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/x/ - Paranormal

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I don't see the appeal of the Eastern Philosophical/Theological belief in reincarnation.
>Come back as something or somebody else
>Have no memories from previous lives
...So how the hell am I myself? If you took all my memories away, I wouldn't be me. For me, it's not a comforting concept. It sounds like a nightmare. Can you anons explain this to me?
You can figure out your past through context clues.
Its not supposed to be comforting. Also karma obfuscates memories from prior lives, some people with practice are able to remember.

The idea is that this shit IS a nightmare, and you're supposed to transcend it.
Why do you want to be you?
But I don't have memories. I'm dead, all I have is some link to past lives. Not very comfy.
Because it's the only thing I know. I know who I am because of my memories of growing up, family, friends, working, teaching, etc. If I lose the memories I lose myself.
Why follow a uncomfortable belief system? Wouldn't it be better to simply die when you die? Why the emphasis of returning to a mortal world?
Because the practices that helps you transcend the bullshit are incredibly comforting. If you genuinely believe you're gonna be endlessly reborn, you may want to get your shit in gear. As far as Buddhism is concerned, you aren't required to believe at the start, individuals are encouraged to try the teachings out, implement them and see what happens. Then belief can eventually follow.
Why would anybody want to be continually reborn? And in unknown forms?
Who the hell wants to believe this? It's terrible.
You still get to exist though. If you found yourself in a car crash, would you rather survived with total amnesia or died permanently?
>For me, it's not a comforting concept. It sounds like a nightmare
Yes, this is why one of the goals is to escape it via Moksha or Nirvana.

In Mahayana Buddhism it's not you that reincarnates, it's your karma, which can be imagined as a form of causation. The metaphor of a candle lighting another candle is given. Are the flames the same flame? No, they're two different flames on two different candles. When you extinguish the first candle, its flame is gone, yet its flame was the direct cause of the next candle's flame. That is how reincarnation works, with the flame being the effect of your actions on current and future beings. Everything YOU are ends with death.

In the principal Upanishads, your Self/Atman is described as a river, distinct from yet connected directly to the sea, Brahman--The One, highest God, whatever-- and returning into it. There's multiple ways to interpret this based on the Yogic tradition. Some believe you have an individual soul that reincarnates as a new "river," others believe your individual self becomes Atman, which transcends any individuality.
Unironically, I would rather die as the man I was, than live without any memory of who I was.
Then what's the motivation to live a noble and compassionate life?
>Yeah, you were a great dude, but you're dead now. You will become something else. Good job, buddy.
You are not your memories. New ones are added every day and every day pieces of your history just disappear. Are you a different person every day? To me what matters is continuity and even that is a very weak concept that doesn't stand again atom-by-atom copies and such.
>You are not your memories
If I wiped your brain of all your memories, would you still be the same person without them? Sure, your family and friends would recognize your face, but everything else would be gone.
Are you still the same person you were before you made this thread?
Yes. My memories are intact. I've added some new ones to my collection, that is to say I've learned and remember new things, but I am still the same because I remember everything from before.
So how far in your past would you have to go for you to count the self you would meet there as a different self?
Hmmm... Five years old. I've been very good with memory since that age.

"Unflagging persistence was aroused in me, and unmuddled mindfulness established. My body was calm & unaroused, my mind concentrated & single. Quite withdrawn from sensuality, withdrawn from unskillful mental qualities, I entered & remained in the first jhana: rapture & pleasure born from withdrawal, accompanied by directed thought & evaluation. With the stilling of directed thoughts & evaluations, I entered & remained in the second jhana: rapture & pleasure born of composure, unification of awareness free from directed thought & evaluation — internal assurance. With the fading of rapture I remained in equanimity, mindful & alert, and physically sensitive of pleasure. I entered & remained in the third jhana, of which the Noble Ones declare, 'Equanimous & mindful, he has a pleasant abiding.' With the abandoning of pleasure & pain — as with the earlier disappearance of elation & distress — I entered & remained in the fourth jhana: purity of equanimity & mindfulness, neither pleasure nor pain.

"When the mind was thus concentrated, purified, bright, unblemished, rid of defilement, pliant, malleable, steady, & attained to imperturbability, I directed it to the knowledge of recollecting my past lives. I recollected my manifold past lives, i.e., one birth, two... five, ten... fifty, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand, many eons of cosmic contraction, many eons of cosmic expansion, many eons of cosmic contraction & expansion: 'There I had such a name, belonged to such a clan, had such an appearance. Such was my food, such my experience of pleasure & pain, such the end of my life. Passing away from that state, I re-arose there. There too I had such a name, belonged to such a clan, had such an appearance. Such was my food, such my experience of pleasure & pain, such the end of my life. Passing away from that state, I re-arose here.' Thus I remembered my manifold past lives in their modes & details.
"This was the first knowledge I attained in the first watch of the night. Ignorance was destroyed; knowledge arose; darkness was destroyed; light arose — as happens in one who is heedful, ardent, & resolute.
You were a different person before 5 years of age then? In the middle of some day the small child suddenly stopped existing and in its place popped whatever it is that you consider to be your self?
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Nta but a lot of people have that feeling of suddenly waking up one day. Happened to me on my 4th birthday.
No. The small child learned new things. The same way the man who was that small child is learning things now. We are the same because we share memories. I know who my mother was. So did that five year old boy. Every molecule of my body has been replaced since my birth, and my genetic material has been eroded over the span of years. But my memories remain.
If you never changed in a different person, how can you be a different person then
Because the retained memories remain. Those are the material that make me myself. Without the memories, I no longer exist. The same way a dead person lives in the memories of people who taught them.
how is that an answer to that question, you just backed down to repeat your original point
I am only truly different from the child in the sense that I have gained more memories. I am still a male human; I still know my family, I still remember what distinguishes me today from me at five years of age. The memories are the common thread.
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I guess I don't get it. The concept of separation from memory to a life is too alien for me... I'm not discouraged, tho. I shall go on learning. Maybe one day I'll be able to reconcile these problems in my understanding of thinking that seems so strange to me.
There are countless examples of children speaking about their past lives. The problem is this life is so engrossing, that they get lost and overshadowed by the memories of your present life.
Perhaps... But by that line of reasoning, why wouldn't babbies be born knowing how to speak? A vague memory, or a group of vague memories is not the same as being the person you were before you died.
It is a nightmare. Thats the point. You're supposed to escape it to nirvana or whatever the fuck right? At least within the eastern viewpoint
Anon, you are not your self, thats the whole point.
The real question is, have you actually done anything in this lifetime that is worth remembering in the next life? If so, the evidence for it will be around you still, otherwise there is no point.
because babies are physically incapable of speech. the muscles need to be developed. but also, you're conveniently ignoring
>this life is so engrossing, that they get lost and overshadowed by the memories of your present life.
which, tells me you really don't have an interest in discussing, only arguing to prove wrong. stay lost.
Are you your friends, family, work and teachers?
That seems tedious if you get reborn with no memories.
If I'm not myself, then why the hell am I trying to better myself as the self I know?
I've spent half a lifetime learning and teaching.
I won't stay lost. I simply believe the philosophy has flaws:
>You die and return; but who knows what you'll return as? A butterfly? A slug? An attractive woman? Nobody knows, it's up to Karma and shit.
It sounds like a crock of shit.
it's not supposed to be comforting. Eastern traditions generally see the cycle of reincarnation as something either to escape from, or ascend to the top of. I think the problem is that religious education in the west tends to teach that reincarnation is the eastern analogue for heaven, when actually its closer to purgatory in theme.
In part, yes. They all influenced my thought. My memories would be different without their influence. So I would be different without them.
>That seems tedious if you get reborn with no memories.
Because it is. It's bunkum
It dosen't matter what it is. It's a condemnation to an inescapable fate over which the individual has no control whatsoever. Because even if you win, you're not who YOU ARE NOW. You're something else.
Actually, memories are fake. You know what you need to know when you need to know it. Our oversoul keeps track of collected memories from your stream of consciousness to let you know what you want to know when you try to remember, creating the illusion of memories. We could bypass this system and access all knowledge colected and available to humanity, what people call akashic records is just that, however, fear prevents us from doing so. Fear of death, of ego death, of not knowing who you a are, of admiting that life is kinda fake, all people walking with these notions everyday prevents everyone else from accesing it as well
>If you took all my memories away, I wouldn't be me.

But if you KNOW that they took all your memories, that changes everything.
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>So how the hell am I myself?
I don't know what the different forms of Hinduism say about this, but Buddhism is deliberately very vague on the matter, and that's part of why I left it. The rest of the religion crumbles if you think too hard about it.

Most people I've met who believe in reincarnation, even Buddhists, have a notion that "they" will still be themselves in their next life, just under different circumstances. Buddhists who've read scripture and have experience realize this is not what the Buddha was saying, that he denied everything you might consider to be "you" as real. They confess this with their mouth, but they don't confess it with their heart. No human can truly think that about themselves outside of extreme delusion, it's not in us. When you deny every faculty you have that could lead you to a conclusion, you also deny that conclusion. Only miserable, self-destructive people who desire annihilation, or narcissists who think they've latched on to some higher, incomprehensible truth can continue to follow Buddhism after studying and contemplating their scripture for any reasonable period of time. Notice how these two types of people happen to be two very predominant types both from the period the Buddha lived in, and in modern western society/on the internet, ie. 4chan. There's a reason Buddhism really started to attract more western followers around the 1960s and onwards.

Buddhists can interpret the vagueness of scripture with a sense of grandeur and mystery, where CLEARLY the Buddha is just hiding it from them because it can't be explained in a conventional manner, and that he's telling you to not think too hard about it because it's a trap that will distract you from liberation. Or, they can interpret it as the Buddha simply being tricky and obfuscative because he didn't know either (or was lying), as many of the ascetics of his time did.
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>...So how the hell am I myself?

You are no "myself".
You are the Self like everybody else.
It’s all human cope at the end of the day to explain away death
Imagine if other animals could talk and self reflect. They would come up with some cope too about living forever
We don’t want to die because we are living organisms and all life seeks to survive and reproduce itself
Even bacteria doesn’t want to die
There is a Self behind everything you do.
You are the Background Awareness of all your earthly activities including thoughts arising.
But it's not a personal Self and it doesn't know any pronouns. Every object in your Awareness is not You. You are that what is aware of it.
>my heart has joined the thousand for my friend has stopped running today
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Life wants to survive because it doesn't know its Source. Because if it did it would be enlightened.
>be favorite video game
>reset the saved game
>start a new game
>character traits are reset, but still essentially the same character at his core
>still the same old game to be played, nothing new under the sun

Also look into the concept of samskaras. Actions that are repeated many times are etched into your chakras as a samskara that transfers between lifetimes, unless the samskara is destroyed. So this becomes patterns of behaviour you will continue to follow, until you learn to change them.
>laid down into a grave at death
>realize still conscious
>have unending stream of consciousness from this material world to the afterlife
>can literally see my own soul as a vibrant body of light
>buddhists still complain about this
Come on now, its the magic of Vishnu that causes souls to temporarily forget, so that they can immerse themselves into the present life
that's making a lot of sense even from a nihilistic scientific perspective
shinigami take us to be washed off in the fountain of souls. living soils the soul. it's better to be 5 and feeble than 500 and strong. though still i want to try to live forever.
That's just buddhist nihilism.
There's lot of hindu scriptures talking about how to secure a good afterlife in a heavenly realm.
Vish who?
I think the idea is there are lessons that are so core to you and your spirit that make you who you are, that they influence your behavior and change how you as a spirit would act even without memories or a brain.
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I thank /x/ for explaining the broad concepts of this way of thinking. But I still don't understand how a person can have immortality without retaining the memories of the self. Even in some Abrahamic religions it is taught that you will inhabit a spiritual body after death. It's a very different state of existence to be sure. But the memories; the self, is preserved. What could be the point of existence (especially an eternal one) if the things you learned in life were inconsequential?
well it's nice, that's why we have to cultivate a better and better world for our future selves until we master material
Think of conscioussness as pure subjective experience devoid of things you normally attribute to the self. Things like ego or memory are attached to conscioussness but not a fundamental part of it. The self is not memories even though they contribute to a person's sense of self.
Because it's a deception
Past lives is another way humans invented to cheat death. There is only she'oyl which is basically a cold and dark pit for souls to rest. As someone who died and returned to life, this is it. I saw it I was there. The closest way one can be immortal is by becoming a ghost but it's not you.
>If you took all my memories away, I wouldn't be me.
Correct. This "you" that is identifying with these memories is as temporary as the memories themselves.
You do not know who the eternal you is.
>I still don't understand how a person can have immortality without retaining the memories of the self.
For a modern analogy.
You think you are the data on the USB stick.
You are not.
You are the USB stick.
Because you think you are the data, it is confusing to hear that the data can be wiped and you will still be you.
But you are not the data.
You are the observer of the data.
>What could be the point of existence (especially an eternal one) if the things you learned in life were inconsequential?
What is the point of being awake if you don't remember random day dreams?
The problem is you think the s.matwrial, temporary life holds any importance or meaning.
It doesn't.
It is simply an indulgence, with no further merit or lasting lesson.
eastern anything is bum shit
Infinity does not exist. It such a dumb concept that only Asian "metaphysics" believes in. Study Thomas Aquinas, the most enlightened mind the Western world has ever seen.
The appeal of it is that grown ups actually recognize that there is no equilibrium or true fairness among people that balances out in this life.

Some people are born as trust fund babies and get loving, caring families while experiencing endless wealth, love, abundance, and leisure while not working as hard.

Some people are born as African American women in detroit in abusive family environments resulting in a mom getting pumped and dumped and her 7 month year old getting shot in gang to gang violence.

I'm sorry, no amount of "God is secretly in control trust me bro lol" will make those two life experiences at all equal.

Eastern philosophy (which was ALSO a part of Western philosophy via Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, arguably Germanic mythology, and Judaism until Roman Catholicism buried it) actually gives the adult answer and tries to make the equilibrium and fairness in life transcend just one single life here on earth; because there are multiple lifetimes, such unfairness can seem to be oriented for something greater than yourself.
So God doesn't exist?
Groypers get the Rope
Is there a guide of clues?
Actually do the work and work with the gods, and they will reveal it to you very clearly.

Certain things that pop up in your life happen because they are connected to things that happen before.

They will reveal things from a 40,000 foot view and show you how things are connected in ways that give causal explanations for things.
Infinity would mean nothing exists because there would have been no beginning. But there clearly was a beginning and things clearly come to an end. Thomas Aquinas proved the existence of God intellectually. No faith required. Faith is beautiful though because it allows less intelligent people to come to God.
Yeah but the Catholic position is that God is infinite and omnipresent and he's the source of beginnings and ends, and if God exists, infinity exists, making this argument absurd.

>Your image
1. There is no contradiction in Pantheism because Pantheists believe that all division is illusory.

2. The 5 Proofs have been thoroughly repudiated by academics for centuries now, p particularly with Kant and Hume. Thomas Aquinas ignores the role which perception and experience plays as a necessary part of reality; because large parts of our knowledge of our reality are contingent on our experience of it, its absurd to say that we can prove our experience of reality through causation alone.

But even ignoring Kant's argument, just because there are causes and effects assumes all causes and all effects are necessarily related, but this is just assumed and not justified by Thomas. How do we know there aren't three causes or two causes or there is infinite causing?

Further, Aquinas hides the Abrahamic God in his five ways and doesn't justify it. There is nothing that can be known about the first mover - how do we know there is personhood or consciousness behind it? Not justified.

Aquinas's 5 ways are dumb, yet armchair philosophers pretend we are still in the 13th century
Thank you. I understand much better now. Maybe I'm a dumbass for not getting that years ago, but your analogy was very clear.So it's kinda like watching a movie where you identify and become interested in the actions of the protagonist. But when the movie's over, you leave the theater and continue your existence. Is that about right?
The theory of the rebirths is not super hard to come up with it in the first place
-at death you either die forever
-or you go to some place but dont come back
- or what dies is recycled into what will be alive again

it's not like there are many possibilities lol. Rebirth is not the monopoly of buddhism. buddhists claim that the 5 aggregates are anatta, that's all they say in their niche.

the observation is that there is nothing worth calling a self in any realm of life, ie the formless realm is devoid of anything worth calling self, same for the form realm same for the desire realm. No matter what happens in those realms, there is no self in those.
Outside of that, there is nibanna and that's not the self again.

So if there is indeed some ontological self, then it is outside 1/ nibanna, 2/ any realm containing life.

If there is this self, you can't influence it and it doesnt influence you. At this point the self is completely useless.
And even worse, the self, the knowledge about the self, being influenced by the self or even influencing the self are not needed to end suffering. So the self is at best an intellectual craving, and it's not even required to reach the buddhist goal.
Somes similar to the ancient Stoic philosophy of the Eternal Fire: all life contains a small piece of this creation flame. When something dies, the flame or spark returns to whole fire.
God exists outside of time and space. Nothing inside of Creation is infinite, sir. Study Thomas Aquinas
The mind speaks while the soul only listens
When the mind dies the soul lives
What is stays as you is your soul
Your mind is only "your's", your soul has had many before that

If you can manage to make your soul speak you will lay bare memory going back eternity
It is a nightmare or Hell. It's because we're ruled by something(s) evil or at least something that doesn't think very highly of us. OR we're being punished for something or quarantined for some reason. Or our rulers really do think this bullshit system is for our best interest when it's really not.

Or none of any of these spiritual/religious/existential/conspiracy theories are remotely true and life simply is as simple and gay and lame as it seems and that's all there is just because. Aka the faggot atheists are right. Damned either way anon. Damned either way.
So what? Doesn't affect my point how your argument makes no sense.
Its not supposed to be "appealing"
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I like to believe that the natural talent some people exhibit for different things is the result of learning and mastering something in a previous life. It's what makes some people look at a tool and immediately know what to do with it. Henry Ford, a man who also believed in reincarnation, said it best
>I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty six. Religion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile if we cannot utilise the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered Reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan I realised that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more. The discovery of Reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men’s minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us.
And I find comfort in it for the same reasons he does; labor is learning, and learning is never truly wasted as it carries onto the next life as intuition and talent.
>buying more time

the point of reincarnation is that it's bad. The goal is get out of karma and rebirths.
It's the roasties who think karma is a good think
Memories go, but inclinations remain
Why choose to believe in a religion that offers you no incentive for faith, noble acts, compassion, and courage? Are the followers of such religions so broken that they merely accept a philosophy of complete misery and eternal suffering? Why would anybody put faith in such a thing?
>You were born as shit, and you'll be born again when you die as shit. Forever. Unless you find some way to enlighten yourself. Fuck off.
It's terrible.
>offers you no incentive for faith, noble acts, compassion, and courage?
But it does. Literally every religion does
Why you make yourself stupid to drive a point? Fucking queer
look pal im only gonna say this once, reincarnation and memory wipes are the demiurges favorite trick to keep you in this illusion matrix where they can loosh your misery on repeat for infinity. until you realize this you'll be tricked, shamed, and coerced into the "light" and perpetually reincarnate because you have a mission and you just, j-just have to ok!

archonic reptilian fucks will douse you in "love" when you die, you'll meet relatives and see past lives. they will show you things you did in this life that were bad and make you feel like you have to come back to correct it, or that you have a mission or someone you love needs you

it's all bullshit! you are free to do as you please after death, do not fall victim to the archonic soul loosh farm matrix here. claim your right as a divine sovereign
"The Lord is the only transmigrant"
I suppose this would be the thread to ask, but are you lot trying to reach an equivalent of heaven through karma, or are you trying to achieve true freedom? Are you lot actually trying to be the unchained on this chessboard?
stream seems achievable, even today, but even this seems to require some basic jhanas for most people in the suttas, so deferentially required for normal people nowadays.
Really? Well, the good thing is that this is a free world and you can choose whatever religious beliefs make you feel better.
How did you come to be the self that you claim to be now?
Purushartha shunyanam gunanam pratiprasavah kaivalyam svarupa pratishta va chiti shaktir iti (Yoga Sutras 4.34)
Even liberation is not the end goal. Its God. Real goal is to reach God in His abode
But you faggots are too tangled up in stupid shit like simulation theories and faggoty things like that
... By learning stuff after I was born.
>Who the hell wants to believe this?
Do you just believe things that you find comforting?
>It's terrible.
Yet, we don't even get a "tutorial" stage or anything, man!
It's just straight into an open-world sandbox with no objective with difficulty said on "Dark Souls" mode.

The struggle is real, you know?
Yes. I'm not going to put my faith in a religion that teaches
>Yeah, life is fucked up, but you're trapped in a never ending cycle of death and rebirth. The state of your next incarnation depends on how well you played a game that nobody really understands the rules of... So... Be noble and kind. And maybe, after you die, you won't retun as a parasitic insect.
Fuck that noise.
difficulty set*
Your memories are stored in 'the universe', and not in your brain. While most people talking about 'previous lives' are simply mistaking fantasy for reality, at a higher level of psychic development - much higher - full knowledge of past lives is given.

One lifetime is not enough for the Mysteries, and yes, when you die, your soul does travel to worlds: you can take it with you, in other words... but not your money, nor your things.
Imagine playing a big videogame, but you only get one life, on one planet, and what is essentially a random spawn.

Good thing God has better taste than Christians.
That part makes sense in a Western philosophy context. You still exist intact with your memories, but in a higher state of being. Different, but more perfect.
You know, what sucks is its extremely clear that our Ancestors at least had the good fortune to directly communicate and be visited by those who are said to have "ascended" and they were granted wisdom and shown the way.

But people only live for the briefest of cosmic moments.
So it's like they got the pre-order bonus and someone to actually guide them and help them get started.

Then what? Literally nothing for THOUSANDS of years. We're just expected to figure things out and decipher crap written on rocks from a time where even the idea of "education" didn't exist by people who thought it was somehow brilliant to speak in riddles?

Are we being trolled or something?
You are the higher state of being. Your mind is like an organ, and your brain, the reality transducer. This outer world is the field of manifestation, produced by the OverSoul for its own purposes: us, inclusive of the personality.

Yes, you exist with your memories. Your existence is holographic fragment, part and one with the whole Divine Being, and therefore both Eternal and Necessary. You exist without limitation, and your one life - among infinite beings and infinite worlds and infinite planes - while not enough to see and learn and know everything, contains and is everything, and is one with the infinite.
Believe—and sink not! Doubt—and perish!

Thus would run the edict of the other God,
Who names me demon to his angels!

They echo the sound to miserable things,
Which knowing nought beyond their shallow senses,
Worship the word which strikes their ear, and deem
Evil or good what is proclaimed to them In their abasement.

I will have none such:
Worship or worship not, thou shall behold
The worlds beyond thy little world, nor be
Amerced, for doubts beyond thy little life,
With torture of my dooming.

There will come
An hour, when tossed upon some water-drops,
A man shall say to a man, "Believe in me,
And walk the waters" and the man shall walk
The billows and be safe.

I will not say
Believe in me, as a conditional creed
To save thee, but fly with me o'er the gulf
Of space an equal flight, and I will show
What thou darest not deny, the history
Of past, and present, and of future worlds.
If these Eastern Philosophies are true, and correct about an eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth... W-What happens when the sun starts to die and gets bigger and nukes the Earth to burnt rock? It's only a few hundred billion years before that happens.
While Earth is unique, and irreplaceable, there are 32760 world-types in the Multiverse.
Only thirty two thousand seven hundred and sixty?! Well, fuck... I guess life isn't eternal after all.
>you are not your own
>you are here to be tested/punished/to learn/to suffer
>you will be a good boy because if you don't you will suffer for eternity
i don't like religions
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Who is this that wrappeth up sentences in unskillful words?

Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask thee, and answer thou me.

Where wast thou when I laid up the foundations of the earth ? tell me if thou hast understanding.

Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

Upon what are its bases grounded? or who laid the corner stone thereof,

When the morning stars praised me together, and all the sons of God made a joyful melody?

Who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth as issuing out of the womb :

when I made a cloud the garment thereof, and wrapped it in a mist as in swaddling bands?

I set my bounds around it, and made it bars and doors:

And I said: Hitherto thou shalt come, and shalt go no further, and here thou shalt break thy swelling waves.

Didst thou since thy birth command the morning, and shew the dawning of the day its place?

And didst thou hold the extremities of the earth shaking them, and hast thou shaken the ungodly out of it?

The seal shall be restored as clay, and shall stand as a garment:

From the wicked their light shall be taken away, and the high arm shall be broken.

Hast thou entered into the depths of the sea, and walked in the lowest parts of the deep?

Have the gates of death been opened to thee, and hast thou seen the darksome doors?

Hast thou considered the breadth of the earth? tell me, if thou knowest all things?

Where is the way where light dwelleth, and where is the place of darkness:

That thou mayst bring every thing to its own bounds, and understand the paths of the house thereof.

Didst thou know then that thou shouldst be born ? and didst thou know the number of thy days?

Hast thou entered into the storehouses of the snow, or has thou beheld the treasures of the hail:

Which I have prepared for the time of the enemy, against the day of battle and war?
Is that from the Story of Job?
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By what way is the light spread, and heat divided upon the earth?

Who gave a course to violent showers, or a way for noisy thunder:

That it should rain on the earth without man in the wilderness, where no mortal dwelleth:

That it should fill the desert and desolate land, and should bring forth green grass?

Who is the father of rain ? or who begot the drops of dew?

Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it?

The waters are hardened like a stone, and the surface of the deep is congealed.

Shalt thou be able to join together the shining stars the Pleiades, or canst thou stop the turning about of Arcturus?

Canst thou bring forth the day star in its time, and make the evening star to rise upon the children of the earth?

Dost thou know the order of heaven, and canst thou set down the reason thereof on the earth?

Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that an abundance of waters may cover thee?

Canst thou send lightnings, and will they go, and will they return and say to thee: Here we are?

Who hath put wisdom in the heart of man? or who gave the cock understanding?

Who can declare the order of the heavens, or who can make the harmony of heaven to sleep?

When was the dust poured on the earth, and the clods fastened together?

Wilt thou take the prey for the lioness, and satisfy the appetite of her whelps,

When they couch in the dens and lie in wait in holes?

Who provideth food for the raven, when her young ones cry to God, wandering about, because they have no meat?

define 'God' and let's start from there
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Job, 38.
You seem to think your fap-enjoyment was important.

It is not, this isnt Goon-Heaven.
It's one of my favorite, so I'm glad I immediately recognized it.
I see your Lion and raise you crowned Khorne sigil.
I see your Bird-Sun and raise you Bead-Bag.
You gotta give props to that Old Testament God. He was a jealous and vengeful dude. He really gave Job a stern talkin' to.

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