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Redpill me on the "hearing test"
It tests whether you can hear or not. If you can't, you might need a hearing aid.
I was not in GATE but I was in a very small weird charter school, less than 100 kids. We did many of the things GATE class rooms in public schools did, hearing tests, Zener cards etc. I want to know what the whole point of this was.
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This is the point of my thread sir.
Dude I'm so glad ppl still remember that GATE thread, I check off most of those boxes and that Israeli art student you date is a THING, holy shit I thought he was my soulmate and we had so many psychedelic experiences and synchronicity like crazy together, but the entire time he tried to convince me that all truth was relative. I left him when I realized he was subtly manipulating me and trying to deradicalize me once he found out I held some rw beliefs. He also mentioned that in K-12, he was also upper quartile and placed in an accelerated curriculum with a class size of only him that he has no memory of. I wonder if they have a secret program to use Israelis and manufacture soulmate connections to entrap other people with spiritual gifts. Why Israelis in particular? No idea. You know what's insane? I predicted that you would post a GATE-related thread sometime this week. I also predicted my relationship with the Israeli guy when I first read that thread, forgot about it, and didn't realize it came to fruition until after that relationship had ended.
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90s CA GATE kid here can confirm the hearing tests… as well the pink shit. I thought it was the bubblegum antibiotics we used to get as kids, but honestly don’t remember it tasting like anything… nor do I remember anything afterward

I honestly didn’t have very many meetings with the GATE folks themselves; only the initiation, paper testing, then hearing tests and the drink.

They basically took me out of my 1st grade class and made me go 4 grades ahead… until about 6-7 years old, when they would bus me to the nearest middle school for what would be my 5th grade (essentially freshman year in HS).

I will say however, we had to read crazy shit way past our standard curriculum. Imagine having to read The Giver at 5-6 years old… along with Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and ultimately A Wrinkle In Time. We had to basically write book reports on these and give a “critical analysis” as to what we would do in such situations…

Yeah, I had to fucking write an essay (at 9 years old) on “how would you rebuild your own society after a major disaster?”…. Pretty sure I pissed them off by saying I’d destroy SkyNet before it ever happened lulz.
Do monkeys fly out of the president’s ass in your reality too?
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Op here

Fuck off
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Pink fluid was fluoride to calcify your pineal gland. Gate is designed to dumb you down so you won’t be a threat to the matrix.
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Right now I'm going through some shit that I haven't dealt with in just under two years - the trigeminal neuralgia that I have causing my left ear to become muffled.

After I was diagnosed a few years ago with trigeminal neuralgia (result of the vaccine, not kidding at all, it really is something that has nothing to do with a virus), I started having a range of issues with the left side of my face. One was developing tinnitus, which I deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes I don't hear the 1:30am alarm I have set on my tablet to make me wake up to take the ear buds out of my ears, and I'll wake up with ear wax having melted deeper into my ear canal. One morning after exactly that happening, I tried to peroxide my ears to zero results. I went to the emergency room because I was experiencing severe vertigo, and I'll never forget the look on that nurse's face when she realized that there was something very wrong with me. I couldn't hear any low tones, and any time another man would talk, the room would take on the same qualities of a symphony hall and I could barely hear anything at all.

Fast forward a few days later and I'm at the ENT taking one of those tests, with those headphones in pic related strapped to my head.

Even though I was experiencing ringing, reverberation, and the complete loss of being able to hear low (baritone/tenor voice) tones, I didn't miss a single sound on that test no matter the range.

With my eyes closed, it would sound like the tones were somehow objects in the room. It was as if the tones themselves were tangible, spread throughout the room.

I don't know if there's any kind of conspiracy related to the hearing test. I mean... why would there be?

tl;dr: Took test because of hearing problems, "passed it" even though I couldn't actually hear some forms of speech, doctor took a fingernail sized chunk of dried dead skin from the inside of my ear canal and viola I could hear again. Currently clogged due to sinus issues.
I think it's like the other test, like the cards, which are to test whether or not you can have precognition of things. But instead of testing foresight it tests your ability to hear what most people cannot.
I don't have any pictures of the cards and I can't seem to really find it using jewgle, but they were like flash cards with a star, triangle, wavy lines and stuff like that and you had to "guess" which card it was. If you we're a GATE kid you basically always "guessed" correctly.
With the hearing tests, I'd say it was testing your ability to hear things that are outside of the physical realm, I dunno how they'd record/playback such things but I doubt it was merely testing your hearing range.

Me personally I can seem to hear things others cannot, but at the same time I'm like deaf as fuck. When I'm having a covnersation I cannot for the life of me hear the other person but I can hear my name across a crowded, loud room, I can single out noises and the such. It's like I have super hearing but at the same time terrible hearing.
I also cannot for the life of me tune out noises, I almost have to listen to everything.
It’s demonic.
gatefag, no memory issues, theres were 3 different types of head phone test administered, first was done for my entire school, grade 2, the blacked out the gym windwos, only had one of these, only lasted 2 mins, the next type was just for the 3 of us that made gate, had several of these between grade 2 and 6 same deal, visually indicate when you hear an increasingly high tone, we had several of these, usually 10 mins, final type occurred on the last gate session, it was 2 hours, and instead of the tone indication test we took a repeat of almost every practical test we had taken though out gate up till that point.
ps. my 2 fellows, scott and lisa, failed every test, hard, like they couldnt even focus.... i wonder if they remember their gate lessons.
tldr, you didnt wash out of gate, everyone in gate was selected for experimentation because they had unusually high perception.
I was specifically given fluoride pills as a kid. Idk if this is a common or rare thing. I grew up in the 90s, for reference.
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>Gate is designed to dumb you down so you won’t be a threat to the matrix

As opposed to the regular indoctrination of academia? lol

Something tells me it was more so of a way to identify and (possibly) neutralize “special” children, just like the indigo kid psyop.

As for the pink shit being fluoride, it seems a little redundant considering how much of it is pumped into us elsewhere… plus one dose? Maybe it was something more so to “activate” the pineal gland and mixed with some dissociative shit as well.
Holy shit dude yes this happened at my school
This weird group would come every so often and gather a few dozen students in the auditorium and we each had our own curtained off section where we would would have to stare into a screen and answer questions and read cards as well as that weird auditory test with those exact headphones
Are people saying now this is some /x/ shit?
i have severe tinnitus but hearing tests say that i have perfect hearing. if tinnitus is caused by hearing loss but my hearing is perfect then where is my tinnitus coming from?

realistic is code for autistic rape law. They won't directly tell you what is going on, but put the truth in code. They don't tell you about the codes.
tldr ya, if you could compare moment to moment perceptive outcomes of sensory input on a population level youd find a large variation on how much individuals take away from any given moment, ie how perceptive they are. but perception isnt analogous, its a direct transmutation and winnowing of all the radiance of the external world into ones own internal luminescence.
before your hearing test do you recall having your picture taken with a film based camera that used yee oldie style flash bulbs? it was the prerequisite occluded test ;P
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tinnitus and visual snow are the result of spending a large portion of your early life listening to complex varying sound wave generated by functional electromagnets. this begins to construct a mental schema for the perception of electromagnetic field variation overlapping the sight or hearing based on what you were doing well the schema was constructed, in the most chaotic era for local em field variation man has known.
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That sounds more like Scientologists… the tests OP is referring to is from the early GATE programs (late 80s-90s).


Warning tho: the Aquino, “hazel eyes”, and Israeli art student bullshit is totally psyop disinfo… well half of the checklist is, maybe most. Near death experiences, attempted kidnappings, and drugs can be attested to however.

Consider Aquino to GATE as an Alex Jones or fall guy figure…
this is basically INT, WIS, STR/AGI, CHA, LUK
anyone else remember being able to see a car engines energy sort of wiggle through the wall before before you heard it? Almost like something was there before your mom or dads car pulled up into the driveway. I lost this after many rounds of vaccines in my early teens- before it was always just part of how I perceived things. All running engines looked fuzzy in a way similar to when ground heat produces a mirage on the road ahead of you on a hot day.
can confirm all of this except the moved into higher grades bit. Texas.
Thinking back,, the strangest thing to my adult mind was being asked at 7 years old how I would rebuild society and who would be the fittest to join me. Really strange stuff. I remember this being asked many times throughout school years and even appearing as an essay in middle and high-school standardized tests.
Its clones from the Mossad. Usually skinny fags or chicks. Working also as Ghosts.
As they are Vampires, you need to invite them into your home, otherwise they cant enter on their own. Thats why the relationship charade, so they can come then also as ghosts and spike you hard, steal things and fuck with your stuff.
They also do all the same shit "art", and think they are special lol. Oh, but they have no clue that they are clones and all their memories are programmed and fake.
hmmmm I wonder how we can beam thoughts into his head and which frequencies he won't notice
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Ever notice XP/LVL trees in MMO’s look the tree of life? Lol
big if true
I personally remember the medicine making me dumber. I complained to multiple people and nobody would listen, even mom. This doesn't mean it's forever... you can undo the damage.
I think it was low dose methadone to prime your brain for an opiate addiction. If they thought you might become a problem later then there was an easy way to handle you. The liquid looked just like what is given out at the clinic.
>can't seem to really find it using jewgle
Your racism is unnecessary
Interesting thought… but it didn’t really look like the same liquid — which is red — granted it looks pinkish when watered down. Also those of us who took it would have likely died (at that age) and/or vomited uncontrollably…. On top of that, it would have taken far more than one dose to kick off an actual addiction.
did your hearing improve after hearing the tones or only when the blockage was removed? could be a type of "resetting" if the former. like a set of re-calibration cues for your brain after something knocks it out of whack.
Me again. The Israeli thing has occurred way too often to have just been a psyop.

>>38435698 I was in GATE in the 2000s. Curtains, being pulled out of class, hearing tests, Zener cards, advanced reading, and being asked how I'd reform society are most of what I can remember, but not the pink liquid. By grade 4, it was only me, one other girl, and one dude who got pulled out of class. That dude is a ghost
you guys talking about pink fluid at your school reminds me of the pink goop from fallout 4
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I remember the hearing tests. They took us one by one into the nurse's office and had us do the test in a darkened partition about the size of a closet. There were beeps that faded in and out and panned left to right.

I believe I was a prime candidate as I've always been intellectually gifted, among other things, but I had chronic ear infections as a child and I couldn't hear anything out of my left ear when I took the tests (this was the case for multiple years), so the operator would either tell me to see my doctor and let me go or presumably just fail me. Some of the other "gifted" children made the cut and went to a special class one hour per week.

I didn't think anything of the tests until I saw these threads on this board, and I feel like I must have been spared because of my ear infections. I never drank the pink liquid. I still have all of my marbles and I've always been the smartest person in the room for most of my life. I've always questioned things and people often tell me that I've changed their way of thinking after only a few conversations.
The school sent me for a hearing test in around grade 2. I didn't understand the instructions. I was supposed to raise the same hand that corresponded with the ear I heard the tone in. I just raised my right hand every time I heard a sound. I realized right at the end I was doing it wrong but never said anything. And nothing was said to me. I was asked to enroll in the, "gifted," program in highschool. I declined it. Anyway, I was always being singled out for things. I was sent one time to hear a talk by our UN ambassador down at the local college. The only kid in the entire school they sent. I was sent to a 3 day multicultural conference, the only kid in the school who went to it. I always wondered why I was the only one. Although maybe there were others they were doing the same to. I just never heard about it.
Pink liquid was called "swish" and they said it was flouride.
I hated it and tried to not take it.
Parents could opt us out.
I did the hearing test
I also live in va. Glownigger central so they did it to all of us
I was in gifted and talented art even though i can't draw
I have been gangstalked
Few times.
They can absolutely read your mind, control synchronicity and make you think celebrities are obsessed with you and write all their songs about youthwnrp
I remember being told to go to the school library in the 80's for a hearing test, exactly the same headphones. I was 9-10 years old and had just been advanced up a grade and was the youngest and smallest kid. I was the only child in the room. 2 adults were there, not teachers. Luckily I was retarded, and thought bees lived in the headphones so I freaked out and ran out of the school (I didn't like bees at the time and didn't want them stinging my ears) and hid by the river for the day. No-one mentioned a thing afterwards. Didn't get in trouble, I don't think my parents were informed. This happened in New Zealand
i was top of my class in primary school and got invited to GATE, we did all these tests and then i literally never heard about it again, i think a girl i did the tests with got it, and only her, then maybe 6 months later she moved school and i never heard of her again. i think she got pregnant at like 19
I live in the UK. I was gifted and talented, went to a good school, did well in every subject, participated in societies (debating, chess, drama) and almost went to Oxford. Nobody ever did anything paranormal to or with me.

I probably would have bought it hook, line and sinker. I was at an impressionabke age and always wanted to stand out as a good kid. I'm glad it took me til the age of 18 to discover spirituality.
tranny post
looking for the Antichrist

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