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/x/ - Paranormal

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Anyone else F5 /x/ all day hoping someone is going to drop the meaning of life, what happens when we die, etc.
Just look up
>Dr Moody
>Near Death Experiences
Ah, I remember those days. You will grow tired of it, and become depressed until you start looking within for that power and purpose. I have recently began browsing here again after a several-year hiatus, because as the saying goes, you never truly leave here.
There are plenty of meanings to life, the fact you cant see any of them, means you either are drenched in negative meanings (which you will of course deny as what you meant by "meaning") or you have been too lazy/fearful to actually try the positive meanings that have presented themselves to you. Either way, the idea that there is or can be any singular "meaning" to life is autistic and stupid.
Infinity must have infinite meaning in infinite multiplicity, both good and bad.
All I want is a real wish granter
the meaning of your life is inside you
Any meaning of life that comes from oneself is make-believe, playing pretend. I did not make me, I did not make life, I did not make Earth, I did not make the universe.
Meaning?? Just be in Now,that's it...
Like a Penis inside your mother?
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Even if I told you how could you believe me?
Go find the answers for yourself like I did.
Over trillions of years, consciousness evolved to the point we are at now. Your consciousness is the result of billions of generations across millions of universes. Your consciousness sought out a human shape and was compelled to enter this universe and to enter this earth world with the goal of expanding its capability (a consciousness without the ability to harness matter is limited in what it can do, think, feel, etc.). The down side is that a body of flesh has a limited life cycle, so the idea is to use the body to obtain knowledge, skill, and then when we die, continue on as a consciousness with those new understandings and abilities going forward.
You will ascend into a realm with all other consciousnesses where you will continue your journey after this life, with a perfect memory of all you did in this life (good, bad, or otherwise). If you wasted and squandered your life or were a shit person to others you will regret it and have to take a long time working in your post-moral consciousness to learn and balance your good and bad (out of a sense of personal responsibility, not because some red-horned devil is making you), while if you did mostly good you will feel good about your life and will be able to move on and enjoy it sooner.

There's SO MUCH MORE you could extrapolate and expand on from this basic fundamental, but the most important thing to remember is that you have an immortal consciousness that will exist forever.
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>meaning of life
You give your Life meaning or you don't.

>what happens when we die
You zoom out. You look at the character you've been playing without any emotions. It doesn't really matter, you are eternal.
There is no connection other than a shared experience between 2 parties.
One faction is pure consciousness and the other is consciousness, that believes it is a person. There are many bodies walking around but only one Self.
I actually did come up with a semi-schizo theory of everything, but I need to make a whole blog explaining it & spend years gathering evidence, sorry OP
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It all comes down in about three questions that anybody could put together. Hypothetically.

Hypothetically, I've produced one question for you to find that leads to these few others ending in a near blackpill from the weight of intellect.
Would you take
>A. The meaning of life
>B. 3 no catch wishes (except it can't get you A)
I'd take B
Meaning: Ecclesiastes
What happens when we die: As somebody mentioned, look up near death experience studies.
if you never experience death, you witness it around you, but You just keep going, forever...
what is the meaning in distinguishing life and death? especially if all those who you witness dieing are as You, those who just keep going well the stage changes.
Dude, I can tell you the meaning right now, and it won't do anything, and you'll keep kitting F5. In fact I'll do it.

Life, or life energy, is based on a specific individual, one who won't stop going no matter what path is set for them. This person in particular, was sent back in time into the start of creation so things can get done. That was 85 billion years ago. That person had to press onward as everything evolved to what it is today. Keeping on, for a long as it could.
(This one had to be constantly rejuvenated by the creator of all or they would break down. Think someone spinning plates, and the creator keeps it going, but the one doing the spinning is this one I'm talking about, the one life is based off of. What is built by hand lasts ~80 years, what is built with the mind lasts ~450, what is built by life energy lasts forever)
Turns out the creator is REAL good at creating things, but not so good at going on indefinite, hence why life energy serves the creator in all it does. That is the purpose of life, to serve the once who maintains the existence. That maintainer, is the meaning. Like words on paper, life energy conveys, it perseveres, stagnant, unmoving. The meaning of those words exists within those who read, and only within those who read. Those words EXIST to convey meaning, life energy EXISTS to convey the creator

If you are having a good time, enjoying life, the question doesn't arise as to what the meaning is, as you are it. In the moment of having fun, laughing, playing, enjoying yourself, that question doesn't pervade. Only when you miss those things does it.

(Maybe you don't believe the reason why this exists, this space, your existence, is to make you joyful and full of happiness... because you know the lengths it takes to create something magnanimous as this creation and think: It couldn't possibly for for my own happiness. IDK.)
I do know, is that you and a lot of people on /x need to cut the creator some slack.
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Have you noticed how time is moving so quickly these days? Time itself has sped up, the days are shorter than they used to be.

Matthew 24:22
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”

Not everyone gets what I'm on about, I'm telling you the creator of this world is real, and knows what you're doing in every moment. This individual is not like most, he isn't corrupted. Every office, job, and relationship you have seen shows signs of corruption. misuse of power. The creator worked it's absolute butt off to get things where it is, and not some hell-hole it could have easily turned out. When I say easily, I mean amazingly easy 99% of the creator's time is spent preventing assholes having the run of the place, as an existence as fantastic as this, there are a super- metric fuckton of loopholes the can be figured out, as any developer of a AAA or MMO will tell you. "To those who have more will be given, vice versa" That's not a design feature, that's fucking horrible stuff the creator must endeavor to figure out. It's not a MMO with a level cap and good equipment that gently get either A: Harder to obtain or B: Giving diminishing results. no. we life in a world where momentum gives way to success, and returns DON'T
DIMINISH because out world liitterly cannot function without competence rewarded. We wouldn't evolve past single-celled m'fers

You really gotta think about it, the creator's job is fucked, just fucked. The balancing that goes on to ensure a boot isn't in perpetual stomping motion over your face is an ordeal in itself.

So many morons here complaining, don't even know what it takes to make a universe. Also a lot of spiritual practitioners aren't cognizant of the effort required to make this place sorta good due to them being 200% focused on their oven evolution, as they should. You should know how much easier it makes it on the creator and everyone else, fuuuuuck. You think spiritually attaining is hard? Do ya? How about MAKING THE THING YOU HAVE TO DRAG YOURSELF THROUGH 1000 MILES OF BLOOD AND MUD JUST TO GET, when THE CREATOR HAD NOTHING TO START WITH, or almost nothing, anyway. No I'm serious. Nobody appreciates.

I take no damage but it does not mean I do not feel pain.
They should appreciate.
Anyway TL;DR the universe is a bitch to make, and deep down everyone knows on some level. Hence why it's so unbelievable someone would go through the trouble to make it so you and everybody that exists can feel happiness. If you held up the cosmos, you would be the meaning of life
Don't post religion, that stuff did alright in the past but now we move past. ASAP No matter how hard you believe or spread belief, it won't move humanity past where we are right this second
Yeah same. Just waiting for that one redpill, that one trick, something that in hindsight will feel obvious that will transform my life completely, despite already having practices that teach this (>>38438548).
Already been done, but every social media shadowbanned them
The answer is God in Christ Jesus. it always was. Our God is a merciful and generous God. Pray to Him for realization and He will answer.
Drop emails or discords and I will send you the nametag of someone who's done this
Every day I come on here and I explain to you guys that I was LIKE YOU when I started coming here like 15 years ago, and I put a LOT of it together in that time frame and now I actively share that truth with all of you. Just look up anything GOD and you'll get to some old posts I'm sure.

The answer you're looking for is insanely complicated and weirder than any concept you have ever heard about what reality is, ever. It nearly blew my mind when I figured some of it out. If you're ever wondering why something someone says on here sounds batshit insane crazy, it's because you probably just have the context for it yet. This entire world is VERY strange.
why do you think Russians took Chernobyl back
The meaning of life is bigger than you and the Universe itself. It's God acting through Christ Jesus. Pray with humbleness and God will reveal Himself to you.
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>someone is going to drop the meaning of life, what happens when we die, etc.
I did that. Just not many were listening.
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This is largely what I choose to believe as well, syncretized over the years of personal life experiences and the occasional /x/ post that made sense.
Can't say I've done a great job in this vessel so far, but at least I haven't succumbed to dogmatism or killed myself yet. I'll just keep going and trying.
I periodically have checked back here for over 15 years hoping there will be something good to read while never contributing anything good myself. Then I get angry the site is shitty and there isn't anything good to read.
I f5 /x/ all day hoping someone will actually post something interesting.
>Drop the meaning of life, what happens when we die, etc.
People do this all day, what the fuck are you complaining about?
tfw you have to take an anti science stance to hold your anti religious stance. yUh8 relativity, space expands time contracts.
I come here because every place sucks. The rest of 4chan is horrible, places like /g/ or /lit/ have declined so much in intelligence I don’t even care to browse there. Reddit is a bot farm and full of people worse than 4channers, twitter is too addicting imo and google seems to be on a mission to destroy YouTube.
/x/ has the regular annoying post, delusional main character syndrome, or clear bot or troll, but at least I still feel like sometimes there are real people here.
No, but if that did happen I believe that a lot of normal people would instantly kill themselves. Why stay for a war?
so why not post it?
>tfw you have to take an anti science stance to hold your anti religious stance.
>tfw you have to take (((anti-semitic stance))) to hold your (((anti-semitic stance)))
yes, what's the problem?
>places like /g/ or /lit/ have declined so much in intelligence I don’t even care to browse there.
can you elaborate, or describe what the process feels like?
>Ok fine, here you go, but it’s pretty WEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRD

i made a thread exposing queen of orion to be a whore and you let the thread die, wtf https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38438934/

btw it's probably true. Orion has real operations/agents/shills, so Sophia is a real thing. And if demiurge's mom is also Sophia, then yeah the likelyhood that two poweful beings with same name being same person is very high
I’ll help you with the first one.
There is no meaning.
Everything is recreational. You decide on the rules you choose to live buy. Every man is their own potential civilization and that frightens those in power.
Nah, maybe spurts of 10 minutes twice a day. Usually during when I poop in the morning, and then a few hours later to see what sort of shit I caused based on my literal shit posts. Sometimes I effort post if it's called for. Like questions I have a good answer for etc.
Are you telling me I should invade Chernobyl

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