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Once you become aware of how much power demons have over this world, you can never unsee it. They literally permeate the world around us completely. They have watched all of us since birth and know us better than our closest friend. They know exactly how to tempt you and will use their unfathomable intelligence to defile your life. Some of your thoughts you might even identify as self produced might have an origin in their suggestions. I really hate these things, anons. I fucking hate demons. I'm so shocked more people don't take this seriously and it is 100% a reality.
>Muh Demons
It's important to remember that you agreed to come to this world, in one way or another.
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Don't take it personally. They hate humans and God, God I just to grant them what they desire. So, they do a little trolling. Hate them, love them, ignore them, they won't stop. What they do is their cage, their job, and only reason for existence. They're pitiful. Remember; they lose in the end.
>New age victim blaming bullshit
Deal with it, being born here was your choice, so whatever happens in your life is your responsibility.
I'm still convinced they are still loyal to God, but they are playing the "heel" to challenge humans and help us grow. God couldn't bear to do it himself, so he either preordained the rebellion or asked his angels to play the role of "demons".
>God couldn't bear to do it himself
They do? Shit how do i get them to help my life and get money?
Because he is the goodest. Super sweet and nice
>New age victim blaming bullshit
Cause yahweh is just a stormgod of the caanite pantheon and not god.
Its not complex, or hard. Its an entitity, not a very powerful one at it.
Ofc they are, an omnipotent god doesnt get rebelled at by its own creations, they are doing what it told them to.
Its not a hard concept either.
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What if God doesn't actually want demons to hurt us and the reason why he hasn't vanquished them is because he needs our help to do so?

We should try to open a portal to Hell and invade Satan's domain and nuke it to oblivion with jet fighters and tanks and soldiers
They are both playing the heel and also loyal to God, but only because they're forced to. They would rather have no association with God at all and be off doing their "own thing," but God is necessary for their existence as a fundamental law of reality. This is as far away from Him as they can get without becoming nothing. They hate God and humans, so the position they're in is the best they'll ever get. They get to professionally hate. Unfortunately for them, that also means they're professional jobbers. The rebellion wasn't preordained, every angel that fell legitimately did have a choice, but it seems as though the possibility was accounted for beforehand.
>omnipotent god needs humans help to get rid of his own creations
Aint omnipotent then is it, so why bother joining him? That lil cunt has caused more death and hate than anything else in human history, real question becomes, love, how do we join the demons to get rid of "god"?
>victim blaming
>anon literally says you chose this
I deal with my demons by lifting heavy weights at the gym.
>I am suffering and do not want to
>"Eeeeerm akshually you chose to suffer???? So liek, it's akshually your fault????"
This is victim blaming
>how do we join evil faggots sustained by the source of existence to destroy the source of existence?
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God doesn't look like anything remotely human and neither do his angels.
The average demon would skin you alive and dip you in lemon juice lol they view you as less than an animal. You are an abomination from their perspective, an unnatural mixture of physical and spiritual that God insults all of creation (but especially themselves) by allowing to exist.
true, he's meant to be an amalgamation of every living being in the universe
Oh ye trust the demonstrably cruel and angry god that those that rebelled against it are the baddies.
How about you use your brain a bit?
Evil aint the demons fighting against a fuckead that throws temper tantrums constantly and puts restrictions on everything it can. Small dick energy.
Sure it would. Sure it would.
Keeo believing the crap of a pathological liar and general shithead.
>Small dick energy.
You are either gay, female,
>Oh ye
Or a demon.
He's always been nice to me. Demons, unsurprisingly, have not.
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Christians ARE the demons.
Demons are fine with being the villain as well. Their only goal is corruption and destruction of God's creation.
Demons want nothing more than to see war break out.
When /pol/ screams for Civil War, or a race war, the only ones smiling are the demons.
"Yes, THEY are evil. They do support a regime. You should overthrow them and publicly kill them"
That's because you're demonpossed and use him as a manner to increase demonic possession in people.

He's a false messiah that is literally the epitome of evil. He tried to damn all of humanity except 144,000 people (out of billions and billions) to eternal torment in hell. That includes innocent children and babies and not to mention all of the aborted fetuses that christians pretend to care about.

He is the epitome of evil. Rebuke Christ. Rebuke and renounce Christ the king of the demons.
Are you that Jewish leftist who's entire shtick is insisting demons are right wing and that Jesus wasn't the Messiah
>That's because you're demonpossed and use him as a manner to increase demonic possession in people.
>He's a false messiah that is literally the epitome of evil. He tried to damn all of humanity except 144,000 people (out of billions and billions) to eternal torment in hell. That includes innocent children and babies and not to mention all of the aborted fetuses that christians pretend to care about.
>He is the epitome of evil. Rebuke Christ. Rebuke and renounce Christ the king of the demons.
PS jewish religion has none of that shit. No hell. None of that unique torment and sociopathy unique to christianity.
>tried to damn all of humanity except 144,000 people (out of billions and billions) to eternal torment in hell.
Uh, no. The 144,000 are just those who don't have to undergo tribulation and the great chastisement. Have you read Revelations?
There's nothing for you to say to worm out of your own religion or rewrite it to make it more palatable for people.
Sheol is hell you retard. So is Hades. Gehenna. These are all different words for the same thing.
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BTW this demonic nazi gets PHENOMENALLY butthurt anytime he sees me posting. PHENOMENALLY but then tries to pretend as if he's not.
Watch all of these demons manifesting in my thread. It's proof that it's real.
There's no hell in the jewish religion no matter what misinformation you post on 4chan or other nazi echochambers.

The cruelty and sadism of hell is unique to the demonic false messiah religion of christianity.
I mean I'm confident that there's nothing I could say to convince you specifically. You seem pretty unreceptive to anything besides what you already believe. But I don't control you, obviously. Believe whatever you want.
Keep coping and hiding from truth.
Imagine believing an entitiy created everything, yet tells you can do or enjoy 90% of it, kills your wife with cancer and makes your child be born deformed.
Throws a tantrum and wipes humanity for not obeying it to the letter and has half of his creation tell it to go fuck itself.
What a god lmao. Loser smol dick more like, explains the tantrums.
It lied, it didnt create everything and is just trying to prevent you from realizing truth though ignorance.
And you eat all that shit up like its honey. You are an abused and beaten housewife making excuses for the ape of a husband that rapes you daily cause you refuse to grow a spine and take ownership of it.
Follow the angels example and tell it to go fuck itself too, your life might improve. It has no power over you that you do not grant it.
Maybe your kid wont be born retarded if you dont sell his soul, and yours, to a jealous impotent entity.
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That's right, none of you nazi propaganda about the jewish religion matters to anyone outside of your nazi echochambers. Correct and astute observation for the 1st time in your life. Even if it was accidental.
>Imagine believing an entitiy created everything
That's categorically wrong. God described himself to Moses as "I am that I am"
No, they arent. Stop being colonised by shitty sand religons and pretending european notion of afterlives are the same as christian hell
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Why do you care so much that I'm a Christian?
Yeah I'm jewish. No one jewish hides from you or tries to trick you
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God bless you, anon. Go in peace.
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Here OP I hereby invoke any demons lurking in this thread to make themselves known by posting their true demonic names, natures and agendas here in this thread for all to see, immediately. This is commanded to them under the pentacles in the related picture, and in the names TETRAGRAMMATON, ADONAI, ANAPHAXETON, PRIMEUMATON AND THE 72 NAMES OF THE ELOHIM.
>Rebuke Christ
What the fuck are you talking about
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>Nazi anon and Jewish anon are both in agreement that they hate Christians
>Jewish anon justifies this as Christians being authoritarian right wingers
>Nazi anon justifies this as Christians being judaized liberals
So profouuuuund, says utter nonsense to bamboozle the moron and the idiot into writting the plot themselves, like j j abrams! A hack.
And again, you eat the shit like honey because too dull to see past a parlor trick. A god doesnt need parlor tricks, or proof of obedience, it doesnt treat you like an abusive father, and sure as shit doesnt need worship.
Wake up, break the soul bargain you were forced to do with it, and reject it.
Stop being an abused housewife. For once in your life grow a spine and get past your daddy issues
>No one jewish hides from you or tries to trick you
Your entire culture and religion is built on hiding in plain sight and tricking people, including God. You attempt to trick God by saying your sins aren't technically sins through deft jewish legal trickery (shabbat lamps and kapparot) and he routinely responds by not technically smiting you (Babylon, Meggido, the holocaust). I don't know why you're trying your bullshit here. We have a saying on 4chan, they probably have it on Reddit, but we have it on 4chan. You fool me once, shame on you. You fool me twice... we can't get fooled again.
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And I'll drop myself in this circle here just for good measure, even though it is unnecessary ATM since I'm in multiple concentric circles at all times
Fuck, I can't get over thus
>Jesus is the epitome of evil.
How can you even say that as a joke? Let alone seriously. If this isn't the result of demonic possession then I don't know what is.
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The demons are not your enemy but a tool that god wants you to use.
Because its sad and you keep empowering an entity that feeds of your misery and gives you lies, pretends to rise you up to just throw you back into the ground with totally "testing you".
Learn what trauma bonding or stockholm syndrome is, and realize you are in it. Daddy doesnt want you, tell it to go fuck itself and stop giving it power over you. It has none.
None of this nazi propaganda means anything to anyone outside of your nazi echochamber where you spend hours of your sad life, each day, trying to scapegoat jewish people for the crimes rich people commit in the name of fascism. And generally you do this since you come from rich families.

And your "God" is a demon that tried to mass torture all of humanity, and that's not something a good God does.
Are you legit retarded?
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>shabbat lamps and the torah are Nazi propaganda
Jesus Christ is the epitome of evil. He comes along within the jewish religion, which does not have any concept of hell or eternal torment for non jews, or sinners, or the like, and he tells people that unless they're perfect christians who do exactly as he says that they will be cast down into fires for all of eternity.

This is wrong. This is false and immoral. This is the immorality of your shit demon religion and it's an immorality not found in Judaism, which is the superior and 1 true religion.
There is nothing that any of you say about judaism that is not nazi propaganda nothing
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>trying to scapegoat jewish people for the crimes rich people commit in the name of fascism
rich people of what ethno-religious group?
>waaaah waaaah god is le heckin abusive father won't let me do what I want
No one is on your side more than God you fucking retard. He isn't imposing rules to be mean, they're there for us to learn and become more like him. The fact that you even think like this makes you seem really retarded and juvenile. Not to mention, you didn't even understand or try to understand what I meant by "I am that I am". God is not an entity you can put in a category. You can only vaguely describe Him. This is because he is the source of what everything was made from. He's not a part of his creation, he's outside of it. If you hate your life so much then kill yourself
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Nah he's cool. I like him.
you try to use jewish people as ethnic scapegoats for yourselves as rich fascists and that's it. Blaming jewish people for your crimes in hopes that you won't be prosecuted, but you will because people are far smarter than fascists give them credit for
Oh fuck your shitty yahweh too, its a caanite god amongt 70 others, its not spe cial. Fuck all desert religions, they are terminal cancer, bereft of truth or wisdom, just shitty entities feeding on your misery because you empower them.
Christ being a demon is a possibility but dont think for a second your jewish god is any better.
Evil fighting evil is still evil. Choose a third path and reject sand colonialism. It doesnt belong outside of it
Answer the question, anon: To what ethno-religious group do these people belong?
No I'm not and you wouldn't think so either if you had seen a tenth of the things I've seen.
Nice rationalisation.
Keep making excuses for your abusive boyfriend anon, im sure he will stop punching you and you can change!
I already answered you as clear as possible >>38441009 and don't have anything more to say to any of you on the matter of antisemitism than that, since the topic is quite literally that plain and simple.
Actually, that isn't even right unless you're protestant. The official Catholic position on Judaism is that they are saved and the covenant is still valid even without Christ. I personally don't understand that. Honestly, some of the people in the most danger of damnation are Christians themselves but there is also the possibility of greater reward
Yeah, yeah. You're a good boy, dindu nuffin and everything in existence is nazi propaganda.
the jewish religion is the religion of light, love and truth. you possibly hate it because you equate to christianity even though it is entirely different and entertains none of the evils that christians prize
I could say the same. Yet you follow an ancient lie, and i reject it.
Wonder who is wiser, the one walking the path that set millions to misery, pain, suffering, or the one who says fuck that.
Dont be surprised when you find out the truth, in the end, as your soul is finally devoured by an entity you gave it to.
And for what, empty promises and abuse.
there is no way for you to retcon your 2000 yr old religion in an /x/ thread.
once more I've nothing more to say to you than I did here >>38441009 and there's never going to be another answer than that since your schtick is that simple.
what is this a fucking haiku? if I were your middleschool teacher I'd give you a B+
Doubt. Yall fuckers have caused mass suffering as well, and your god is jealous and unstable. The good things ya stole from zoroastrianism and claimed as your own.
Could be worse i guess. Could be fucking muslims, actual evil.
We get it dude, you don't need to beat that horse anymore. It's kaput. You're good boys, dindu nuffin ever, and everything in existence is Nazi propaganda, including your own holy texts according to you.
So what are the obligatory bad experiences you've had with Christians that's led you to this viewpoint?
I'm going to head out now for a while gentlemen and I'll likely be back later to continue in an exorcism thread.
Its simple text, im sorry you failed elementary school and can follow it
You talk as if you live outside of reality
Basic analysis of history and theology.
The cycle of abuse is so obvious its baffling anyone goes along with it.
Dont have to have a personal trauma with it to see through its clear lies anon. Bron in a catholic country, seen its lies from the inside. Good thing it wasnt shitlam at least. But fuck all desert religions.
>aaaaahhh I never spoke a single word in my defense, never hurt anyone, spent my life healing people and helping them, prayed for the people persecuting me, and took on all of the sins of humanity across time on myself
>I'm so heckin eviiiiilllll aaaaahhhhhh
And you choose to think an ancient set of lies delimiates it. Expand your sight a bit, and realize the prison that was built upon your mind can be broken. You dont have to accept colonisation by a shitty set of desert beliefs. Much less a clearly evil and damaging ones, that have brough nothing but misery to its followers and those unfortunate enough to live near them.
Good doesnt need a sword to convince you, or fire. Evil does.
How's my sigil?
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>Basic analysis of history and theology.
Such as? That early Judaism was pantheistic?
>The cycle of abuse is so obvious its baffling anyone goes along with it.
I don't feel abused. I don't really see any other Christians that feel abused either.
Christ is lord
Is that supposed to be some uggabugga magic spell? Its powerless.
Tue self delusion you wrap yourself upon anon...
Unironically I think you and the Jewish guy are a little demonized. You're so incredibly furious over what would otherwise be a completely mundane theological discussion.
Nor does the battered housewife. Its getting tiresome and i prefer sleep to repeating myself.
One day you might open your eyes, it clearly isn't today, but i hope you do, for you have formed a covenant with an evil entity that will devour your soul to sustain itself, luring with lies and empty promises.
Good doesn't need a sword or fire to convince you. That's not what they're for. They're for justice.
off by one I wonder why
It's so easy to see and it's a bit scary to be honest.
You mistake my tone for anger? Is more a mix of amusement, bafflement, and a bit of sorrow. There isnt anger there. Only that so many souls blindly believe a clear lie and extend the suffering inflicted upon themselves.
It had no power over you, if you dont give it that permission. Baptism, is that permission, as is continued worship.
Reject it, and magically you are free from its torments, and hell.
Life had enough suffering by default, humans are shitty to each other as it is, dont need a parasitical entity on top of it. Life can be wonderful and amazing, i love my own and every moment of it, ajd it improved once i recognized some truths.
Keep those lies as chains anon. One day you may wake up and find all the blood was for an evil cause and an evil entity.
OK, Satan himself speaking through a man. Fuck you by the way. GET OUT OF MY HEAD I HATE YOU
>"You mistake my tone for anger? Is more a mix of amusement, bafflement, and a bit of sorrow. There isnt anger there. Only that so many souls blindly believe a clear lie and extend the suffering inflicted upon themselves."
>"It had no power over you, if you dont give it that permission. Baptism, is that permission, as is continued worship.
Reject it, and magically you are free from its torments, and hell."
>"Life had enough suffering by default, humans are shitty to each other as it is, dont need a parasitical entity on top of it. Life can be wonderful and amazing, i love my own and every moment of it, ajd it improved once i recognized some truths."
Truth hurts. Im not satan, just a random anon that cleared himself of the lies forced upon me from the moment i could talk.
Its literal definition of colonialism, and i reject it, and its evil works.
Only evil needs cohersion, censorship, blind adherence, and force.
You saw all of that during covid, how can you keep refusing it see it in christianity is beyond me.
The same pattern, the same actions.
Its for your own good anon, safe and effective, for your own good, save gramma, we love you! How dare you question us! Vengeance upon you for questioning it!
Same pattern, same root cause.
And yet, digits.
Nature is healing
said that
3 dubs
3 close dubs
cancer is caused by demons. demons were created by humans. God takes credit for creating them by proxy through us.
Truth reveals itself as its self similar. the sun is almost risen
Explain to me how a baby being aborted is the baby's own doing? How the fuck does a baby can even articulate that?
Who cares? You're still wrong. I will always resist evil. Until the day I die.
>being born here was your choice
It was not. Two people decided to fuck without a condom and then they decided to not abort the resulting fetus. All the blame is on the parents.
I'll take my war God over your dead God anyday
never seen one
Angersome denial.
>replies to self
Not myself.
You wot
I know from the experience of my country that it doesn't work that way.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, we also had Russian candidates for the first president.
In short, everyone was pushed aside by pumping up protests of the indigenous Kazakh population - "Why will the Russian rule us?".

They chose a Kazakh.

30 years later, this Kazakh secured the wealth of his family and businesses and the relative poverty of the rest of the country. Even the modernization (of everything) in the country was not really carried out.

"Capitalism. Happiness. Fucking great."
sorry wrong thread
This thread is as dumb as the average Facebook Evangelist freakout over a grass snake.
Sad what communism did to Russia. My condolences. Here's hoping your country eventually recovers to the days before Nicholas.
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>They're both correct.
You are the demon that is deceiving yourself.
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They're mutually exclusive
The demons make me masturbate to guy butts. My desire for man butt goes down when I visit holy places like churches and temples. Perhaps I should become a priestfag.
I watched this yesterday:
(you can start at 3:00)
I have heard demons in Hell will constantly mock your stupidity and how you chose eternal damnation and torture over paradise and the beatific vision.
badass theory anon, I like it
how do you think he looks?
I hope your parents were rich because this way your life gets to have more confort otherwise why even born if you are going to be a wageslave for the rest of your life in every aspects of existence?

Yeah, the demonniggs really sh1ttied up your thread bro.

Check out this thread, similar topic. Mostly pics, but feel free to contribute info.
They will. It's also a bit of projection on their part. They're real bastards.
demons exist through people just as god does. i think jung mentioned it in his red book.
The real blackpill is that we were made by demons and there is no god. We're here to be the plaything of demons.

>there is no god

I highly doubt that, he/it might be dreaming us up along with demons.
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>tfw not assigned to do a heel turn as part of existence
I think it's supposed to be a reminder that you have a choice and control of your mindset at the very least, and with that you can begin to make beneficial changes. It's just something difficult to conceptualise in a way that won't trigger someone in a shit situation, even if the logic is sound.
>The DOOM strategy
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>man made in the image of god
are you retarded?

Not necessarily the physical image, maybe another aspect.
>covid, how can you keep refusing it see it in christianity
Amazing, yes, all the manipulative techniques of Covidianism were borrowed from Protestant Christianity
No, and I understand what you're saying, but that retard literally believes that you pick every bad thing that happens to you before you're born to teach yourself different "lessons" and "grow." It's cope.
Utterly delusional
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Demons live rent-free on earth.

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