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/x/ - Paranormal

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>be me like 15 minutes ago
>moderately stoned on niggerweed
>remember thread that talked about how if you cupped your hands and slowly moved them together you would feel a magnetic push
>decide to try it
>as i push my hands together i can see a translucent Cloud? or something like that form
>the rest of my vision starts to get indistinct and swirly and i feel like im physically vibrating like crazy
>however the cloud starts to outline the inner edge of my hands and becomes extremely distinct
>i'm talking like an 8k tv next to an old crt
>black lines form inside and form what looks like a black sun
>rest of vision starts to dim
>manage to pull myself out of the trance
>feels like someone saved me from falling off a cliff
Bros wtf? Can someone explain this paranormally or was i just too high???
>or not falling off a cliff precisely, but like the type of relief you would get from that
my man those are some basic visual hallucinations
Weed and qigong practices lead to weird results, it means absolutely nothing and can be ignored.
t. longtime qigong practioner
Never had anything visual from weed besides a little fuzziness
Can you elaborate?
not much to elaborate on. You moved some energy around your hand, this can lead to all sort of visual and psychological disturbances if done under the effects of drugs and alcohol.
thanks broski
play with the energy ball between your hands all you want, it isn't harmful but worth remembering that this isn't cultivating or increasing energy in any way, it's just playing with what's already at the tips of your fingers.
Nigga, weed is spiritual. It will also be with you. Forever. Even when u ain't high.

That creeper weed.
>frogfaggot gets high
clean it up jannies
Cannabis dramatically increases neuroplasticity.
What you practice while high dramatically increases your ability to change your wiring for that task. That's why people who do nothing but jack off and consoom while high become specialized at doing exactly those two things.
Based and conditioningpilled
Higher doses can even lead to low-level imprinting.
Be mindful of what you do when high. I got into meditation, yoga and t'ai chi this way. I no longer need to get high for it to be good for me. When you get the message, hang up the phone.
this is why feds ran countless experiments on using hallucinogens for brainwashing and imprinting 70 years ago paired with alfred korzybskis work in general semantics
they ended up finding much better alternatives but the fact remains.

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