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Ok, so I know you guys might be tired of seeing my screenshots of demonic users, but I stupidly let the last tread on this die. I NEED to share these tho, sorry. Just too weird not to.

I will just dump my sus users pics here. If you have some as well, feel free to dump them here as well, the more the scarier.

Also, this is /x/ worthy, I mean seeing all these demonic users especially in odd places is creepypasta material, even if it is just a simple pic of a YouTube account.

For those who contribute pics and info on this phenomenon, thanks in advance as always!
666 right next to a 777 user...again!!!
>Also, this is /x/ worthy
this is some low quality horse shit
On a video of man playing with frozen water.
From video of Elfen Lied review, so an 'edgy' account is not super unexpected, but still weird imo.
I will eat your face for breakfast.
Stop posting this shit. This isn't paranormal. You're some retarded teenager with a tablet who gets zoomer-traumatized and scared of usernames with a fucking number in them.
You are genuinely schizo
Found on video of Japanese song. Posted a few hours ago, by a Japanese users. 666 usage is more limited in Japan than in the West. And yuyu something like you you. Just weird.
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Funny thing is that I saw a snake like 10-15 minutes afterbi saw this 666.

How recent is this one? Also thanks for contributing a pic, a non YouTube one at that.
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I've seen your threads before. I'm pretty sure some of these people are just being edgy in the same way people put skulls in decorations and fashion. For others it's just a memey number. I used to know someone who deliberately waited to be number 666 in something because he thought it was funny.

This one, for instance, seems to be going for "ha ha evil number juxtaposed with innocuous name."

This all seems like an example of finding examples of something if you fixate on and worry about it.
you're just NOOOTICING how much satanism is getting normalized nowadays

even kids cartoons have unironic occult bullshit in the current year. every content creator has some wiccan moon or some other garbage in their material

But the thing is that I never really saw this before 2021. If I had, I would have said something earlier probably or be more used to it. Why did it pop up since only a few years back, for me at least?
Will post more later, probably will see more.
Okay, I think I actually discovered something even more weird OP.

I went to actually look for 666 in usernames in random videos but couldn't find any at all, but then I noticed that so many names were almost "randomly generated", like it was a first name, last name and then 4 numbers. Always, every time. I will find more and post them. Are they bots? Probably.
Also notice that third comment there is doing the 3 666 hand sign gestures, thought that was worth capping as well
Last one cause I don't wanna spam. Got 4 in a row, this is honestly weird, how have I never noticed this before?
this. OP, get help

NO, if you have more, do share, that is the point of this thread. Thanks for sharing anon.
No problem, and yeah I actually did find two more instances. This time with even more bot sounding names. Both on baby monkey videos of all things... (if you know, you know)

Yeah, I noticed the name thing too a little while back. I thought it was weird that all these users are putting realistic names as their sernames instead of something internety. I guess mine technically falls into it though, but I just find it weird so many others are doing it too. Like is it their real names? Just realistic names they made up? Names of OCs?

Yeah, it is pretty weird, I agree. Mostly bots as you stated.
And the other one. They're Russian too, interestingly

Maybe these are the fabled Russian bots? LOL, idk.


But fr, I feel like I have been seeing more Russian 'users' here lately.
>fabled Russian bots
Is this a thing that people have talked about before?

Found on video supposedly showing a German signal intrusion incident.
Not an user, but still an interesting 666 sighting.
2nd pic of the the vid on the vid
it's called ice
only a demon would call it frozen water
are you a demon, anon

No, not to my knowledge, I think I called it this instead of ice is because he was playing with liquid water and made it freeze up into ice in seconds rather than playing with icecubes.
Video about Armie Hammer with almost 666k views, channel's pfp is a bit sus.
Pic of the channel, has sus pfp and ASE pyramid in banner.
666 user on a separate vid still about Armie Hammer.
ok airhead
bet you got a big head
This is what I see a lot, it perfectly just so happens to have that many views, and of course it's on a political video...
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Most autistic thread on the board award. Congratulations faggot, kill yourself.
Not a 666 user, but a Satanic/pagan one, still just as bizarre. What average person, even a troll, would make an account like this? BTW, found it on a video review this weird human animal manga.
Found this on a vid about kudzu a few minutes ago, maybe it is a sign the 666s/demons are taking over and quick.
Another one on the same kudzu vid.
666 user on a video about weird reptilians, seeing a ton of this today, oh my puck!!!

Forgot to add picrel
Not a 666 user, but still sus. From an unboxing of live snakes video.
Dont tell people to kill themselves.
Tell people to kill themselves
Yeah, I noticed an uptick of people putting that kinda stuff as their pics, and people putting pentagram text in their bios and whatnot. Sickens me

Demon nigg

Yeah, pretty vile.

Yeah, it is weird how it just so happens to be that number. Rigged af.
This stuff is so widespread, quite frightening implications desu
Lol you're actually 100% right, op. Watch all of these demons manifest in your thread.

Demons LARPing as human users is Creepypasta type shiz, and it appears to be unfortunately legit.

Have any pics of this phenomenon yourself?
You know a thread is complete shit when it's just a tripfag talking to himself. Seek help faglotd you are completely delusional.

>a tripfag

A namefhag, newfhag.
Found this 666 and demonic pfp user on a vid about sweet cream sandwiches. Eternal Injustice, hmm....
*mentally ill retard

Cough cough/x/ cough cough

I called this faggot Migga Biscuit out on his shit like 2 months ago and got dogpiled for calling him a tripfag. /x/ gets what it deserves, which is apparently a ton of Zoomer garbage. Sneed
You are a fucking 18 year old tripfag. Turn off your computer and go rub your older sister's pussy so I can smell your finger
Just found this on a new video about this effed up boy that killed animals, no surprise. 1 of 7 deadly sons In name, sounds avarist/avarice=greed.
Buy a stool and a noose you stupid bitch
Not nice
Must be demons then faggot
Go ask a pedophile to bless the water in your body

Demonniggs coping with being exposed.
It's not demons larping as humans it's humans larping as demons.
There's only one way to stop them, OP. We need to bring back the Holy and Saintly Inquisition and correct these fiends by sending them to meet Jesus.
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How do you know it's demon account? What if it's just an edgy account or a bot?

But why would so many people do this, not just a handful of edgelords? Most of the ones I stumbled across did not vibe like edgelords.
You know there's some sub societies and sub groups in the world most people don't know anything about. Maybe they are part of some of them. Maybe that's how they highlight themselves to others who knows
>actual good threads archive and die or get deleted
>somehow some underage crying "demon" at every youtube username with a specific number in it she sees on her ipad keeps living
this is it. the 666 ones are obviously just retarded edgelords who think they're unique. this thread proves they are not as unique as they think
the [first name][last name][random 4-digit number] ones are pretty weird though, especially seeing them next to each other
>the [first name][last name][random 4-digit number] ones are pretty weird though, especially seeing them next to each other

I think it has something to do with when Google and Youtube fused, and the google account got you a youtube account that had a predefined name with a number at the end no?
Wasn't there something like that?
there was something similar when google+ became a thing if memory serves, but i don't think it gave you a random number. maybe i'm wrong though

As I just stated, too many and not vibing right to be edgelords imo. Could be bots, but then that still leaves why were they programed to be demonic?
Doesn't matter they need to be corrected through holy fire and meet Jesus. That's the best form of tough love to gifit to the modern day fiends and sinners.
I've noticed an uptick in streamers randomly cursing at Christ and saying odd things that seem not like comedy, but something demonic.
They tend to mock humanity itself while also mocking religion, and the strange thing is how suddenly they shift tone into these observations and 'jokes'.
It wasn't like this before. It's happening a lot more often, and I wonder why that is?
There's the two 'police' who responded to that black womans' request for help who began screaming and threatening her after she gently said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" Three times in a row.
It's very interesting.

Yeah, I looked into, very weird. Ironically you got 666 in your digits. Speaking of that, I got 2 pic o fresh 666s from the body cam vid of this incident.

>I've noticed an uptick in streamers randomly cursing at Christ and saying odd things that seem not like comedy, but something demonic.

BTW, can you drop some of their names. IShowSpeed sounds like suspect.
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Odd yeah.
There are some strange happenings right now.
Whatever comes of it, God guide us.
I watch random streamers on twitch, and I can't recall what videos they would have been in, but it's a pattern I'm noticing that I'm not even looking for.
It's been kinda bothering me for a few months now, so I finally said something here. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just the wrong/right time and place and I just happen to be there.
I'm not absolutely certain what to make of it. Perhaps it's just another trend in the greater subconscious of humanity right now, but that's bad too if that is the case.
WXAXW palindrome captcha
I swear to God I did not try to get that number. Eerie as it gets...
Demonic replies
>They tend to mock humanity
I noticed there are a lot of people that "hate humans" despite being human themselves. Never thought it might be demons saying this stuff. Interesting
Sheltered much? The average human is a walking sack of shit.
I'm aware, but this whole "humanity needs to die!!!" type stuff is way more common than it used to be and it doesn't seem like normal human vs human aggravation
Your profile picture is visible on screenshots.
Your watch history is apparent too.
You are being worked on.
Found this one on video about Amazonian invertebrates.

username formats change with website updates
those are called bots, anon, the names are generated
bro really old youtube accounts have had their names changed, even my account has four numbers that weren't there before, it's like random numbers at the end of discord names its just software shit its not paranormal

No, this was going on before the change, so 'people' are actively putting them in their usernames.

Fair enough, but many have this weird bottish format since the change, suspect imo.
NTA but I definitely have seen examples of it way before then, and always chocked it up to reasons like he says.

Maybe, they just do not feel like trolling edgelords imo.
woman confirmed gtfo

Not an user, but still HELLA sus.
Get a job or something you retarded faggot

Demons tripping over get get before exposed.
>demons tripping over trips

*getting btfo exposed

Dang autocorrect.

Remember to hunt down your local satanist (diddler, rapist)
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You have to have a sense to spot it.
Use discretion and carefulness, or you will certainly drive yourself to insanity.
oh, i'm sorry OP, I came here from /ng/ so I thought it was in the same thread. Nevermind, haha. Don't uh, look for it. Or listen to that advice. I mean, the advice is good, but looking for that specific entity is bad. or whatever. I don't know why I'mn telling you not to, when I have the opposite message in /ng/, I guess, maybe because they have experience with it? Idk. I'll have to think on that.
Life is weird. I guess saying, "Hey, don't look for that guy," to you, but then, I point it out all the time... I guess that's hypocritical. Contradictions within oneself and internal logical consistency, etc. It's hard to parse.
I guess, my point is, "I'm in /ng/ all the time, so if anyone is interacting with this entity, I can make sure they aren't being negatively affected,"
It's like a hotel, really. You know, if a guest is bringing their own luggage up, they could hurt themselves, but if you're there to help carry their luggage with the proper equipment, they won't get hurt and will arrive safely at their hotel room. (Not a Hotel California ref on purpose, but it's one anyway, oh well.)
From comment section of Wikitubia article on Shadman
if i were a demon i wouldnt make a youtube account you fucking tard. kill yourself

>if i were a demon i wouldnt make a youtube account you fucking tard. kill yourself

You are a demon if you want me to Kermit sewerslide over sharing sus /x/ type pics.
The only thing sus here is your judgement and the way you choose to spend your time

Dude, this is x/, if it bothers you so much, got to Deadit, I know you demons are in love with that site too.
The jew mind virus really did a number on you huh?
Why are you thinking about penises fagman?
Maybe attempting to hide in plain sight wasn't the best idea

WTF is this demonic trippy ah pic?

Found another demon user on that Jesus rebuke murder incident.

Sorry, forgot picrel.a8dy0

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