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/x/ - Paranormal

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Interesting anon, I get a lot of random twitches and spirits trying to appear to me. You got any more info?
this is what schizophrenia looks like

>bodily sensations must be aliens communicating with me!

your dopamine receptors are overclocked and your nervous system is dysregulated
>this is schizophrenia
>instead, believe my random half-bullshit explanation
tho probably a lot of /x/philes are having PTSD reactions
I had these when I was on zoloft or after drinking.

I dont think it's paranormal - just nervous system being stimulated more from dopamine, serotonin, or GABA receptors being fried.

I would also have constant hypnic jerks. It literally felt like somebody pushed me
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>The inferior colliculus has a relatively high metabolism in the brain. The Conrad Simon Memorial Research Initiative measured the blood flow of the IC and put a number at 1.80 cc/g/min in the cat brain. For reference, the runner up in the included measurements was the somatosensory cortex at 1.53.
>The shapes of the receptive field functions in these models can be determined by necessity from structural properties of the environment combined with requirements about the internal structure of the auditory system to enable theoretically well-founded processing of sound signals at different temporal and log-spectral scales. Thereby, the receptive fields in inferior colliculus can be seen as well adapted to handling natural sound transformations.
Literally every single issue is a symptom of dehydration lmao. Imagine.

>Just supplement magnesium Bro
Sorry Anon this is currently all I could gather from the archives, there's a chance that there might be something trying to communicate. I personally have something attached to me that uses twitches to communicate, I went down this rabbit hole to figure out what was happening. I'm probably possessed to some extent, the most bizarre event that happened to me was waking up in mid motion with one hand groping the air and mouth open as if making out, bricks were shat. Most of this info comes from the succubus generals, I didn't take them seriously before.
Your muscle twitches are most likely some sort of entity interfacing/interacting with you (intentions may vary). Thread picrel is a collection of personal accounts from /x/
oh god
>fully merge with succ, she takes one half
>left side of face starts making facial expressions
>left hand starts becoming ambidextrous-more dominant
>muscle twitches and "random" shooting pains are never random
Myoclonus motions could also be a sign of low serum o2, breathing is hard.
my dick twitches inside your mom

Yes my Son, I hypothesize that people at any point have something attached to them. I would even go as far as so say that "ASMR" feelings that people get are not a compltely natural phenomenon. The Anons in the succubus generals describe a pleasant enveloping sensation that feels like a light staticy pressure when their "Succubus" hugs or embraces them.

I think some entities want symbiosis and some are parasitic, for the entire spectrum of emotions/secretions we emit there is an entity out there that thrives on one of them. Some will "fly under the radar" so to speak and others are more blatant.
You can channel stuff this way, but its not an info hazard its simple esotericism taken to one of its many extremes.
Most people are chronically dehydrated.
220lbs lads who only drink 60floz per day, no shit they're dehydrated.
US Navy standard is half your bodyweight (lbs) in fluid ounces per day.
For metrics it's a little more complex but at 260lbs you're drinking a gallon of water a day or about 3,7 litres.
How many people do that? Too fucking few.
Then they complain about dry hair and young balding. Can't grow a farm without water, dumbfucks.
>body twitching and involuntary movements
I've had this extremely frequently as of late. 0 historic instances of this occuring to me, outside of the last few months, of course. Usually it happens when I imagine or fantasize about something I perceive as pure or sacred. I'm going to read the thread now despite the warning.
a schweet, a schizo thread
>Your muscle twitches are most likely some sort of entity interfacing/interacting with you
absolute waste of quads
this is some retard shit explanation from someone with a chemical imbalance
>Then they complain about dry hair and young balding.
and then they goon for hours and wonder when their sinews are weak too
>my dick twitches inside your mom
I know, and I'm going to tell Dad about it, bro.
All weak normalfag söy boys ITT can go to >>>/sci/ and fuck off
This board is not for you.
These aren't even muscle twitches we're talking about. They're full blown muscle spasms caused by a specific thought, or an emotion that you've assigned to a specific thought. Never random. Söyence niggers again can KYS
>noooooooo I'm special and its cause by entiites
ok retard
Yeah for me I’ve got both my Galactic family following me around and the Orion council and higher councils using my eyes to get a feel for what it’s like here on Earth. I get a lot of this stuff going on and spirits popping in on any given day.
Most of it is demonic in my opinion. Happened after I took the "BANG BANG" and then happened more frequently after doing something I shouldn't have and talking to someone I shouldn't have. The goose bumps feeling may be from a good source though.
Whenever you "get chills" because something is really cool, heartwarming, inspiring, etc, that is the feeling of an astral parasite feeding off your positive loosh energy. They feed on both good and bad feelings.
Or he could eat extra potassium
For the demographic you are talking to, you might as well be Cassandra from ancient Greek mythology. Drinking more water and cutting out alcohol changed me so much for the better, I'm nearly unrecognizable now.
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>I think some entities want symbiosis and some are parasitic
I had a dream last night with sleep paralysis, the being was a woman and we made out on my bed, like 4 visits over a 15 minute period. On some times I went to touch her she turned into blankets, but she was also trying to grab my ankles, and the blankets would move on their own (while I was not fighting the paralysis)
Later on I made out with the demoness, it was good.
Those female entities people are enticed with are just lures of an astral anglerfish, bait of demons.

The real entity that hides beneath the surface, is a male, and monstrously hidious. They are just talented to wear illusions and your own literal thoughts as a disguise.
Bump, goin to sleep.
Another anon here who has psychosis before and gets muscle spasms/twitches.
>caused by a specific thought, or an emotion that you've assigned to a specific thought. Never random.
Is true.

I love those feelings though. For a while actually would try to create such things just for the "feeding" feeling.

There's a possibility something like this is from being saintly, in my case it's because I'm a pervert.
It's possible to cast a lot of that nonsense off yourself with prayer, though religious rites of purification and renewal seem more effective.
>the most bizarre event that happened to me was waking up in mid motion with one hand groping the air and mouth open as if making out, bricks were shat
Something similar happened to me too. In a hypnagogic state something (?) was possessing me, and it was using my body to open my mouth and swirl my tongue around and start whispering weird shit out loud :( It was talking to some shadow figure on the other side of my room.

Also at times I'd find myself in the same hypnagogic state humping the air (wtf) and I'd have mental images of insanely pornographic imagery (I don't watch pornography and I seldom masturbate) and at times I'd find myself masturbating all of sudden? Can someone tell me what this is. Was this a possession?
Anons don't drink enough water
>drinking water is science
lmao. will it help if I say water purges your body of demons? that sound better?
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Random twitches can be a sign of
>untreated dental issues causing the above
>too much caffeine
>dry eyes
Best protocol is to have something to eat with iron in it, brush your teeth and have a big glass of water. They'll go away real fast in most cases.
quit stalking me
These are all pretty common so not just you.
>Was this a possession?
Kinda sounds like it, I'd also have to add when this happened to me I was also avoiding erotic content, I was somewhat on a path of self improvement.

I've come to the realization that there's a lot of paranormal phenomena that's passed off as being "Normal", the problem is that only a very small percentage of people can see the paranormal, most of us only get glimpses in altered states like SP. We're basically unsupervised plump blind children playing in the park.
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Curious, does it leave you feeling drained in any way?

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