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So is Hinduism actually a closed religion you have to be invited to or can I just start interacting with and working with Hindu gods
Hinduism is not a religion, it is an umbrella term for many different religions, philosophies, and traditions.
Some sects you can just start following.
Some you will never achieve without initiation into their direct lineage.
Hinduism or Judaism
-only the chosen people can know Brahman/YAHWEH
-only through the rituals created by the brahmins jews you can be holy

-brahmins are not holy
-rituals are useless
-everybody can get enlightened as long as they put in the work

The buddha didn't conceal anything, he didn't do secret teachings, he didn't do esoteric teachings which need explaining, he didn't do teaching which nee to be read between the lines.
This is what bugs abrahamists and brahmins, because all their teachings are just mental masturbation which apparently need some interpreter by some experts from their caste to teach the dumb peasants.
What are the ones I cannot follow with initiation
Thank you, this answer is helpful and I appreciate you spelling it out for me like this
>only the chosen people can know Brahman
Everyone can know brahman. Just not through the same method. A brahmin knows brahman via his ritual worship. A shudra merely by chanting the name of Krishna/Vishnu/Shiva
>"working with"
invite or not you are ngmi. you very clearly already have your own dumb ideology

pitifully wrong on every point. its actually stunning how wrong you are
I think I accidentally turned myself into a satan to Hinduism.
I had a weird revelation yesterday with the point between my eyebrows vibrating and some weird shit going on as if reality itself was unstable and I saw it's true nature as a dream.
I realized everything is One but instead of accepting and realizing that I am a part of a greater whole instead, I realized everything is me and an extension of myself.
Also, I don't think it's wrong but more like a different perspective.
Hinduism is not closed at all. Anyone can be Hindu. Many Indian people living in the west don’t even know that much about Hinduism even though their parents are Hindu. You don’t have to stop eating beef right away, but if you go to India to visit a shrine, don’t talk about eating beef. You won’t have a caste if you convert, but many people don’t take caste seriously anymore anyways. Best way to get into Hinduism? Meditate in the lotus position, read up on the Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata. Start off with the Gita, cause it’s short. Many of the older Vedic gods are distant cousins of the old European gods- Indra is like Thor, Varuna is like Poseidon, surya is like sol, etc.. whoever said it’s like Judaism is totally wrong. Hinduism is completely different from Judaism. Hindu is the oldest living religion, although it has transformed a lot since the old times.
I should also add- that picture is cool. I’ve never heard of the “mama” variation of kali, but kali is often depicted with black or dark skin. The severed heads are the heads of demons she has slain. She is under the shiva umbrella, which means she is like a manifestation of Shiva. The demons are called rakshasas. Don’t misunderstand and think they are the heads of innocent people or good people. Although kali is a fierce death goddess, she is a demon slayer and kills for good- not for evil.
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Yet you refuse to elaborate.
>stunningly wrong.
Ok. Explain. You wont.
Nothing in Hinduism is kept secret. The reason the more mystical philosophical teachings about the nature of god and reality aren’t spoken of often is due to the fact that there’s still quite a bit of disagreement on these things depending on which brahmanical school you are a part of. Becoming art of a school is simply about asking questions, meeting people, studying. Anyone can do it. Even online, you can start. It’s not like a “secret society” or anything.
Start with https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/
Thank you guys for all the replies, I’m reading through them all
its a cousin of other religions for sure.. look up Yazidism - it is believed to be one of the first monotheistic religions, while having Hindu-esque deiti for god figure
You are either a chosen one by them, an advanced meditator guy or an NPC they don't care about.

You can't be a chosen one and you becoming a meditator guy is too hard and time consuming, the universe is structured is such a way that they will guarantee that whatever it is you are doing, it won't be worth it. It'll take everything form you, drain you of your energy and make you miserable to the point where you can't even enjoy spirituality anyway.
Hi there,
I assume you're not from India?
Do "Om bhairavaya namaha" 108 times a day with a mala(prayer bead), offer sattvic food or pure veg food, untouched by impure hands that have held or done anything tamasic(materialistic or impure) and if held or done then you must do shuddhi(purification) with ganga jaal (from the sacred Ganges at Uttarakshi)
Ensure that you do dhyanam(meditation) on the mantra while you chant for at least a few years first.
After you do it for about a few months to a year, you will have had some form of experience be it through dreams or physical manifestation of the deity's family members who may come to check on you in which case remain truthful to them and also fearless, know that they are not there to harm you.
Having said that, after each time you do 108 times a day, sit down in the place you have been doing the chanting whilst meditating on the mantra and say directly to bhairava baba, everything, the very truths you try to hide from even yourself, all of it.
Complete trust has to be there, only then you will see how far up he can take you in terms of spiritual evolution.
Then only will you be able to take that energy from the mother without collapsing.
To know how to get to the mother, you have to ask the father, he will show you how to approach her.
Depending on your past karmas(quality of your actions) gained through your past samskaras(habits of all your past lives that were pure) you will be able to meet her directly and commune with her.
What you are looking for is the two way communication with the deity.
If your past samskaras are good and your karmas are good, in the sense that you have interacted with the deities in question before in your past lives, it takes away some time off of how long it would have taken for you to reach communion with a true deity.


If your past samskaras are not necessarily bad but also not in the correct places and thus your overall karmas as well, then you may find difficulties with connecting with the deity for a while, continue to try because it is likely a test to see if you stuck around which will determine whether you will be fit enough to interact with the deity.
Whether in this life or whether 10 lifetimes from now, you won't always know.
If your overall karmas and samskaras are particularly bad then you may need to do prayischitta(penance)
Prayischitta procedure:

1. Offer things like coconut, vermilion, flowers, mustard oil, black sesame etc.
2. Designate a specific place within your house where you will promise to do your practice from now on and buy a four sided earthen lamp (Chaumukha Diya) light it with mustard oil and some wick and ensure it remains burning at all times, this can be any location within your house but it is generally better when done in a place where there is a flow of water nearby to it that is also very clean.

How to know if you have bad overall karmas and bad samskaras?

If you begin to try the normal method and you end up having a rather terrifying experience of these primordial forces that are divine Emanations, you may need to perform penance.
That is how you must approach in order to succeed over time for when it comes to a two way communication.
Depends on the sect / deity / practices / scripture.

You can go down the yoga root, and start doing some daily practices. Hatha yoga will lead into pranayama, and then into meditation.

You can do scripture study.
Deity yoga.
Karma yoga.
Vedic astrology.

There's so much out there.
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Very british post
>Nothing in Hinduism is kept secret
There are rather explicit passages and understandings in various places that things like mantras need to be kept secret, not given out to those beyond the lineage, or at least they will not hold proper power/intonation if not given by one's guru.
The Western answer is Neo-Paganism which lets you interact with any of the Gods without the nastiness of the caste system.
>The buddha didn't conceal anything, he didn't do secret teachings
I can effing promise you that there where things the buddha did not want to be made known or a practice/ some things meant only for those who are the most responsible.

When you get to a level as such saying the wrong thing in the wrong place can lead to wars or devastation, you stop thinking transparency is always good. You do NOT want certain practices falling into the wrong hands.

A little bit of imagination and you realize a power elite with the capability to mind-control en-masse and the ability to transfer the consciousness direct to a physical vessel bypassing afterlife is NOT GOOD.

Anyway yeah the Buddha was very forthright in his calling spreading awareness of higher norms. With that he had success. He had a good time doing it
>I realized everything is One but instead of accepting and realizing that I am a part of a greater whole instead, I realized everything is me and an extension of myself.
... Same, same thing. It's the same thing
It's a closed religion.
Unironically the most doomer remark

Good luck anon. People go do spiritual stuff to hasten evolution. So you do that, or it'll likely take many lifetimes to get where you want, unless you are where you want anyways.

Universe won't let you do what you want forever, it will push you to do better somewhat sometime.

Also, if you have trouble with universe fucking you, change your karma. It's simple, easy, and takes little practice. Just do something nice for someone you know, maybe help out at a local animal shelter, anyway I'm out
You can be a Hindu. Live a life where you focus on making increasingly Dharmic choices. Be brave and kind to others and yourself. You can watch Ranveer TRS podcast and look for interviewers with spiritual people, great start and fun too.
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I've study Tantra with real Aghoris, I've done Shava Sadhana and experienced total dissolution of the Self.
>I can effing promise you that there where things the buddha did not want to be made known or a practice/ some things meant only for those who are the most responsible.
well he didn't hide about the full enlightenment
I am and I are all we =/= I am and I are all me
He is usurping God.
Maciej Nowicki + Eve
closed? Use google
Not exactly.
There are many people who have never done her sadhana and hence, even if they begin now, it will take them many lifetimes to get to that level of fitness.
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I went to them as a practitioner and performed my own pujas. They accepted me well.
I would love to hear more about your journey
Rudra and Kali. That is the God of our time. Vishnu is the janitor that will clean things up. Brahma just watches the show because that's what on TV.
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Thank you for pointing out with your pic that the word is an English invention used to describe what was already existing.
A nationalist Turk arguing that the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923) never occurred because the term 'genocide' was coined in 1944.

A "we wuz the real Israelites" Christian American arguing that Jews are a fake people because the term "Jew" in English with that exact spelling first appears in the 18th century.

Some moron arguing that electrons don't exist because the term was first coined in 1891.

You sound about as stupid as these three actual examples from my life.
I myself really wish to be a Naga (naga saddhu\sannyasi)
is this article accurate?
I AM aware of how extremely hard it seems..12 years living in the wilderness seems a give (I read Quora answer, a guy knew of a guru who sent hundreds of Naga aspirants to the himalayas every year, each year only a few stayed, but the same person had to stay 12 years in the snowy mountain ranges to get Initiation)
electrons don't exist, tho
>closed religion
You spend too much time on Twitter.
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>willing becoming a streetshitter
>envying the people simply cursed to be born in it

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