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I'd like to preface this by saying that i do take pharmacelogical medications, not for schizophrenia in particular however aspergers. One in question may be used to mitigate the effecfs of psychosis. Does anyone or has anyone had experience with something like an orb of light? The best I could explain this ball of light would something akin to the phenomenon of ball lightning but even then i do not know.


I was flipping through youtube live one night during a thunderstorm, but it wasnt even that just heat lightning in spring, early summer. i'd stopped on this jamaican giving tarot readings although i'm sure that has nothing to do with it other than that i was sitting on my cellphone and the tv was on and the window sat to my left. It was dark and this ball of light appeared outside my window hovering there for a few minutes. I live in a crowded suburb on the third floor and thought possibly someone was shining a light into my bedroom but the pattern of light... didnt make any other sense that that there was a ball of light floating outside my bedroom window. Even my reactions to it in google searches surprise me as initially they were about Hollywood special effects and lighting. I got up and looked at it and i cant remember whether this was a dream or real or not but it head a center much like filament of a light bulb. Once i got close enough and looked at it for long enough a pause a loud explosive sound like a thunder clap seemed to occur from outside. It was really close as it shook the windows, yet there was no lightning. Three days latter stressed about it and a myraid of other things i silently broke down crying on the train. Idk extraterrestrials are definitely real, i have not hallucinated anything like that before or anything before really.. it cannot be explained. There's been other things too, but it's just that's the worst one.
sorry about the spelling mistakes, it's still early.
Seeing artefacts of light in the vision can precede migraines or suggest brain or nerve injury or pressure in the eye.

Rule those out?
yes definitely. look at the picture and think that.
alien obsession is the famous judeo narcissism: people exposed to judaism deeply believe they are snowflakes in the universe and aliens cross billions of light years just to lurk from the shadows and observe the mighty jews and gentiles which required centuries of analysis to understand lol
*starts slapping self in autistic rage*
Spelling aside your structure is horrendous.
alright claude, thank-you. my essay is due in three hours. please restructure this essay for me. thanks claude uh faggot. haha * continues slapping self in autistic rage *
anon i have had a similiar experience while meditating in my bed years ago. i'm not a schizo, i wasn't sleeping, i was completely lucid and i never had any hallucination before or after the event. A ball of light was floating outside my bedroom window it was very dense it looked like lighting, or maybe the same substance the greeks imagined the stars to be made of (ether). this light emaneted from the orb towards my ceiling, glowing above me before being slowly absorbed again in the floating sphere, then it disappeared and never came back again.
I read your post, I'll try to rationalize what you experienced based on what you're sharing.
>I'd like to preface this by saying that i do take pharmacelogical medications, not for schizophrenia in particular however aspergers.
Do you mind saying which one specifically? We are what we eat comes to mind so for me, Occam's Razor would allude to maybe a side effect of some kind based on medication, or current diet. (We consume meds so hence adding that to "diet") I assume you may have already exhausted this route, but much like IT advises to turn something "off" and back "on", I'm just starting with the basics here..

>Does anyone or has anyone had experience with something like an orb of light?
I do not, personally, but I know many people have experienced this type of phenomena. In photographs, and in person. The former usually dismissed via artifact, and other technological limitations, and the latter, well, see above regarding meds/body state. Describe how you felt in the moment. Meds you're on, etc.

>i'd stopped on this jamaican giving tarot readings although i'm sure that has nothing to do with it
Probably not, but if you recall the video might as well share it. Could be a clue.

>It was dark and this ball of light appeared outside my window hovering there for a few minutes.
Okay, try to remember what you saw in this moment vividly. Did the light hover like a literal orb? As in, not the rays of light from a flashlight, or laser, etc.. That could be seen projected further into your room? Or like a glowing bowling ball made of light right outside your window? Did it radiate heat, or light or anything?

>but the pattern of light.
Any trees, or other foliage outside your window that could obstruct, or cause said patterns from occurring? Try to describe what those patterns looked like the best you can. Even a drawing can help.

I'll respond to this, and continue since word limit.
>Once i got close enough and looked at it for long enough a pause a loud explosive sound like a thunder clap seemed to occur from outside.
Almost sounds like an old-timey camera on steroids. With a loud flash effect. You say a "pause" occurred before the thunder clap. As in a stillness? like everything is dead quiet then BOOM? Or were you just fixated on this orb, until it felt like time stopped, and then the thunderclap happened?

> It was really close as it shook the windows, yet there was no lightning.
So there was physical effects to this phenomena. You are positive the windows shook from this? Anything nearby that may have fallen, or responded to that at all in your room?

>Three days latter stressed about it and a myraid of other things i silently broke down crying on the train. Idk extraterrestrials are definitely real, i have not hallucinated anything like that before or anything before really.. it cannot be explained. There's been other things too, but it's just that's the worst one.
I don't think what you experienced was extra terrestrial in nature unless you answer some of my questions, and I can get a better idea. It sounds like the event has stressed you out a lot. Other than not being able to readily explain it can you give me any more insight as to why you felt like it would cause you to cry over it? Or, is that more so from other stresses in your life currently?
i've been stable on the same medication for three years with varying degrees of stress at which point none of which was causing me intense distress at that time. the archive link explains it best. I cried simply as i saw something i did not understand and could not make sense of and thought of the possibility of insanity despite all rational sense. there was no foliage in between the window and it and it happened at night; the orb disappeared in succession with a clap of thunder. I have antique windows, yes they shook, but this happens all the time with close lightning strikes. The thing is though, and i distinctly remember saying this... "there was no flash". There was no flash of lightning illuminating the clouds. You'd think even with there being heat lightning something would light up the sky, but there was nothing even in the dark, but the disappearing light of my guest I suppose. i think they're ultimately benevolent, observe but in as well may communicate. ultimately the feeling i was left with was that it was another force of nature, yet contained some sentience. it could have even been described as playful even, Again there are other things I could tell you but cant as i'd like to keep them personal.
nigger i shared my story like you asked, are you going to reply and share some meaningful details since i'm in the same situation as you or are you going to keep being a nigger?
They are multidimensional omnipresent beings, of course they are watching you and affecting things around us silly goose, shhh just let it happen hehe.
I saw a ball lightning many years ago. I was with family members. We all saw it. It wasn't the first time for the eldest ones. It's a bit surreal, but nothing to freak out about. Nature is vast and still holds a few surprises to us. Relax a bit.
I think ball lightning requires like 2 standing frequencies, and one is like a ultrahigh band frequency (terahertz), and one in the microwave. Like one maintains the plasma, while the high frequency one creates like a stable miniature ionosphere.

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