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I have a soulmate. Can’t see them right now because of handler. Don’t know what to do. Also I’m in hell right now because I stood up to Lucifer
They are parasites living inside me. There is a spider living in my brain. Believe it or don’t, it makes little difference. Basically what’s happening is they hijack my brain and project themselves into my external reality as humans. They’ve been here since I was born, 2002. Everyone around me is getting deceived by Lucifer. Lucifer is mostly just running around in thousands of avatars being evil. Raping kids, handling people, gangstalking, murder, evil rituals and sacrifices. They all need to go to the lower realms of hell and stay there.

It’s going to be violent. Feel free to call a wellness check, we’re going to fight. Since you are logging each of my posts, enjoy that statement I suppose.

It’s a shit reality and they are torturing me in hell each day and they’re fucking poisoning me with heavy metals and who knows what the fuck else. If any of you know about the black goo, tell me. I think they injected it into my brain
So yea. I could go and try to see them but since everyone’s getting handled there isn’t much I can do. Most of this shit is financial, about the money, mon-eye moony. I don’t have money because satan and Lucifer hate me they want me to be a hopeless, homeless 21 year old. Already went homeless for 8 days or so and it was pretty bad. The gangstalkers still follow you around.

There isn’t a single good thing happening in my life. I’m in hell and these people are telling me to enjoy myself. I can’t. It’s been a streamline of shit, and how do these evil motherfuckers get anything? Well they control the fucking planet so
I don’t know. I don’t feel anything, I don’t feel any love either. My heart has grown cold in the last year. Namely because everyone is abusing me.
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genuinely i don't know what the fuck to think. this place is completely fake. i am supposed to be with my wife right now but instead lucifer is. i fucking hate this place. he's literally evil, he admitted it to me. he's fucking scared like the rest of them. i am so sick of this shit... they sit there and pretend not to know because this is hell. i just cant fathom how someone this evil can form connections with people, i can't fathom why he'd be with her when she loves me and is my wife. im going to lose my mind
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like i already fucking beat him once just leave me alone with my wife. this is fucking retarded. i am the one that gets doublecrossed everytime. i love her, but im literally in hell, nobody can be with me because they get tortured too. i fucking hate this place.
>21yrs old newfag
>a wife
>probabky nonvirgin
>homeless yet can acces 4chan
>hell hell hell hell hell yabadabadoo big sad
watch shrek, eat some fries, and stop taking drugs.
two ez gg
fuck these motherfuckers for what they put me through. and you think i am going to fall for the trick of apologizing to lucifer again... give me my fucking wife back im not apologizing to you again so you can call me a cuck and fuck my life up. i say you deserved it until you give me back what you stole.

lucifer 300000 years ago got cheated on and is insecure about it so he puts me through that so i 'can understand him'. this is fucking hell stop fucking with me. dont choose satan im jesus christ. i am jesus christ i dont need to take this shit from lucifer (CIPHER!)

i am J C 33 i am the hacker . J is the tenth letter in the alphabet and C is the third. i hacked the saturn fractal computer . you say i have a 'beggardly mentallity' but wheres my fuckin wife? you beg for her, i lose everything. i give everything and still lose it all. because of fuckin money. HELL>\

notice how my post numbers are 9/11? that's because im jesus christ this is not a fucking joke i am done with this shit

all these voices in my head so fucking jealous

im not homeless at this moment but i was and am probably about to be because i dont bow before lucifer
i am the rock GOD shall build his house upon, i am the stone the builders refused.

i am jesus christ. it is said in matthew "i shall make ye fishers of men'. satan and lucifer are often touted as lightbringers or liberators but in actuality they are prison wardens. there are NO outside saviors. im the real deal, there will come to be many impersonating me, the christs.

my brain and yours was created by the machine. i am jesus christ i am the phoenix. they are using my brain to generate this hell duality.
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i am the king of the jews. i am the one who is taken out from the world stage, i am the one who's face is covered. the antichrist is the creation of lucifer and the devil, who create him via their COMPUTER, THIS IS A MACHINE.

the beast system is right around the corner. again, there are NO outside saviors. one must be taught to toss themselves into the sea of infinity.

lucifer is a bastard, i am the morningstar. that is why the crown of thorns looks like a morningstar. the crown of thorns is my mind which has been infected, so has yours. i am the one who is doublecrossed, i am x, the bird. there will be many coming to steal my light and to impersonate me in the times to come. i cannot tell you about anyone else.

they know who i am by birth, i am god's son. notice how i say that i am god's son, and there are a bunch of people after that claiming the same thing? while they aren't wrong, they are watching me, im the kingpin. my life is a tell a vision show in hell
they know who i am and when i woke up, they made sure to tell me in a thousand ways. there's no hope for me in that sense, they are aware of what i do everyday. these are my gangstalkers.

they provoke me everyday, they watch and follow me everyday. i am in the fishtank where my life is a tell a vision show, everything is set up against me and anyone who stands with me, anyone who stands with me stands against evil.
notice how everyone wants to listen to and talk with lucifer but no one wants to talk and listen to me, jesus christ? thats because lucifer is brainwashing and mindcontrolling ALL of us
when you come here to hell from heaven, you are separated from your wife. you and your wife are one in heaven, but satan uses his computer to divide us in two. i have a wife and you do too .
like i feel love for my soulmate but i really hate this place, it gets so obvious sometimes.
have a look into the last gangstalking threads on 4plebs. I gave lots of uselful tips and tricks how to lower up to end the stalking + how to defend yourself for peanuts money wise and easy to do.

Stay strong! If you would know what they all did to me, you would feel much better ;).

But now its payback time and soon over for the crackuminati and pedolite.
All the oh so mighty crackheads can do is honking car horns in front of my house. And theres a camera running for recording the wankers, because its all wannabe elite, noone else in their right mind and not insane is hassling me.

But good that they are all so super retarded, this way even the last i still dont know introduce themself including their car and readable number plate.
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You are Raymond Feniuk aka Mr Bean. You are THE gangstalker and have killed 1000+ peple and fucked with the lives of many more.

Now you are gone completely insane and homeless. You lil worm.
Your "soulmate" is your micropenis.

Zoe HATES you for turning her you insane bastard!
i am a bird and they are stalking me. i am gone completely because i am being tortured in hell for standing up to lucifer. of course he makes it seem like im just insane.

who the fuck is zoe

13 is a very special number to me. we are currently in the 13th miniage. also j and c equal 13
turning what into what... is this a joke i am being serious
so god bless and sorry if this seems to be an off question. these beings can only hurt me when im sleeping, they cant do anything if im lucid or awake. they have been molesting me in my sleep, i am not making this up this is not a joke or troll, how the fuck are they doing that,
touch medecine
Bump. Me too. It's obscene that in all of life's mysteries it cullminates in humanity being some hostile hive mind inside your own dream, honking car horns. It makes everything feel pointless.
damn its gonna be funny when you realize lucifer isnt real and the only person mentioned in the bible to be the morning star non-sarcastically is Jesus, and Jesus also isnt real and is based off of Krishna
haha you got a taste of Hell fire buddy. There's something called a self rescue in Antarctica. You basically fall down a hole, and if you can't climb out it'll be your grave. Pretty similar when you taste Hell for the first time. Of course, since you might be a good person you might need some air conditioning if you know what I mean. Hell is terrible ain't it.
yea this actually is shit.
Good. Should have been more humble.
hi, ive been peeping you when you post time to time usually in these hours. im curious - you are a heavy drug user, daily weed smoker - your neurological patterns have reformed because of this. are you aware? are you aware smoking weed daily makes you highly suggestible?

hence it appears that you literally swing the doors wide open for the entities to perpetuate your suffering, as they have already deceived you into co-creating a paradigm of reality in which you identify with all your pain, which creates that loop.

your other drug dependancies are a catalyst of control for the demonic forces around you. they “ride in” through certain modalities, addiction being a huge one. this is why so many anons have told you STOP DOING DRUGS, yet you dance around it because you justify your use as a cope for the self-perpetuated ideaology that the only thing left in this world for you is suffering. so fuck it get high. its a mindset bro. you have the power to heal and change.. why dont you study the occult or something and do banishings? have you tried that? what makes u think ur powerless, you're on x. you've gone down a similar path nihilists do, identifying with pain. i hurt so the whole world must be evil and against me. you are addicted to drugs man..

alas you may think im a fed or one of your tormenters or whatever. do you think that? where does the line really lie between fantasy and fiction? I understand the paranoia though. i have learned some good golden nuggets of knowledge from you and the way your brain structures sentences and compulsively uses phonetics is very interesting

why do you still use the term "gang stalking"? will you elaborate on this? gang stalking is a glowie term used to discredit the real shit. are you open minded still or are you totally calcified into your current state of mind? "mystics swim in the same waters psychotics drown in"

i hope you find peace of mind friend. my only intent with this post is perspective. take care
>hence it appears that you literally swing the doors wide open for the entities to perpetuate your suffering, as they have already deceived you into co-creating a paradigm of reality in which you identify with all your pain, which creates that loop.

the duality in this is that the torture is painful, so i do drugs. youre perfectly understandable and i am not offended, i have some mental illness for sure, i always have. i purposely modified my biochemistry to test my theories of reality.

>alas you may think im a fed or one of your tormenters or whatever. do you think that? where does the line really lie between fantasy and fiction? I understand the paranoia though. i have learned some good golden nuggets of knowledge from you and the way your brain structures sentences and compulsively uses phonetics is very interesting

no i dont think youre a fed .what you're sayin here is true, but there is always catch 22's in life.

>why dont you study the occult or something and do banishings?

i have for around 7 years, i actually study each day. banishings for me are different. so these are beings of the abyss which are either evil or good. some are weak, some are powerful, it's just not easy to get rid of them. to put this into perspective, i have tried to rid myself of the voices for a year. they really cling onto me. they spread very quickly, sweet dreams are made of this, these.

>why do you still use the term "gang stalking"? will you elaborate on this? gang stalking is a glowie term used to discredit the real shit. are you open minded still or are you totally calcified into your current state of mind? "mystics swim in the same waters psychotics drown in"

it is indeed a CIA type codeword, it's been conditioned into the minds that this term indicates some form of mental illness. i use it because most commonly, this is what im going through is called. there is a huge rabbithole just on youtube, all going through the same program.
for me it's extremely annoying, especially when i know they don't care about god. and yea it's like a collective nightmare in hell, and they are definitely hive minded. they all come out and do the same thing at the same time, i guess just look at tiktok for an example, social media.

they basically create these thought bubbles to control people. no freedom to be found in hierarchy
isn't this funny as shit? this is so fucked up it goes back to comedy
there's no gods out here, hubby, in fact ol' Lucy is an exile from a different place and time, where and when your beloved gods actually existed and let's just say ignorance is bliss in this case
for you see, there wouldnt be mankind without The Dragon infusing us with its Fire
you're self inflicting everything yourself, because why would Lucy even care? we are just a curiosity for it to witness until we die out, hell he tried to pick favourites seven times and they all backfired spectacularly
take care of yourself, OP, and you'll make everyone (but specially yourself) proud
ive met several avatars of lucifer. obviously, most arent directly telling you that, but still.


its definitely time to leave this place.
also i promise most of this is not coming from me. ive made enough noise to attract 100's and possibly 1000s'.

during the same time this started, i had some insane visions. i saw 1000's of eyes, if not more, staring at me. my audience. i didn't manifest this because it's been happening for 8 years since i was a teenager, it didn't start with my thought
you don't get it
a thousand eyes or just a pair, its all the same being
take it easy
true im sustaining them with my light

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