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looking for more movies with themes about a false reality, prison planet, or reincarnation.

my list so far:
Dark City
Cloud Atlas
Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049
12 Monkeys
Prometheus (2012)
Alien Covenant
Jupiter Ascending
Total Recall
truman show
The Thirteenth Floor
mr. nobody

did i miss anything?

also vid related. gnostic movie edit (OC).
>false reality
The Sixth Sense (1999), Passengers (2008), and Source Code (2011).
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jacobs ladder
shutter island
since this is a movie thread.. i recall some movie horror-ish movie with stephen king kind of vibes.. some global scale happening, maybe ayys or some spirituality related/posession (idr). It seems to be following plots of several different characters, and the movie jumps to scenes of different characters, I'm assuming this global even triggered these scenes to happen simultaneously to happen for all different characters and the movie is jumping between them and showing their story. Sadly I never got to watch until the end so I don't know much, but the jumping to different plots of many different characters was something I remember
World on a Wire
The Stand?
>The Stand
sorry i forgot to clarify, the movie is from 70-90s or something.. so from same era some of those other movies like twilight zone or stephen king style horror movies are from
enter the void is very underrated
Have you seen Brazil? Its absolutely fantastic
Yes I am a big fan of Terry Gilliam
i like zizeks analysis of brazil here but i forget the documentary name.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
There’s a 90s version of The Stand
Jupiter ascending is so bad but its technically a documentary so worth watching in that regard. The whole princess bit isn't a thing anymore though that already happened long time ago.
movie thread that's why I'm writing it here
recommend me occult movies anything that talks about the "truth"
There is no antimemetics division.
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Steins Gate + Steins Gate 0
Serial Experiments Lain
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
A Dark Song
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Lol, come on. That ain't real!
theres a moviereleased a few years ago made by 2 younger director bros where their reality starts breaking down in their city and apartment. the name is getting past me. the guy floats up into the sky and then falls, for context, if anyone can help with the name
The Island (2005), The Cube (1997) were both pretty good
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>but its technically a documentary
>believing jewish tales
Videodrome 1983
What a fucking idiot you are
he is saying it is soft disclosure which is true. there are literally grey alien and reptilians in that movie. also a breakaway civ of nordic looking timelords.
lets make a new list. dark city, matrix, total recall, truman show, the thirteenth floor. ahh, thats better.
also, silent hill, triangle, event horizon, oblivion, edge of tomorrow, pandorum.
super mario bros 1993, horrible underrated. it has
>twin tower collapse
>advanced reptilian race that hides underground plotting world domination
>tech that turns humans to apes
>sentient fungus that guides the heroes through their journey
>magical crystals
>princess peach
>mario and luigi

need i go on?
Literally just finished watching jacob's ladder. Loved every second of it
Anything from 2010 onward? Seems like late 90s and early 2000s had all the gnostic core movies. Kind of weird like someone was trying to communicate something before shit hit the fan.
also many of these movies came as ideas in dreams. i remember matrix directors who are trannies now claimed they got the entire plot in a dream and if i recall correctly same with dark city. it is like the agents of the simulation seeded these ideas around the 90s-00s for whatever reason.
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This movie is like a movie you know all about without even watching if you have had a stimulant psychosis.
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13th Floor
Vanilla Sky
World on a Wire*

*German “series” which is basically a 3.5 hour film that will blow your fucking mind…

Link to the full film (with subs):

You are welcome!
if you can into anime, basically everything by Satoshi Kon can fill this role in different ways
>perfect blue
>paranoia agent
are my favorites
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ur mom is a false reality.
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They live
Scanner darkly
Minority report
Cabin in the woods
Romper Stomper
Apocalypse Now
The Good The Bad The Ugly
Freddy Got Fingered
evangelion is also highly gnostic
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Does Fight Club count?
I heard that The Matrix was based off of The Invisibles. Dunno how true it is since I've never read it.
Maybe I'm really losing it, but I'm starting to lose faith that these times ever even happened at all in this world.
Same here. It's phenomenonal once you understand the meaning of the subtext >>38440092

American Psycho. Analyze the big picture ending.
The fountain
I love that movie, mainly because I showed my friend who's a legit schizo & obsessed with ninjas it nobody could get him to take his meds for months. It was hilarious...
Id say enter the void is very overrated
history is fake
memories are fake
we are just here to watch shit hit the fan and somehow we will "learn" from this
What about Ghost in the Shell? Mainly the movies. The Man Machine Interface manga goes really deep into Buddhist gnostic adjacent themes. The final episode of GITS SAC 2045 was a literal prison dream that kept repeating itself but only Motoko could see that her reality was just an illusion.
I'd like for you guys to check out my favorite short film from Federico Fellini; Toby Dammit. Its more or less a re-telling of an Edgar Allen Poe story, but the images are so dream-like. Incredible cinematography!

Adjustment Bureau

I don't really consider Coherence as Gnostic though. It fits all of the criteria you listed but something about just feels off. It doesn't come to the conclusions from a spiritual wisdom. It seems to think of itself more as a thought experiment.

Ghost in the Shell the anime movies, manga & tv series (all of them. Arise & even 2045 turned out good by the 2nd season.) fits all 3 of the criteria but it doesn't do it all at the same time. It's like every chapter or movie focuses on a different aspect of gnostic or buddhism. The internet is basically used as a metaphor for As Above.
Flash Gordon
Nota film, but Harvester is a good example of what you are looking for.
Watch the first minutes and this movie looks good.
any other anime recs?
Steins Gate.
you'll love it
one piece
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This is even better than the source material imo.
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The guyver with relic points(collider star wheels).

Demon lord dante with the God force reducing us all back to chimplike humans from a pre atomized human state.

Tekkaman/Teknoman takes place in a world where the moon is a NEW satelite with ancient entities and developed the ring around the earth that was put to PROTECT HUMANS FROM THEMSELVES and their spider crab army(hegelian).

The heavy elementalist vs regular human heirarchy of flame of recca, humans literally can be born of different element types this is pre airbender like late 90's
Kabbalist Jew thread. Their war on ontology is everywhere. Reality is God, the Kabbalists wan you living in their Simulacrum. Catholicism brings you back to reality and grounds you there. Ave Maria
what about those memories you can't really see in the back of your head (like when you imagine things) but that you can simply feel with your soul?
One Piece is cool and it doesn't take place on Earth which is also cool
Those are genetic memories anon. Please don't anchor your past lives to your current body for loopholes and chest codes, it's making things very problematic for our Atlantean overlords.
Later than you're looking for, but
>It tells the story of a wealthy investment banker who is given a mysterious birthday gift by his brother—participation in a game that integrates in strange ways with his everyday life. As the lines between the banker's real life and the game become more uncertain, hints of a larger conspiracy begin to unfold.
forgor picrel, but when it has a good audience score, higher than the critics score, that's a sign.
Midnight Gospel
kabbalah is not jew it is ancient atlantean
The Mandela effect

Movies about reincarnation— I forget their names but I’ve seen like three movies with dogs as somewhat main characters and they supposedly reincarnated at the end or beginning.
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Kek and bump.
>it doesn't take place on Earth
Oh, he doesn't know.
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It's amazing!

watched this now
belongs in an anthology tv series, not a film. not much 'meat' or 'substance'. but still was pretty good
yawn fest
the thumbnail of that image reminded me of this scene
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go watch the Signal with matrixs Morpheus.
THX 1138
I am Mother
Infinity Chamber
Mandela effect was a good watch
yeah this is a good one OP. season 1 is kino

The Platform is good. its spanish.
The Signal. one with morpheus.
Infinity Chamber
I am mother

all newer and decent
yeah this belongs on the list.
The signal (2014)

Theres another one with kids being trapped by demon looking aliens in like an orphanage to be harvested as food, forget what the name is

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