloh was not sinister; it was indifferent. Beautiful Shiloh could witness anything. Its unforgivable beauty simply underscored the indifference of nature, the Green Machine. The loveliness of Shiloh mocked our plight.
>He roused and watched the mindless clock, but he couldn't stop thinking.
>In the Green Machine there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in the parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain.
>There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us.
>Graham knew too well that he contained all the elements to make murder; perhaps mercy too.
>He understood murder uncomfortably well, though.
>He wondered if, in the great body of humankind, in the minds of men set on civilization, the vicious urges we control in ourselves and the dark instinctive knowledge of those urges function like the crippled virus the body arms against.
>He wondered if old, awful urges are the virus that makes vaccine. Yes, he had been wrong about Shiloh. Shiloh isn't haunted - men are haunted.
>Shiloh doesn't care.

>And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.

Red Dragon/Thomas Harris
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Aren't "naturally" grown foods actually been selectively breed to be what they are?

For instance, true organic bananas look like pic related. It's a far cry from the artificial bananas that are popular to eat.

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