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/x/ - Paranormal

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Drop the most fucked up things you’ve seen irl
I’ll go first
>take an urbex trip to Massachusetts alone
>break into an abandoned hospital building
>taking pics of graf and generally creepy/pretty areas
>hear shuffling and whispering from the Maintainance tunnel
>turn off lights and whip out phone camera for video
>crawl through Maintainance tunnel until I see an opening at a different section of building
>find room lit by candles but don’t enter
>tfw stumbled across some cult ritual
>guy in pic related sees me filming
>freaky smile and maniacal laugh
>stands up buck naked and darts at the tunnel I’m still in
>nope the fuck out of there as fast as I can
>I never went back or released the photos on my social media
Still not sure what he was saying before he noticed me, some kind of whisper
Fuck Massachusetts that state is beyond cursed
Woke up in a bathtub once with slices all over my body, especially my arms and legs. Definitely not self harm, there were a bunch in places I can’t reach. Did a lot of hard drugs with my ex and turns out she was trying to kill me while I was on heroin. She had been smoking meth all week and went totally schizo, cut me all up and threw me in a hot bath to make it look like a suicide.
very weak
This isn’t /x/
This is just degenerate living.
>larp as psychic cause I didn't have a phone
> pretend alucinate rain
>causes me to be able to breath correctly again
>I made it
>rest of the day seems great she picked me up from uni , talked to my mom that I find it wierd that I have math 3 when I don't remenber math 2.
> probs me being a retard
> in that moment am image of a mummy apears behind me
> my head is forced to imagin him behind me
> used to day dream constanly but this was something I didn't knew was posible
>everychange I made to the image reverted back
>he tried doing spooky shit but the reverting effect he had also limited him , I could hold him back
> try to do anime bullshit on it didn't work was getting scared
>all while talking to my mom as if everything is normal
>decide to look around back , my head indid forced me to visualise him irl
>tryied to just like focosed on the wall
> didn't work
> get kind of scared this was a very alien experience with how my mind works
>most or my daydreams are nearly not as stable for long perdiods of time
> go around him
>he changed to looksilly and short
>Inmidiatly not scared of him
>just like beat him to dead until it was a pudle
>the puddle was still forcing me to visualise him in relation to him behind me or directly seeing it when seen with eyes.
>but it didn't that strong hold my mind anymore so like I didn't care
> it tried to anbush me in the badroom (I am a retard since I went to the living room badroom)
> BUT it lost its loster so I just kicked him around like a ball
>still very imposible but not in a scary way more in a schizo way
>that mummy either played me like his bitch or I just killed a wierd astray mummy somehow
>sometimed apears again but doesn't have the same effect or the effect is very disminished.
> feel kind of bad about it , the mummy was basically my master in psychic stuff
> or at least he kickstarted this mentally ill but very usefull part of my life by beating me at my own game
> then I remenber he problably stole my soul liber and I fell less bad
> I also got a huge boon in thinking when it happened
> which is pretty usefull since I am mentally bad
> either I met a psychic ghost thingi that day
>or I have DID and a random non verbal alter from out of nowere just like daydream mogged me out of nowere.
> regardless the story seems interesting in my opinion
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for reference on the like effect the mummy has , it always wanted direct observation but didn't move , isntaid it just forced my minds eye to see it as if I had a pair of eyes in the back of my head , using the most direct route , like pic related
This may sound mundane but it's something I still can't explain to this day and no one believes me when I tell them.

>be 8 year old me,1999 NJ
>had no camera or phone (not even flip phone)
>walking home from friend's house
>look up at the clear blue sky
>a weirdly dark plane sitting perfectly still in the sky
>looks commercial but its really dark like it's enveloped in shadow
>a minute passes
>it hasn't moved, same spot, same size
>huh... that's weird
>keep staring while playing an entire segment of Dexter's Lab in my head to keep time
>use buildings and other structures around to measure distance traveled
>Dexter's Lab segment over and it's still there after about five minutes
>wait for someone to show up but live in small quiet town
>no one around, no one can confirm what I'm looking at
>give up and walk home with feeling of dread the entire time
>feel like I saw something I shouldn't have and am in deep trouble
>arrive home and get mom to go outside with me
>clear skies, nothing

It wasn't a fighter jet, it wasn't cigar, saucer, or stereotypical UFO shaped with weird lights. It was a normal plane you would see at any airport.

I have encounters with spirits and ghosts too, but I don't want to spam too hard so I'll post them in a bit.
She was speaking in tongues and didn’t sleep at all for the whole week she was on meth. When my brother came to bring me to the hospital, we found sigils painted all over my walls in blood. Still not sure how much of it was mine and how much was hers. They found her body in a lake about 8 days later with rocks in her pockets and similar sigils carved all over her body. There was no evidence of foul play but I was held in a psych ward for weeks while the police were investigating her death. It was ruled suicide.
I can never forget the notebook she left behind. Most of it was incoherent scribbles about angels and archons, but the part that really got to me was what she would say about me. It was almost as if she had been writing this notebook much longer than that week she lost control.
An entire 50 pages or so was about how she loved to watch me from the corner of the room when I didn’t know she was there. She would say things like how
it might feel to cut through my skin with prices of glass. And how the bug bites I was getting from that nasty mattress we shared were actually from her pricking me with sewing needles she would dip in her blood.
I have been sober for 7 years now and I still have to go to therapy multiple times a week.
I have sleep paralysis all the time. I got pissed at a shadow being just fucking creeping in the corner of my room and, I don't know, mentally shouted at it that it that if it didn't leave now I'd hunt and eat it. Shock in its weird eyes and was gone like a flash. I know this is just a hypnogogic hallucination, but damn it felt good to be the apex predator, even if only in my sleepy brain. Nothing else though.
Anybod notice the cypher in OP pic
I was about to write bullshit but then I read that you wrote "true" in the title
Write your story anyway nobody can tell you it’s ain’t real
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If you have more photos then post em. I would like to believe your story.

In New York, traveling in a van. Drove past these abandoned old looking buildings. Turns out it was a 200 acre, or whatever, insane asylum for the adolescent. Ran from 1920?-96? Something like that. Walked through every building I could, energy nook, every cranny. Nothing scary, I am not a believer in ghosts or spirits. Open locked gate, back my van up to the buildings. I planned on camping there for the night. Gathering wood for a fire, something darts into the building in front of me. I know something was there, probably another explorer or a homeless dude. About all I got. If anyone is interested I could probably find the name and coordinates if I really tried. It was an awesome place to walk around and some of you would probably find some spooky stuff.
Was the plane high in the sky?
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Sir I'm arresting you on suspicion of incitement to the telling of fibs on the internet. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.
High enough to where it didn't look like it was landing or had just taken off. It was totally motionless and dark. It was tilted in a way that I could make out the shape; typical airliner for commercial use. Wasn't facing away or toward me, was pointed northwest.
Your ramblings are completely incoherent. Take your meds.
I am just having fun anon.

also my lack of diction is more so cause I am imature , and less me being a schizo.

anyway what parts you didn't understand anon.
Why not share the pics here?

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