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These energies are clearly dominant in society.
Science is the dominant religion of society. The impersonal interactions of internet and social media are very Aquarian.
Saturn and Mercury are dignified in this Age - there has never been a better time to seek out information that was hidden away in previous Ages. Saturn is said to quickly bring the results of karma in this Age. Sun is afflicted in Aquarius, meaning that men, fathers and careers don't receive the respect they deserve.

Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive.

In short, it means Aquarius drowns everything in the waters of information. Expect unlimited psyops, techno-hell, and the rise of transhumanism in public possibly. Basically, their thousand year plan is coming to fruition and it's over, nobody is coming to save you. Goodnight.
*Throws away all the space stuff*
Ok that makes sense how things are now.
Deceptive being are manipulating the resonance of the earth
I thought about it for a while, and it's really striking how the average privileged western is completely faithless and nihilistic because to them, the world is complete suffering. And yet the people subject to the worse of that same suffering tend to, and have always been, the most hopeful and spiritual/religious. Doubts have always existed and the problem of evil is not new, but people in other ages came up with far more fulfilling (and logical) solutions (usually, by accepting the mystery, as opposed to having an outburst and denying all that you can't immediately prove institutionally, which includes a third of the mind-body-soul division). I've come to the conclusion the average nihilistic atheist western doom sensation, that humanity is totally fucked and we're just dust, is a reflection of the dying western empire. I recall reading many kingdoms and empires in history, before their fall, shared similar sentiments. Whereas plenty of constantly oppressed groups, who never really had an empire at the modern age to begin with, and who were constantly pissed over, remained faithful. Indigenous people come to mind. It does bring hope that, even if for some decades it will gradually and perhaps abruptly get worse, the current fad of the dying empire will go down with it. In face of a collapse, those who actively deny their soul won't have the resolve to push forward, like many other societies have done so, and through much worse.
To further add on the whole falling empire theme, and what OP mentioned at the end about no one saving us: while I don't expect entire countries to stop existing bar some cataclysm, the fall I'm mentioning is referring to the institutional beliefs. In a sense, it has already begun. The current generations who are mostly atheistic and nihilist are millenials onwards, mostly because of the causes mentioned by OP but also as a confrontation of the older generation's religion. One aspect where this dialectic can be seen is with morality: people are not just eager to break the norms, but to outright push outstandingly evil concepts into normality, by state mediation, namely abortions and euthanasia. However, even if we are currently living at the time where this is law, it's important to recall that same generation is famously notorious for dampening its existencial crisis and mental illnesses with consumerism, and being marginally incompetent when it comes to doing anything really (ties into how they need a state to tell them what to do). Not only that, but that generation is also notorious for the lower birth rates: they actively hate children (even if most people who age admit it was a mistake not having them). As such, it's expected for that materialistic mentality to get diluted by the religious families who are more numerous. Lastly, these generations are already parents, and yet their children are rediscovering spirituality (if not christian, then wicca, african religions, astrology, etc.). We just happen to live on the times where nihilism is law, and we're seeing its downfall already (by its own hands, too).
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He will turn the sky just as he drags the Sun. The Age of Aquarius is over.
up with azure tube tops, down with crimson miniskirts
Feels good to be Aquarius rn. The great Treasury of Knowledge is opened before me and I'm free to take all I want from it. I could say that things are going quite... swimmingly. Others are drowning in the ocean or are dragged by the undertows of garbage infospam, but I AM the ocean!
The world will never recover from the collapse of the west. Everyone else is a nigger.

Expect an eternal dark age.
This is a war against Lucifer/Satan/Beelzebub. Pick a point to betray if needed. God with us
staturn is not evil. why would the groups that control the planet want to be restricted in anyway? saturn wants you to grow and that's the reason for restrictions.
No it isn’t. None of us will be alive for the age of aquarius. Stop spam posting this thread once a week
Your image is absurd and your text is misinformation. I can see that disruptive agents are still trying to survive, but your time is over, a new era is opening up and you will disappear unless you change and acknowledge your mistakes.
Inb4 sidereal pajeets
Vedic currychads are the only ones who get closest to your actual life thus far.
Why everybody tryina fuck yous then? If lotsa people saying that skype acronym inhalewhispering it says god from afar.
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I didn't know that I was a pagan. How cool! These are the values and ideas that I've always had in my life. But I didn't know that it was paganism.
sure thing jew, (((they))) cannot win in the end, not even in theory
and in practice, (((they))) are losing, this is why psy-ops (like this one) need to be pushed so often
>give up goy
>you will own nothing
>you will be happy
sure thing kike
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Arabs will rule the future world. The real original Aryans. A caste system. With whites as salarymen just like Greek academics slaves in the Roman Empire. And blacks as the lower castes of manual laborers. Arabs created Maths, Indians created Vimanas. The future Islamic/South Asian anti-gravity space colonies, like in the Chronicles of Riddick.
Then comes the Baseduropeans with their aesthetics. Crusading in black viking armor fucking up browns/blacks/and kikes. The necromongers truly are the future of the real Aryans. Discovering the Underverse/Valhalla and bringing True salvation to all. In Chronicles of Riddick, the Necromongers unlocked immortality. The process has something to do with those neckscars. They become sterile then they pledge their lives forever to honor because of their beliefs and as their sayings goes “you keep what you kill”. Viking as fuck. Yes, the real Aryan future is ruling the stars and killing mongrel mutants.
>a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites
Sounds like this is right up The Nobody's alley.
If the few can dominate the many, then the one will dominate the few.
If, for you a perfect world must mean that an entire people must die to attain it, you have already failed at imagining a perfect world.
People are just that, people.
It is the habits of some who are beyond such materialistic identities, biases and other chronic habits that you oppose, which is fair but you shouldn't become an instrument of hatred and vileness is all I am saying here.
I'm not out to get you in any way, I only see someone so disturbed as to say such a thing.
Never hate, hatred is not something this form is made for, be better.
To witness a fallen state in you saddens me a little, therefore I spoke out against it, I hope you didn't mind and would come to appreciate it in the future when/if you understand me.
Good day :D
Pluto entered Capricorn in March 2020.
Since then we've seen the destruction of all the elements of our systems, including knowledge structures (accreditation from PhDs has never been this worthless) and narratives.
Pluto won't enter Aquarius until January 2040.
Tropical astrology uses the wrong dimensions of the zodiac signs. Not every constellation is the same size, but in that calendar they are.
Consequently the solar eclipse of the 8th of April 2024 happened smack bang in the middle of the body of Pisces, not in Aries. And every astrologer got everything wrong about it, except those who use the sidereal calendar and verify the fixed positions themselves with Stellarium or a similar service.

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