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What paranormal resources do you know/have about "Luck"?
In the past, the term "being born under an ill star" was a thing and superstitions about luck were common.
All i can find are self-help 'le luck is not real, it's attitude' bullshit.

It's normal to have a shitty day once in a while, but "Unlucky people" are in a whole different league. "Unlucky people" trigger very unlikely events and not only that, the rate they trigger these unlikely events is also unusual.
"Unlucky people" defy and even bypass the rules of probability in 2 ways compared to "non-unlucky people": Unlikely stuff happens to them at an unlikely rate.

I believe unlucky people are affected by fate or interact with fate in a different way compared to the average person. I think there is a paranormal/supernatural power at play that causes this.
What do you think /x/?
There ARE some superstitions that have survived the eras (rabbit foot, throw salt behind), could it be that there are tested ways in old times to manipulate luck (fate?).
"Luck" is rarely mentioned on /x/.

maybe there needs to be a consultant to go to ask for which ritual to do

"for this particular group of people, the vibes im getting, it'd sync best with this Z ritual"

and to increase effectiveness, combine two different rituals to help same outcome.. this is where the consultant's help will come in handy
I don't know much, but I'll tell you what I believe: luck is a pool, and every negative action drains it. I used to bet hundreds of dollars on online casinos, and I observed a bizarre phenomenon where any time I would lose big money, I would have a great day the next day -- but any time I actually won and approached "even", that's when things would start going down hill. It was uncanny. I could only surmise that luck, being this pool you draw from, gets lower every time something good happens to you. You only have so much luck, and eventually it runs out. The good news is, you can refill the pool through self-sacrifice and the acceptance of wrongdoing. If you live an honest,t loving life you will observe many hardships, but you'll also observe bizarre moments of divine intervention where it seems like something was watching out for you. I think this is, in a way, the basis of karma, and it also explains why the elite are so keen on playing both sides of the table by doing awful things while also donating massive amounts of money to (seemingly) "good" causes. They've rigged the table. Take from this what you will.
Thats fuckin sweet

Me and some friends used to roll dice alot and ive seen some crazy rolls
Enough to make me beleive some sort of energy can make the dice land certain ways
if the causes are not actually good then It shouldn't refill thier luck right?

I do get the overall point though
They chose to play the game on hard mode.
Luck, in the sense of gambling, is just your wealth karma.
For clairvoyants, they can learn to detect this energy field during games of chance, and will know the outcome. They can even gain the ability to invoke luck to turn the tide of the game, or to resigning themselves to lose and suffer worst luck. It won't happen all the time, but certainly there will be times they know they will win, because luck is with them - they feel the energy of luck.

Most of the time, you should assume luck is not playing a significant role in the game, but sometimes it will be clearly felt that it is making a major influence in the game.

Now I don't think there's any way to cheat the system. You can only cash in on your luck early, and then have poor luck afterwards, unless you know how to replenish it.

Bill Gates, seems to have a tremendous amount of this, as in a Netflix doco, he seems to be even supernaturally lucky at even card games, as if he is aware of his ability to do this.

So overall OP, you're sort of on to something, but it's better to think about how to build up a storehouse of good luck, rather than how to deplete it as fast as possible, because I don't think you can cheat the system in the long-run.
OP here.
I am not really talking in the sense of gambling because gambling has very objective odds that are stacked against the player.
I am talking about luck in life in general, where the odds are not set and there are so many variables that it is really unlikely to trigger certain outcomes.
It is in this scenario where i believe unlucky people interact with fate in ways normal people do not.

For example:
>Average anon wakes up and decides to go to the movies.
>Starts driving car.
>Get a flat tire.
>When gets to the movie theater discovers it was closed for unforeseen circumstances minutes ago.
>Drives back home
>ANOTHER flat tire, this time another tire.
>The asphalt is clean, no sign of anything that could damage the tire.
>Calls the AAA to get assistance.
>No one answers, for some unknown reason.

This is a string of unlikely scenarios happening in a row (another unlikely thing to happen).
One could chalk it up as an unlucky day, but what if every day was similar?
Lots of shitty stuff happening for no reason, to the point you believe there is a FORCE out there (call it fate or whatever) working against you?

It's a hypothetical scenario, but it conveys my point well: Bad luck is not an attitude, there is a paranormal force at work.
Luck is not a choice though.
It's a pre-incarnate choice.
Holy spirit gives good luck ice blink luck according to cocteau twins
There's studies indicating that caffeine increases luck. Make of that what you will.
Ye, that "bad luck" is part of the gangstalking.
Its done by insane operators like mr bean.
Final Destination is a documentary about their work .....
Lucky being always choice. You just involved with reverse logic manifesto and international coruption sourcing.
You made not my crisec reinvent faceb from avoidance. Was anywaysan.
Otherwise its a matter of karma. Thats what all the shit show is about, bending reality and natural laws so the pedos and other insane fucks can go up.
Thats what the 144000 is about and why they have to kill all humanity to lift themself up.

Also that turning every aspect of society to "bad" is to balance their evil shit, otherwise they are Shit and Bad Luck Magnets, as natural.

I check my luck results playing competitive pokemon.

If you know enough about the game you will notice that luck can completely turn the tables in most games, if you land a hit or miss or get para.

The thing is, there are some days where I get haxed to death, I get all the bad results, and it feels like the luck is working only to make me lose.
Other times I can feel that I have 'something' that helps me win games even if I'm playing terribly.

I don't know what makes me have good or bad luck, but game that depend on random results are good way to measure your current 'level' of luck
But what if you use up your whole luck pool on Showdown
So you are talking about karma.

Probably the best info on the idea of a God of Judgement, who judges every deed and repays them to you, is in Judaism. Study some of the core concepts and you will get an idea.
Also study astrology which shows the timing of when various karmas will come.

>get a flat tire
>Is this because it's just bad luck, or some karma of you scamming other people so you got sold a shitty car, or a karma of you recklessly endangering other people's lives, or a bad transit of Mars
And then you can ask some questions, like "do I scam people all the time", "do I cheat people in business", "am I a shitty driver", "am I a wreckless driver", etc

If your example is having lots of mechanical troubles, the answer could be something fairly obvious, like you bought a shit clunker of a car, and you don't give it proper maintenance. And so the fault isn't due to divine punishment, it's just own our actions.
>it's just own our actions.
If you chant some mantras that clear out specific types of karmas, this often will be made clear, that its your own actions leading situations arising.

If you buy a shitty car and don't maintain it, you will get a lot of car troubles.
If you have a hot headed ego and zero peacekeeping skills, you will keep getting into arguments with people and blame others rather than yourself.

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