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Is anyone able to see or sense my aura here?
I've had a streak of bad luck for the past 2 months at least, ranging from physical injuries to having strange impressions. I need some answers for anyone able to give them.
As a breakdown:
>Tore a tendon/ligament, hasn't healed for 2 months. Doctor's office I keep calling to for my referral isn't picking up and is ghosting me
>Dislocated a disk, making me unable to walk straight without a sharp pain.
>Farther back, but DMV fucked my drivers license, and with proof, never registered me. Drivers ed guy was a dick also. They put my drivers license to expire at 1111AD
>Regarding school, counselor in college either sabotaged or made an easily avoidable critical error causing me to have to take extra classes when I'm supposed to be on break
>In a class I took a month ago, I earned an A but the professor submitted an F on my transcript. I contacted the Dean via phone and went there myself but no response after 4-5 days. I have to go again tomorrow on my own time, and risk my grades slipping even more
>Transferring to university, I was notified that I must re-take classes even though I was told I wouldn't need to
>Diagnosed with genetic disorder two weeks ago, going to still seek out a second opinion

Thanks for reading.

Just today, as I was ordering food, I noticed I had somehow scared the people up front. They gave me too much so I asked for a second container. They ignored me and so I asked again which startled the cashier. I had to ask three times because I was given a paper plate. They then gave me the container, but without the lid. I didn't want to make myself sound even more demanding, so I began to leave. But as I left I then saw them huddle next to each other behind the counter.
Post your natal chart. I have a suspicion.
what website
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
Are you a "Trump" person...?

Karma, anon, not a curse.
That which is was caused by what was. Cause and effect.

You're on 4chan. The cause is proximate to that.
There's no curse to dispel. You were doing something wrong, and need to discern what that may be, and learn the lesson.
To add on, I do believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope you find the help you seek. I hope for the best for you anon, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
I'm what was considered moderate 40 years ago.

With that I don't support pornography, like to exercise, and enjoy the outdoors. I believe women can do what they want under Law, but things have gotten weird. I also see an eroding of the sacred masculine and confusion regarding the Principle of Gender
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1. The Yoga of action, leading to union with the soul is fiery aspiration, spiritual reading and devotion to Ishvara [Soul].

2. The aim of these three is to bring about soul vision and to eliminate obstructions.

3. These are the difficulty producing hindrances: avidya (ignorance) the sense of personality, desire, hate and the sense of attachment.

4. Avidya (ignorance) is the cause of all the other obstructions whether they be latent, in process of elimination, overcome, or in full operation.

5. Avidya is the condition of confusing the permanent, pure, blissful and the Self with that which is impermanent, impure, painful and the not-self.

6. The sense of personality is due to the identification of the knower with the instruments of knowledge.

7. Desire is attachment to objects of pleasure.

8. Hate is aversion for any object of the senses.

9. Intense desire for sentient existence is attachment. This is inherent in every form, is self-perpetuating, and known even to the very wise.

10. These five hindrances, when subtly known, can be overcome by an opposing mental attitude.

11. Their activities are to be done away with, through the meditation process.

12. Karma itself has its root in these five hindrances and must come to fruition in this life or in some later life.

13. So long as the roots (or samskaras) exist, their fruition will be birth, life, and experiences resulting in pleasure or pain.

14. These seeds (or samskaras) produce pleasure or pain according as their originating cause was good or evil.

The only thing I could think of was catfishing pedophiles and extorting them into sending me money. Considering what they said they wanted to do to a minor, I doubt what I did was wrong. One was cheating on his wife and even sent me his face and number. Most I got was $5 cause I didn't do it long, shit was abhorrently disgusting.

I was going to forward cases to the FBI and use money as a wage but I eventually found out nothing is done about it. The feds hate vigilantes

I don't like pedophilia.

Even still, tempting others - even the wicked - and then extorting them would certainly incur bad Karma.
I would work to distort them, but never got there because it was too disgusting. I convinced one guy to send me 5 bucks. I was soon ejected from the platform and just decided to stop

Regarding tempting others, I regarded it as a wage. Not to get rich, but just to make sure I could eat something. The FBI doesn't do rewards and I eventually realized vigilantes just aren't able to get anything done
It pretty much sounds like you have been cursed OP, here's what you're going to do before going to sleep:
>get a garlic clover
>make a small cut on one of its ends
>make three crosses with the garlic on your left palm or your left wrist (doesn't matter which one you choose, but the crosses must be in the same place)
>chant "In mine dreams thou shalt reveal thyself and shalt bring me no further harm; All thou dost wish upon me shall return."
>once you are done, take the clover and throw it away, it's very important to threw it away from your home.

Usually one ritual it's enough, but since it seems like a serious curse, repeat this ritual for 5 days to a week. However, you are not done yet, to prevent this from happening again this is what you are going to do. Buy an Evil Eye pendant, ring, bracelet or anything you can carry on yourself, it doesn't matter if its from second hand (but if it is you have to do a ritual of cleansing to the object first, which I'm not going to explain it in this post, its pretty easy tho), I'll advise to just buy a new object, whatever you choose, get holy water and frankincense; lit up a frankincense stick (or whatever presentation you bought it) and pray to God, do it when you are not going to be disturbed and all your focus will be just on your prayers. Once you are finished with your prayers put a few drops of holy water on the Evil Eye and a few on yourself (your hands, your wrists, behind your ears, on the top of your head; its not required to be in that order, neither to put it in all the places previously mentioned with a few drops on yourself should be enough), you only need to do this ritual once. Last but not least, from now on commit your life to God, the first thing in the morning you'll do before starting your day is to pray; I'll suggest you to fast too, half day or day (depending how you feel, you can only drink water on that period) per week should be good and commend your fasts to God. You'll be good, anon.
oh yea bro, no girls on the internet!

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