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/x/ - Paranormal

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Post your redpills and stories regarding this spooky region. Why is it so cursed?

It has everything from cryptids, lost civilizations, demonic cults, witches, ghosts, duendes and alien activity. Obviously any large landmass will have a bunch of weird shit happening in it but Latin America undoubtedly stands out.
beware the ass sucker of brazil
>Why is it so cursed?
brown people
WTF IS THIS REAL?!?!?!?!?!
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America is a sacred land, the land of the feathered serpent. This has always been a wild continent.
Does the serpent deity really enjoy watching mystery meat indians brutalising each other for millenia nonstop?
O famigerado chupa-cu.

Also Brazil is not latin american.
I mean speaking personaly mexican cartels mebers are basically demons and they do those atrocities for free , so it I whould assume mexico is a very lucrative evil /X/ place .
I live in Brazil and I ask nearly every single person I meet throughout the country, rural or densely urban, if they've had a paranormal experience.

One important thing to consider in the entire continent is that it's densely religious/minimally spiritual. Christian, evangelical, candomblé, umbanda, quimbanda, indigenous groups (not much is known about their faiths sadly because of colonization and jesuit influence). As such, while many may not be the most devote practitioners, the idea of paranormal is perfectly acceptable to them. But what was intriguing is that, for all the ones I asked, even the atheists (all of which were white millenials/zoomers on urban setting), admitted to have seen something at the very least unexplainable. In fact, I just recalled the only exception among the atheists in terms of age was a professor of mine, relatively old, who even admitted to seeing an UFO. Important to note this dude was a damn genius in engineering, and remained his entire life on the academic field. (1/1)
As for some stories I gathered: a common one is poltergeist activity in rural houses. Sounds of breaking glass and chains in the middle of the night, only to wake up and find nothing out of ordinary; woman dressed in white walking at the corridor; sudden smoke smell on a house whose foundation was once burned with victims; footsteps and old TVs turning on and off, to the point of hearing the buttom clicking and static; flashes of people on the corner of the eye who'd die a week or so later. You could assume these people are lying for attention, but most tell these stories casually, and some came from people who weren't really spiritual to begin with. In other words, the local culture allows it so these tales get told without the need to lie. I myself have seen some UFOs, and I make sure not to tell what I'm not sure of. I'm really cautious with this.

Perhaps the favorite/funniest/creepiest story I was told, was of a lady in a rural town who lived close to my family back then. She used to get up at 4am to dry her clothes on her lawn. Her child went with her, looked up to the house's roof, and said "look mom, there's a cow!". She was obviously confused because there was nothing, only for the child to repeat "oh, it's getting down!". The woman instantly made 2 + 2 (cow = has horns) and ran inside lol. Can't recall if they had other paranormal shit in that house, but again, it's the norm, so I'd expect it.
Everyone is mystery meat, but different colors. This has been proven. Hitler was a larper.
all the gods enjoy it
Wouldn't you?
Yeah makes sense. If I were a powerful sky deity I would also play sims bloodsports with a continent full of savages.
Something about that place invites heinous bloodshed. Aztec sacrifices, murders, cartel torture techniques - all of it speaks to a malevolence that soaks the very soil, though I can't say what form it takes.
Female death = santa muerte mexico
Male death = san la muerte argentina
I think the origin story of la llorona being some stupid roastie that killed her kids is retarded.
Thankfully there's an origin story that goes further back to before the fall of the aztecs that just has the voice as fone kind of omen that would show up a few years before they fell.
This means la llorona is an entity more mysterious than just some toastie that killed her kids, which if that's all it took to be a ghost, we'd be full of that shit here in America.
And yes, I've heard this entity once when visiting there...
>cartel torture techniques
That's less to do with it bring latam, and more to go with satanism.
After all, it's pretty much well known if you make sacrifices to Satan, he can help you succeed in worldly affairs.
The cartels would be stupid not to take advantage of something like that.
I swear the land is cursed
in Brazil there's something we call "Causo", expeled intentionally wrong, from "Caso", "Case". These are anecdotal experiences from people of the countryside, more than often are from encounters with creatures and unexplainable events. Brazil is vast and there are still many place where people live simple lives near dense forests, like a hundred years ago, filled with faith and creed.

Where i live used to be a rural zone and i remember some stories i heard. There are some bamboo forests here, they were denser back then, and there were many dairy farms until late 90s. There are many "Causos" of encounters with Saci whipping the horses at late night, the smell of his pipe and a cases of guy being whipped.

I had an experience of own when i was a kid. Feels more like coincidence than and actual paranormal event, but was scary nonetheless. Here it goes:

> Be me, 8 or 9yo. Early 90s. Playing at night with my friends.
> A friend whistles. Everyone gets exited. "Teach us!"
> Everyone trying and whistling at night.
> My friend's dad comes out of his house and says: Stop it!
> We didn't stop.
> "Stop it!" -- He shout this time. "Don't whistle at night" -- He said, but he didn't explained why, and got insde again.
> After some minutes we start to whistle again and he comes out. As he comes out we heard something.
> FWOOOOOSH! A microburst of wind came beating the open doors close, some were made of metal, making loud bangs. It lasted for at least 3 mins and stopped.
> "See? I said to not whistle at night" -- my friend's dad said.

A bit of context.
A Saci is a folklore creature with just one leg, he smokes a pipe and rides on a whirlwind. He's known to behave like a Fiend, doing from petty misdeeds to cruel things. Whistling at night brings bad luck some would say, and whistling in the middle of a bamboo forest is a known way to summon a Him.
For people in city, he was turned into a silly character for kids, but in the coutryside, he still brings fear.
Introduced by cia and mossad
sorry for some mistypes folks, it's late and my brain already gave up.
The "No whistling at night" thing is a common superstition amongst Indians here in the USA. Usually I've heard it summons a skinwalker. I wonder if there's a common origin in the pre-colonial American cultures
I heard once that it was a way of communication between criminals. So, you would not want to send messages to someone you don't want to hear an answer from. Maybe the superstition started here and got mixed with other things…

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