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What are the karmic implications of taxation and the money that gets spend on warfare?
Channeling the collective spirit towards destruction, deception, Saturn conjuct with Mars.
If there's two planetary ideals that have a strong hold over Western culture (get it? like cultivating with a sickle?) it could be Saturn and Mars.
without war you wouldn't have tools or internet or advanced medicine fwiw
Atlantis had every medicine and technology you could think of, if anything the perpetuation of the Military Industrial Complex is allowing special interest groups to monopolize the market and keep us ignorant of Atlantean knowledge. Wait till you realize we could all be millionaires if it wasn't for the way currency distribution is set up.
>already forgot the atlantean wars
If we have the knowledge why would further conflict be necessary? And would the supression of knowledge not imply the goal of war is something other than progress?
>If we have the knowledge
keyword "we". do you really think 2000iq spergs are really working for the cia? no they have nothing.spergs are sitting in mom's basement or running insane businesses by themselves. picrel is the new director of csis. /x/ is smarter than quantum ai
Just because we had war and that advancements were made during war doesn't mean we need war to advance. And our biggest advances were made in times of peace, mostly by accident.
Take electricity or penicilin. Unless you consider weaponry to be a great discovery. You might want to ask yourself why there hasn't come something massive out of the military tech industry when they've been pumping trillions around to invent new ways to kill. If it's all so progressive.
Because the perceptive refuse to kill the ones who cannot see and yet desire to act upon knowledge they cannot comprehend thus bringing forth disasters that need to be weathered by everyone involved except the chaos worshippers.
She kinda looks like that crazy teacher that's also your school counselor and you think she's a bitch but then you find out she's actually really nice.
This has nothing to do with 2000 iq spergs it has to do with the fact that Atleantean knowledge either by coincidence or by design is hidden with the architecture of the great monuments of the world and the sacred texts. This knowledge is implicit and would not require further research or developing it other than learning how to decode the cipher so this Alantean medicine and technology can be unearthed. In such an event no further war would be necessary and the fact that with every world war this knowledge is continuously buried would imply war is in opposition to progress.
>You might want to ask yourself why there hasn't come something massive out of the military tech industry when they've been pumping trillions around to invent new ways to kill.
the internet
yeah but fucking insane
schizophrenic word salad
You aren't hiding from me just because your OP ain't a frog, implicationsfed.
-2000iq roastie everything I said is gramatically concise your dismissal is indicative of either a lack of reading ability, envy due to the fact that you aren't the one speaking this knowledge, or a defense mechanism due to having your worldview challenged because you are obedient livestock that serves the purposes of the state
At one point this stopped being about making genuine progress and began to be about pretending anything is done at all under the guise of perpetual money laundering.

The resource processing and maintenance has been the same as ever. The hylics cannot comprehend them being denied their self-given meaning when someone comes along and makes a complete PC uninstaller tool, for example.

This example I'm speaking of is based on someone who was looking for one app that could assist with this and decided to conduct a test of most of the popular ones. Most features are gatekept behind paywalls and even then each is lacking some core functionality.
He then decided to make his own, taking into account what was wrong with each of them and finally making one tool which was better than all of them, then releasing it for free.
How many jobs would cease to exist overnight if everyone else defaulted to that free alternative? How many copes would be had about having someone's market-defined purpose rendered null in a span of several hours?

Another tech-related example is GIMP. An image processing tool where the developers who created it insist on releasing updates that contain what they want to see, which goes against the purpose of that very tool.
It seems there is thus a very large subset of morons who really want to pretend they matter despite not being able to deliver the absolute best. And from there crapitalism took on it's current form. This isn't going to be fixed unless every soul-bearer takes control of the world and works in unity.
Okay suppose war is progressive and contributes to human development. Which I think is completely wrong but let's say it is.
War means violence, excessive, total violence, destruction and killing of a lot of innocents.
So could we then justify and rectify violence in our daily lives considering the karmic impact of such massive destructive events are karmically positive as we might assume from your point of view? Or, how does violence in our everyday life become different and negative from the large destructive events such as war?
>i'm right because i wrote properly
youre wrong because you believe in lost data that can be mined from reality like an stc
the human world is just re-emerging from the last ice age (babel)
well if we killed everyone we hated then everyone would be strong and politicians and bankers would just go missing

problems solved with immediacy
So by extension is the creator of this clearly unsolvable conundrum a moron with creation powers who could only ever conceive reality through the lens of absolutes, are they an idiot who screwed up and can only fix it by committing to absolutes (the difference is one is a relentless process that should have been stopped and the other is like us but on an inconceivable scale), or is there some other reason to this I have not yet discovered?
Well whether there is a creator or not is not really on point here. It's about karma and we should try to argument from this subject.
I never proclaimed intellectual authority I simply responded to your dismissal of my words as "schizophrenic word salad", you speak with a silver tongue. The secrets of the Atlanteans is hidden within the architecture and the sacred texts of the world all it requires is mathematical proficiency and the ability to read symbolism. The only reason the Atleantean knowledge hasn't been uncovered because we have been duped into attacking anything resembling this esoteric knowledge. If someone were to snap out of this defense mechanism they could easily recover the Atlantean knowledge, it's that simple.
>if someone were to snap out of this defense mechanism
Have you? And have you found anything?
there is no such thing as rules of reality which were fully unveiled at one time and then removed
Karmic debt is a concept, but at it's core what drives change is commitment to it until it yields a clearly observable change. Whether someone has zero debt or is deep into millions, them being ran over is the same observable cause and effect. For those who commit more evil, there may be a greater reason for another to commit to that righteous cause - though the same can be said about those who want to commit to evil; if the desire for a cause is strong enough and the environment happens to cause that entity to decide to act, then it is simply bound to happen and there is no "divine interference" or whatever the fuck going on.

I reckon this could be coming from someone who is clearly incapable of perceiving the raw, defined logic of human behavior at large (because soul bearers are rare), thus they have a need for cover-up smartass terms like "karma". The purpose of them is to allow the term to explain the concept for them, not to explain the concept as they naturally perceive it to then summarize it using a given term. There is a difference in priorities caused directly by someone's perceptive abilities - those who see cannot willingly blind themselves, as the absence of truth will harm them far more severely than the presence of it.
Have you ever thought about how truth just exists and trying to act like it could only come from a specific source is egoistical and indicative of stupidity?

All that is missing are the perceptive senses needed to perceive the fullness of reality. For the capable and thus able this is solely a matter of time. For anyone else who cannot see, it's a waste of commitment, time, existence - everything that involves them.
To struggle for the sake of the truth only to get nowhere is a waste of time.
When did I ever say these rules of reality were removed? Implicit means eternal.
removal of the unveiling? you're such a gnostic joke
How is it egotistical to want to liberate the people and create a better world for everyone? Isn't it egotistical to turn what could be a civil conversation into a tug of war? *cough cough* Obviously the truth is all encompassing and cpuld not be assigned to one particular era but the revival of Atelantean knowledge would eliminate the need for most of modern scientific research and those funds could be directed towards that which benefits everyone. Why would we need to waste all that time and effort when great knowledge is literally right there and could easily be unearthed?
Your initial words were "there is no such thing as rules of reality which were fully unvieled at one time and then removed" in response to my premise that Atleantean knowledge is hidden within the wonders of the world. I never mentioned rules of reality being removed that was you. How could rules of reality be removed if rules of reality are implicit? You said it not me.
I mean that you can define truths as they are, and leave it at that.

It is technically true that a concept tested and verified on a specific day may be referred to as having been confirmed to be of benefit then, but that doesn't mean that it was impossible to discover and propose it at literally any other point in time.

Furthermore, observe the reactions of people in games. Someone will naturally be able to think ahead and compare more potential variables to then deliver what they think is best - or at least, satisfactory - at that given time.
But someone else doesn't follow this principle.

Is it the lack of sufficient evidence that made the latter incapable?
Or is it the lack of a fundamental capability, a problem which we cannot even identify as it is with emergent consciousness?

We are not robots that need to be programmed. Some of us can think and visualize potential without having been previously introduced to that niche, and outperform others solely based off these increased perceptive capabilities. This is not a matter of knowledge - we just are, they need to learn and still cannot feel why the truth matters.

If it was solely a matter of knowledge and accessibility, do you not think that in an age of widespread access to it, we would have long since been past these problems?
Yes, the architecture of cathedrals describe geometric forms that when extrapolated can be used to facilitate long distance communication and zero point energy generation. For example the Rouen Cathedral pictured here references an energy matrix that doesn't abide by the laws of entropy therefore this geometric metaform could be used to send messages over an infinite distance.
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idk man what are the karmic implications on not having a military and well funded research institutes
waste not want not
In Judaism, one who cheats taxes is considered as one who steals from the community. And theft is thought to make you poor, as you get punished for it.

>taxes being spent on things you don't support
Tough luck. Render to Caesar what is Caesar's. The blood will be on his hands, not on yours. However by cheating taxes it is considered as if you stole from the community.
The karmic hazard attaches if you don't vote properly.

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