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Is mantling real and how can I mantle Dionysos for example?
It is real and it's slightly like the one in the Elder Scrolls. It is one of the techniques shilled in the law of assumption/attraction/Neville Goddard/whatever. To do it, envision your ideal character, Dionysos in your case, then approach every situation as they would. Of course you wouldn't completely become them, unless you absolutely
and truly want to. You would only gain their mannerisms, outlook on life and mindset. Basically larp your way in. If you did this with a billionaire, its safe to assume that you would become a billionaire in no time. Hope this helps.
>Basically larp your way in.
Yeah, even in tes it's basically fake it till you make it.
> Of course you wouldn't completely become them, unless you absolutely
and truly want to.
Not necessarily with Dionysos but I am fascinated about impersonating a god and becoming so similar that the universe forgets the difference is really fascinating to me.
Even though it is surely really difficult it seems to me the easiest way to achieve apotheosis.
I heard there is some Tibetan Buddhist yoga where you also imagine yourself as your deity in order to eventually become them.
To a degree. You can't.
Also, it seems its basically this way: Every of these archetypes/gods have an oversoul, a kind of botnet.
For example, the Christos oversoul would presumably have Horus, Jesus, Mithras, Dionysos, etc. all be part of that greater oversoul and by mantling Christ you become a bot of this botnet.
I personally wonder if Jesus mantled Yahweh or Dionysos.
Its called invocation. As opposed to evocation. Why do you zoomers keep coming up with these videogame terms?
checked but it would be more like a permanent invocation where you eventually replace that deity.
>Walk like them until they must walk like you
You slowly start becoming the god you want to be, failing, but improving over time until eventually it's second nature to you and it's no longer faking it, it's "they walk like you".
BRB, becoming Papa Dagoth.
i wanna mantle colonel sanders
Yes. Hitler mantled Odin for example. But i don't think it was intentional from his part because it was predicted. Maybe Odin chose Hitler as a means of exorcising his wrath against jewish people because they were indirectly responsible for killing the egregore he was ruler of. Maybe it was Odin's final blow before leaving this world forever.
>pic related Von Stuck's painting called "Wild Hunt" Depicting Odin with his apocalyptic army
>Odin looks eerily similar to hitler
>Year painting was made:1889
>Year Hitler was born:1889
Odin's still around though
NTA but mantling something is basically tricking the dreamer/godhead/brahman into thinking you are the same being and I guess this would also change things in retrospect so they have always been that way.
I am just theorizing but if Cleopatra mantled Isis and Mark Anthony Dionysos (which they tried to do) it would probably change the past so they were always Isis and Dionysos and their mortal forms the mortal incarnations of these gods.
Just stop being schizo. Imma mantle ur mom.
woah, but what if im using several gods? are they like... mating? am i a new god?
Like when the dream no longer needs the dreamer...

Kill elf.
I'm going to try getting mantled by The Nobod...
The Nobody is a place holder, in which you can then emulate and become something else.
*stares non-judgementally*
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>tfw Reman is the Mithras of the Elder Scrolls and is worshipped in underground temples called Remaneum based on IRL Mithraeums
"Reman took the knight’s helm off during this accusation to see the vulgar mouth more clearly, the lips and teeth that framed him to this barbaric angle, and then the Chim-el Adabal in his forehead erupted into balefire, saying, “None But Ourself”. Reman then bit out the knight’s teeth with his own, growling against and with this new-known power, worrying the lower jaw until it tore free, his hands held hard against the knight’s flailing and now tongueless chokes, and his biting increased into a skipping blur until the knight’s face exploded into his own." -The Shonni-etta excerpts
Attempting Chim as we speak. So far, I've wound up on the moon with a bunch of assholes in the future.
Relatable, I am currently producing my own product to sell, it's to help people reach enlightenment and realize I AM AND I ARE ALL WE
I filled it with my own divine spark and personally CHIMMED in it myself ( tihihi ;D )
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"But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, 'Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter.' 'I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you.nb1 Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel! And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit! The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth! Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives? And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people! So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!"
as long as there is at least one believer. alas he has almost 0 influence on the world now.
>>"The Allfather has almost 0 influence now"

Lmao, even
How anyone thinks this is even remotely true. Asatru is on the rise and the Old God's live.
You are clearly invested emotionally in this subject and lack objectivity. We are long gone from this world. You confuse shadows for a real thing like every mortal.
He had less loosh in 1889 and yet took a whole nation by storm and gave us the most memorable man in the past 2000 years.
Gods don't need human belief but only that their spheres and domains are intact.
As long as there is war and people seeking forbidden knowledge Odin will be fine.
Only "gods" that require human faith are probably the ones whose religion preaches beliefism.
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What religions need this "beliefism"
Literally just look up "Deity Yoga" and perform that, anon. It's a frankly intuitive process.
Where do you suspect New Thought got it from, anon?
And what exactly makes you think he wants to be found, anon?
It's an imitation platform, a cookie cutter outfit designed to reduce certain signals and increase others, all with the ultimate aim of implementing elusive but effective patterns of mounting intensity that hopefully result in a a quicker "Awakening" process. The idea is to do what you can to imitate "The Nobody", fueling the egregore in a way that makes it easier for others to perform the same Yoga of "becoming the Nobody". But you're not supposed to stay in that suspended state of magickal exertion. The goal is to use it while you need to and then pivot to the development of the Magical Personality.
Does that make more sense?
>Does that make more sense?
Yes, it does, maybe it would have been better if I said temporary state.
>Literally just look up "Deity Yoga" and perform that, anon. It's a frankly intuitive process.
What I find interesting are the attempts at mantling outside of Deity Yoga like when Caligula tried to become Zeus and fucked his sisters and even cut his wife's belly and ate the fetus (allegedly) to recreate the birth of Athena.
I dunno maybe the baby eating part was just from I Claudius but he did also plan to move the capital to Alexandria to be worshipped as a god there.
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Also only roman emperor that waged war against a god and won and avenged Odysseus.
Unless you plan on showing yourself in person like he and some others have to me, you're all talk. I called out and they answered, no ambiguous messages needed.
Is Odin truly the utmost representation of warfare?
Are all other war deities merely reflections?
Or are there many and he is just the one you prefer?
Odin's relation to both warfare and forbidden knowledge appeals deeply to me, but I am also literally 0% Scandinavian and I have no appreciation for vikings, so to try to be involved with him would leave me feeling more than a little bit larpy.
Is it merely enough that he is spawned of the Indo-European religious traditions and that despite my mixed blood, paternally I am R1b, or should I look elsewhere?
You can do what you want and I don't really care but Odin/Wotan comes from the older PIE Wodanaz (god of the mad) so if warfare, forbidden knowledge, gallows, and ritual madness are your thing do what thou wilt.
I am also not a devotee of Odin mind you.
All I can say is him and Tyr have never steered me wrong
Odin is useful for "hanging from the tree" - more or less what Jung describes as Shadow Work. He's a psychopomp and thus can guide you through the "death" of the Ego as you guide yourself up to the Apollonian level of attainment you seek.
Ultimately, Odin is a lot more than just warfare, forbidden knowledge, or mysticism. A better example of Warfare should be Indra-Mars-Ares for the record.
Well I was just curious, I don't want to look to a deity which I am unwanted by.
It's nice to know that the door is open through action and rite.
It seems like I've got a lot of learning to do.
May I ask for recommended reading?
The funny thing is most of the post you just responoded to is mostly intuitive internalization and my ability to convey those ideas. I didn't necessarily get some book and read it in order to come to these conclusions.
Frankly, I've been doing Deity Yoga with Odin for years before I really knew much about him, before I knew much about Yoga and especially before I knew anything about what "Deity Yoga" even means. This is a very intuitive process for me and I just sort of start doing what's next without any real cognizance of the process. If you guys aren't doing the same, there's only so much I can help you with, unfortunately.
Oh, you could still be unwanted by him but for different reasons than you think.
Basically, you have to be ready to do ANYTHING for knowledge and he really respects people searching for knowledge at any price and self-sacrifice.
To be fair, the Norse gods have an open door policy for all* so long as you're respectful.

*If you're from the people they came from, you'll have a better connection, but technically all are welcome so long as they put in the work and do their due diligence (despite what others may think, many Gods do play favorites and connect better to certain groups. The Haitian deities are a closed group for certain people but will still be open to some outsiders, though the Norse deities get a bad wrap for doing the same. Miles may vary)

One thing to be certain of regardless of whatever path you choose-whoever you reach out to, everyone gets the first one free, then you gotta put in the work for the next ones. You call for a sign to Hermes? He'll give you a sign, alright. But the next interaction will be after you put in some work to show you're actually interested.
>knowledge at any price and self-sacrifice.
I don't really suggest blinding yourself in one eye. It is not a fun process. Eye surgery fucking sucks and is scary as shit. Not being able to see is not fucking cool.
0/10 do not recommend
I haven't been, but I've always had the suspicion that intuiting things was the way to go.
Someone had to figure these things out some way before people started writing books.
It's funny the idea keeps getting confirmed to me.
Nta but can you tell me or link to something so I can learn deity yoga myself?
The answers I got to it where all basically "fuck off you need someone to initiate and teach you"
I am not saying you have to cut your eye out.
I am just saying that if someone has super secret knowledge and will give it to you in return for your eye, Odin will respect you to go to any lengths for that knowledge.
Now you're getting it.
reading books < personal experience
You'll get that with literally everything to do with the Eastern side of things. Just search around, read evening you can find, and practice/live what you do. That's the secret. Teachers are great but even a teacher can do more harm than help if they aren't correct.
I'm not sure if I would want to give up my eye, and I don't really have anything to sacrifice, so maybe I'm not ready or blocked off already.
Good to note, in that case I may already have many backlogs worth of work to do then.
I definitely have a backlog then fuck
Well, are you a poet then maybe? Because he is also god of poets.
believing can do a lot. it can make things real. maybe that thing is evil tho. just saying. a hammer is a tool and a weapon.
Yeah, just stick to poems and runes.
You're going to look for Tantric works largely.
Not bad but they do help align you and confirm you're on the right path. I definitely recommend still reading.
Odin isn't "go cut your leg off for this spell, lol" like it comes across to modern readers. He sacrificed himself TO himself for the knowledge. He embodies the aspect of giving up something for something else. You don't need to grab a melon baller and take your eye out for the effect.

Do you smoke? Then sacrifice your habit.
Do you look at porn? Give it up.
Do you act more selfishly and not donate to those actually in need and not larpers and scammers? Drop a 20 for the orphans in need.

That's your sacrifice. And in return, you will gain knowledge and wisdom. The more difficult the sacrifice, the better the return will be. He shows up in the guise of an old man to random houses and asks for help. If you drive him away, you'll have hell to pay, but if you help an old man in need then he will reveal his full glory and grant you blessings.
To add to this, read the Havamal.
I'm not, but there's definitely avenues of knowledge I could be making sacrifices in and its all very clearly laid out now that I'm looking at it this way, so I need to start working down that tree.
I understand, I believe, nothing senseless(?) but still at personal cost.
Look at it this way: you decide to want to run a marathon. You've never run and shovel handfuls of chips into your mouth. How do you get to the state where you can run the marathon? You give up the candy and apply yourself to getting into shape. In that sense, you've made the sacrifice. That's all there is to that part.
Or you can hang from a tree for days with a spear in your chest if you want to, but....
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I respectfully disagree and while I don't want to invalidate any experiences you had I am still definitely of the opinion that he respects people who go to great lengths and sacrifice much for wisdom.
It's not about that limb or that eyeball but perhaps you have to do something that is in conflict with your morals or give something up in return etc. but I do believe he is really about that.
Then again I don't exactly have a whitewashed view of him and view him more as this terrifying berserk shaman king who has no problem using trickery and fucking people over.
None of this is meant negatively btw.
>terrifying berserk shaman king who has no problem using trickery and fucking people over.
That's a pretty pitiful way of looking at it anyway, though. I think the kinds of takes in line with this tend to be very narrow-minded and dichotomous. This is why it's so important to exercise that duality dogma out of initiates.
Anyway, I'm not saying that's what you're saying. I'm commenting on your 3rd party commentary.
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I think what I said came off the wrong way. Terrifying but still noble and also highly pragmatic to the point where morals are sometimes an afterthought.
That said my first exposure to Wotan was "Die Nibelungen 1971" where he not only put the Icelandic queen to sleep but also had Hagen of Troy as a pretty good of Odinic values.
There is a scene where he wanders through the woods with spear in hand like a shadow and I just thought "woah, so this is Wotan?"
pretty good example of Odinic values*
He is also the only pagan character in the tale and while dark and sinister also extremely loyal.
He refuses to enter Churches and talks with the dwarf king who has become Siegfried's servant since he can't enter the Church either.
I never said the sacrifice was one of small value. But if you go telling everyone that "only the most hard-core of hard-core actions gets you noticed, go give your entire life savings away and then go to a war zone without a gun, FUCK YEAH", then nobody will take up the connection to him and what he stands for. Any sacrifice that holds meaning to the follower and is a notable action will gain the attention of Old One-eye. Stopping a smoking habit may mean nothing to you, but to some it's like stopping heroine. All is taken into account upon the actions of the initiate.

Yes, this is also him. He is a multi-faceted being that appears in many guises to many men. He is the crafty one, and the wise one, and the trickster that teaches.

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