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/x/ - Paranormal

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What the fuck?
How am I supposed to sleep knowing this is true
what if I tell you, everything is alive?
Ariana very spiritual.
>cawabunga headache
Born again.
life is an arbitrary characteristic applied to sufficiently complex molecular systems however there is not a single atom of this world that is not animated to motion by its nature. the animus is life
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of course trees are alive. Duh.
only retards think everything is inanimate
I'm gonna FUCK a tree.
sentence literally makes no sense
Yeah its a plant and plants are
Drum sounds
A form of life
This isn't new. I make sure to respect plants and trees when I go outside.
Sometimes I even think my car has life to it in the most miniscule way
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Look into cavitation in vascular plants. Even the simplest plants trigger nuclear fusion events in their water to generate acoustic waves that are picked up by other plants. This is how they communicate about environmental conditions and health. This also means each species of plant has its own 'language' and certain phrases in that language are understood across different species.

Everything in this world has a deep level of awareness. That is the big lesson our scientific age has to reconcile with.
Well of course they are, why are you scared?
Uhhh yeah... we knew that. I graduated 2nd grade.
>don''t wake the tree
Now THIS is a redpill
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Read this book. Redwood ecology is fascinating.
>Even the simplest plants trigger nuclear fusion events in their water
Retard, making bubbles isn't fusion
>man discovers that plants are a form of life
If you pay close enough attention, you can observe their suffering and bliss in its own extremely primitive manner.

Also "sacred trees" are a thing.
Look up "Mother Tree."
Always did. They feed through photosynthesis, which means they are able to tell light from dark.
Trees and plants are all alive, and if you are a veggie, you are compliant to the daily genocide of plants.
Trees also share resources with each other through roots, can differentiate between friendly or dangerous species connected to their root network and selectively change what they send to others.
Grass is alive too, that's why I do my best to not walk on it unless I have no choice. It's okay if you're barefoot though as that is your natural self connected to the Earth. But shoewear harms the grass and that is why paths get naturally formed as people constantly take shortcuts on grass, it dies and doesn't grow back.

Plants and leaves also can feel emotions and experience fear. They get positive feelings out of being gently caressed, and negative ones out of being shaken or disturbed.
You realize this is an opportunity for me to insult your intelligence? Instead of going down that road I hope you will recognize this as an opportunity to realize how mind-boggling our universe is.
Nice to know, I always pet my aloe plant so it's nice to know it actually likes it
so 1 and 2d life froms get to skip the confusion of thinking and go strait from discovery to awareness?
Please reread paragraph 3 of your image and get back to me
evrything is conscious
veganism is dumb
Even just eating fruits and vegetables is a monstrous act in this light, since they form from pollinated flowers, meaning they are quite literally conceived children of plants.
>inb4 birds and animals eat them to scatter the seeds around
Birds and animals also eat each other alive, but vegoyim would answer that "it's different when humans do it".
Did you think they were rocks?
>Even just eating fruits and vegetables is a monstrous act in this light, since they form from pollinated flowers, meaning they are quite literally conceived children of plants.
That is literally how plants propagate. Its symbiotic between plants and animals. If there were no animals, the plans would run out of CO2 and starve. All life is fundamentally derived from photosynthesis, which is a completely harmless chemical reaction. You think its terrible that some things die so others can live, but god is what is animating those things, and he transfers their awareness and life force into new forms of life that allows their souls to grow.
You're fighting in a wrong direction.
If they're alive, I wouldn't be surprised if trees moved on their own.
Houses are haunted not by human spirits, but the spirits of trees since houses are made of wood. Concrete 3D printed houses solve this problem.
unironically like there must have been a first human to note trees are alive and i wonder if that blew peoples minds. it's not as obvious as you think i think.
That's not a problem, my wooden house and wooden furniture respects me and my axe.
You fell for an extremely basic misdirection tactic you see on Wikipedia all the time. Research into sonoluminescence as a fusion event has been occurring since the 1950s with dozens of experiments.

And of course, the authors of the article decided to put the only case of questionable academic background as the first example of this research.

This is extremely basic manipulation. We use cavitation in industrial processes because it allows enormous amounts of energy to be released. But those applications do not threaten the fossil fuel industry. This application does.

If it isn't nuclear fusion, what is it anon?
>Concrete 3D printed houses solve this problem
Yet every time I see a huge landscape of concrete structures, it feels soulless and empty and dead. Houses are haunted by demons anyways, not "plant spirits" (not even sure their life force can manifest in such a way)
Any books, articles, etc. You'd recommend?
what if I told you not only are trees alive, but they eat light for lunch
>but they eat light for lunch
So do people and most animals
Seeing trees in different stages of life (and death) should be enough for someone to realize they're alive. The first human could have easily known that trees are living things even if they aren't as animate as animals.
A lot of plants are very "mobile" actually. Sunflowers if I remember correctly actually turn around to get more light, and a lot of trees wiggle their leaves around for some reason, I've seen it a few times
I've always caressed leaves of bushes and various plants when I go out for walks as I was caressing a loved one's lock of hair or their cheeks. Felt always wrong to pull or tug onto them.
yeah. make sure to take care of the ones in your yard. clean their moss and dead bark to keep carpenter ants away and cut off all dead branches so it can focus its energy on new growth
somewhere there's a vid with a philodendron (vine type) with the "mind reader cup" taped to it, connected to a robot arm with a knife taped to it. the philodendron controlled the arm, making it spin and twist around. because the 'dendron was thinking about spinning and climbing, naturally.

btw, some say wooden trees & bushes aren't vegetables, they just have similar things. same way chickens aren't the same as parrots, though they both have feathers. or fish aren't the same as snakes despite having scales.
What? This is what shouldn't let you sleep:
>Fruits, vegetables, seeds and mushrooms are alive and feel pain when you cut them and you're eating them as you are killing them.
Based and same anon
It feels nice
We kill them very quickly relative to their rate of experience, so being vegetarian is always a net good in terms of reducing the amount of suffering in the world
No, the suffering of a single animal against the suffering of many, many plants and vegetables and whatever you eat instead.
The karmic values of the two are much more divergent than you think
So Bigfoot and other forest related cryptids are most likely projections from the tree hive mind, right?
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Yes that idea seems to be true. Look at insects. If you enter a room, a spider or beetle on the wall knows you are there. They may not understand what you are in terms of cognition, but they understand you are a human being and will identify you as that thing versus say, a dog or cat or butterfly. If you are observant you can identify the moment they become aware of you in the exact same way you see a person turn their head.

All dynamic entities with complex structures of energy have awareness. Water, planets, plasmas, stars, etc. Everything is aware on a fundamental level that is not necessitated by neurons. Neurons are a very specialized method for storing memories and associations using biochemistry but are not necessary for moment to moment consicousness.
Ever laid a finger down on the wall where the spider is? It follows your finger as you drag it around. It's adorable.

You seem pretty knowledgeable on this, anon. Got any book recommendations when it comes to this topic?
I disagree, bubble fusion in sonoluminescence is hard to even replicate in a lab setting. It's irrelevant because of this. Also cavitation isn't fusion as it needs to involve the merging of atomic nuclei. Alternative energy research remains strong despite oil baron interests (even if they influence everything).
Well, once the fruit's fallen off the plant that apple meat has only the choice between becoming compost and becoming integrated in an animal and human.
What's "monstrous" exactly about that?
>even stones are conscious, so torture and murder are justified
Elldeen wiinggg
wait until you find out about rocks
Everything natural... right? my clothes aren't conspiring against me, are they?
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Most rocks are petrified wood. Even the huge boulders. Trees used to be larger in the past
"able to tell" is too vague. specify the level of awareness you think trees have or shut the fuck up
a text processing program is "able to tell" how many characters i've typed in it
>trees and plants are all alive
no fucking shit retard. everyone knows this
bacteria are alive, too. do you think they have "awareness" that is even worth mentioning?
Animismchads we fucking won
Yes, and that piece of lettuce is screaming while you it alive.
High quality post Anon
>Yes, and that piece of lettuce is screaming while you it alive.
How /x/.
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dubs, and spiders are actually really smart and aware. should check out vids of jumping spiders. even mantids are really clever and plan stuff out. one guy found a wolf spider wandering in his house in early winter, and he could "hear" her telepathically think at him:
>please don't put me back out there
little moments like that. it's also said that if you have a houseplant and someone casts a curse at you and the plant takes it, the roots of the killed plant will reveal the sender's name. but that's pretty wild even for /x/.
ahem, they're not rocks. rocks are compressed material, these are... the opposite.
recently got a friend into this, and prior to that, his dog likes to dig these up and play with them. i'd often see her dig them up when they'd be hidden in the dirt, then throw them around. notice how they're different from broken chunks of compressed stuff. what did the ancients believe?
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i told him a bit about my "special hobby" which i generally keep quiet, as it's been pretty stagnant lately as i've been focused on completely different things. he wasn't very interested, regarded it as hippie stuff. but acknowledges the community around it. one day he tosses a red 'stone' at me, and i identify it as a jasper. he wonders how much it costs. i give him a guesttimate. he doesn't fully understand that the things you find easily are junk, these are in an entirely different class. but he decided to keep it.
while he's driving, it jumps onto the air blower and starts "blowing its charged air" at him, to roughly paraphrase. but he did phrase it basically like that. good intuition.
no updates on that since though.
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oh yeah, the odd transluscent clear yellow one on the right (has never been washed btw, he wants to keep it dirty...) he was gifted by a friend in another town. his friend just smiled, thanked him for his help, held out a closed fist... and dropped the clear yellow one on my friend's hand with no further comment. my friend didn't really ask about it afaik. it's got a bit of a blueish sheen to it, a peculiar bit of labradorescence. that's a rare thing to find on stones in general, only a few species that i know of have it. one being a granite (there's a few types of that) with blue-flashing rectangles.
unfortunately i can't take good photos, but maybe someone else can at some point.
also the other stones are probably quartzite or feldspar.
>What the fuck?
wut? you didn't know?
You learn about this in grade school
All plants emit what we would understand as pain signals when mutilated. This includes both chemical and myco-chemo-electric signalling to nearby plants. Screaming, if you will.
That people refuse to recognize that all life is suffering and plants go through it too, that is the height of hubris. And yes, I'm talking to you snotty vegetarians and vegans out there.
uhmmm.,.. how does the cannabis plant know how to start flowering when the light cycle switches from 24h to 12h
yeah i used to fuck trees. dont. i had to get a worm removed from my penis because it got in there mid fuck.
>Even the simplest plants trigger nuclear fusion events
>bubble fusion is the non-technical name for a nuclear fusion reaction hypothesized to occur inside extraordinarily large collapsing gas bubbles created in a liquid during acoustic cavitation

Aside from that pesky third paragraph about falsified research, did you also miss the part about
>extraordinarily large gas bubbles
How big do you imagine the bubbles inside a plant are? Would you call them "extraordinarily large" or...?
Farm animals eat more plants than humans, if you eat farm animals you are quadruple more compliant in the genocide of plants.

But grow up dude, plants don't feel pain so no-one cares. Especially since most crops are annual and are harvested JUST before they die, and picking apples and cranberries and shit doesn't kill the plant anyway.
Grasses have evolved to have all manner of beasts trodding on it, don't worry about it
They do not feel pain, they don't have nerves.

Responding to stimuli =/= "feelings"
Fucking zoomers. Of course trees are alive
I hate you. If you were paying attention in school you would know this you dumbass. Anybody that knows elementary school science knows this. You dropout dumbasses will be surprised by anything above "muh dick" tier thinking. Ever heard of a fucking flower? Yeah those colorful things that smell? I wonder how the fuck some of them close up at night and bloom during the day, or vice versa. It must be magic, eh? You know, the thing we have known about flowers since before Christ? You absolute fucking retards. I don't expect everybody to know everything I know, but I expect them to know what is alive and what isn't. You fucking dumb pieces of shit don't know ALL plants are alive and "think"? Communicate? Some feel pain? Avoid death? Want to live? There's actually a large group of dumb fucks like you that don't know trees are alive, and you actually believe it's news. Your parents and education system failed you, you're a dumb piece of shit, or you're a bot. I'm leaning to retarded piece of shit.
You dumbasses lol. All you have to do is prove there was large scale fungal growth at the site. You can't though, because it's a plateau
Earth is flat.
Its a dry desert now, all fungal growth is non-existent as well as the evidence for it regardless.
I had to get a stick taken out of my ass doing the same, shit sucks.

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