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You fuckers told me Catholics and freemasons were enemies
Yes, many catholics created freemasonry, but its considered heresy by the church itself, much like how many Christians practiced magic in some shapes and forms up until maybe the 19th century.
they're both reboots of the Cult of Aten
What the fuck is this doing on an image board about anime?
sick light fixture on the podium overhang
How can something created by Catholics be a catholic heresy? You're not making any sense
Because it goes against the chruches teachings, things like aknowlaging other gods or a single god head thats not specifically GOD. It was mostly made to study shit like Alchemy and hermeticism when it was theoretically still inline with christian doctrine, but the church caught on and banned them from joining on risk of excommunication
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Imagine not doing your own research.

There's a lot more to discover and understand, if one only were to try, instead of accepting what they're spoonfed.

>pic related as one example
he just wanted to post the image anon, he doesn't know shit
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>You fuckers told me Catholics and freemasons were enemies
No one here said this. Stop reading crap novels.
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I'm not the anon who posted this reply >>38434530 but i will chime in with what i know.

Freemasonry was created by the British Royal Family in cooperation with the Jesuit Order as a tool of power maintenence and is still owned by them, the current grandmaster of the UGLE is the Duke of Kent.

The UGLE is the masonic body all lodges of regular freemasonry in the world obey to, in order to be considered a legitimate lodge you must have the "thumbs up" from the UGLE or else you are considered clandestine.

Notice around the world how all of the powerful monarchies besides the British were overthrown by Freemasons throughout hisotry, the Russian Tsars were thrown out by the Freemasons Lenin and Marx, the French Monarchy was thrown out by the Freemason Weishaupt and his Illuminati, and the list goes on and on...

The British Royal Family is managed by the Rothschilds and so is the Vatican Bank, they are indebted to them, the Vatican is a small micro-nation that has a monopoly on religion and the U.K is the World's Largest Empire.

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"Queen Elizabeth" was the Grand-Master of international freemasonry before she passed and this is why virtually every lodge in the world gave their condolences in unison to her, even the Russian Freemasons who should be spiteful to what they did to their country are giving out birthdays and consolenses to them which is quite shocking...

Condolences for the Queen

Wishing the Duke of Kent a Happy Birthday.
>correction, history*
martin luther was a catholic too
>You fuckers told me Catholics and freemasons were enemies
Poopiestinklemuffin - nobody made you do anything. You believe what you want to believe, ya Mook.
Satans followers love larping as non satan followers
No school of Christianity has gone without infiltration
Some schools of Christianity were made with the infiltration as a core feature.

The MO of demons and their worshippers is to tempt others away from faith, this is done by gaining trust by participating in and facilitating for religious ceremonies and righteous acts, once the trust is gained they sneak in some pagan stuff like.. the Christmas tree and Santa (Saturn) being the biggest known examples

Santa is especially dubious because he is considered with the gift giving in mind which is an act of love. The exclusion comes though by excluding children who have 'misbehaved', if your child misbehaves you correct it when it happens, not giving them gifts is excluding them from the love associated with gift giving. Doesnt happen much but that was the idea behind it.

Kinda diabolical
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both have same origins
but chronologically, freemasonry come first, so it follows that freemasonry created catholicism. as freemasonry started in babylon, and catholicism started in rome.
>freemasonry started in babylon
this is like citing the movie 'troy' as a historical document
no, its quite factual. but it is a masonic secret, so you wont hear them say it.
You tryina fuk me?
What forsay?
How much you gothough?
With yourself.
the fuck is you on about m8?
Is the Scottish rite a British creation? Why do some people say that is the french rite?
It's a celebration of gayness. Aint no organizations gayer! Of course they are buddies.
The royal family nowadays is masonic, however I believe the masons were founded in opposition to them. During the peasant revolt of 1381, it is believed that the entire thing was coordinated and controlled by the original masons as a overthrow of the traditional monarchy. They then went to the American colonies and revolted there to make their desired nation. That's why early America is riddled with freemasonry and why it is SO common here (and why the French helped the revolution). Later on though the monarchy came on board with freemasonry. I couldn't tell you when but it was before or directly after WW2. The modern state of these occult societies though, they are all kinda unified and mashed together into one greater group
Being a catholic means nothing, holding the title of Christian means nothing, adhering to a denomination means nothing if your heart isn't in it and you aren't truly devoted. It's just a badge to wear at that point and has no real substance behind it.
I encourage you to look into when Babylon dwindled to village size and when Freemasonry actually began. All of this is a matter of clear historical record. You'll notice an interval in which this world had neither a Babylon nor a Freemasonry of roughly a thousand years
Babylon never fell, it became Persia, Greece, Rome, and now the world. The history you are taught in school and on the TV is Masonic lies. Only a Masonic shill would question the Babylon connection as it is backed up with extensive literature, its not mere conjecture.
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That’s true.
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Partially true.
No one would lie about their history to seem more trustworthy, right? Especially not to themselves, it's impossible!
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Add this to it as well.
Zee british east India company was the military defense contractor of its day and it was very much instrumental in the creation of the former united states along with all other parties discussed.
Close but we didn't come from Catholics. It's just cats. Red circle in my pic is of my former Lodge Master.

Shit jokes aside: It's pretty straightforward history that yes the first Masons were Catholic. They, you know, built Catholic cathedrals. The first Masons didn't see anything they were doing as being anti-Catholic and many still don't. Catholics ban Masons but Masons don't ban Catholics nor anyone else who believes in God (with certain Rites and Organizations being strictly Trinitarian Christian because their teachings directly use related symbolism).

By the way the same goes for the original Reformers who then became Protestants: Martin Luther didn't want to separate from but to instead reform the Catholic Church. Separateness only came after the failure of the original Reformation.

Freemasons are predominantly really normal really chill Christians. It's the internet age folks you know you can go to achieve.org (or your local library) and read pretty much every "secret" right? Unlike what the O.T.O. has been doing recently we don't go around suing people for publishing our material. Not anymore, none of that stuff matters compared to the experience of being a Mason. I'd much rather spread factual information than let people spread ridiculous and dangerous lies.

Duncan's Manual (covers Blue Lodge and Royal Arch): https://archive.org/details/DuncansMasonicRitualAndMonitorOfFreemasonryComplete18663rdEd/
Masonic History: (the opinions of these Masons on ancient history is considered outdated): https://archive.org/details/WardJSMFreemasonryAndTheAncientGods1921/Ward%20JSM%20-%20Brasses%20-%201912/



Much more can be found just don't be dumb and choose to read non-academic sources.
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In the same way Catholics created the Templars, the group they originate from.
You are stupid.
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>Scottish rite
"Scots Master Degree
There are records of lodges conferring the degree of "Scots Master" or "Scotch Master" as early as 1733.[13][14][15] A lodge at the Devil (Tavern), Temple Bar in London is the earliest such lodge on record."

It seems to be a British Creation as well, people say it's the French Rite because some of the earlier lodges were French, but the earliest on record is British.

However the freemasons themselves say Paris, France around 1758.

This would explain the anti English sentiment of the Scotts, if they were allied with the French who were England's "Arch Nemesis".

The reason for this animosity between the French and British is once again the Rothschild Family, there are 2 family branches of the Rothschilds, the British branch and French branch, the British family and French family, and they have in-fighting for power and always try to upend each other.

The winning family currently is the British one with Nathaniel as the head now after Jacob's death, and if you look at the French family now you will see many mysterious deaths within their ranks, indicating a consolidation of power...

>Until the 19th century
>To this day believing in miracles, speaking in tongues, miraculous pastors
This is one of the best presentations, given by a 33° on the history of the Scottish Rite: https://youtu.be/Stve2EsBkjc?si=GpEPl5DNKxuDRHeP

One prevalent theory is that the Scottish Rite originated in France, where higher degrees known as "Ecossais" (Scottish) degrees were developed in the mid-18th century.
Historians such as Albert Mackey and Robert B. Cooper have explored this theory, highlighting the romanticization of Scotland and its association with ancient wisdom and chivalry.

Records from French Masonic lodges in the mid-1700s show the existence of higher degrees labeled as "Scottish" or "Ecossais." These degrees often included chivalric themes and esoteric teachings.

During this period, France was a hub of intellectual and esoteric activity. The Ecossais degrees fit into the broader trend of the Enlightenment's fascination with mysticism and ancient traditions.

That all said some scholars argue that the romantic and speculative elements of the French theory lack concrete historical evidence linking these degrees directly to the Scottish Rite as it is known today.

Studying the history of the Rite of Perfection is your best bet. Trace it from France early Scottish Rite to the American developments. Scholars such as Henry W. Coil and Alain Bernheim have examined Morin's contributions and the transmission of the Rite of Perfection to the New World. In 1761, Etienne Morin received a patent from the Grand Lodge of France to establish a system of higher degrees in the New World. This system, known as the Rite of Perfection, consisted of 25 degrees. Morin's work in the Caribbean and North America laid the groundwork for the Scottish Rite. Henry Andrew Francken helped disseminate and codify these degrees.

Despite what many think Albert Pike's changes to the Scottish Rite aren't widely adopted worldwide and are mostly bound to the U.S Southern Jurisdiction.
As this anon said >>38437867

The Freemasons are a tool of power reponsible for maintaining the british crown and this is very obvious when you look at History.

The peasant revolt of 1381 was definetely a Masonic operation, as for America it's a social experiment in the same way China is a testing ground for the Elites' surveillance technologies America is a testing ground for masonic ideologies.

The "Deepstate" in the U.S is just British "Rothschildian" Freemasonry reinforced by Zionists who benefit from it along the way. The French helped with the revolution because of the reasons stated here >>38437947

As for when the monarchy fully turned? It was before WW2 because these events are planned many decades before, check pic-rel
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That's a simpler explanation KEK

Ayo are you a Memphis Misraim Freemason? Come to my thread and explain the teachings and post some contributions and docs if you can regarding your Rite >>38385199
Freemasonry is alleged to have started in Egypt. What people actually forget is that the pope was Caesar and demigod during the dark ages.
After that ended, society was ruled by secret societies to this day. Now its just masonry. They do the same God king shtick, but they mostly utilize pop culture crap. Celebrities are the modern saints.
That's why masons need to believe in one big god. Worship goes through their creations like TV and music and shit, to them, to the universal God.
Instead of one Caesar, its a bureau or them.
It's just like Aten, and we all know who started that cult. Along with the Christians Bolsheviks of Rome, and freemasonry
HINT: In Egypt, they were called the "Shekelesh"
There's somewhat dubious links that can prove Masonic lineage to The Knights Templar like the Larmenius Charter which despite many considering a hoax has some Masonic scholars considering it more seriously these days: https://www.academia.edu/49113294/Succession_1307_1804_Re_Examining_the_Larmenius_Charter

Besides that there's little evidence Masonry is as descended from The Templars as it is from King Solomon. A good deal of Masonic heritage is symbolic more than anything else. Whether or not the Charter is legitimate doesn't change the fact that the York Rite has active Templars to this day as does the Catholic Church which rebranded a direct lineage as the Portuguese originating Military Order of Christ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Order_of_Christ
But isn't the oldest lodge on record British?
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Doesn't the York Rite and Scottish Rite have Templar degrees higher up?
because the self appointed authority figures say so
It is absolutely not alleged to have started in Egypt. That's kinda similar to saying the U.S started in Rome. Masonic history and Masonic lore are not one in the same. I left links above to some useful resources on Masonic history you can check out.

As for the pop-culture influence that's largely an American phenomenon (and spread from there) and, at least in African American culture, is in part due to Prince Hall Freemasonry being a major function that helped black communities come together.

The occult symbolism in Hollywood and Music otherwise has more influence from Crowley (who was never a "regular and accepted" Mason) and his Thelemic tradition. His pseudo-Masonic O.T.O. played a big part largely due to Jack Parsons forming friendships with California celebs cause the man partied hard. Member of his Lodge like Kenneth Anger and John Carradine went on in later years to influence and introduce Thelemic ideas to people like Jimmy Page, Mick n Chris Jagger, David Bowie, Tim Leary, Jim Morrison, Anais Nin, Anton LaVey, Marianne Faithfull, Donald Cammell, Bobby Beausoleil, Keith Richards, Paul Morrissey, Mick Farren, George Paul DiCenzo, William Burroughs, Jimi Hendrix, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Alan Moore, Robert Anton Wilson and many others who all went on to influence others and it's spread from there to now just the other day I saw a pic of a Jonas Brother wearing a Crowley t-shirt and Jay-Z sells merch with Thelemic symbolism on it.

Thelema is not Freemasonry. They're very, very, very different. That said Thelema was born out of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn which was created by Freemasons who had formed a Rosicrucian Order called the S.R.I.A. from which the GD and Crowley's later A.'.A.'. got their curriculum (with the S.R.I.A. getting their curriculum from the German Order of The Golden and Rosy Cross)
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Come to my thread Freemason, reveal further info there 38385199

Thank you for the great and abundant sources. Some figures on /x/ will call me naive, but I actually love some of the Masons, and the great splendor, pageantry, beauty and depth of much of the rituals, symbolism, lore and teachings (not based on direct experience of ever joining a lodge, but simply from reading some of the literature of it, like Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall’s, and pictures of some its architecture). I strongly doubt every or even the majority of Masons are sinister people. For the bulk of it, it seems to be what it’s advertised as — a social club, a fraternity for likeminded men to gather and develop themselves, an organization that also does charitable work, and as its core spiritual teachings a sort of quasi-universal esoteric mystical teaching that’s also particularly heavily tinged with Christianity, but also may have worked in the West as a way for some initiates or scholars of ancient traditions to potentially pass down a perennialist esoteric study or forms of thought/spiritual practice that may not have been unreservedly accepted by the Church. (Like the Kabbalah, Hermeticism, some of the Ancient Greek mysteries and spiritual teachings like Pythagoreanism, Orphism, etc.) Basically, at least some good initiates passing down an uplifting spiritual tradition that’s benevolent, tolerant, and humanistic.

Regardless, and while I do agree that some people go too far (from naivete and desire for a scapegoat) in criticizing every Mason, calling you “Masonic shills covering up Satanic rites or evil Gnosticism” etc. if you even come to talk positively about some of Masonry and how you experienced nothing sinister in it … anyway, I speculate this could exist at the same time that some of Masonry could also have been a means for various political corruption, carrying out of conspiracies, and also as a form of creating espionage networks + nepotistic networking where various corrupt Masons would protect their own.
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Yup, York Rite leads to Templar Degrees and Templar Orders... but having Templar degrees doesn't necessarily mean they can prove a direct lineage to the actual Templars neither can they prove a lineage to Egypt or King Solomon. I mean the Pope can't trace a lineage to Saint Peter either but its the symbolism that matters for Catholics. Same thing here.

The Larmenius Charter is fascinating but may or may not be valid its a pretty controversial subject in Masonry with most people not really caring and focusing instead on the symbolism at work. My research does indicate there was at least a few true descendants of Templars involved in the development of Freemasonry (especially during the transition from operative to speculative Masonry, but before as well).

This should lead you to a collection of many York Rite related texts. It's what I've been using for my research, you're welcome to do the same: https://archive.org/details/LacroixPMilitaryAndReligiousLifeInTheMiddleAgesAndThePeriodOfTheRenaissance1874
I see that many pirates were ex templars and the skull and bones is a templar symbol which is present within the 3rd degree of Freemasonry.

If we also look at Portugal, the last place where the Templars went we see how they transformed into the Order of Christ and turned into the Portuguese empire and how the Portuguese have good ties with the British and the first Portuguese lodge has connections to London and it was made 10 years after the foundation of Freemasonry in 1727.
There might be a good templar freemasonry connection
From my sources, which are from the secret rites of Freemasonry, it started in Babylon, and then spread to Egypt. And I think that is concurrent with Nimrod the founder of Freemasonry and king of Babylon, being driven out of Babylon by Shem. It appears Nimrod escaped to Egypt, and he became known as Osiris.
>corporate needs you to find the differences between these two pictures
They're the same thing
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>If we also look at Portugal, the last place where the Templars went
Future members of the order were given deeds to lands in Portugal before the Crusade even began and several prominent locations in Portugal were among the first holdings of the order. Portugal was part of the plan from the beginning.
>you told me the crips and bloods are enemies
>but they're both black!
I see, interesting, any more info on the Portuguese Templars?
First Templar Nation by Freddy Silva covers it
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I myself by now seriously consider that historically and to today, groups like the Freemasons specifically, besides other related or similar fraternal orders and secret societies, might legitimately be made up of different factions both good and bad. Many average Freemasons could indeed be good and innocent figures not in on any wrongdoing, while they (unwittingly) could act as a veil over other covert factions or conspiracies hidden within various lodges or fraternal orders (like a reputed “lodge within a lodge”, or claims made of “secret” degrees that aren’t publicly known and only given to chosen members groomed/initiated into the political cult and willing to work as their agents, etc.). Some also claim groups like the Shriners and The Royal Order of Jesters could also have these corrupt plots within them, even again while, e.g., the public face and majority of the members of a group like the Shriners might indeed be benevolent and innocent figures and who charitably contribute to children’s hospitals.

It’s a seemingly pretty minor story compared to some of the huger or more lurid claims made of some of these fraternal orders, secret rites. or possible mega-conspiracies behind them, but here, for instance, is a story from just 2008 of four public officials who were in The Royal Order of Jesters charged with human trafficking (illegally transporting prostitutes and hookers across state lines) for basically a milder (from what’s publicly known of it) but still shockingly corrupt version off Eyes-Wide-Shut style ritual sex parties and organized prostitution that went on regularly among this lodge of Jesters.


Two being former law enforcement officers, one a law clerk, and one even being New York State Supreme Court Justice Ronald H. Tills.
I see, thanks, any more material on them?
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Of course they fucking lied to you. Thats what people do here..I've been fighting the lying bastards all my life.
>that screen
>those speakers
>that phone
>that keyboard
i want to go back
what's that thing between monitor and keyboard? is that some drawtable or scanner? also what of that box right side of keyboard? those some magnets or what?
Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled by Rivera and Twyman gives a mostly fair assessment of Templar topics but kinda gets lost in the disinfo weeds regarding sex and cannibalism but otherwise it's a subject infested with christo-fascist conspiracy theories on which I would avoid most books. Better to just drop the cess pit of Christendom entirely and read about Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures from archaeology and Classics scholarship.
Not all Freemasons are enemies. Most are ignorant of the infighting, and within the infighting lies many factions. However, Freemasonry in itself is the Black Lodge. The White Lodge is hidden in plain sight for its own protection.
There’s a complex historical web of intrigues like this, from within the history of Freemasonry and its various lodges and divisions, to other and related secret societies and fraternal organizations claimed to have some of this power or be involved in plots (the Knights Templar, DeMolay Society, Shriners, Royal Order of Jesters, Bohemian Grove, the Order of Skull and Bones, and so on), various intriguers like some of the Roman Catholics, Jesuits, and their fraternal orders like the Knights of Malta, entities like the Rothschilds and elite Zionists, whatever the Bavarian Illuminati may’ve been doing and claims that they survived their disbandment by the Bavarian government and went on secretly infiltrating Masonry and Western governments, spurring the American and French Revolutions, and so on.

It does get pretty heady and elaborate sometimes. Or even seems like a big joke at times, or some lurid, overly fanciful historical fiction novel, like authors like Dan Brown, Robert Anton Wilson, or Umberto Eco. But I sometimes do wonder if the evidence doesn’t indeed point to some type of occult theocracy, a secretive and enormously powerful cult manifesting through secret societies, organizing of the many of the various major interests, institutions, events and factions of the Western world and wherever else in the world they can spread their influence, perhaps covertly even doing just that for centuries now.

I can still admit the existence of benevolent and wise esoteric orders or initiatory fraternal groups, that this may have precisely been the Freemasons’ origins, while later some of Masonry was infiltrated. (Using the rest of the public-facing, good, and innocent Freemason members who never directly learn of or get involved in such conspiracies as blinds/veils to draw public attention away from themselves). At minimum, this seems way more sensible than “all Masons are evil” or that there’s something intrinsically evil about esotericism.
Hugh Jackman is one of the good ones. That's enough sign to me that at least some of them resist the tempatations of the order

The White/Black Lodge dichotomy is a bit silly applied widely to traditions rather than abstract non-temporal "tendencies". To call out specific groups of individuals as being aligned with either is quite the claim.

I have my personal perspective but I recognize another may experience these realities in radically different ways. Which, the way these things work, regardless of disagreements between Adepts, is fine. Both may be correct and both may be wrong. I myself hold (at least) 2 "contradictory" views on this...

Consider that this isn't all that an established concept. The specific wording comes from Blavatsky's Theosophy and was later brought into Lodge groups by Crowley, Dion Fortune and further expanded into post-Blavatsky Theosophy by Alice Bailey. It's a very *subjective* thing... in a *literal* sense ;) It necessitates paradox.

Blavatsky got the idea from Buddhist and Hindu traditions which she, as a Westerner, understood as Good and Evil even though in Tantra both left-hand path (Vama Marga) and right-hand path (Dakshina Marga) lead to the same Unity.

Practices of the Left are associated with esoteric, antinomian practices that are often misinterpreted as malevolent and those of the Right are associated with that which is orthodox, socially acceptable and often misinterpreted as stagnant or conformist.

Knowing that this failing of our Western Aristotelian "A is either B, or it is not B" is at the root of all of this makes me giggle especially because my 2nd contradictory view of all this which requires not just East teaching West but West teaching East and further solve et coagula.

The "True" White Lodge is the non-temporal Sanctuary within which all traditions capable of producing Adepts meet in Divine Union.

The "True" Black Lodge either thinks its The White Lodge and all other paths but theirs are false or they wrongfully accept they are "The Black Lodge" but rather than Left antinomianism practice malice, egotism and domination.
>>38439586 (continuing)

In the eyes of Thelemites Solar Lodge was a Black Lodge of The O.T.O. and in the eyes of Masons P2 was a Black Lodge of Freemasonry. In the eyes of many early Rosicrucians it was The Catholic Church which would represent The Black Lodge and to The Catholic Church it was likely the other way around alongside Gnostics and Islam. Many in one of the numerous splinter groups of The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn after it collapsed consider the A∴A∴ to be the Black Lodge version of their tradition while the A∴A∴ considers itself synonymous with The White Lodge. Since there are many lineages of the A∴A∴ some lineages consider other A∴A∴ lineages to be Black Lodges.

It's all nonsense. Pure esoteric comedy. The more they point fingers the more they condemn themselves. The "True" White Lodge is a Grey Lodge, a Black Lodge and indeed a Rainbow Lodge. It's all Spheres on The Tree of Life, all arms on the Yogic Wheel, all Aeons of Gnosticism, all degrees of Masonry, all fields within the sciences etc etc.

It's objectively subjective. Paradoxically Simple. It's semantic nonsense and the only sense the world has.

The White Lodge doesn't need any more protection than it already has by its very nature... which is to say it (to choose just one system for ease of communication) The Supernal Triad of The Tree of Life. It's thus fully secured by The Abyss and the Sphere of Daath. Ironically I think the man who popularized this definition himself became The Black Brother Who Thought Himself White: Aleister Crowley. While he himself failed the A∴A∴ has produced many White Brethren. It's all ironically... not very black and white!

The White Lodge is very much real and operates within all Spheres. It Works under many guises. The Black Lodge while more susceptible to attacks and corruption still operate in all spheres up to Daath. They too accomplish their aims under many guises.
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- "Bored?"
- "Wanna play a game?"
- "Who's Lila?"
- "What?"

Have fun!

Start at the timestamp, watch as much as you want, go back to beginning OR

Start the game yourself: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1697700/Whos_Lila/

Then play:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lila_(Hinduism)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eku5SeS67dA&list=PL6YNzTfwfFGVpJW8MdLYg3HIXHBCnRtWi
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malkuth
- https://youtu.be/UYW1lKNVI90?si=Ag8UR8z5n91pR5am

then read but don't join: https://osogd.org/about/the-manifesto-of-the-open-source-order-of-the-golden-dawn/

Read and... https://www.magicgatebg.com/Books/Aleister%20Crowley/Samekh.pdf


- https://youtu.be/E4_3K_8S840?si=lKNk6DmNRzymL1eU
pedantic retard
Timestamp: https://youtu.be/TiH2SjjowKw?si=dQB0lp2h5zsHBDY1&t=9824
Freemasonry was created, depending on who you ask, in Persia and later brought West, specifically to Hellenistic cultures, fusing with the Sabbats of the Gauls, Gaels and Galatians, the Celtic tribes, as they succumbed to the control of Rome.
Freemasonry was a continuation of the Refrigerium Christian practices which practiced communion with the dead (see Aurelia Prima), the same groups that were chased underground by zealous Romans/Catholics hunting them down. The practice of imbibing the Immortality Potion was prominent in many Shamanic-Mystery systems of the ancient world. This is an example of what Pythagoras traveled to places like Egypt and Syria to find - to learn the Mysteries. Do you imagine he also traveled Northwest to learn in the same schools "Jesus" learned in a few centuries later?
Ultimately, it seems Freemasons indicate Pythagoras was the real "original builder", having inspired the Essenes, which "Jesus" was initiated into. The people indicating that Freemasons and Catholics are in cahoots seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how things played out. They were and always have been mortal enemies essentially until the Jesuits infiltrated all of the lodges over and over again. "Freemasonry" doesn't exactly exist in the modern world. Superficially, sure, but not anywhere near the same way it used to for sure.
This. Pretty nifty
Is the Scottish rite stronger than the York rite?
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>Two being former law enforcement officers, one a law clerk, and one even being New York State Supreme Court Justice Ronald H. Tills.

that's normal, republics are a tool to get the masonry at the top of the food chain.
>>It does get pretty heady and elaborate sometimes. Or even seems like a big joke at times, or some lurid, overly fanciful historical fiction novel, like authors like Dan Brown, Robert Anton Wilson, or Umberto Eco. But I sometimes do wonder if the evidence doesn’t indeed point to some type of occult theocracy, a secretive and enormously powerful cult manifesting through secret societies, organizing of the many of the various major interests, institutions, events and factions of the Western world and wherever else in the world they can spread their influence, perhaps covertly even doing just that for centuries now.
>I can still admit the existence of benevolent and wise esoteric orders or initiatory fraternal groups, that this may have precisely been the Freemasons’ origins, while later some of Masonry was infiltrated. (Using the rest of the public-facing, good, and innocent Freemason members who never directly learn of or get involved in such conspiracies as blinds/veils to draw public attention away from themselves). At minimum, this seems way more sensible than “all Masons are evil” or that there’s something intrinsically evil about esotericism.
The Canaanites created hundreds of variants of their religions to be fed to the europeans, the africans and whatever was left of the akkadians. 99% of those members don't really have to know about the history and they don't even care. They don't matter, they are here to make the organization big but that's all. They are a resource like the infantry in the public army.
At the end of the day it's just the deification pf desert people and their preposterous rituals to make them believe they are the chosen ones.

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