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You ever notice how many people describe out-of-body experiences as being "peaceful" or "free"? It's because they're 100% correct. Spirits are our original state of being. I believe that we are being trapped into organic bodies by some type of other beings using technology we don't yet understand.

As I stated before, this Earth is (likely) a bio-torture farm, and our bodies are the prison suits. The reason I say "farm" is because we are being studied and used for some sort of energy harvesting operation. There are theories that extraterrestrials are future versions of us and we've been placed or "terraformed" here for study while also being used as some type of "backup" just incase our future counterparts go into war or something.

Either that or we are a form of entertainment for them or some other spiritual beings. Aliens possess the technology to solve our problems, but they never share it, and that makes complete sense if we're lab-rats for entertainment or study.

This is all just speculation thought. I probably sound like the next schizo, so make of that what you will.
Welcome to Gnosticism. In case you didn't know the very 1st Christian bible (written by a guy named Marcion) said exactly that.
That the God of scriptures (now the old testament) was an evil being imprisoning souls in flesh and subjecting them to "death".
And it wasn't a fringe view either. It was very popular among early Christians. In fact, one might even be inclined to think this is the original Christian view, before it was declared heretical and the many groups who held that view were labeled "gnostic" and persecuted.

Even Jesus directly states this in Gnostic texts, that the God his own disciples worshiped was an evil being and not his Father.
They hijacked the real story of Jesus to make it sound like he was just supporting that religion instead of opposing it.
>Spirits are our original state of being. I believe that we are being trapped into organic bodies by some type of other beings using technology we don't yet understand.
im curious as to what made you come to this conclusion. how do you define spirit? do you believe in soul? how did you differentiate from the spirit and soul?

>Either that or we are a form of entertainment for them or some other spiritual beings. Aliens possess the technology to solve our problems, but they never share it, and that makes complete sense if we're lab-rats for entertainment or study.
i think this is a very constrictive perspective. what ive heard regarding the aliens not solving humanity's problems; the malevolent ones are already here, the type making deals with gov, exchanging humans for tech etc. the benevolent ones are also here, but as per a cosmic dharma, they cant intervene because it would be in violation of free will which is a nono. for example, see aliens already on earth as darkness. true spiritual light is outside of light and dark duality. both sides of duality play for the same prize which is control. earth being a bio-torture farm is a drooling monkey perspective because you wrote that post surrounded by material luxuries and comforts. if the malevolent aliens truly wanted that then every single one of us would be in some wretched situation. there are a couple instances of this theory proposed, like some people report seeing a kind of holodeck-layout of pods like picrel

>Even Jesus directly states this in Gnostic texts, that the God his own disciples worshiped was an evil being and not his Father.
maybe im retarded but for the longest fucking time i thought the father was YHWH and thats what made me mostly scoff at christianity because i dont trust yhwh as a supreme ruler. is it not him?

im curious to know; what are the goals throughout a gnostics life(s)?
christ said the kingdom is not of this world. so its outside duality?
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bros, this may have just solved my question about christianity. this is huge for me. this outlines the alien interference with the mission of christ in distorting the message entirely away from the true intention of the christ manifestation, and rather turning it to YHWH, the negative controlling alien. hence how christianity as a whole is almost split in two. there is huge darkness behind many christian churches, take the dark occult symbolism of the crucifixion sacrifice -> the cross, that folds into a cube to represent "the matrix", the black cube, whatever you want to call it. fuck man. i never had this perspective before. thank you for posting this
Yahweh is a deity from the Canaanite pantheon.
He was created by God. He wasn't God the Creator, who goes by different names across different mythologies and isn't the only Creator God who ever arose from the primordial chaos.
All Abrahamic religions are built on the foundations of Yahweh's personal cult of worship.
It's why the information they've spread is incomplete, inaccurate, and dogmatically enforced by the sword or alternative coercion methods.
not that poster but if i remember correctly there was no name for the most high god or if there was it was adonai at least to christ. Yaweh is Yaldaboath which is the demiurge
thank you i appreciate that. sucks i didnt make this connection earlier, but i shit you the fuck not that was massive lightbulb going off in my head. let me tell you a story;
>my entire upbringing never had religious or spiritual connotations. i was never made to go to churches or embrace god or anything like that
>came to spirituality, metaphysics, esotericism on my own terms -> hinduism was my first source of real knowledge so i agreed alot with the free outlook of it, but i only briefly touched base with it to understand what it was about.
>christianity gave me very strange feelings - from the evangelists who would hold signs and chant outside concert venues saying i was going to hell, extreme dogma and highly emotional, but also noticed the dual side of true good christians who didnt display any of those traits.
>notice how fundamental beliefs of mainstream christianity probe at you to accept really deep shit - soul contracts like yhwh as lord and the promise of eternal hell if ye had believed in vein
>rightfully decide to ignore christianity though i fully agreed with the true message of christ though and compared it to krishna from hinduism
time passes
>severely lost in my life
>get into car crash
>other driver turns out to be christian, we speak and have great convo. i start revisiting christianity. at the time i was exploring hermeticism
>go to a lantern lake festival (you draw something with an intention on a lantern boat and release it on a lake) i drew a pentagram, not in an edgy way but a symbolic representation of my current understanding of god and how to manifest shit. my intent was to strengthen myself
>after going home, notice that someone had slipped a rosary in my bag. probably a christian that saw my pentagram and decided i needed christ
>weird synchronicity -> after close inspection, the rosary had "FRANCE" engraved in tiny lettering on the metal of the cross. i was going to france in around a month from that, so i thought it was all strange.
>the same night i sleep, i have a vivid dream. i was standing in a generic field on a normal day, suddenly a huge ominous shadow appears overhead, casting its massive shadow on mostly everything around. its in the shape of a cross. i look up to see a massive UFO in the shape of a cross
>wake up
>thought it was divine

wtf. wild how truths are revealed to you in sneaky ways. tell me if coincidence;
- basically made ritual message to YHWH via hermetic pentagram
- same day someone sneaks another modality of YHWHs control into my bag. huge amounts of synchronicities in my life that were centered around christianity
- same night dream of ufo ship
something i dont understand still though is the whole pleroma thing. pleroma isnt "the kingdom" is it? pleroma is nothingness, correct?

i thought adonai was synonymous with yhwh. i used hinduism to define my perspective of the source energy and i believe it fares well
>soul contracts
It's fucking ironic isn't it?
Jesus destroyed his corporation so those soul contracts would be null and void.
All you had to do was accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, in the literal servile / slavery sense of Lord.
That would break the bondage of soul contracts and set you free.
It's the whole point of that corporate sacrifice, and what do they teach in Church? The exact opposite.
"Only if you accept God and Jesus in this specific and exact way, will you be accepted into Heaven".
And what's that way? The way of the (((priests))) of the cult of Yahweh. Not Jesus' way.

The pleroma is the everything from which existence created itself and was created out of.
The All, in contrast with the Nothing.
Primordial chaos (Kek) in contrast with the primordial darkness (Apep).
Muspel, in contrast with Nifl. (Norse mythos)
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>Spirits are our original state of being.
True. Human "souls" are spirit beings, and human bodies are attached to them.
>I believe that we are being trapped into organic bodies
Yes, but the bodies are illusion. There is not really a material world. Or as David Icke said it: "The mind is not in the body, the body is in the mind."
>by some type of other beings using technology we don't yet understand.
This being is commonly called "the Devil". Or the Lord Archon, if you prefere that.
>this Earth is (likely) a bio-torture farm, and our bodies are the prison suits.
Kind of.
>The reason I say "farm" is because we are being studied and used for some sort of energy harvesting operation.
Here you're wrong. The Devil doesn't need human energy. What he wants is to be god. He enjoys to be the ruler, and he likes to see the humans being sinners. So he created the fake human world in a way that corrupts the people with money, power, sex, politics etc.
There are no other "planets". Not even earth is a planet, it's a simulation designed as a flat disc-world with a sky dome. (The symbol used by the servants of the Devil is a black cube, symbolizing the simulated world)
>or we are a form of entertainment for them or some other spiritual beings
Sadly that's basically it. This world is the Devils and his demons game.
>This is all just speculation thought.
You're on the right path.
>I probably sound like the next schizo
Of course you are :)
Last line should be:
Of course you do.
Not you are.
I'd argue that while we are spiritual beings, we are actually here to understand what that means exactly, we are meant to learn from this experience.
For how can one truly understand or appreciate the spiritual if one does not know its opposite? If all you've ever known was your spiritual form, it would be mundane, almost pointless. This fragile, mortal existence, on which will seems to take for ever but in the grand scheme of immortality is rather short lived, gives you a different perspective on your spiritual existence.
that's because jews are incredibly evil creatures who definitely serve a demon instead of a god
>maybe im retarded but for the longest fucking time i thought the father was YHWH and thats what made me mostly scoff at christianity because i dont trust yhwh as a supreme ruler. is it not him?
That's the modern version of Christianity. But clearly not the original version.
For starters the word "God" that got translated was actually several words such as Elohim, Eloha, El. And Elohim is a plural of Eloha.
So the Old Testament "God" is actually multiple beings, and YHWH is an Eloha.
That's why you have strange things in the modern bible essentially saying that God sits in the council of God or that he judgeth amongst God (clearly it's a council of God's and YHWH being the chief among them who "judges"). Or how God divided the Earth among himself? (clearly again it's referring to the Earth being divided among the Elohim). It also explains why YHWH said he's jealous and won't people to worship no other Elohim but himself.

If you look to the Gnostic view then NONE of the Elohim were the Father of Jesus. The Elohim were the corruption in heavenly places that Jesus spoke of:
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Jesus called those beings who were being worhipped evil. And basically said that his Father was more like a realm of pure "light" (and he did not use the word light literally, so he's basically saying it's beyond comprehension):
>Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'
>If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.'
>If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"
>christ said the kingdom is not of this world. so its outside duality?
In gnostic texts he said it is both outside you and also within you:
>Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
>When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

>im curious to know; what are the goals throughout a gnostics life(s)?
Unlike modern versions of Christianity there is no proper way to "live life" because "life" is actually the problem.
In the Gnostic view all the darkness of this world is caused by the world itself, not by people in it.

Modern Christianity says the world is bad because people are bad, and must learn to control themselves and live a certain way within the world.
Gnostic Christianity says the world is bad because... the world is bad. That it's this way of being itself which is the CONTEXT that ALLOWS all evil to occur. So even if you eliminate evils today they're still allowed to arise again tomorrow.
So the goal of Gnosticism is to transcend that very CONTEXT. To completely leave the material illusion (that is for the soul to cast off the ignorance it carries which leads it to manifest this world).
In fact the Gnostic view is that what we know "life" to be is actually more like true death.
>something happened somewhere so it's hax

We're here, dude. Naturally. Fuck you.
To learn.
Fallen angels don't want us to learn.
That's the big ol cosmic joke.
Go figure.
>they cant intervene because it would be in violation of free will which is a nono
There's no such thing as free will of groups and masses. On the individual level, which person do you know that wouldn't be in favor of their intervention? They absolutely don't need to intervene in a complete societal scale to intervene on specific individuals lives.

>if the malevolent aliens truly wanted that then every single one of us would be in some wretched situation
99.999% of all life in this planet does. Just because the top 15 % of the population in developed countries doesn't, it does not exclude all individuals and animals that live in constant survival pressure.
Yeah something like that.
But I'll be damned if I don't make this body the best it can be.
Deadlifts are back, and sooner than you think.
If you’re gonna be a farm animal, be the most jacked sexy dangerous farm animal you can be
Was his name actually Jesus
The problem with 4chan is that it's filled with a bunch of people that simply don't think the right way.
This betrays cycles of abuse and brokenness. I believe over 90% of humans are essentially broken, and trapped in cycles of brokenness.

How demoralizing this place is, or tries to be, is not normal. That's broken, that results from brokenness. It's important to understand that.
Also no one said anything about being jacked. It's about being lean and strong. No one is going to look bad if they're lean and strong, and you don't need huge muscles to slay pussy. You need fitness, in the truest sense. No one will slay with a belly. Well, I guess broken fat people fuck each other, but that's not for me. That's not who I am meant to be.
good stuff
All I see in the world is broken people. Another thing I see is these broken people take offence when someone wants to not be broken.
Croatia is not for me, because it's not a place that rewards ambition. It gets angry at ambition, Croatia gets angry at people who want to work, who are not lazy. Everything here is supposed to hush hush, no problem.
Well, that's not reality. You can call me a radical realist. I am direct, I'm open, my best life is a life with the foot to the floor on the pedal. Most importantly, I'm radically honest. I fear nothing, and I fear nothing about myself. I have one speed, it's my speed, and the Will of a million men. I can't be anything else except a winner, and I can't stop until I win. This is my fate, this is my biology.
I'm one of those men that environments bend to, and if they don't, then that's ok too. That's the choice of that environment. I go on with my life either way. But one thing that I don't do is get cowered into being a sheep for the sake of fitting in.
>wild how truths are revealed
careful what you perceive as "truth". there may be players feeding you information all right, but that doesn't automatically mean it's "truth". This is why, unironically, many schizos get called "schizo", because they without filter believe everything what the voices in their head tell them, when they shouldn't.
Read all of my posts again, and save your petulant responses. Consider my contribution to this thread an introduction to reality, and as such it is also a negation of your best efforts to corral my spirit or driving force.
When the creator became curious of what it would be like to be devoid of rationality they ended up creating a being which is an absolute of irrationality.

The most rational choice at that point - to erase it after having comprehended what they were - to that rational entity was the most irrational. It proclaimed itself as the "just God", so it could only do so after it proved why it deserved to be erased.

I don't know whether the creator entity feels like us, or if it's a complete fucking moron given creation powers, but either way this will continue until the appointed time. What happens then is the answer to the question of whether the creator deserves to be forgiven.
no it's schizophrenia
Literally just have to train martial arts and be lean; life on easy mode
>slay pussy
why would you want to do that? you're only going to cause yourself to stay here longer, and cause problems for spirits of other people
My earliest memory as a child..use to draw this all the time back then..earth does not look like how we see it now when your just energy..it’s covered in jagged metallic chrome machinery
are you saying that the matrix's movies depiction of earth's surface is what earth really looks like?
Well the matrix was pretty dark and disturbing..what i saw was blue skies over endless miles of chrome like shards and metal like cubes until i came to a small patch of grass with a boy on a swing. Ive even gone to a few hypnosis regression pros and confirmed that these are in fact memories..
My journal from 17 says this

A. My view point most of the time is in 3rd person. I can see a body in front of me that i know is me. Space is all around me and infinite black. Theres a slight glow around my body of blue and yellow

B. Occasionally my view flashes to the eyes of my body and i can observe the planet in front of me while still feeling both in my body but also behind my body. Theres a presence around this body that communicates with me telepathically. Its calm and relatively inviting.

C. The planet is completely crowded in jagged and metallic structures except for a small mound of green grass with a little animated boy on a swing-set casually enjoying his fun as birds chirp on a beautiful day completely unbothered by the city of metal. Occasionally i am shown a close up view of the child & i also see flashes up close of this metallic city surrounding the earth. Shards of chrome spikes point in every direction as the boy swings as if he isn’t aware of this metal metropolis.
very interesting stuff anon, thanks for sharing
No prob..rarely get the chance or shown interest by others so thanks..
>This is all just speculation thought. I probably sound like the next schizo, so make of that what you will.

I personally had an encounter of the energy harvest type op, it's real.
Not that anon,
Is that the Book of Thomas? I feel like I've read that before.

Hey, do you have a place where I can go read to gain more knowledge? Or even a channel or something?
Since I was young I've found myself infinitely curious about everything. As if there's this insatiable thirst for knowledge that I can't ever seem to quench. Learning new things like this is always something I find exciting for me, so I'd be grateful if you had any online resources I can read at my leisure and then meditate on afterwards!
The aliens believe we are entertaining. That's why they use tech to make themselves appear like our pop culture expects them to. It's all part of the humor. Yes, little grey / green men can enter our planet and probe you because.....
did you ever watch Dark City bc thats the plot.
>exchanging humans for tech
Yeah, it's the strange obsession with ritual sacrifice. It used to be more transparent, but now they hide it behind abortion
Nta but his name is Yeshua or Joshua in english.
This is the most coherent version of prison planet theory I've heard.
2 Corinthians 4:4
>That's why you have strange things in the modern bible essentially saying that God sits in the council of God or that he judgeth amongst God (clearly it's a council of God's and YHWH being the chief among them who "judges").
>Or how God divided the Earth among himself?
It's not strange if you think of them as ayys. Not evidence, just a cool thought experiment.
Fallen angels can fall for any reason, sometimes it's because they loved us so much that they didn't want to participate.
Not saying all.
Unfortunately I'm somewhat in the same boat too. There really isn't that many good independent resources on this stuff. It seems to be a philosophy that someone doesn't want to get out.
I mean it was almost totally suppressed, all the books were burned, and almost nothing of gnosticism was known before the 1940's. Then all of a sudden both the dead sea scrolls and the nag hammadi library were found around the same time. Was it just a coincidence, or something more?

All I can really recommend is just basic gnostic texts, gnosis.org is a good place to find them. Or just listen to audiobook versions on youtube.
Some good ones are the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, The Reality of the Rulers, and The Second Treatise of the Great Seth.

But one of the coolest things about gnosticism is the belief that texts aren't needed, because the truth can be found within and will always arise again in different times and places.
And that has actually happened throughout history. There have been groups of gnostics that popped up (and again were persecuted and labeled heretics) who had no knowledge of prior gnostic groups or teachings.
Oh, also the Gospel of Judas is good too
Thank you, I'll be sure to check those out to continue down the rabbit hole.

I wonder how, exactly, a person would stumble upon those lost or forgotten truths you mentioned and how they would determine whether they're validity -- for lack of a better word?
Personally, I imagine that some truths we discover would be intuitive, like you just know it to be a truth, while others may be a bit more ambiguous, like an outline to a picture without the rest filled in.
Just for the hell of it, I'll share that I personally feel like humanity and civilization is far, far, older than what the institutions would have us believe. The institutions like to promote the idea of isolationism, while I find it utterly ridiculous and believe that diffusionism is far more likely and that due to epoch ending disasters, resets have occurred that have isolated people. This lines up better with shared mythology and even languages that appear to have origins from places that shouldn't be possible.
For whatever reason, our origins and histories are purposely kept from us and instead we appear to be given a new one, as if the intent was to make us forget.
>I wonder how, exactly, a person would stumble upon those lost or forgotten truths you mentioned and how they would determine whether they're validity -- for lack of a better word?
I think that's pretty well summed up with the 1st line in the Gospel of Thomas
>And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

The key word there is "interpretation". So he's telling you straight out that everything else written down isn't being given in a literal sense, but has the truth encoded in it.
It's not really about events, people, places, names. You don't need to know anything about "archons" to know that something is wrong with this way of being, to feel the pressure every day of what we call "life" pushing against everything that comes from within you. That's where the true spiritual battle lies.

And that knowledge doesn't need to be given by a "savior", it is simply known. That is gnosis. And if one is observant enough to find that place of gnosis they will discover the truth of what they are, that they are not a sack of meat inside a world which controls them against their will. That world is inside them instead, and that gnosis will set one on a path of becoming a state of being which utterly transcends this world.
>examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be.
>So while you accompany me, although you are uncomprehending, you have (in fact) already come to know, and you will be called 'the one who knows himself'. For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all."
^ from The Book of Thomas the Contender (you can add that to the list of texts I mentioned above)
This is alien interview, the book
Thank you, friend. I truly do appreciate it, although it's difficult for that to be communicated through such a medium. I mean it with the utmost sincerity.

I used to think, as a personal belief, that "life is chaos seeking order." Not to say that's the meaning, but rather, more like a purpose. But for some reason, I still get stuck on what the "meaning" (in the form of consciousness, soul, spirit, etc.) would be. Sure, maybe life is chaos seeking order, but that would only apply to being without emotion and thought. We may still act out in a way that is in harmony with that, but through our consciousness and emotions we very clearly deviate -- and quite often.

Self-reflection of any sort is difficult. Like a mirror, what's reflected can sometimes be the opposite of reality. I know, with every fiber of my being, that I'm more than just physical matter. I am energy, but still, more than that, too. It's hard because the more answers I feel like I find, it's often replaced by even more questions.

Intuitively, I feel like I'm missing something and that's the reason for that voracious desire for any and all knowledge. I'll definitely take your words to heart and will certainly look more into the resources you've kindly provided. Then afterwards, I'll have to meditate and try and piece together what I can.

Just a fun side, isn't human behavior weird? Or even animals? Eating, sleeping, procreating, etc. I feel like each one also has a purpose that's separate to what we assume.
Like I said, a hell of a rabbit hole. No one I know is remotely interested in these things, (besides my sister on a more surface level) so it feels like a lonely road at times...
>But for some reason, I still get stuck on what the "meaning" (in the form of consciousness, soul, spirit, etc.) would be.
>Self-reflection of any sort is difficult. Like a mirror, what's reflected can sometimes be the opposite of reality.
>It's hard because the more answers I feel like I find, it's often replaced by even more questions.
There's a very simple reason for all of that, when it is seen. But whether you can see it is another story, because many can't yet (although one day they will).
The reason is that you're trying to encode what you find into the dimension of "mind" and "thought".

Consider the color Red for example. The definition of the color Red is the color Red itself. Note, I did not say the color Red will lead to a definition of itself, I said it IS the definition of itself.
Nothing else can teach someone what it is.
A blind man can hear a million descriptions of what Red is like, yet when they finally see it for themself they will say not 1 description prepared him for it. It can only be known by knowing it (like gnosis), and any attempt to reduce it or explain it by something else means to be ignorant of what it is.

Sort of like living in a 2D world and trying to "define" a 3D object within it. At best you will only define the shadow, but the thing itself cannot be defined in a lower dimension. Mind is a part of experience, and so experience cannot be defined within it.

Look at the colors on your screen right now as you read this post. You know those colors, despite having no definition for what they are. By seeing them you've seen the definition of them, and it cannot be encoded into the mind. You have gnosis of those colors.
Consciousness cannot be defined because it's the ground, it's what does the defining.
Your mind will try to tell you what you observe is something else (i.e. material, objects, wavelengths of light, chemicals in a brain, etc), to keep you from focusing on the pure truth of it. To keep you ignorant of it.
I hesitate to say I understand, because understanding and accepting, while entwined, are still separate.
What you're saying makes complete sense and I absolutely accept it, but saying I fully understand it and its intricacies would be, well, arrogant on my part.
Still, it's one of the best elucidations I've received regarding such a way of thought.
Like, we try to put labels on things; try to rationalize them and project meaning, but there are times when that's unnecessary and actually dilutes the purity of it, because it simply is what it is.
I resonated with the color and the 2D/3D example. I've actually had such thoughts before when considering 4D from a 3D perspective. A rabbit hole I went down while learning more about Mobius Strips and how higher/lower dimensions could interact. A bit of a digression, but I was curious if we could create a 4D representation in a 3D world, similar to how we create a 3D world in a 2D one through film and games.

I've been curious how I can acquire the knowledge I seek, while removing said "encoding" you mention, but it appears that when I do acquire it, I'll simply know and the encoding will be entirely unnecessary.

Is it that such truth, like the colors on my screen, can't be encoded into my mind? Or is it that there's simply no point to doing so, rendering it unnecessary?
If consciousness simply is, I'm curious where it comes from and how it came to be in this material body?

You seem much more well-versed in such things than I am, so I'm sure such digital soliloquy is like watching a baby take its first steps. I don't mind since it's the only way I can learn to walk and I simply appreciate another person having a shared interest taking the time to have such a fun conversation. I'm grateful, thank you.
Even a simple dialogue has made me excited at the possibilities of what other secrets I'll be blessed to discover -- to achieve gnosis of. It feels right to seek it out, like I'm meant to.
>so I'm sure such digital soliloquy is like watching a baby take its first steps.
Heh, it is. But that means you're ahead of the curve because most of the babies have yet to take their first step. I think you already understand way more than you think you do. Very few people can even carry on a conversation about this stuff.
I'm like a baby too, we all are in this higher space of truth.

>Is it that such truth, like the colors on my screen, can't be encoded into my mind? Or is it that there's simply no point to doing so, rendering it unnecessary?
It can't be. In any possible way. What sequence of letters in the English language can you string together and suddenly Red will appear?
Meaning does not exist in descriptions or definitions. This is the fundamental flaw in the scientific reductionist view of the world. If they impose the idea that everything must be reduced to something else (which they call "defining") then the ground of all existence could fall in their lap and they will say it doesn't exist because it can't be reduced to something else.

But that's not to say you can't understand what it is. In fact, like I said at the bottom of that last post you do know what Red is despite having no mental definition of it. Because you don't need the "mind" to understand/know things. You exist beyond mind.

>but it appears that when I do acquire it, I'll simply know and the encoding will be entirely unnecessary.
This is just my subjective experience, and I only claim to have had glimpses of what it's like. But I'd say it really feels more like new dimensions of Self unfolding (or if you want, new dimensions of "mind" unfolding).
So it's not really like losing your mind, but gaining a higher one.
It's almost like if experiences are the words in a higher language. Like instead of saying "red" the word is made of red itself, and it's a language that the soul speaks.
>is it not him
No it's the Aeon Christos, consort of Sophia
I appreciate it. Discovery is a wonderful thing and I think it's one of the things that, since I was very young, fueled a passion to seek truth just for the sake of it. If we're all babies, then we have a long way to go before we grow. Isn't that sort of awesome?
Our discussion has certainly helped, too. As you said, red is red -- regardless of what I call it. I can encode it into my mind as red, right? But that's only a label in the end. When I see it, I inherently know what it is, regardless of what I choose to call it. Thus, the label is secondary to the truth of the knowledge of what it is. At least, that's what I've been thinking about since you initially brought it up. What we encode is for the mind to catalogue. Red exists in countless languages, but we don't need to translate it for two people to know it when they see it.
I used to think as a child, "I wonder if what I see as red is what others see as blue, but since they've been raised know it as red, to them it is red." A cute thought for a grade school me. haha.
I think I understand a bit about what you mean about getting that glimpse, or new dimensions of self. For whatever reason, I get closest to that feeling immediately after a really good meditation session. Best way to describe it (or how I encode it in my mind), is like I'm more in tune with the world around me, harmonizing with it. There's this relaxed feeling where I feel like some answers or even new questions pop into being and it sort of feels right? You know?
Sometimes I'll become acutely aware of things I normally put little thought into, perhaps because I've allowed my mind peace to take it in?
I agree with that fundamental flaw in the view, too. I'm not sure if it's a byproduct of the process or ego? Perhaps both?

How I wish I lived in a time where I could participate in the Eleusinian Mysteries. I feel like some important rites of passage have been severed by the passage of time that helped to elevate our minds and spirit.
You got it. Everything you said is exactly what I meant.
>then we have a long way to go before we grow. Isn't that sort of awesome?
Absolutely. Sometimes I think it goes on forever. Like even after we get to that next stage, maybe you just enjoy it for a long time but eventually realize that something is still missing and it triggers growth into an even higher stage. And so on into infinity. That's kind of comforting.
yahuah tseva'oth is the correct name of the father
yahweh is the devil
yeshua is jesus.
Maybe our bodies are only important for achieving a goal in the material world.
Welcome to the 21st century. The God is now a loving and merciful God. Quite the switch up
the god they assigned to me didn't get that memo
What's your proof that a loving god is in control? People say life is half good and half evil. Evil far outweighs the good, they are not equal. Therefore, an evil god is in control.
alien abduction is the famous judeo narcissism: people exposed to judaism deeply believe they are snowflakes in the universe and aliens cross billions of light years just to lurk from the shadows and observe the mighty jews and gentiles which required centuries of analysis to understand lol
I'm glad I was able to grasp a bit of what we discussed! That makes me happy.

Plato was an initiate of the Eleusinian Mysteries — as Socrates was before him.
He mentions the Mysteries specifically in his dialogue on the immortality of the soul, in the Phaedo:
>"Our mysteries had a very real meaning: he that has been purified and initiated shall dwell with the gods"
In the Myth of Er, from Plato's Republic, a warrior named Er is killed in battle and goes to the afterlife but, unlike the others joining him, he does not drink of the waters of the River Lethe which would cause him to forget his life on Earth and move forward into the next.
Instead, Er comes back to life on the battlefield and tells his companions about what he saw in the next world and what death is like. He makes it clear that death is not the end of one's life but only the beginning of another part of the journey. Interestingly, Plato never introduces this story as a "myth" as a fiction, but treats it as a factual account.

I find the thought you propose comforting as well. Oddly, when I was young I had an almost crippling fear of death. In reality, it was childish attachments to the material and a deep gratitude and love for life and the world around me. I didn't want to "miss out;" and desperately wanted to discover the universe. But even the concept of "eternity" somewhat frightened me. But would such a fear even exist when a soul is content or has high aspirations? How could it? With the prospect of new discoveries waiting for a person, wouldn't there be an excitement and elation to set forth and experience them?
Not him but differentiating between the two is something I don't think ive really thought.
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This thread was a cool read.
>out-of-body experiences as being "peaceful" or "free"?
but later people often have encounters with other "beings" that approach them. some of these encounters are quite fishy or unpleasant
how "free" is this freedom, actually?
>they cant intervene because it would be in violation of free will which is a nono
who tf made up this crap
>out-of-body experiences as being "peaceful" or "free"? It's because they're 100% correct
Being able to transcend a material vessel to observe reality from a different perspective is 100% liberating.

>Spirits are our original state of being
Actually we still are just spirits or souls or consciousnesses depending on how you want to phrase it. The material body of us humans exists independently of the souls perception of the world. The information that makes the perception of our material body possible is part of the same information that makes it possible for us to be conscious. If you didn't have a human material and biological body, you would not be the same you that exists now. Our bodies are a large chunk of the information that is required for the soul to persist, though as you mentioned before having out of body experiences and ego death is a liberating thing in the long run, because it makes us accept the fact that the information of our soul is conserved even without the perception of the material body.

>we are being trapped into organic bodies by some type of other beings
But why though? The informational soul that makes up a human is yes bound to a body for the most part, but why do you need an external manipulator for this?
i havent seen that movie since i was a kid. you guys made me want to go back and watch it.
Could it be quantum computing or atomic physics that has engulfed our planet with a demonic sheath? How many years will it take to outsmart and oust the demonic vampire that has infiltrated? It's hopeless without help from a type 3 civilization....
My experience of being broken and destroyed by other people and mental illness from abuse since childhood just makes me wish I was dead. I don't really think this is a learning experience. I just want it to stop.
I hope things improve and you can find joy and happiness, anon.
I know at times it can seem like the despair is all-consuming, but don't give up that small light of hope.
Even now, I know it's there, otherwise you wouldn't have posted. Cherish and nurture it and accept that you need to heal. It's ok to love and take care of yourself when you're struggling. I know everything I'm saying is difficult for you to accept, since our pain is individual we struggle with believing others can know its depths, but that commonality doesn't change. I can't know your pain, but I do know you're stronger than you believe and can get through it. Don't let apathy and pain steal all the work you've done to make it this far.
I wish you the absolute best in your travels down your path and hope you'll be blessed with peace and solace.
Personally I hate a very shit childhood full of negrlect and abuse, I've tried killing myself 3 times but as time went on I started making real connections and found a purpose in life. While my childhood was traumatic, I do think it gave me a certain perspective on life and has led to me actually appreciating life.
There's a saying
>We all have 2 lives, the second one begins when we realize we only have one
I'm not going to say life will get better, if anything it's more likely to get worse, but if you can truly appreciate the moments of good that do happen, then you're already living more than most people.

As Jung says, no tree can reach the heavens without roots that reach to hell.
You cannot know true joy until you know true sorrow. You've already experienced true sorrow, it's time to look for true joy and when you find it, you will be capable of appreciating it, unlike other people.
For me it came in the form of music and now I dedicate my life to it, no matter the struggle, not matter who doesn't support me or how stupid it might seem, I will pursue music because it's given me a reason to actually live instead of exist.

Prayer helps, find a god or gods who will hear you, they can help a lot.
I know that feel anon. I hope we can both heal from what happened.
All will be well, friends.
There are certainly a lot but I wouldnt say its all or overwhelming either. I think it depends on what you're viewing.
If one's goal is to gain insight on life, themselves, and the existence of soul, then is it possible to simultaneously achieve enlightenment on the world around them, how it came to be, the truths driving society, and the machinations of those behind the scenes?
Are the two mutually exclusive or one and the same?

On that note, if we're to seek such enlightenment then what, exactly, would "forbidden knowledge" entail?
Why would it be forbidden to know if we're to seek knowledge of all?

Is it possible that such forbidden knowledge is what initially contributed to our circumstances presently? One of the reasons we are where we are now?
Then how would we avoid such a pitfall in the future?

Are you aware that most gnostic texts with these theories were found in 1945 in rolls near quram, dead sea?

That was a pretty cool video. It gave me some interesting things to think about. Thanks, dude.
There were texts talking about our future selves creating us as backups? Seems strange to do that to oneself?
Thank you friends. <3
Why are you asking me for proof? Discover it yourself bitch. I’m allowed to believe anything I please. If you want proof, shoot up the Vatican with your personal army.
Yeah the guy i saw fucking a dog earlier has a spirit
Why wouldn't he?
People choose the road they walk down. It doesn't somehow change what they fundamentally are. It only means they're lost in hedonism, desires, and material obsessions.
You should also probably get some better viewing habits. Just sayin'.
Enjoy your evening, anon.
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did he look like picrel
Hedonists don’t have souls. Your first mistake is thinking everyone has a soul
I believe they do. I have no interest in participating in dehumanization in an attempt to feel superior. What good does that do other than pleasing my own ego? Some people simply lose their way and become lost. I only hope that one day they can find their way back.
You're quite free to have your beliefs. I'm comfortable with mine.
Humans are a hack job that was modified from primates as some sort of compromise between at least two warring parties. Although humanoids may exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not yet, and not so rushed.

Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loosh farm.




*******Must view this, especially the last hour:

Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.



We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.

It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, and it's a mindfuck that has to do with bacteria and a star in the North.
>It's not strange if you think of them as ayys. Not evidence, just a cool thought experiment.
another perspective is that they are all just a fractal off the same being - just as we are. the tetragrammation for example is said unspeakable and has 42 names, all with their own traits
Yea, but I don't think all physical bodies are like that, just human bodies on earth. I think our brains are partly designed to stop us from realising/being who we really are. I did manage to get into that OOBE 'flow' state while awake one time, though. I simply kicked "myself" (the role the world gave me) out of my body.
I think that movie was only wrong about one thing. I think our memories of "somewhere else" aren't completely gone, and that some, very few, people do actually know about such a place.
thats a lot to go through but i'll have to check it out
>>Although humanoids may exist elsewhere across the universe
What about souls? Are souls natural to this universe?
Not that anon.
That's the question, isn't it?
We obviously know our material body is part of the universe, so it's entirely possible that our souls may be as well. That said, it doesn't necessarily mean our souls (consciousness, spirit, energy) originate from this particular dimension of the universe, right?
It's been proposed in physics and elsewhere that there are numerous dimensions, above and below our own.
I don't recall the specific number theorized, however I think it was something like 10 or 11? But reaching 10 or 11 may just be our limit of discovery currently. Maybe there's vastly more?
Who's to say our souls don't originate from one of those?

The interesting thing is, we completely lack the ability to observe anything above the third-dimension in its true form. A lower dimensional being is incapable of grasping higher dimensional space, except through math and such. But, a higher dimensional being can always observe and interact with anything in lower dimensions, much in the same way we could easily observe 2D and 1D. So when people actually seek out some sort of evidence (usually material evidence) of the soul, to me it seems like they completely forget that if our souls originate and descend from a higher dimension, it would be nearly impossible to find it or even know what to look for, but that in no way means it doesn't exist.
And I've heard a theory that only around 25% human have souls, which means at least 75% human don't have the potential to ascent to higher dimensions, that's brutal if it's true.
Humans speculating about spirits and souls is about as schizoid as you can get.

I wish you the best, and I hope someone hides your meds in something you are going to eat today.
You need them.
I haven't heard that. Not like I have a way to verify such a thing anyway.
For some reason, I feel like having such a mindset would promote misanthropy and a negative mindset towards the world around me, which isn't something I'd want to participate in anyway. I can only hope there's no validity to it.
Gnostics always say this but if all of this were true then how do you get out?
What do you need to do to accept Jesus and not yahweh?
Feel better now? Is this the part where people are supposed to feel embarrassed or ashamed?
Did you get your fix of self-gratifying ego stroking by coming to a board specifically designated to discuss such things, which you have no interest in, just to gain an unwarranted sense of superiority?
There's healthier ways to get attention than going around venting your misery onto other people.
If the only way you can build yourself up is by tearing others down, then maybe you're the one who needs some medication and some time reflecting.
Best of luck to you. I hope you can find ways to heal.
the reptilian archons will shower you with love at the point of death, they'll show you things you did "wrong" and coerce you into reincarnating into another cycle of suffering and loosh farming. remember you dont have to consent no matter how much they guilt trip you. you are a a divine sovereign.

just dont rush into any yes or no scenario.
also check out the secret book of John. It’s a gnostic text that explains the origin of this mess we are in
Awesome, I'll definitely check it out when I get the time. It seems there's a lot I have to go through at this point. lol
So what happens if you refuse then?
Its crazy reading this thread and noticing little things I never knew.
I wonder if Thoth's Prophecy was derived from someone who somehow accessed a greater truth?
It feels to me like we and everything here are studied by higher entities. Stimuli, action and effect over and over so that a higher observer can draw conclusions on the universe and maybe their own nature.
For some reasons, including DNA, we are more prone to express certain aspects: greed, love, boredom, war etc. There is a lot of variation here which makes for a valuable study.
Now, some will become more unchained from the game setup, like us talking here, and reflect on the game itself, and what it means to be. I don't know what the meaning of this transformation is.
I want to say that asking deep questions about life and so on is not prevented here. There are thousands of books, churches, philosophers, web pages. It is certainly accounted for and free to explore. Are they 'the Truth'? You won't find the whole Truth anywhere. It's a bufet. I think the New Testament is very important and has so much Truth. But it is still one of the items you can pick out of many. What 'you' pick says something about 'you'. You won't be able to logically prove or disprove the writings. That is part of the experience. There is so much to say.
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The only real torture about any of this is walking around among NPCs who don't notice, or pay attention to any fucking thing. If it weren't for the news telling them about the next happening they wouldn't know, and it saddens me to no end.

We deserve all of this because of how stupid your common man is.

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