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>Bible says not to do astrology (divination)
>do astrology
>everything in my birth chart makes sense and applies perfectly to how my life has gone, is obviously real

What does God mean by this

What do YOU, think God means by this?
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>because it will lead you down a meaningless path

But it's not meaningless. It's helping my life make sense.

My personal working theory of what God is, is that as the single operative power of the universe He is the one who makes everything happen, as without him there can be nothing. i.e. everything would be his will, even evil. see pic rel
>rocks in the sky
>still believing in outer space

>Don't believe in astrology
>don't believe in god (monad)
>read into astrology/astrotheology
>go down the rabbit hole
>holy shit hollow earth is real
>build underground machinations of doomsday and arcane evil.
>have hallucinations of me feeling extra digits for fucking with astral radiation
>get hostile with most of the astral
>let virtue dictate my fate
>everything going well
>only fictional gods I respect are Cthulhu and Xenu.
>cephalapods, birds, otters, and dolphins probably astral raped everything before humans even got off the ground, and never gave a fuck about shape shifting.
Why are christcucks this fucking insanely retarded? Imagine abstaining from learning the truth of the universe just because your silly fictional book tells you astrology is heresy.
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Funny enough, it's even in the Bible. People just don't like to talk about this part or do all kinds of mental gymnastics to say
>ummm ackshyually that is not what god really meant
Because your world is fucked and gay, faggot.
How do you astrology in the most in-depth accurate way possible?
>I called OP a faggot because I used to indulge in the same retarded pagan bullshit before being lead to the truth

Someone tell this anon about the story of christmas literally being illustrated by constellations
I had a similar observation however its possible astrology is accurate because the evil one makes it so. Maybe that's why the Bible says not to do it?
Ok anon. If it's not real, why then does everything line up to what kind of person I am and the things i have done in my life? I'm not going to give details, but it's really all very specific and there it is
>its possible astrology is accurate because the evil one makes it so

Another thing that grinds my gears about Christians is that they think of "Satan" as if he is a god himself, and some kind of rival to God, who they allegedly believe is a supreme being. Seems they do not understand what "supreme" means. If a satan exists at all, he must take his marching orders from the big G
Not if our time on Earth is a test of faith
Literally irrelevant
>what if what if what if
You'd be fairly disingenuous to suggest its not a possibility
>You'd be fairly disingenuous to suggest its not a possibility

"Testing" for what? God is omnipotent so He already knows the end result of our lives before He even creates us

>muh free will
Doesn't negate his omnipotence.
>losing argument

ol' reliable
>"Testing" for what? God is omnipotent so He already knows the end result of our lives before He even creates us
Solid point. What do you believe then?

>Solid point. What do you believe then?
I believe in God. I believe that a God exists and He created and controls the universe. That's pretty much the only thing I can say for sure.
I would expand on this further and say that astrology is another working of God, since He preordained both on which day we will be born and how we will act and what we will experience throughout our lives.
Bible says a bunch of shit that should make you question its validity and authority
I agree with most of this. I don't think its completely impossible however that God made himself ignorant to his own creation. If he's omnipotent he's capable of creating delusion even for himself right? Just a thought
You think it was forbidden for not being real?
Its because the peoples were putting all their faith on it instead of God, thus neglecting their spiritual life. Like with the brazen snake
Happens to this day. And i say this as an astrologer. Most people dont care about self knowledge or taking responsability for their souls. They just want the astrologer to tell them what they want to hear
Where in the bible does it actually condom astrology?
>play the game I made for you, don't read the damn wiki

>read the wiki anyway

>God punishes you for reading the wiki

Why would God do this.

Fag. Just because its real doesn't mean it isn't sinful.
>Bible says not to do astrology (divination)
What verse?
The Old Testament is full of all sorts of condemnation. Deuteronomy 18 for instance
>bible "says"

Get a load of this fuckin moron protestant. You can always spot em from a mile away.
It gets even more wild when you are attracted to certain signs or when you can guess their sign. It's no coincidence that I'm infatuated with 2 libra women. The most recent one I guessed she was a libra just by how she made me feel and how she acted. As a Libra myself this is even more interesting. There is a connection at a very deep level.
It's also full of all sorts of astrology.
Why do you want to know the future?
The Bible was written in such a way that the reader / believer becomes dependent on the priests for guidance.
It's anathema to the Christly principle of the Divine Individual.
The bible actually says that god wrote stuff in the heavens and his signs are up there among other things. When you look at a bible prescription look at it through a moral lense. Okay you can get this information and you can flip a coin like two face from batman to determine stuff buts thats deranged really you shouldnt live your life like that so much
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

You are Satan, everyone is, Satan isn’t some guy with a pitchfork making schemes

It’s the misuse and idolisation of these things that’s bad, not these things within themselves
Yes, revelation literally says Jesus holds the seven planets in his hand

Each church linked to a planet
To help God create the personality of these avatars and events he uses the positions of the planets as random seed generators.
Its nonsense pride

labor your mind on the wisdom of the bible and you will find the answers.

If you want to speed through consider genesis is about consciousness and psalm 82:6 the secret within
Matthew 2
>Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
>Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

The "wise men from the east" practiced astrology and they found out about Jesus by utilizing it.
Do you take orders from God? Why does Satan have to? Your perspective is extremely confused.
Free will doesn't exist
God Almighty
Split the light from dark and set the boundaries.
He is both the God of heaven and the God of hell.
Becoming aware of good and evil as Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden
Causes them to consider which is time.
They became aware of right and wrong and are not perfect because they arent God who set the boundaries
So they inevitably are doomed to die.
God gave them a way to keep their lineage on earth by cursing Eve to bear children.

Evil is a tool to shape the righteous.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
God teaches, He doesn't test.
The difference between soothsayer and prophet is like the difference between terrorist and a freedom fighter.
Adam and Eve were made with free will to make the decision themselves.
Thats how a soul is made.
Free will choice to decide between good and evil.
He tests to teach.
He says to not deviate from the ten commandments, to not add to or take away from them and to be weary of the seven sins.
Thou shalt not kill.
In Moses's time a man was stoned to death for collecting sticks on the sabbath.
God said his punishment is death. All the sins punishments are death.
All the seven sins lead to death.
Jesus in his time stated let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Its a test to teach wisdom.

Wisdom is a lesson, free will makes it a test.
only the OT says not to. the Christian bible, the NT, says the 3 wise men followed the stars to witness the birth of Christ. one thing to be careful of is to not allow your astrological sign to control. your astrology is helpful to identify strengths and weaknesses so that way you can overcome them and break free
"Test" implies a motive of gathering information, which obviously doesn't apply to God. "Challenge" is a better term. The experience of challenge can impart moral wisdom.
the bible never says that astrology is wrong or incorrect. just that mortals shouldnt do it. book of enoch specifies that astrology is one of the sciences of the angels, stolen by the fallen angels before they were cast out of heaven and taught to their half-human children, the nephilim. these nephilim then used the arts and sciences of the heavens to build the first civilizations, before God got wise and wiped them out.

astrology is real, and powerful. but like fire, it can destroy if handled improperly. there are many dark secrets to astrology that youre probably better off not knowing
Its a test of human spirit to understand good from evil. Its an act of wisdom as the Lord teaches us.
The test of human will is to refrain from evil and through faith understand wisdom. It takes discipline first before man is blessed.
No one knows whats best or that they shouldnt fill their life with appetites but it is the right thing to do and we see why through faith.
No one can alter their life in the correct way by following their own mind and their own appetite it takes the guiding mercy of God's wisdom to show humanity the way.
Its pride to think something like astrology is best for you because its attempting to analyze the mysteries of your life and prepare for them and not allow discipline through faith to unveil what is correct.
It is likely there are many paths and man can choose the right one as God interferes in their life and rewrites his work.
Everything in the bible is a test and wisdom.
Its a book of human beings performing poorly and only through discipline and faith understanding high wisdom to persevere.
At the end of it no one can avoid their own death or set walls against cancer and disease. They can preemptively try to do something but if the Lord writes that you are to die there is nothing you can do against the Lord.
No one could stop a catastrophe of significant proportion. The sun exploding or something. There are limits to pride as no one knows the sum of all thats good and bad to create flesh and bone in the beginning. When the Lord called there was no one there. He set the boundary. Immortality is out of our hands. Only through faith can we receive it.
All is word and number. First a lesson and then a thing.
All is wisdom. All things are a play to unveil wisdom.
>Condom astrology
>there are many dark secrets to astrology that youre probably better off not knowing
..for instance???
nice try. better off not knowing means he wont tell you. fuck off.
I thought the three wise men where astrologers
Nigger on like the first page of the Bible it says God made stars for signs.
they were magi so probably
This. Abraham even consults with an astrologer that confirms him and his wife will be unable to have children of their own which was true.
It isn't until Abraham proves his absolute faith in God that God himself overrides and rearranges celestial placements that finally grants him a son...at least according to the Jewish Midrash.
In a biblical sense it seems that astrology is simply a system of governance that God has in place, but even it can be overcome through sheer faith.
It's not a what if at all. Jesus literally tells us that's exactly what we're doing here on earth. He is sending us through turmoil to be refined into pure gold. He is separating the wheat from the chaff.
>What does God mean by this
Because it's a form of power, and power corrupts.
absolute dumbshit
Read Thomas of Aquinas, doctor of the Church, who wrote about astrology.
Astrology is forbidden in christianity not because it is not true or accurate, but because it denies your freedom and easily takes it from you. The future isn't ours to know, but the movements of the stars, of planets, of every human on earth and every hair on your head is within God, and a part of divine will.

Whatever you are seeking to know through astrology are things you can get to know more objectively by other ways. There is no secret knowledge.

I wish you a safe path.
stop following desert trick religion
It gets tiresome to lie to yourself yet be virtuous nor unsinful. If I can ignore truths I can allow myself to believe false narratives.
You can also construe it as a freedom-removing sin to read one's DNA profile or assume what their family did will lead them to perform similar actions.
sounds like God is a shitty architect.
It wasn't God that said, it was Moses. That's a law he created as a governor, not one of the commandments he received. It's just that at the time, rulers from all cultures used to place a divine "weight" to their laws. His intention was to make his people leave behind everything they picked from the Egyptians.
In general, astrology will remain occultic - and not everyone is supposed to know about it. Those that have occultic placements will be drawn to it, and I do not believe you can expect them to NOT learn about it.

(I have many). But the deeper you get into it, you realize why it sort of isolates you. And ought to.

You get what knowledge you need from it to feed into the next lifetime - but its almost like this lifetime is largely forfeit in a way because you knew too much about it.

Sinful or not, I dont see how anyone who has those placements will ever live a happy life NOT knowing what they came here to learn.
>gets barnum-effected
>falls for it
I see many challenges in your future. The potential for success exists, but you sometimes doubt your abilities.
fuck anon how did you get me so perfectly without even giving you my birthdate?
There is a sin such as self-glory, or where we try to achieve more than God has for us.

There is 'good' knowledge and 'advanced' knowledge that is 'true knowledge' that just might be too much.

Bible focusses first on the truly important things, such as Love or Faith, which true workings are just as mysterious as many of the occult things. They just don't seem as 'cool' to the public.

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