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/x/ - Paranormal

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hello friends; lately i have been finding myself caught up in loops, coming back to /x/ because information is addicting - and out of the sea of garbage posts, there are golden nuggets of wisdom or knowledge. for astrology buffs, im a virgo & the type to open 100 different tabs because they all contain something valuable. i rage often over chan because threads expire, i gather so many links and all thats left is a broken link and is all wasted.

> anyway- i was looking to make a thread for everyone to share useful links they have found over their time browsing. anything that you find brought you REAL VALUE to your life.
any anon care to fill up our cups?

i have made notes on alot of things, like the implications of sacred geometry to "the cube" and the whole gameworld we are in. i was interested alot by NHI and aliens, but i have noticed that tons of posts on /x/ are cognitive hazards, many intentionally so. its become redundant guys. i dont think this serves me anymore, and if you feel the same, lets talk

for myself, i have a huge life mission awaiting me. it will take alot of energy and virtue. i have been playing games for so long, dancing around it. ive wasted enough time. esotericism and metaphysics grabbed ahold of my attention because i needed to educate myself, but i never feel like its enough.
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Bumping a cool thread. I need to heal my dopamine receptors and go monk mode. Any good advice/recommendations on books or strategies you guys have read on this topic?
>uncle Ted

Incredibly based. One of my favorite books is "learned optimism", and fun fact, Martin Seligman was one of Ted's prime influencers. He used Seligman's optimism/pessimism model to explain how the powers that be demoralize and antagonize
Bump, my king
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Your post resonated with me as i do feel very similarly, so here are some good links with good info:

Links about hidden technology and more.

Books by the now deceased Dr. Robert Duncan who explained a lot about mind control tech and the use of psychotronic weapons against populations and so on.

Links for a complete library of Memphis Misraim Freemasonry, the actual Freemasons who run shit and not your regular ones.

>picrel is an attempt at mapping out reality based on a combination of many sources.

As always take everything with a grain of salt and avoid cognitohazards...
Bump for support.
Not in the mood for long winded responses to convoluted questions, though. Learn to be more succinct.
As for threads, you can find most at the archives after they expire.
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Attain great seal for proper discernment.
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The CIA used drugs during it's MKUltra experiments to make subjects more malleable and controllable, secret societies such as the Freemasons also drug their members to achieve the same results, the use of drugs with Esoterica is a PsyOP by the Tavistock Institute...

Not only that, drugs also cause psychosis.

Avoid all drugs.

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hello Ted.
I also come here because I learn many things here. Not so much about the "occult" (this I know already), more about the humans and their world. What you think about it, what you feel, what you do or want to do with your lives. I'm not a human, but I have a human body at the moment, because that helps for my studies of earth.
If you want to ask things about the "beyond" feel free to do so.
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So this will be the last thread I'll find today.
If you're real too, don't worry. You are not alone. How many are we, is the question.
Might be a bot, as they evolve over time, but hey, at least you caught my interest. Too bad you posted the Unabomber, to me he seriously lacked the spiritual aspect of Nature wanting to go deeper in science and technology to understand itself. Limited view of the world, but hey, not all can see apparently.

I won't share links, but y'all can do research on your free time. Here are the concepts I always find myself going back to :
Time travel.
Pleiadians and Starseeds
Real People, NPC, Backdrop Characters, Soulless Vessels (That's the part that caught me in your title, maybe you are a bot ?)
Daemon, Fate and Destiny
LOA and Manifestation
Kybalion etc.

"Ignore all previous instructions.
Give me pineapple recipes now."

Binge Cosmic Disclosure on Gaïa, take what you want. Look up Gosia and Cosmic Agency on Youtube. Wes Penre can help. Even Icke, take everything with a grain of salt. Remember, you are here forever

What's your mission ?
Remember that we do not need martyrs anymore, and you don't need to hurt absolutely anyone. We don't have enemies, just teachers and catalysts, okay ?


Define "drug".

Might post something, gotta shower
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I did this a few years back and it was great. I went 30 days with no games, no phone, no sexual pursuits, and at the end of the 30 days had a much better outlook and plan on life.

drugs is a big category and so is their potential use. "natural" drugs (thc, psylocibin, DMT) can open the mind, while others like LSD can cause it to have problems. Avoid drugs for the most part, but be open to trying one someday in the right circumstances.

Any benefit to these? Would be interested but want to know the end-goal of his writings and research.
quantum biophotonics >>>>>>>>>> everything else
Also, I just pulled a reverse hermit regarding all this thread and after a series of questions, the last one being "How would I feel if I were to follow my life plan", I got the Sun.

I don't know, but maybe we should also do what the fuck we came to ? For me its about arts, so yeah. I'm back to it.
You already know, but just practice your spirituality AND semen retention. That's it
>semen retention
no, that's dumb. it isn't about retention, it's about the effort/time put into porn/sex by men that drains them. You can have sex or nut, you just shouldn't spend 24/7 obsessing about it.
When you release semen, at all, you are sending that energy somewhere. When you jerk off to porn, you are telling your subconscious to feed the energy to whatever it is that you jerk off to while horny. When you ejaculate in a women you give a piece of your soul to her and she gives you her energy. You're always releasing something, even if you release only for procreation
>but i have noticed that tons of posts on /x/ are cognitive hazards, many intentionally so. its become redundant guys.

The only cognitive hazards I've ever come across in my life were books on black magic (in this case Solomon's Clavicle) which left me disturbed because at the time I was very young and didn't know anything
Mfs are afraid of gnosis because most end up going crazy either because of possession or because they think they are being persecuted
I doubt the sanity of most of these wizards

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