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Has anyone made contact with the real Rosicrucians? I'm talking the original 15-16th century group, not the shitty larpers like AMORC or any other public groups. Do they even exist anymore?
you really think any self respecting rosicrucian would ever come here?
No, I dont, either the group died naturally from lack of interest like 90% of magical organizations did or broke into 50 smaller groups that barely have anything to do with the original goal
What is about to unfold before our eyes is greater than what the Rosicrucians dreamed of.
They're dead, anon.

you too, wdym? how did they die?
That is not dead which can eternal lie
No he's right I fucking killed them.
> do they exist anymore?
Not as a group. Real Rosicrucians are made via self initiation. The material that exists out there is enough to keep their legacy alive by the few who decide to explore what their literature has to offer.
if it's just some form of freemasonry then count me out
They thought they were the ruling elite and could dictate how others lived according to divine principle. When the tables were turned on them to be in the same situation as the ones they dictated too, they flipped out and started attacking their masters. They felt they were in the right, however whenever someone used to spaz out about their psychic treatment they'd get them locked up and shot up with thorazine.

They're all dead. There exists a circle of esoteric and elite hardcore mystics and magicians which the Rosicrucians might have given likeness to their Secret Chiefs or Cosmic Chiefs, however those are just names and all descriptions and attributes are arbitrary. Golden Dawn called them the Secret Chiefs.

They are alive and they do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to be affiliated with modern Rosicrucianism.
They all stole the concept of secret invisible teachers from the Judaic Tzadik Nastirim צַדִיקִים נִסתָּרים. "hidden righteous ones") or Lamed Vav Tzadikim. The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim ("concealed ones"). In our folk tales, they emerge from their self-imposed concealment and, by the mystic powers, which they possess, they succeed in averting the threatened disasters of a people persecuted by the enemies that surround them.
>They're all dead
>They are alive
what bot are you using to come up with this text?
>>They're all dead
The imposter Rosicrucian mystics who assumed the role of Secret Chiefs are diddly-fucking-dead

>They are alive
I call them by their Hermetic title. The Invisible Hand.
Fuck Morya. Fuck Khoot Humi, Fuck Blavatsky, Fuck Theosophy and to hell with the 'Ascended Masters'. They'll dispose of you like rubber glove once they've not only used your body, but destroyed it in the process all in the name of the greater good. False elites trying to dictate the laws of the universe and trying to instill themselves in high office, trying to bypass the intermediary and grace of God because they think they're above him.

All of these people are nihilistic mankind hating liars who have never found the truth, only more misery. They're all liars.
I thought all of these people were my friends until I was given rank above them, and learned everything I needed to know. All this I owe to God and not my own talents because I already know damn well that I'm not capable of what's been thus far without something guiding me the whole way.

I repeat, fuck all these societies and secret orders in the modern day. With that being mentioned, the living incarnate of Hermes Trismegistus is on a strict mission to retreive all his doctrines and formulae that these orders have been misusing. The prophecy of Hermes literally said this would happen, and whoever betrayed the teachings would get wrecked. He's come for his books, and he's come for the family that owns the unpublished and highly sought after remaining texts related to the Ethipoic Books of Enoch. There's 2 unpublished manuscripts owned by a family in connection to one of these orders. They bought the only copies that were found as private investors from the archaeologist directly and paid handsomely.

These 2 books specifically, as qouted by archaealogist who found it, after being inquired how big of a discovery these two books are and he simply responded "It will change the face of the world and religion forever."

Cough it the fuck up, I know the buyer in question will get this message one way or another. Upload the fucking book.
In the Ethiopic, we can translate it ourselves. I want it published.
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>I'm talking the original 15-16th century group
This is why the other anon said theyre dead, man. You specifically said 15-16 century, meaning you know
No, Fulcanelli said there were no rosicrucian societies, temples, centers; their supposed origin is pure fiction, they never existed publicly, and those who did paid with their lives. But he does say there were rosicrucian brothers, only linked by their knowledge of the hermetic secret. So any accomplished alchemist is a rosicrucian. And he directs us to the classical authors of alchemical works
only sensible answer, the rosicrucian letters and pamphlets were either fabrications of someone trying to get famous, or some poor lonely alchemist trying to make a society with information he put together from what did exist
Yeah jews are the only ones with that concept, fuck off rabbi half of jewish mysticism is just plagiarized neoplatanism anyways
>I was given rank above them
>All this I owe to God and not my own talents
>Upload the fucking book

>i have ego
>but i dont because god helped me
>but anyway i need to fulfill my desire/ego, so upload the book
im noticing some discrepancies
>Yeah jews are the only ones with that concept
Yes there are plenty of other cultures that have this concept, but which culture did all these secret societies use as a backbone for their societies? The Masons are based on the legend of Hiram Abiff and King Solomon (Bible). The AMORC or whatever tries to tie themselves to the allegorical figure of Christian Rosenkruez - his entire story is about making a pilgrimage to the HOLY LAND (ISRAEL) and learning from mystics on the way.

Look man, I get that you think I'm being an uptight asshole who thinks Jews were the brains behind these things, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that all these societies and orders made the DECISION to use JEWISH archetypal templates from people all the way to buildings, all derived from the Torah. How about refrain from appropriating a culture you don't understand just because you feel it's the most powerful via it's antiquity and exoticness. This is the only reason any one decides to use Hebrew if they're not Jewish, especially in occult circles - why? Because of the association it has with the old world and power. You guys did this to yourselves.

>Jewish mysticism is just plagiarized Neoplatonism
Jewish mysticism is older then Plato and Neo-Platonism though. Where does your logic even fit?
Plato ascribed Moses to being one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. How do you articulate your logic trying to make Plato and Judaism seem at odds or as if one was envious of the other? If Plato and Moses were alive today they would be of close brotherhood.. You however would most likely be turned away from the both of them due to your vulgarity. Do you understand?
trying to pretend that people don't acknowledge Jews as the backbone of much of wester occultism and Christian Qabalah is bizarre, I mean maybe on /x/ but still
It’s alchemy and reuniting with Divinity.
Likewise, if Moses were to read the philosophies of Plato, like any man who striveth for wisdom and the highest good, he would only see his God's divinity surging through the mind of Plato - it would be a modality of mutual respect, admiration and an almost tearjerking sense of "Heavy is the head who wears the crown".
I never implied that people occult circles appropriate it and don't give homage - that's the furthest of what I'm trying to get across. Sometimes gentiles understand Kabbalah or mystical aspects of Judaism that I couldn't perceive before.. if it wasn't for the western occult network then I probably would have never discovered my own roots. I give gratitude and respect where its due.

What I'm trying to defend is Judaism in itself when being attacked by these same occult practitioners who use Hebrew words and traditions, whilst trying to advocate that Jews aren't real Jews ethnically, and that THEY are the ones that are chosen. So insane.
there's no divinity to be had in this place. the notion that there could be is a really fucking big psyop, one of the last ones in-fact, really big potential rabbit hole which I'm actually not going to get into rn
Noted. I will still work on my energy work and try to square the circle or circle the square.
>T. Archonic shill
I'm gnostic. I say carry that divine spark elsewhere, don't bring it here.. is the short version of it.
Doubt it. My grandfather was a freemason, a very active one, and he was interested in them, but never learned anything concrete. His notes are very interesting. He seemed certain they were still around.
There's probably more divinity on /x/ then anywhere else in the world right now. I fucking mean that lol. I talk alot of shit but there's many.. many many MANY powerful figures who are just lurking and reading.. because I gave them that body to be able to do that, because that is usually me. I rarely posted in my lifetime. This is a different experience for me.
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>I thought all of these people were my friends until I was given rank above them, and learned everything I needed to know. All this I owe to God and not my own talents because I already know damn well that I'm not capable of what's been thus far without something guiding me the whole way.

I'm pretty familiar with the lore of the spiritual hierarchy, the "illumined minds" and their hidden inner government organization, which is masked as the Great White Brotherhood of the theosophists and has many names (Custodians of the Plan) . What do you mean by being given rank above the Masters? What do you think has been guiding you? Do you know of the King of The World (Melchizedek, Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara)? How have you been involved with them? I am pretty familiar with the history of the Theosophical Society and its descendants, especially Alice Bailey and Lucis Trust.
I say that humbly as well. None of it was articulated consciously as a plan. I owe it to divinity.
Why wouldn't we?
>I'm pretty familiar with the lore of the spiritual hierarchy, the "illumined minds" and their hidden inner government organization, which is masked as the Great White Brotherhood
Their idea of the Great White Brotherhood is similar to Masonic fraternal ideas about Masonic Lodges being outward physical manifestations of the eternal invisible lodges of Masonry that can't be seen.

The Great White Brotherhood is an iteration of that but it's no different to the Greeks calling Hermes, Hermes and then the Romans called him Mercury. Same planet, different attributes but noentheless all the product of the human imaginitive faculty, whereas the actual lodges are not. Even my idea of them is only my IDEA of them and is not a reflection of their actual characteristics. The only thing I can comment on is there negative and positive poles of energy because it transcends language. A mighty and terrifying power.
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Real magic is manifesting like the good old days. Just remember; it's not about worshipping deities. It's about the power of love and consciousness.
I had dinner with one several years back when I was visiting family in Europe. She was very old and frail at the time so it’s a coin toss whether she’s still going. But she’s got the 15th century pedigree of all those who were also at the tea party table that night. Funny enough a high ranked mason/scientologist D list celebrity, who was also a pre-revolution French peer was there that evening additionally, alongside a Templar. Take that as you will.
Yeah :)
>What I'm trying to defend is Judaism in itself when being attacked by these same occult practitioners who use Hebrew words and traditions, whilst trying to advocate that Jews aren't real Jews ethnically, and that THEY are the ones that are chosen. So insane.
that's an old one yeah, antiemetics don't usually use logic for their hatred after a while, its kinda funny watching them make up shit
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Fair enough. Basically what I'm interested in is the occult network you were possibly referencing, the hidden government with the spiritual hierarchy of masters at the top which uses many names. I've been researching them for awhile and I've interacted with several people you could say are "whistleblowers". "Custodians of the Plan" is a better name than GWB.
>chosen ones
>yet God is instantly turned into a persecution complex
It is so hard being a victim of your own religion, as a modern Jew sees it.
And with strange aeons even death may die
>its kinda funny watching them make up shit
Agreed lol

She's referencing the Old Trinitarian system that the old ones practiced over 10,000 fucking years ago and it's precepts were Religion, Philosophy and Science. The irony is that the people who qoute the old Trinitica are usually lacking 1 of 3 aspects, which ever variant.
Eliphas Levi said the same thing and alluded to the Catholic trinity, however it's origins of it's trinitarian aspect before the Early Church Fathers raped it and mutilated it's teachings, then smothered it with a dogma so no one could replace the power in place.

There's an old diagram floating around online somewhere. It looks like a geometric one and it lists several periods of enlightenment through people or collectives in a chronological order. Theosophists got a boner over this pic.
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>There's probably more divinity on /x/ then anywhere else in the world right now.
no, I really can safely say that isn't the case, considering the sheer amount of nihilism and self/ regular hatred spewed here. Maybe somewhere online, but not /x/
I don't know about the historical cult side of this, but in practical experience from my lucid dreams is that its basically alien buddhas. Arcturians are basically the higher dimensional guides from beyond the veil. Pleiadians are our compatriots when we traverse 5th dimensional dreaming. Sirians, Greys, Reptilians, Orions, Lyrans, perhaps are similar to the pleiadians in that regard, if you depart further and further from human earth reality and away from 5th dimensional dreaming on earth and among other humans. You can dream yourself into alien worlds and encounter all sorts of things.
Then you have Alternate universe beings such as Jinn, essentially inorganic entities which occupy all sorts of positions of awareness which we can't perceive from human reality.
Then there is angelic type entities, which seem like they have an eternal light based existence, but the ones we interact with have some communal ties with earth and incarnational proximity to our own lives, perhaps angels is just what souls are when they aren't living as a human or an alien.
As for higher dimensional beings goes, Arcturians are basically the peak of what is actively involved with human consciousness on earth in a direct way that you can personally encounter, as far as I can tell. Beyond that you have special beings, aka Jesus type godlike entities which are one of a kind and billions of years old.
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> but in practical experience from my lucid dreams is that its basically alien buddhas.
I'm not sure how that's supposed to tell us anything
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That is just the picture with a bit of background on Annie Besant, which admittedly isn't really relevant to the subject in question and I will use something better. I am not asking about the Trinitarian system. I am trying to figure out the current status of the "network", which I have already uncovered to some success. I am asking if you are familiar, because you should be if you are as familiar with this material as you seem to be.
I still cant believe people use AI as if its some kind of fucking super genius system when its still just an aggregate system telling people what the most popular answer is/what it was taught too
Earth is a type of dream, dreams of course are also dreams. There are beings that are outside this realm altogether, yet still maintain awareness of our activities here on a personal and collective level. They are 'awake', from the types of illusions that appear to us as dimensionally structured realms of light and darkness projected upon the surfaces of worlds. The aren't within the illusion, yet can still see it. Arcturians are that, basically. If you lucid dream a lot, and utilize your telepathy, and find out about how your soul can leave this world, then you can interact with such entities. You probably already have done so, across tens of thousands of years, even if you aren't actively doing it in this life. They still remember you even if you don't remember them. When I visit the 'atlantean' era of dream time, I basically have full pleiaidan dream powers, but there are beings above me who know how best to use such things for the benefit of all, rather than simply myself. They don't tend to interfere, but when you act on certain levels its inevitable that you encounter that sort of oversight. Its very fruitful, imo.
All this politics, even war, death, they are beyond it, the present moment of history, they are beyond it, and that outside perspective is extremely helpful if you want to exceed human limitation on thought and activity.
It's not, this is from AI but its complicated and you do not know the full context.
But yes, that statement really is the truth. There actually is an underground society of people who run everything including world governments. It is a network of occultists inside of world NGOs that has many people you would be surprised by inside of it. It is very organized with different power centers inside of the network.
seems pretty straight forward to me anon, and if not why not tell us the full scoop?
Sure I can share whatever. The point is that I myself am trying to find out more about the status of the "movement" and high level secret societies and esoteric orders. I recommend reading the Alice Bailey blue books, because she describes the hidden government pretty well. Also, to add to my last post, its both governments and NGOs, but there is a lot of overlapping in the world of the "elite". T

>FREEMASONRY is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. Before it is possible to intelligently discuss the origin of the Craft, it is necessary, therefore, to establish the existence of these two separate yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of "free and accepted" men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum.
how the fuck is posting on a website monitored by those organizations and using tools made by them supposed to get you anywhere?
>Has anyone made contact with the real Rosicrucians?
yea they run the artistic website BLACKED RAW and produce tasteful films now
Ask the same question of communicating without those tools. Which is preferable? See?
knowledge is its own reward
Because their insidious nature that drives them to observe me and think I'm an idiot for leaking information, when it's the conscious cultivation of the electromagnetic energy and aether that arises from their curiousity and interest which I use to determine their energy signatures. Then because of their hubris I annihilate them right then and there, and what I mean by that is, my words cut so deep that they're almost in a panic that they might bleed around my information, and when they do they know I can sniff them out - so they're ever EVER so careful.

Not careful enough however because the blood keeps spilling. I'm aware that the spilling of information as a result of being attacked etc. The thing about my blood is, I just keep on bleeding - and those who drink it and aren't ready, will definitely die.

Everything is going to plan, and that plan isn't my own - I assume it's going to plan because I feel like I'm exactly where I should be, and my enemies are exactly where they should be. In a state of fear and regret.
>projecting this hard
Tl;dr I've spent this entire time figuring out how to eat them and cannibalize them so they can never bother me again. Now they are a nutrient source.
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also i dont really care.

>The existence of a supranational network of hundreds of key elites and more than 1,000 important NGOs - the superclass and its allies - that is dominating and streamlining national politics all throughout the West.

Very often, outsiders use terms as the "globalists" and the "New World Order". These have become loaded terms, especially the latter because the individuals pushing these terms tend to be huge conspiracy disinformation artists. However, an extremely conspiratorial globalist movement most certainly does exist.

The term "globalist" is more accurate than "internationalist", because these elites are building a permanent, supranational political network and are striving towards large-scale political and economic integration. Even the term "New World Order" (movement) really isn't that bad, because in the end that's exactly what the globalists are striving for, whatever exact shape or form this "New World Order" will take. There also is a very cultic, world-religion-like, United Nations-linked aspect to the globalist movement.
>There also is a very cultic, world-religion-like, United Nations-linked aspect to the globalist movement.
Hahahahaha theosophists btfo. Good riddance
That is Lucis Trust, New Age religion, the Interfaith movement, and the secret societies behind them. You might be familiar with the 1893 Parliament of World's Religions and the Theosophical Society's involvement. Some important organizations relevant to the this particular subject are the United Religions Initiative and the Temple of Understanding.
without, are you stupid? that's like trying to use google to search for United states state secrets
anon you realize that makes me a Rosicrucian right? How is that an insult?
>Original Rosicrucians
That group peddled the most cowardly human slop. They died out. There is no salvation. Your God is dead. You will all rot like fish in Sheol. That’s the truth.
Maybe you do not understand how prevalent the "tools" are. You cannot go "without" and still be on the IP network. You need to up your technical knowledge. Without means you're offline and relegated to face to face, MAYBE letters if you can trust couriers (not postmasters, obviously).
It's the same truth from way back.
There's nothing new under the Sun, but maybe the Sun.
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> 'There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a secret destiny...

>The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers.

>This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.'

>from 'The Secret Destiny of America' by Manly P. Hall

Roughly 3,500 years actually.
Its called not using the fucking internet you retard holy shit yeah
"supposed to get you anywhere?"
To the library. At best. Are you so stupid that you cannot remember what you fucking asked?
Fucking swine.
lmao I bet you're one of those retards who think unclassified CIA documents are trustworthy
You have yet to propose a more preferable way. I'm just asking you to prove your assertions. Tell us how you accomplish what you know better.
you are, lol
You are a simpleton. A font of uselessness.
It is. At least in Europe. Source: Im an iniated member.
You don't meet these men on the internet. It takes much time and many drinks.
You might be able to reach them in the 15th-16th centuries anon
Nah. You are projecting your perceived lack of self worth onto other anons. I'm not even saying it's true.
There is no such thing as "Ancient Hebrew". Your language is a fairly new language. It's older than English, sure, but it's developing extremely slowly and still isn't very refined. The Septuagint is older than any of the documents in "Ancient Hebrew".
Your whole identity is farcical.
It's been a while since I've felt so confident someone was a well-poisoning disinfo bot.

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