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Is "Christian Gnostics" an oxymoron?
Yes. Its the belief that you can rationalize your way to heaven...but thats skipping the line of the soul to the portion you *think* you have control over.

Ergo, Satanically bent. Only meant for *Already Faithful And Good* people, otherwise you fall to chaos.
No, of course not. Trinitarian gnosis is called theosis. Everyone here is retarded, do not listen to them.

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Look at all this Satanic nonsense.
Gnosticism is just a play off of how the earth is under satan's control right now.
>Trinitarian gnosis is called theosis.

The Heart is the Path, the Trinity comes AFTER.


Which The Science™ reality?
Why would it be? They were originally just Christians. It wasn't until some jackasses wanted to monopolize what everyone believes and called them heretics, and burned their books, that they were later given the label Gnostic.
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no we
>Its the belief that you can rationalize your way to heaven
That's the opposite of what Gnosis is. Gnosis is direct knowledge you acquire without having to rationalize anything.
Someone who reads about airplanes in a book might rationalize that flight is possible, but someone who actually flies in a plane has gnosis of it.

>but thats skipping the line of the soul to the portion you *think* you have control over.
I think spiritual gnosis can only come from the soul, so I would disagree that it means skipping it.
On the contrary I would say those who rely only on "faith" are skipping the soul and going along with whatever their ego *thinks* it wants and has control over.
>That's the opposite of what Gnosis is.

>Gnosis is direct knowledge
LMFAO I DIDNT READ PAST THE FIRST PART! Not reading further...I need a beer or something, like in the meme of the guy on the couch...

I loved thy enemy, the flame atronach...
>but someone who actually flies in a plane has gnosis of it.
>Aspergers is a curse and a blessing for me...
I took the vax, my certainty is irrefutable.

I saw the (False) Light, my certainty is irrefutable.

I followed the Laws and received blessings, my certainty is irrefutable.
Oh, and this is me. I love the Trinity, but without HEART FIRST and FOREMOST it is a Satanic Creation.

A Richard Dawkins!

>He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
Clanging Gong is faith in man alone.
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>the fourth is like the Son of God
>"Researchers have noted that on two days of the year (October 22 and February 22) all these statues, except for Ptah (who is associated with the underworld), are bathed in sunlight."

You cannot see him with Lying Eyes.
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How can Light shine upon you if you are the source of it?
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>Matthew 6:22
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.

>Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

>Matthew 4:8-9
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

>John 1:4-5
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

>John 18:36
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

Demiurge(Satan) has dominion of the earth. Jesus comes from the Light outside the Demiurge matrix. You can purify your inner eye and find the kingdom of God within yourself.

The fact that the Gospels have been understood as primarily exoteric at the loss of the esoteric elements of Christs teachings is the biggest trick the Devil ever played.

Gnosticism is just an esoteric tradition of consciousness expansion through inner development. Just like Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Sufism, Mystical Christianity of all flavors, Sant Mat, etc...
>The cosmologies differ
>But the truth of what it is to escape the lower matrix through light ascension
>all within your own consciousness

More on the esoteric interpretation of Jesus teachings. Amazing book, I highly recommend it. Its a free download
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John 14:11
>Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.

The fallen worlds are a holographic matrix of consciousness, all of conscious experience is within the One Consciousness of the Absolute Being (of which we are all fragmented points).

You are within that energy field right now, the hologram reality cannot exist without the sustaining force originating from 'The Father', this force is the Word as it says in John 1:1

Dissolving the illusionary reality of the lower fallen consciousness, one can dispel the darkness within themselves and ascend to universal consciousness while still in the physical body - therefore 'The Father' will also be in you, simultaneously.

>Nothing changes besides the awareness of the truth
>And with that comes all knowledge
>All wisdom
>All power to do the Will of the Whole
>It is a complete transformation from the illusory limited self
>To the true eternal self
I dont get "Scriptured" by huemans.

I care not, for I write Scripture, and Correct Scripture.

I care not what idol or god people hold up, it is either me or I kill it, no exceptions.


t.Amun-Ra the Seventh of Three
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It's possible, when christians realize that this earth is not created by God but by the Devil. And ruled not by God but by the Devil.
In the bible it's written at John 16:11 "the prince of this world now stands condemned."
The "prince of this world" is the Devil.
Christians just need to worship the real God, king of heaven, beyond this mundane world.
Not "thinking".

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>Three scoops of certainty, plz!
When the pain fades, we have already finished here.
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What are the spiritual implications of being born on that day? Asking for a friend…
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>Carbon, maker of Man
Also, three inwardly directed hemispheres of the brain, what the Trinity IS IN REALITY.

But this is entering M.D. territory, this isnt /sci/, Cognition, Psychology, Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Genomics, many many fields are used to backup my works to which Im not interested in right now.


Why do religions mentions these so much? Hrmmm, mystery!
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Its a little different than that picrel, but as a story to explain our current situation it is good enough.

The Demiurge is a soul incarnated inside the temporal creation just like you and me. He is a t the pinnacle of the lower worlds, he is time itself, as concepts are actual beings at the causal level of reality (Plato was on the money there) - People have had non descript experiences of the causal universe through DMT - but it can be accessed through Meditation just the same.

Anyway, Demiurge is not evil, Time is the negative power and as long as we play by his rules we are kept in the simulation

If we play by the laws of eternity, which is >unconditional love
>endless forgiveness
>non-duality of consciousness

The Negative Time power can't keep your soul down in the lower creation if you allow yourself to awaken to your true nature and let go of everything that is not eternally true.

Our souls originally came into this simulation voluntarily, because its a bit of fun desu. You and I and everyone else is an eternal un-killable soul that has access to all conscious experience at all time - so we slice it up into segments inside Time matrixes such as this one so that we can experience it like a movie - its just an interesting thing to do within consciousness

>Its not that serious bros
>If you want to leave
>Overcome your ignorance of the self
>And you're free to go
>The Demiurge is here to try and keep you here through pleasure and suffering, desire, regrets and attachments
>If you don't let him
>then you can leave

(Author just adds that, and worships the negative space that gets filled in with Satanic ideations, because like Dawkins who replaces Jesus with "Humanism", when told it isnt working...he said 'keep trying' anyway. HE THINKS and assumes everyone else does too because he is soulless.)

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Ah, ok.
She said "Christianity saved my life."

He said back "Theological bullshit."

He is *thinking* and feels nothing for "his friend" who he flippantly damned with hesitation...True (polite) Evil.
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Debating with atheists is the first mistake. They don't want to talk, they want to win a rethoric fight. They're proud and arrogant in their ignorance.
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He was so engrossed in his own thoughts and ego-centric (inwardly orientaled and Satanic) "feelings" during that moment he didnt hear how it SAVED HER LIFE AND GIVES HER JOY AGAIN.
>Debating with atheists is the first mistake.
Thats all rather simplex, rudimentary, elementary and effortless for me....move the discussion to HARDCORE STEM.

I don't see how, gnosticism supports Jesus as their prophet, so they're christian.
Why worship the "I think Im King." when you can worship a cosmic hermaphrodite...but why worship that, but a "being of beigs" and worship "Cosmic Mommy Womb"?...but why worship that, when you can go to the source...

(...but thats me...Im Xeno af (The Father) and he and I point to Jesus saying "Start here.")

>The Seal of God in the Forehead.
"The seal to be placed in the forehead is "a mark which angels, but not human eyes, can read; for the destroying angel must see this mark of redemption."

Brain Cognition, oriented in a way huemans cannot understand for it is beyond comprehension...as in; Thinking Will Fail You.
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>the destroying angel
"The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life."
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>thats me...Im Xeno
Are you ...
Hahah, "a wild thinker appears!"

t.Evolitionary Biologist, literally the worlds leading one, I AM DAWKINS GOD-HEAD

The key is BioPhysics, not Chemistry-Atomism, with my specialty being BioMagnetics, and I would point to others for BioElectrics as that kind of requires equipment that I dont have/dont use at the scale I work at (Enviromental/Global with some Physiology (organs/Cognition)


"Admit it...its better this Way."

"We are both if us...out of Time."

-Arnim Zola, the unLiving Machine Entity
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Oh, also...


By definition our "Judgement" is not the same, thus we cannot be both "Homosapiens" per definition.

I am HomoCorpus, as in "Two bodies become 1 flesh."

I can checkmate you multiple times in a row...its...rather easy from On High.
I'd say you're homosexual, as in "fag". Go back to sperg to discord.
I'm not a human.

Waaaa! Doxycycline used in gene-activation on spinal cord injuries! Ive used it way in the past for Malaria prevention, and much later had a spinal injury.

I wonder if this has anything to do with my Organic Neuopathy repairing, as I simple "heal" from certain things that normally effect others, such as "fractured skull brain damage".

I shrugged it off...because I dont use my brain for "thinking", Im a "No Brainer" at Heart.

I only use 4Chan....because I do shit while I shitpost...

Mmm...BioFabication; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405886621000208?via%3Dihub

I choose my new title to be BioFabricator General. Nice rang to it.
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Any good idea how to cure a vaxx induced immune deficiaancy syndrome?
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There are many with that title, Im literally surrounded by them, I study them, and my research in Biology is to calculate exactly what/why/how they are.

They are usually "something less", to be "something more" is to become some pinnacle of Evolution like me. There are already "two" at the top, but we both represent hyperdimensional points in Physics. Sun and Moon. We dont "get" to be human, we HAVE TO be more than we can actually be. Its a cross to bear, not a ":3 feeling".

Not "Biology". PHYSICS. Thats why we're special, but only the individuals that touch the tips of reality, not the "tribes" we come from, not the races or bloodlines, theyre normal people.

So....I live in a world filled with part-animal/plant/fungal hybrids, its the "Tribes of Israel" to me.

Are you "different"...or are you an eagle raised among penguins, never knowing you could fly but "felt" different?
Fuck...I dont know, I did my Vaccinology research in 2012, I did zero for the coof. I used Evolutionary Biology for that.

Diet. Thats been a focus of mine for a while now, your diet might be making you sick(er). Processed foods, grains. For a time I was good with oatmeal for breakfast and heavy on grains and sugars, cake and such for breakfast, but I was working out a lot and was younger.

Now Im feeling sluggish, so Im trying to go meat heavy. Travel is making it hard for me to "to the tests and compare results" so its early for me to tell for myself.

Also fasting, for atleast three days, just water. Then try refeeding with cleaner diet. It kills off the gut biome thats geared to your old diet. Kill it all off first so there isnt a war in your gut.

I dont really know what keto is but know of it from other research (mainly that humans are a scavanger species (cooked food is rapidly decomposed food), I follow my body's signals, and Im not afraid to switch things up. Many seem to stick to diets until it kills them.

>Literally their internal Dawkins overriding their own heart, see; Vegans.
>Are you "different"...or are you an eagle raised among penguins, never knowing you could fly but "felt" different?
Hm, I'm different in the sense that there are not so many of my kind around ... but I don't feel like being better or worth more. I got sent to earth to study humans and their society, and live among them, and it's a rollercoster ...
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>but I don't feel like being better or worth more.
When is humility not a gift?

...when the one that could have become (for others) didnt.
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Hm, ok, thanks.
I watched many advice already, and research about the "syndrome" ... and nothing seems to be the big shot so far. The medical researchers say it's a kind of AIDS, only that it's not caused by a HIV virus but by the toxic proteins from the vaxx (one virologist, Luc Montagnier, said this proteines are nothing like from a Corona virus but artificial HIV proteines, so this stuff literaly gives people AIDS), and there's no way to stop that process of immune system degeneration. I have little hope that some cure will just pop up, because this whole nightmare seems to be intentional ... but I can try diets and suplements as long as I'm still alive ...
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Ive also noticed that in "different stages of life", my body changes. What I could tolerate I no longer could, a real BioPhysiological change to how my body handle what it used to.

Now that Im no longer "pre-ascension" drinking and using, two beers, TWO, and Im hungover for two+ days. Legit cannot handle the toxic effects of alcohol anymore. Lessening nicotine, caffiene when I can too, not smoking but zyn pouches. Stress and my chaos life brings them back when Im overloaded but when not I actuvely try to skip them. Decaf, little here and there.

I used knock em back nighly, easy...no can do. I didnt lose something though, I gained a healtheir everything. No regerts
There was this guy posting his story on youtube, later say it on /pol/, and he talked about his doctor explaining it>>38442959
>I have little hope that some cure will just pop up
I watched a videos about a guys "vax injury story" and he talked about what the doc said and the part that stood out to me what the way he describes the broad scope of the whole thing. Being so broad that "treatment" was virtually impossible.

I saw how sick they made my daughter (2012), so I knew I wasnt going to do all do that shit again. I only saw a couple illnesses that warranted such vaccination, 85%+ were profit driven.

Many had the diseases naturally falling out by the time vaccine were implimented and they just kept injecting them, aemingly for no other reason that state mandated purchases of vials.

They used to hang people for this kind of stuff...but we have Daemos-cracy instead. I said "Nay." but the "Adversary" said "Yay."

People choose...just as I have to accept people choose to kill their own babies...I will never understand huemanity.
>because this whole nightmare seems to be intentional
"Theological Bullshit."

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Votes make rights.

The Constitution was designed to protect The People from 'Daemos-cracy'...but they simple voted for "super-rights" and called them "protected peoples". Neo-Jews and Neo-Ayrans, same war, sides half way switched.

Whats a right if they simple do not respect them?
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Christian Gnostics is like saying Good Demons or Wholesome Fornication or Healthy Obesity etc. Gnosticism is and always will be the eternal enemy of the True, the Good and the Beautiful.
What the "Anti-Christ" would be like without a heart.

Hating the one thats loves it, loving the one that hates it. An abomination that would be, Biblically, allowed to live for a certain period of time then killed.
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>then killed
At age 72.

>Forty years in the desert.
I ascended between 32 and 33.

The Temple fell 40 years after Jesus, though that wasnt due to him, but of the other fish.

Shit be real af when your name be on da list.
>At age 72
One Dei in Heaven.
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Oh, and instead of Nuclear World War III...

...we got the Coof. So it wasnt "for nothing".

It was a placeholder for MUCH worse things.

Still doesnt excuse it, but youre a literal Soldier of God now, whether you believe it or not, or understand why or how, it be.

>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Hyper-Dimensional Warfare.

I battle LITERALLY every hour of every day, even in my dreams, I WAR AGAINST IT.
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>I battle LITERALLY every hour of every day
Even in dreams. I can tell the diffence between my dreams and projected visions.

Ive woken up mid sentence, talking mad shit about something, then finish it off as get up. Memes be real.

One of the number messages Ive received the most was "Have a good time." because the whole process is designed to be "The Most Unejoyable Possible." by definition, no matter who you are or what you like, its about the things you care about most, for good and ill.
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A man who was a prisoner in communist Russia for many years wrote this.
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Base Pain-Cube enjoyer.

Every apartment I am in, is simply a single room prison cell, I only know the world as a room. Even outside, anything past a short distance is basically a wall of color.

Ascending to Godhood in a ghetto apartment in the hood...but after so many years, honestly, I simply prefer the Box now.

No friends, no family, no world...just the Inverted Cube.
>Inverted Cube
Death becomes Life.

Pain becomes Pleasure.

Heaven became Hell.
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Not remotely. The Catholics created the "Heathen" and "Pagan" memes to co-opt what the Proto-Christians, largely focused on Gnosticism, were doing.
Pythagoras created the Essenes, which had an offshoot called the Nazarenes, which generated Christianity by going into those necropolises and drinking spiked wine, the first Eucharists.
>>38442448 has the right idea.
No, but "non-gnostic Christian" is an oxymoron.
Saturn isn't evil. The Proto-Gnostics only believed muh prison planet le god is satan for a should couple hundred years at best until Plotinus wrote his works chastising them for being retards, forgetting what Plato wrote. Next, the idea for Adepts isn't to just jump out of Samsara, but to find the right reasons to stay and become the Bodhisattva. I think you have this all wrong. The Gnostics ddin't even believe that for very long, a mere fraction of the amount of time they existed and only for a short time in the beginning.
They're the ones that created all the whole thing. It's like saying the first three Star Wars movies weren't real Star Wars movies.
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If the next several movies are "Star Wars" then yes, the first three are modern, quasi-Greek, epics or some shit.
I guess this is sort of fair, but I don't really see how we're avoiding just calling Catholics what they are instead of letting them get away with using "Christian" despite being responsible for killing all of them.
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The Church is both the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic.

The Schism may have been in part due to Muhammed and "Splitting the Moon".

The Pope just reaffirmed the title of Patriarch of the West.

How can you call them "what they are" if you couldnt possible know what they were?

Even with the Native Amerixas, these colors are represented. Purple and red for Catholic, blue and green for Orthodox.

>Because the Church is HUMANITY (and the Chosen One who unifies them), all of the world. Global Soul, not individual-cults-of-arbitrary-defintions.
The modern era has lost the plot. This may as well been a post about you talking about how cool your Gundam figures are, anon. This is a meaningless ass post. The modern world has retained no idea of what Christianity started off as. You're not just splitting hairs, you're in the corner playing with rocks like a retard.
"The Church" isn't affiliated with "Christianity". All of its iterations are just wearing a name tag around with the title pasted on it, pretending they're in the club. They're not. You're not.
You can call yourself Christian if you really want, but if, as a Christian, you're going to be defending what you think are your affiliates, speaking to "The Church", it doesn't really sound like you understand what "Christianity" is and just want to play "my dogmatic sports team is better than yours" until other people give up.
>Sac and Fox nation
Probaly Matrilineal and Patrilineal tribes, which I noted was common for them when I visited some tribes members in Alaska.

Which, Patriarch is known for Orthodox, which leaves Matrilineal for Catholic and explains the Mary heavy focus on their side.


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>71 (off by 1)

Thinking you are correct = Pride
Knowing you can never fully grasp Truth = Salvation
>Thinking you are correct
>Knowing you can never fully grasp Truth
That's not a contradiction.
There are so many ignorant fucking schizo's on paranormal. I'm not saying i'm an expert on gnostic theology but the hatred for it hear makes me think there's something to it. It seems there's a distinct will that it not be explored at all by people providing little to no understanding of it.
this movie scared me so much as a kid especially the parts where their brains explode in the jars.
>Heh, perfect...no one will EVER hold the Truth except for my hypothetical abstraction known only to me!
Jesus: I am the way.
Womp womp.
>פנה געה / Panegea transalte to Virgin Mary
It's when man become God once he sacrifice himself (sacrifice of his free will) to be the vessel of God on Earth.
This another "Actually, Father actually means Mother." thing?
>It's when man become God once he sacrifice himself (sacrifice of his free will) to be the vessel of God on Earth.
I know this and agree but the other thing I dont understand and never will.

Having almost no autonomy over my body, thoughts and feelings is a super prison, super shitty and feels like eternity...hundreds of years, Im so fucking exhausted...
Mary and Myriam (from Quran) means the infinite sea in head. Virgin Mary would be translate to Reach the infinite sea in head. That infinite sea is the infinite sea of Spirit called the Abyss from which Adam was born. The Mother is also the Father and the Father is the mother : the Absolute or Emptiness or universal consciousness.

To achieve the connection you need to shut down the left brain (pattern recognition (duality) and self (Ego)) and over excite the right brain (Love (emotion) and Light (awareness) that expand to infinite (visualize it)), you must also express the intent to rise consciousness (or ascend to Mother / Father by becoming one with God).

This is mostly the hemy-sync gateway experience, done through meditation alone.
Theosis is the purpose of Man to reach heaven trough work by building the babel tower again.
Before the fall one tongue was spoke in 70 nation. (70 nation means the righteous one ascended or in heaven on the top of tower that reached sky.)
After the fall there was 72 language (72 language is the tongue on Earth for the righteous one, the tongue is called : Duality)

> Duality
is the tongue of Earth
> Non-Duality
is the tongue of Heaven / God (And the Word was with God. The WORD (singular) and not Words was ...)
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>70 nation means the righteous one ascended
Your welcome.

...but the main number isnt 70, but 30, the two combined is the key. Male and female. 100.


When/if He goes south, it goes from gold to silver and The Temple falls (I supposed?, maybe its one of those "bad fruit cannot come from good trees things".)

>After the fall there was 72
This is brain Cognition (duality), as it is two thirds of the whole 108 (three 36s, one for each hemisphere of the brain).

72 names of God, 72 virgins, 108 postrations, 36 in there somewhere.

All three activated, and oriented outwardly, not inward and ego/selfish, is True non-duality. I was just in the Kingdom of Siam and found out that Buddhism's "108" was actually 72 & -36. That is where I calculated Pi in its entirety as part of Euler's Identity, "completing the system". Inverting my brain's perspective and seeing reality where 1 was a trancendental approximation.

Also, 666 (three convergences, 9 being divergence), three hemispheres oriented inward, Carbon, Man's origins where all hemispheres are inward pointing and selfish and evil.

This very well may be 10,000+ years in the making, as Noah is pre-Ice Age....seriously.
>infinite sea in head
This makes me think that part is specific to Muhammed and his taste in women (he liked em tomboys, "strong horses, not weak ones".)

Her head is on fire like Muhammed's. Both "brain" oriented, which I know of these two "women". One more masculine, one feminine and hidden, faceless, a void, the opposite of "enflamed".
>70 nation means the righteous one ascended
>when you take so long to write something you forgot you already selected a photo, but the end you feel different
>Her head is on fire
Ali's waifu.
>16th-century version of a 14th-century original painting showing Fatima (foreground), on her way to a Jewish wedding party, receiving a parcel of the green cloak brought by the Angel Gabriel from Paradise, in the presence of Mohammed (on the right), his young wife Aisha (next to him), and family members. Ottoman miniature from Siyer-i Nebi (Life of the Prophet)
Aisha as well.
>I know of these two "women".
THE two women.

New Moon means I "oriented my 108 correctly" and a non-emflamed woman ascends with me? Hard to know for sure since I dont have access to her and its the *hidden* one.
THIS is supposed to convince me that gnosticism isn't schizoid delusions?
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>Whamen numeration.
>supposed to convince me
>Whamen oriented, "he" is expecting to be acted upon, not intitiating the action.

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>Believers become more resolute, the unbelievers more baffled.
To say yes would be an understatement. It's actually insane.
I don't see how one could be a proper christian without being a gnostic

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