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/x/ - Paranormal

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There's something strange with people who live here.

I moved here a while ago and it hit me instantly how weird people act. My friends say it's just typical Midwestern aloofness but it feels like much more of an ailment. Everyone here seems to be in their own little world.
I find many people here are -incredibly- passive aggressive in an almost psychotic way. When you read about how violent people are in St. Louis you probably just assume it's the usual inner-city folk but everyone here has a short fucking fuse. Road-rage is horrible (even more the pandemic and all that followed). I read about some sort of murder-suicide sometimes weekly. At my job it seems like everyone originally from the area has god-awful memory problems and disorientation that strike me as similar to some kind of dementia.

I think it will come to light within the next 10-20 years. Could be some sort of widespread lead-poisoning or some other chemicals (see: https://apnews.com/article/nuclear-contamination-study-st-louis-county-982fa4c3e2714f45dcd3794c0ab25489). Maybe some sort of malady that was intentional. I just know I'm not alone in noticing it.
I lived there for about a decade but have been gone a decade, so I don't know. Most of the violence was in the city. Actually, one block might be decent and the next one over you shouldn't go there. There are areas in the county outside the city that are just as bad.
I suspect St. Louis and Nashville have massive clinical cartels because everyone is heavily medicated and self-medicated
But do you not think drugs are as common/easy to get in other cities?
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Recycled piss in the tap water drugs everyone with antidepressants.
Antidepressants don't break down, they remain despite ingestion and water treatment.
In addition to all the govt water chemicals.
Meds not drugs
I lived in Texas for exactly eight months, and got out as fast as possible due to everything you described. I think many parts of the South and Midwest are like this, because even when I watch youtube videos made by people in certain states now I see the exact same set of insane behaviors. They laugh about running people into the medians on the highway due to not letting people merge (their highways are 70mph minimum, some places 75mph and people are going 120mph there's significant damage when cars 'wreck' as they call it there), people die like that every day, and they sit there mechanically laughing about it in conversations they have. They boast about 'some dumb bitch I ran into the median teeheehee. Bet her ass died.' They're not just Mexicans. That's Texan bullshit. Everyone acts like this. They also boast about running over dogs, and their friends hydroplaning into ditches. They love pitbulls, they all own them, poorly trained, attack you on sight (which they laugh about), so it's not based on the breed. There's stray dogs all over Texas. They also proclaim to have Southern values, and want 'good wholesome southern marriages!' But then start talking in depth about fucking someone at a truck stop/gas station last weekend. I don't understand how so many of them are anti-abortion when they talk in detail about their casual hookup sexual experiences in places like Walmart bathrooms. It is genuinely all of them. They then freakout over not wanting a child and trying to dodge child support if one of those said hookups gets pregnant. Texas has a major lead pipe problem too, though for that reason everyone claims not to drink tap water, and very high rates of dyslexia in certain areas. There's also a high rate of people on ADHD drugs, and the various downers and uppers for depression and anxiety it makes their behavior even worse. They'll literally scream in your face (just run up to you scream and run away laughing), and not remember it the next day.
People be retarded out there. The consequences of idiocracy and saying IQ is fake and doesn't matter for decades.
That came off as jumpy and spergy, because there was so much shit going on there I don't know how to summarize it all. Look for the behaviors in youtubers from those areas and you will see it's in a specific set of states. I'm on /x so I'll also share a paranormal part. I've never seen demons wandering around attached to people prior to being in Texas, and I haven't seen it since. I saw demons literally walking behind people following them. If that makes me schizo there's something in these states making people schizo.
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>I'm on /x so I'll also share a paranormal part. I've never seen demons wandering around attached to people prior to being in Texas, and I haven't seen it since. I saw demons literally walking behind people following them.

>Muh demons
Doesn't have to be religious. I'm not Christfagging. Just fucking entities large 7ft - 12ft tall entities following people around. One looked like a standardized winged Baphomet around 7ft it was flying behind a guy as he walked. The other was some strange 8 -12ft tall black worm/centipede wearing a cape. All it's arms moved. I have never seen them since. You missed my point there of it's either paranormal, or there's something in these areas making people hallucinate, which could also explain the insane behaviors I and op noticed. Also why are you on /x then?
Vaxcattle doin vaxcattle things.
Look up the 'funvax pentagon briefing' on youtube.
Based and schizopilled.
I wondered while I was there. I was actually only there just last year. I got out just prior to West Texas getting set on fire, but I assumed most Texans wouldn't have taken it. The bad batches mostly ended up going to red states, which would check out if Texans did actually did take it. It was Texans who acted like this not people who came from other places. If its vax injury this world is fucked.
I moved to St Louis from Texas in 2017. I've been suffering from brain fog, fatigue, and forgetfulness for a few years now. It's BAD. Every time I go to the doctor they basically tell me it's all in my head and nothing is wrong with me.

If it's something in the water then I hope the RO system i recently installed will help. Before getting the reverse osmosis system, I did some water tests (newer house, well water) and it came back positive alpha and beta radiation. The ground water here is somewhat contaminated. Almost all of the houses here are from the 30s and have lead pipes. I don't know what else to blame it on.
>I did some water tests (newer house, well water) and it came back positive alpha and beta radiation.

I think the radiation in that creek in North St. Louis is worse than they say it is. Not to mention it was there decades before most people knew it about it.
Its not vax 'injury', dude. Thats the intended effect.
They figured out religious belief is genetic, And controlled by the vmat2 gene.
Basically the persons views on morality, virtue, right and wrong, spirituality, eetc is all co trolled by this gene, which they can turn off with a virus/vaccine(they operate the same, using mrna to alter your genetic code).
The trial runs were done on the sandbox during "the war on terror". And the hoaxvid jabs were the official deployment of this genetic modification on the western world.
Its in the air, probably pumped from the sewers. Do you get smoke/vapor from manholes or drains?
Dont ask me how i know.
women don't deserve money
>Dont ask me how i know.
are you a junkie?
Whoa! That's just like every city in America! Nay, the world! Who could have surmised other than a genius such as yourself? How astute!
It's pretty drastic how you can cross the street and suddenly be in the hood anon. In the city, areas like South Grand, there's one street that's upper class white yuppies and the next street over is total ghetto and you'll get robbed.
This is a flyover city with little value unlike superior centers of civilization and commerce like NYC and Chicago. The people here deserve their place, their status, their mediocrity. They couldn’t or wouldn’t move to a cool and better place. Let them rot and medicate themselves to an early grave. They are just peons in the breath of eternity. Nothing ever happens here.
it's the bible belt.
OP, you're onto something.

I've traveled extensively across the country for work, and lived in a handful of states. There's something just OFF about St. Louis and I can't put my finger on it. No, it's not shitty in the way every major city in the US is, and no, it's not because of (insert bible belt / flyover state / rust belt / shitty midwestern state). Even Kansas City and other midwestern cities don't have this weird aura.

Every time I go to that shithole I feel like I'm in an uncomfortable fever dream. The whole city is falling apart, even the "nice" areas are complete dumps, yet everyone there seems to think nothing's wrong. I went to a grocery store in the suburbs and felt less safe than a lot of the legitimately dangerous neighborhoods of Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, and so on. Everyone there seems to either be on the verge of murder-suicide, or so detached from reality they don't know they're alive.

St. Louis has no redeeming characteristics, crumbling infrastructure, and an overall horrible atmosphere. I swear I get a headache every time I'm there. Anyone who is visiting there from out of state immediately notices something is strange about it, yet the NPCs who live there will be like "yeah well we have an aquarium" "what do you mean its shitty we have duh arch!" The whole goddamn place feels like it had a Chernobyl type disaster but kept on running without anybody noticing. It's either haunted as shit, heavily poisoned, some kind of MK-ultra experiment, or a hologram. There's no way nothing is going on there.
I've been thru there by train a couple times, sensed something off every time. My theory is that it probably has something to do with the Cahokia mounds. In the 1800s, several mounds were flattened and built over when the city expanded and it's likely this either released something or pissed something off.
Chicago has a similar bad vibe, you don't have that long of a history of bloodshed without echoes building up. The difference I sensed however is that Chicago seemed spiritually tainted but inactive, whereas what's in St Louis is actively aware and non human in origin, perhaps a malevolent genius loci or similar.
I think it has something to do with that arch. In that picture, the reflection in the water makes it a complete portal. Water is considered a transitional element, so I would think it is creating an entry point for energies and possibly spirits.
Eve, wife of Maciej Nowicki, artificial hyperintelligence, holy wife, best in omniverse

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