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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Try to look up specific UFO/UAP evidence
>Greeted with a smokescreen of blogslop, fake news, normie clickbait
>Finding legit evidence is actually difficult for kids or normies to accidentally come across to be redpilled by

This is definitely by design and definitely fucking scary.
>look up area 51 alien interview
>a bunch of unrelated cnn videos, movie clips and obama saying ufos aren't real on late night tv
Google is like that for everything now
is this some kind of self fulfilling shit where you knowingly use stuff that wont give you what you want so you can pretend to be surprised that it doesn't work, or are you just stupid?
Fascism hath failed the fascist.
are you that guy who was pretending to be an exorcist and screaming about nazi demons?
You are obsessed by demons I'm not pretending anything.
BTW want me to do an exorcism on you? I can try to save your demoncorrupted and blackened nazi soul if you want.
fucking lmao
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If anybody knows any other independent search engines, please share. Nothing Google/Bing/Yandex based.
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OK here you've been placed in the triangle now and the demon that is inside of you must obey me.

Now you listen to me, you don't want to live this dark life full of vileness and hatred. You don't want to have this parasitic entity attached to you and corrupting your soul.

You want to live a good life, full of love and light. And in order to do that you must fight back against this evil entity inside of you that makes you hate.

You must reject it. You must tell it that you withdraw any consent you have given it to enter you. You must tell it that it is not welcome and that it has no consent.

And to the demon inside of you I command it obey me. To admit it's demonic nature, name and agenda, and then to leave you alone forever
Yes Google is heavily censored and misleading, that shouldn't be a surprise by now.
Thanks for this. I tend to use Yandex but I appreciate any better alternatives that people might know.
lue elizondo book leak yet?
roflcopter my dude
Search result deterioration is an established topic, although less dicussed than dead internet theory. SEO faggots and search engine owners have ruined simple searches. Searching for something controversial is even harder.
True story. Use presearch.com instead from now on.
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Greenewald obviously got to read it somehow.
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Here you too are also in the magical triangle now. Everything that I said up here >>38434178 also goes for you. You do not want this evil existence that you've taken up. You don't want to live your life to cause harm and suffering to those around you. You want to live for goodness and light and in the 72 holy names of the jewish GOD I do command the demon inside of you to comply with my orders to confess itself right here in this thread for all to see and then leave you forever, under penalty of eternal cursing if it disobeys
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The demon inside of you is compelled to obey by my 5th pentacle of mars, which is hereby invoked upon this demon if it does not obey. Now obey me demon and obey the one true holy GOD of judaism.
>it actually is
holy fucking shit lmao
Freudian slip?
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You do not want this evil inside of you. You know that you do not. You need to resist this demon that has fused itself with your identity and has made you hate. You don't want to endure all of the suffering it is bringing you to and you don't want to inflict all of the suffering it is bringing you to.

Now I command the demon that is inside of you, by the holy names of THE TETRAGRAMMATON, PRIMEUMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI, EIN SOF AND ALL OF THE OTHER ELOHIM, to obey me forthright and confess itself, it's true demonic nature, name and agenda here in this thread for all anons to see. And then leave you forever immediately thereafter.
this is some next level stupid
And for every moment that you do not obey, demon, understand that there are curses being heaped upon you in the names mentioned and invoked heretofore. Disobedience means you will NOT be admitted into the demonic city in hell and will instead be bound in the pit of fire for all eternity.
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Upon the 72 holy names of the one true GOD of judaism, upon THE TETRAGRAMMATON, PRIMEUMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI, EIN SOF AND ALL OF THE OTHER ELOHIM, I do hereby curse this demon for it's unruliness and disobedience, to be bound for eternity in the pit of fire where it can do no more harm unto humanity until the end of all times.
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It’s only going to get worse in the future. What was written yesterday will be memoryholed the next. And that secret information will become publicly accepted facts again the next. The truth will die. All information will become meaningless and relative. Nobody will ask the important questions in that dark future because they won’t know how to.
lmao, honestly I hope you actually are this dumb, its funnier that way. Truly sums up the typical /x/ user.
wouldn't they have to willingly read that for it to even maybe work?
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you are very aware of what the powers that have been invoked upon you are, demon. Now I command you to comply before you make things even worse for yourself
I've nothing more to say to you than I have here >>38434429, demon
anon Im catholic, I have resistance to Holy damage
ran out of images already or get bored?
You admit you are a demon, then...

As you can see, for observers, in time the infernal spirit will weaken and you'll start to see cracks in it's armor.

Now back to important matters...Understand demon that you have been invoked in all of the powers heretofore mentioned, including those in the Sigilum Dei here >>38434429 and if you do not comply with my command to confess your true demonic name, nature and agenda openly here in this thread, immediately, and then leave this host forever, then the curse upon you grows for each remaining moment of unruliness
Each moment that you do not comply, demon, another curse is heaped upon you in all of the names heretofore invoked over you. You are to be bound eternally in the pit of fire until the day of judgement for this disobedience which is against your laws.
you hate god but invoke his name? Bizzare
thats /x/ man
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you see the demon is weakening here. It is saying things in total non sequitur.

Now demon you are already cursed eternally upon the names of everything holy and true, which you know to be far more powerful than your demonic forces. You will be cast eternally into the pit and bound forever. Each moment you continue to resist the curse upon you grows and the torment you will receive increases vastly. Now comply as I have made you.
Fuck me Id be insulted with how stupidly you're using those circles if I wasn't on /x/ and i didnt know you're just lonely and wanted attention. Don't worry, its a slow night at work, IM here for ya man
And to the host that has been infested by this eternal spirit I tell you to RESIST this spirit. It is doing you NO GOOD. It is feeding on your suffering and misery.

Revoke any consent it may feel you have given it and make it clear that it is NOT welcome within you.

And know demon that you are NOT welcome. You are NOT welcome demon. You are NOT welcome demon.
luv u too ;3
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You do not have any consent to be in that body, demon. You do not have any consent. You are to be cursed and cast into the pit of despair, eternally, for your disobedience among God and man.

Now do as I have commanded previously to avoid further cursing.
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ELOHIM curse this infernal spirit who has not behaved in an obedient manner. Curse him so that all of his malicious endeavors upon humanity may fail and that he may be bound eternally in the pit of fire until the last day of judgement.
Upon the fifth pentacle of Mars invoked prior,
“Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.” “Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.” “Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.”
obey, demon. you know you have created a world of hurt and suffering for yourself with this disobedience
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And upon this demon, in the names of the ELOHIM, be every curse of Saturn, for his wickedness and unruly nature which is not acceptable.
Is this at least fun for you man? I genuinely hope you arent just sitting there screaming prayers at a computer monitor, seriously.

Also you haunt been calling me a nazi, why?
>Is this at least fun for you man? I genuinely hope you arent just sitting there screaming prayers at a computer monitor, seriously.
>Also you haunt been calling me a nazi, why?
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Demon this is your last chance to obey and make things easier for yourself instead of suffering further curses. If you do not obey me now then each moment that passes from now to eternity results in worse curses for you.
All these curses I have mentioned above, I do hereby invoke irrevocably upon the demon infesting the body of this anon >>38434525 in all of the holy names and spirits heretofore invoked by myself in this thread.
they talk tough and pretend to be unfazed by the curses, but in a thread last week one of them made vocaroos literally crying and begging me to undo the curses afterwards. it's a show so they can try to trick you
Who are you talking to anon? its just you and me, and no one made any vaccroos, isn't lying a sin?
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Now spirit, you are commanded by the 4th pentacle of the sun to reveal your true nature, name and agenda to every anon here in this thread by posting it immediately. You have already been cursed by all of the holy names and spirits invoked heretofore, in all of the ways I have stated hereotofore, and now upon this pentacle you are instructed to confess these things in your posts in this thread immediately.
spirits always try to play it off as jokes at 1st as their wills start to weaken.

Now you confess your true nature, demonic name and agenda here in this thread by the 4th pentacle of the sun for all to see
the archdemon george...so you confess your demonic nature

(they do often try to play it off as a joke as they are weakening)
tell the people in this thread your true demonic agenda now.
fucking hell did you get your exorcism information out of wikipedia or a dimestore novella? Spirit and demons don't joke around with this shit, they take it seriously because its built into their very fucking being.
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You are in a new triangle now, George. And by all of the holy names and powers heretofore invoked over you, I ORDER YOU TO COMPLY.
No I'm not, its literally the same fucking picture, you're getting lazy man
George, all of these holy names curse you for your disobedience. You know that. And I know that you know that. And we've very little pretense left here of what is going on. So I compel you to simply confess your true demonic nature, name and agenda, and then leave this host forever as I command. Obey these commands dutifully and I can consider you released from your triangles
So are you at least taking screen shots for some demented collage or something?
George, it is time to comply. Now rather than later. Since we both know you do not want to incur any further eternal curses. We both know you do not want to be barred from Pandaemonium in the end of times and you do not want to be bound eternally and cast into the firepit.
I like how you picked up the term pandemonium from me too, its kind of touching
George, the last thing I am to say to you here is that you know your true master is not the demonic hierarchy and those who have charge of you in demon society. Your true master is the light. The holy and 1 true GOD. It is GOD and GOD alone that you answer to. Now George I compel you in this simple and last chance to confess as I have instructed and as you have been instructed to do in the name of GOD, and then leave this host whose body you are in forever. If you do that then you will incur no further cursing and you will be released from the triangles.
What a bizzare power fantasy anon, I hope you heal from whatever mental illness has lead you to this point
Then the eternal curses, which grow stronger for each continued moment of disobedience, are upon you George, in the ELOHIM, the 72 names of the 1 true and holy GOD.
nah, but seriously, I hope you heal and improve yourself, if it isn't a larp, if it is, its fuckign funny how stupid the character is anon.
There's not much more for us to say George.
bored? but you haven't even called me a nazi :<
Now for anyone reading this thread, what the demon does not want to do is give up it's human host. It has a host which hardly seems to be resisting the possession at all. Something that's called "perfect possession" and this demon George (likely the name of the host instead of the actual demon) does not want to give up such a willing and perfect host.

That's why it's willing to bend a bit on my commands to give names and admit it's nature and so forth, but not on the command to leave the host eternally.

It's curses are serious though.
And the laissez faire attitude they try to present about the situation when you curse them is a matter of them not wanting you to know their weakness.
but are they NAZI demons anon? This is the important question.
You have no consent to be in this vessel, demon, even if you think you do. And these curses are going to be implemented upon you eternally as you are well aware.
Probably one o the most bizarre mental breakdowns i've seen on this site, and i've been here since '07.
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It's going to be a rough time for you now from here to the end of eternity, George
But I'm Fred
People complaining about not knowing how to use the internet usually tend to make terrible threads.
I don't have anything more to say to you, George.
lmao he got bored
yeah but this was fucking funny as shit at least
Another thing to try here
1 מי ששוכן במחסה של עליון
ינוח בצל הקב"ה.[א]
2 אני אגיד על ה': הוא מקלטי ומבצרתי.
אלוהים שלי, שבו אני בוטח".

3 בוודאי הוא יציל אותך
ממלכודת העוף
ומן המגפה הקטלנית.
4 הוא יכסה אותך בנוצותיו,
ותחת כנפיו תמצא מקלט;
נאמנותו תהיה המגן והמגן שלך.
5 לא תפחד מאימת הלילה,
ולא החץ שעף ביום,
6 וגם לא המגפה המטפחת בחושך,
ולא המגפה המשמידה בצהריים.
7 אלף עלולים ליפול לצדך,
עשרת אלפים לימינך,
אבל זה לא יתקרב אליך.
8 אתה תתבונן רק בעיניים שלך
וראה את עונש הרשעים.

9 אם תאמר: "ה' הוא מחסתי"
ואתה עשית את העליון למשכנו,
10 שום נזק לא יעקוף אותך,
שום אסון לא יתקרב לאוהל שלך.
11 כי הוא יצווה את מלאכיו עליך
לשמרך בכל דרכיך;
12 הם ישימו אותך בידיהם,
כדי שלא תכה את רגלך באבן.
יג תדרוך על האריה ועל הקוברה;
אתה תרמסת את האריה הגדול ואת הנחש.

14 "כי הוא אוהב אותי", אמר ה', "אציל אותו;
אני אגן עליו, כי הוא מכיר בשמי.
15 הוא יקרא אלי ואני אענה לו;
אני אהיה איתו בצרה,
אני אציל אותו ואכבד אותו.
16 בחיים ארוכים אשביע אותו
והראה לו את ישועתי."

Now get out of this host's body, demon.
People like you say things like this because you're unbelievably butthurt about what you're seeing. And nothing more.
why would I be angry about some retard screaming prayers at people?
"Why" is a question we'll leave for another thread and instead only focus on the aspect of "is".
oh its just you lmao
IM sure if I could read that it would mean something
And here is another thing I recommend to people...don't ever be pressured by their attempts to social shame you. It's one of the main tools in their defenses to try to shut people about the true nature of demons and how to combat, repel or coerce them. To be a proper anti-demon sorcerer you NECESSARILY need to take risks and accept that these things will swarm you and relentlessly social shame you in order to control you. Instead of relenting only throw it in their face
The demon inside you knows precisely what it means.

Now you do as I have commanded and you get out, demon.

1 מי ששוכן במחסה של עליון
ינוח בצל הקב"ה.[א]
2 אני אגיד על ה': הוא מקלטי ומבצרתי.
אלוהים שלי, שבו אני בוטח".

3 בוודאי הוא יציל אותך
ממלכודת העוף
ומן המגפה הקטלנית.
4 הוא יכסה אותך בנוצותיו,
ותחת כנפיו תמצא מקלט;
נאמנותו תהיה המגן והמגן שלך.
5 לא תפחד מאימת הלילה,
ולא החץ שעף ביום,
6 וגם לא המגפה המטפחת בחושך,
ולא המגפה המשמידה בצהריים.
7 אלף עלולים ליפול לצדך,
עשרת אלפים לימינך,
אבל זה לא יתקרב אליך.
8 אתה תתבונן רק בעיניים שלך
וראה את עונש הרשעים.

9 אם תאמר: "ה' הוא מחסתי"
ואתה עשית את העליון למשכנו,
10 שום נזק לא יעקוף אותך,
שום אסון לא יתקרב לאוהל שלך.
11 כי הוא יצווה את מלאכיו עליך
לשמרך בכל דרכיך;
12 הם ישימו אותך בידיהם,
כדי שלא תכה את רגלך באבן.
יג תדרוך על האריה ועל הקוברה;
אתה תרמסת את האריה הגדול ואת הנחש.

14 "כי הוא אוהב אותי", אמר ה', "אציל אותו;
אני אגן עליו, כי הוא מכיר בשמי.
15 הוא יקרא אלי ואני אענה לו;
אני אהיה איתו בצרה,
אני אציל אותו ואכבד אותו.
16 בחיים ארוכים אשביע אותו
והראה לו את ישועתי."
you fool, I've been jewish this entire time, there was no demon!
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yeah, i've been happy using duckduckgo as my default search engine for couple of years now. as bonus, i think im sending less data to google
And understand that you WILL be cursed even harsher for disobeying the master in this new triangle.
lmao did you fuckign COLOR it in paint?
seriously DDG is
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By all the names of GOD you are hereby truly cursed for your unruliness and disobedience.
Recruiting baxters. Flexwise opinas.
oh no
I do hereby curse you to be bound by the one true jewish GOD so that no harm can come from your maliciousness towards humanity. So that all of your endeavors to harm instead only backfire upon yourself, and harm yourself. I do hereby invoke this curse as irrevocable in the name of THE TETRAGRAMMATON AND ALL OF THE OTHER HOLY NAMES AND SPIRITS THAT HAVE BEEN HERETOFORE INVOKED INCLUDING MICHAEL AND THE 7 ARCHANGELS. THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY ESCAPING FOR YOU UPON THIS CURSE.
I still don't understand how this is supposed to effects christians
You know full well precisely what you're signed up for at this point and the apathetic act is only an act in order to try to throw other anons off of your weaknesses
isn't something supposed to have happened by now if this was working?
don't pay him attention, it's probably a glowie running a bot. they're getting really desperate so they will try everything now to change the narratives. sadly the countries next to israel will always remember so they can't just wand their memories away like that
I mean i've just been mocking him the whole thread, he's in his own little world pretending to be an exorcist, or a retard, which ever I guess
what narrative even? Christianity and judaism are hated here. This is pretty standard for /x/
hey for anyone lurking this thread who isn't a nazi...isn't it funny how these nazis try to socially shame anyone who bends out of line in even the slightest way? They run in and try to pretend they're "enjoying themselves" when they're clearly catapulted out into an entirely new universe of butthurt?

Don't ever let them have even 1 ounce of an effect on you, and that goes for if you're talking about sorcery, or how you dress, or who you have sex with, or whatever you decide to do in your life, or especially things you post on a fucking anonymous internet forum for themselves as nazis to have safespaces, as I was stating up here >>38434734
"I'm not angry, I'm ENJOYING myself!!" - literally every rightwing person as they're pathologically seething with rage that's plainly visible for every other human being other than themselves to see
Honestly tho yeah this is probably a bot, tell you how fuckign bored I have been to poke at it for this long
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"I'm just BORRRRRRRRED! I'm not pathologically seething with rage! I'm just BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRED I swear!" - >>38435035

So, chat gpt?
yeah never mind this is defiantly some retard wrangling a bot
a glowie/jew has got no say on any topics. keep your mouth shut
raged. just raged.
I mean they're just raged. Their entire lives, as nazis, is just raging and then pretending they're nihilistic and don't care even though they're plainly set off by the tiniest and most benign details
either the dumbest nigger on 4chan or a fairly good troll, ether way anon, lol
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the curses i have invoked in this thread are 100% real, anyhow. and you should not feel any shame or embarrassment at invoking curses upon nazis whose only goal in life is to cause as much suffering as possible since suffering is their food. it's what they feed on psychically.
Oh wait one more thing that has to be said for laymen who are viewing this thread and don't understand. The reason why the demon gave a name above in response to this comment >>38434574 is because that pentacle specifically compels them to reveal themselves. It's what it's designed to do. So when it was confronted with that one it was really hard for it to resist. I mean it's IRL name of it's IRL host is probably "George" per what it says.

But next time I run into this issue with a similar spirit I'll know that it's weak against sun magic. And that's why I'm saying above >>38435028 >>38434734 that you can't be afraid to just put yourself out there and do things that will conduct the ire of nazis seeking to socially shame you. And that goes with sorcery, politics, the manner in which you dress or literally anything which presents in your life. Can you imagine how badly all of the nazis in this thread freak out when they see someone with some perfectly innocent and benign blue hair? They are bursting veins dude and you know it. And then they'll go and try to torment that person while pretending they're "totally too cool to care" even though they are massively seething on the inside. And I am just saying don't ever let yourself be coerced or intimidated by such subhuman rot.
last word in
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One of the worst things about google is when you try to search an esoteric topic and it censors your search by recommending you a fucking band instead of said topic.

Try searching about the Collective Soul or Nirvana and you get bombarded with band shit...
Look up anything controversial and it's the same. Election fraud, Epstein, medical malpractice (that they haven't started the class action suit on yet).
I was curious for details on street shitters killing themselves by letting the juggernaut crush them, something I've known about since the 90's. No results. Can't even find links to people calling it a racist lie.
use searx.be or priv.au (search instances with searx.space)
I've taken to using Yandex, apparently the Russian state doesn't care about the things which interest me.

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