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Prophesied by Orthodox Christian saints and elders. Orthodox Christianity is the only true religion.

and i dont wanna start debating why Orthodoxy is true exactly, but i might entertain it if i feel inclined
>Orthodox Christianity is the only true religion.
>and i dont wanna start debating why Orthodoxy is true exactly

meh ive debated it so much online it just becomes tiring. i havent spoken about pic rel extensively though
Your crown has been taken, sir.

Siding with one church over the other, you are Judas cutting off the heart, Jesus, and dooming the world in th process.

House Davided.

>Pisces, Ixios, but who is the other fish?
Judas (You). Make peace with thy adversary (Jesus).
what is picrel supposed to mean? makes no sense, russia got no beef with turkey. only country with problems is Israel really, and the countries next to it will fix the problem eventually. Please have more faith in humanity
If you think Jews means israelites you are dumb
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It literally is same thing saying otherwise is glowie tactic
>shitpost from /pol/ as evidence

Nice try
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>the only correct definition is the rabbi's definition, if you disagree you are [buzzword from JIDF manual page 43]
crypto-jew divide and conquer subversion tactics don't even phase me anymore
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The neighbours of Israel will make sure that Israel will not last forever.
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Do not care, replied without reading, Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς νικᾷ, cope and seethe.
whites and europeans aren't jews, saying otherwise is glowie tactic, as pointed out by anons long time ago https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/236218669/#236218669

You might have nice watch but time is ultimately on the side of the people who hate jews
Nah Russia-Turkish relations has soured lately, same with Russias relationship with Israel. Turkey is part of NATO of course but beyond that even they’ve aided Ukraine a good bit and there’s tension between Russia and Turkey over Syria. So it’s definitely possible, likely? Imo no bit the groundwork for a war is there.
Its very general yesway given facts about people writing down whathey dont say as much later. Northern atraction force.
Bastard marbreds.
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>Byzantine Empire
Literally a 17th century invention, it was the Roman Empire and every prophecy or something calling it otherwise is wrong by default since it can't even get this basic information right.
Russia couldn't even "sweep" ukraine. How the fuck are they expected to sweep turkey? This is just laughable.
dude i dont support the EP or the pope lol. they are in heresy. you know this isnt an uncommon position even for Greek Orthodox parishioners right

the russians are buddy buddy with turkey for now until the time to strike comes. when turkey makes its move on greece russia will attack. their concern is keeping the bosporus strait open and pressuring NATIO

Turkey will attack Greece but not the mainland. Only a few islands. Crete, Lesbos, Rhodes, Chios. These will be held for a few months. Also Turkey will only make its attack after Erdogan dies


this was typed incoherently and idk what a marbred is. if thats a term here, i dont use this site much at all.

but its not very general, all the nations(and more) listed on the left in the image will slaughter one another in Istanbul and the Bosporus. Yes even the Japanese will fight in Istanbul. Over a billion will perish in this war. Of course there will be other conflicts elsewhere in the war
forgot there were two more

yes the word is used for the whole empire in the 17th century. thats the common term for it nowadays. not everyone is as meticulous with exact terms as you bro it doesnt matter that much

with bombs. all of Turkey will be bombed. you can laugh all you want, everything in that image will occur
also in response to your picture

do you realize we dont deny these things and in fact emphasize them? also the jews were chose but abandoned God and so they are basically cursed, read what the new testament and first century church fathers have to say about the jews. not pretty. otherwise yes it is a jewish religion. if you want to say its jewish as in rabbinic, no. our saints ever since the beginning have called the jews blasphemers and our recent saints, including paisios and elder joseph above, have called zionism evil and satanic and the bane of the world, and joseph says the jews want to destroy christianity lol
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Elaborate Please, The Qur'an calls the Byzantine Romans and Infidels use this as an argument
the common refutation is that Rum/Rome and Rumi/Roman in Arabic are used for European Cvilisations

But your Elaboration may give another answer
and this isn't the first time I've heard this
a Persian Sunni Imam said Byzantines are Fake and it was Romans which aren't an empire but a people or something, Don't want to quote him on the last part
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Lol like the meme.
Basically, the byzantine empire survived up until modern times because the eastern empire had seen what the crypto joo subversion had done to the collapsed western empire. It’s why after the western empire collapsed, the eastern empire never allowed crypto joos into any position of authority in finance, politics and education. This is why they survived into modern times before finally succumbing to world usury extension war 1.
>so they are basically cursed, read what the new testament and first century church fathers have to say about the jews.
you say this, but why do every christian I know cuck for jews? like, view them in very high regard, and be very open to pro-israel politics? I was going to visit local church couple weeks back, until i noticed they had some pro-israel speeches in their programme, after seeing that i gave up on the idea
But Anon, that's not true. The bear will leave its cave forever while the belly of the dragon drips water and the rod and ring stuff.
lol thats cuz you know evangelicals. thats what they are. cucks for jews. dont superimpose what you see in western christians on the orthodox, we dont prostrate before schlomo and beg him to circumcise us. our saints are essentially, in terms of religion and not race, antisemitic, meaning God is antisemitic. he hates the false religion that the jews have invented for themselves. thats why Christ calls them the synagogue of Satan in revelation 2 iirc.

yeah youll almost never see any pro israel bs in an orthodox church or anything political. though ive seen here in nyc among certain churches under more "innovative" administration with ukraine flags and stuff but i think all that is deflating now


this should make it clear to what extent we acknowledge zionism is evil

i should have taken this into account
From my research any form of Christianity that doesn't follow the Torah is a scam. Not saying there are not holy and righteous people in Eastern Orthodoxy (And I'm not saying that the Most High doesn't love them, He sees the heart and mind and will eventually take his people out of mystery Babylon religions).
that doesn't answer my question. Bombs dont "sweep" you used the word sweep in the meme image. Sweep refers to land invasion with armies. All evidence shows russia's war machine is incapable of any kind of "sweeping" movements. So either stop moving the goalpost and actually answer my question with what literal strategies and specific new innovations that will allow them to "sweep" turkey, or remake your image with different words. Nuclear bombing would scour turkey not sweep it. This is not autism, this is the fucking definitions of words.
follow the torah? im assuming you mean adherence to the 613 laws. you are refuted by the prophets who speak of a new era of worship, under a new covenant, without the temple, without sacrifice, without the ark of the covenant etc. if these fundamental pillars of the way the jews practiced their religion would be removed, would you really be shocked that the laws which went together with them would be repealed.

and we can go deeper into forms of christianity that "follow the torah" and see a multitude of other ways they contradict the old testament prophets left and right even excluding the law

you think im able to explain these things? prophecies in the history of christianity have never been explained in detail. you want my answer? i dont know. i only know it will happen. you dont need to believe, you can call it a meme lol its going to happen whether you like it or not.
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You will never be a real Orthodox. You have no Písti, you have no Efséveia, you have no Αretí. You are a Western larper twisted by contrarianism and "based" edits into a crude mockery of Eastern Roman perfection.
half the jews in israel come from russia also all the 'russian' elites are jews
>if you think woman means female you are dumb
culture is wasted on this fool
You dont know traditional Catholics. Jews are the enemy of Christ. We pray for their conversion
If you look at the history you can learn some stuff people been saying a war with russia and turkey is inevitable sooner or later but theres also the gog magog prophecies etc..
ive heard of this but havent looked into it at all, whats the gog magog prophecies? like from ezekiel?
I've read the Bible. I understand that animal sacrifices and temple worship wasn't from the Most High. The other parts of the Torah still remain.
>I've read the Bible
Jehovah's witnesses read the Bible. So do Mormons. They get countless things wrong.

And animal sacrifices and temple worship were from the Most High. Animal sacrifice was accepted by God as early as Genesis 4 and was officially instituted in worship on Mount Sinai by the Most High. Temple worship was ordered here as well and God literally showed it to Moses(Exodus 25:40). It's clear in the prophets as well that the worshippers of God in the next age will still offer incense and there will be an altar and a sanctuary, a priesthood, etc. so what was established with Moses would not be entirely wiped away although there would be great changes; and so what was laid down still retains its significance. Even so, it's clear that without certain basic things established in the Torah that were the foundation of these rituals, the rituals can not be rightly performed. Nor is there any criterion in the Old Testament for what is to be kept and what is to be omitted. Can you provide this? I thought you read the Bible?

Not responding after this one, didn't come on here to debate with judaizers, i came to talk about picrel
Isaiah 1:11
>The multitude of your sacrifices— what are they to me?” says the LORD. “I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
Jeremiah 7:21-26
>This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Go ahead, add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices and eat the meat yourselves! For when I brought your ancestors out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices, but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you. But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward. From the time your ancestors left Egypt until now, day after day, again and again I sent you my servants the prophets. But they did not listen to me or pay attention. They were stiff-necked and did more evil than their ancestors.
Psalm 40:6
>Sacrifice and offering you did not desire—but my ears you have opened—burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.
Jeremiah 8:8-9
>How can you say, 'We are wise, And the law of the LORD is with us'? Look, the false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood. The wise men are ashamed, They are dismayed and taken. Behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD; So what wisdom do they have?

The Most High's ideal vision of the world is peace between all living creatures, why would he demand innocent creatures to be killed? He also wanted us originally to be vegetarians. He cares and can understand all living creatures. The original story of Cain and Abel has God being pleased with Abel's offering of the field, not of flesh. The Bible isn't inerrant.
Ignore the FALSE KJV scripture of Jeremiah 7:21-26, I mindlessly copied it. God did not command people in the ways of burnt offerings and sacrifice.
>and i dont wanna start debating why Orthodoxy is true exactly, but i might entertain it if i feel inclined

Conveniently. So why should we believe any bullshit you say?
no need to. i post this as a little time capsule for people so that when these things do happen youll remember. you really think the prophets debated people? you can argue there was a little back and forth but there was no commitment to giving proofs or debate although there are some exceptions among our saints.

youll see whether it does or doesnt happen. if you dont believe thats fine. very simple. you can call me schizo idc.
wouldn't the "infamous straits" more likely refer to the turkish straits rather than the suez, given that the suez is a canal rather than a strait and there's only one of it?
Ridiculous. God does not convey information like this.
Beware of false prophets.

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