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Let's start a thread with the scariest images that you own
https://youtu.be/FvSIJ-9Z8HY?si=QrpzeWcQkmcLRsj8 :(
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It’s a watcher. They follow certain bloodlines they have ties to.
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incoming hoards of AI slop
We like your pic a lot better
oh will you annoying cunts fuck off already. worst postsers on the site right now. no one cares about your AI hysteria.
He's right though. Every spooky thread on multiple boards I've been in have been bombarded with garbage low effort ai slop. It's genuinely terrible and spells the death of good threads like these used to be.
TOPKEK. You are dismissed, faggot!
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i jumped!
whats happenning? is he injured?
there are so many worse posters
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I just want the faggot in picrel from the last images thread to know: You're a retard spouting whataboutisms. AI slop is lazy and no one likes it. Sharing real art indicates true appreciation, not vice versa. No one alive would prefer getting spammed with AI slop compared to seeing even 1 moderately impressive photoshop or painting, or even a pixelated screenshot from a bargain bin shit ass film. You are the bottom rung, and no one here wants you around. It's not AI hysteria, you're just fucking annoying and an eyesore.
>inb4 "what's the difference" ad infinitum
The difference is AI slop takes zero effort while other people at least one person to potentially literally thousands put countless hours into making something unique. Sharing the art is lazy, but it's not comparable to sharing AI art. No one here is doing geurilla marketing for a 15 year old film or a 6 year old youtube video with 500 views. The truth is that all AI slop generators spam their images because they're insecure about their ineptitude and have to compensate by begging for attention online.
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It's the same Goddamned trope of "I have no mouth, but I must scream" measured in every imaginable way for the sake of judging Satan justly. Why the fuck am I here?
Nice set
I can't tell which side you're even arguing for.
On the subject of glorified data parsers they would never be able to generate what they usually do without having access to the massive library of prior content that was made with genuine human effort, even if in some cases it could be just a most generic capture of a sunset.

Going further, it's a sign of idiocy to see someone refer to it as "intelligent" for it fails to keep in it's non-existent mind that a human body must ensure specific proportions, and that anything which strays from these proportions is a subversion of reality, not a recreation of it (or a deliberately distinct portrayal which yet does maintain proportions).
The idea that it needs to parse hundreds of thousands of images of sunsets to be able to imitate one is absurd.

What I wrote is also referring to the soulless cattle which uses it - they cannot understand the meaning of a rightful struggle, to master an art for the sake of displaying greatness wherever and however they desire. It's about self-deception with the most "'passable'" result as you also wrote, for the sake of upholding their own ego-driven standard.

It can't perceive the peak, it innately refuses to reach it, it has no mouth (perception) but it has to scream (commitment). Same with any criminal, they cannot perceive lest they'd be committing themselves to the highest standard and keep their sight on it even if they still have a long way to go before reaching it.
You are deeply appreciated, anon
I need to receive the truth from the creator.

No praise or insult matters otherwise, just let me hear what I want to and let me rest in peace.
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God hates us all
Gnostic cringe
One long motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he
landed in somebody's yard. They still use the same machine, but there's a long duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
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