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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous >>38377317
Why am I unfuckable? WHYYYY
I cannot get laid, every single time I meet a woman they call me a loser. IM UNFUCKABLE.
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Can anybody tell me why my life has been so fucked up? Particularly 2002 and 2022.. should I just kms??
>they call me a loser.
That's not very nice of them, obviously your much better off without such snakes if that's how they feel about others. Hang in there, you'll find someone.
You need to stand up for yourself more. 2022 was hard because of Saturn's return but Saturn is on your side if you develop its energies. If you try to manipulate or deceive to further your position in life, it will inevitably backfire. You can't avoid uncomfortable situations, you have to work through them. Find harmony in the mundane aspects of life.
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

What about 2002?
I'm taking from your chart that you were quite young then, your Mars is in Aries (its home sign) and in the 4th house meaning you may have had strong family conflict. You may have had a physically or emotionally distant father.
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Can anyone tell me if it gets better? That's all I wanna know.
In 2022 my brother went missing and it's been downhill for my family ever since. Not that we were ever perfect, but still
I'm Sagittarius (Sun, Mercury and Venus), with Moon in Taurus, Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Virgo. How common are people like me, OP?
Question about stelliums: I have four planets in the 11th house which is supposedly the house of friendship, connection, society, etc. but this has been my main problem throughout my life. Do stelliums always show an area of strength or can they just represent a major "theme"?
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>cancer male
>raised by aries single mother
I will never ever be comfortable around women
whats your chart like?
It really depends on the condition of the stellium. Are the planets in friendly or enemy signs? What kind of aspects to the planets recieve? etc. etc.

Having many planets in one house really exentuates the themes of that house. 11th House themes (community) will always be at the forefront of your mind and focus and yes, that involves struggles.
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Here you go
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Or if you prefer this one
Anything noteworthy?
>Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius
Your mom tried her best, don't be an asshole to her.

Aside from being a bit of an autist (Mars-Saturn-Mercury) you don't really have bad juju with women. Mostly you'll struggle to figure out how to "deal" with life - when to make decisions, when to act, how to be assertive, how to play the game so to speak. Learning to feel like you have a say in everything that happens to you and taking responsability for everything except for freak accidents and acts of God will greatly reduce a lot of suffering you may experience if you're an autopilot.
Sometimes you may get sharp pangs of low self-esteem, likely from shitty family influence and you will have to learn how to be a bit more responsible in love throughout your life but other than that you can safely leave the Mongolian throat-singing forum and enjoy life.

Your chart is very much in harmony with how mainstream living is and there is nothing really stopping you from being conventionally successful. You have enough originality and "spice" to stand out from normies while not being a freak who feels out of place in society.
Thanks, man.
bit of an autists seems like an understatement though, otherwise all else seems right. I'm not "bad" with women, I know that from previous experiences, but still never comfortable with it. What you say about how I struggle to deal with things in life is spot on and probably source of all my problems, because I've never felt like I knew what fuck I was doing or what I want to do. That applies to everything, from simple daily tasks to what I want to make of my life. Still I feel compelled that I must do something so I can't even make myself fully lean into a nonchalant lifestyle either. It's like 2 sides pulling me in opposite directions.
>safely leave Mongolian throat singing forum
What does that mean?
>originality and “spice”
Sounds like me, I participate in artistic activities
why don’t you guys do more of this: >>38401847 and dates said before it even happened
I'm sorry for your loss.

Until the end of 2024 you will have Jupiter go over your Venus which might bring some relief and much need good luck. You might meet new important people, even romantic partners. But the real shift will be felt post summer 2025, and in 2026 especially - when all the outer planets shift signs. I can't promise if it will be for better or for worse as these infuelnces can be erratic but Uranus going over your Sun and Ascendant will absolutely change things for you. It will be different, different how remains to be seen.
I would like a general reading

Left is tropical and right is sidereal
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>Just 3 lines
That’s it?
Any readers able to tell me what they see in this chart?
How do you all feel about Pluto leaving Capricorn and Saturn returns?

I made my birth chart a few months ago and it was spooky accurate, and I resonated with it much more than my Leo Sun.

My life and self esteem has improved a lot over the last 5 years, and I hope it continues... including a possible entry into a prestigious career.

Anyway, interesting in hearing others thoughts, especially those that are Capricorn heavy, as my life had been rough for nearly two decades
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Adding chart
Is Jupiter or Neptune the real ruler of Pisces? I need to know my chart ruler.
I'm a pisces rising and only look to jupiter as my chart ruler
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I ended up in strange relationship and wanna know how it will be in the future
Do kamala
Will I ever overcome solitude? Relationships keep falling apart for vague reasons.
Will I have any success in martial arts?
Will suck dick for readings
Why does my chart look like that?
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Let's try this.
What is this supposed to mean? Look like what exactly? Use your big boy words.
This is easily the most beneficial, luckiest, pleasant chart I’ve seen in a long time. At worst, you grew up with unconventional parents, hippies or maybe drug addicts, absent/confusion in some way. Problems in grade school, could be a learning disability or bullying but either way you likely made a mountain out of a molehill with this.
Distrust for doctors, pharmaceuticals.

At best, you are beautiful, very attractive and gain the attention of good meaning well mannered people, extreme luck in all relations with other people besides your family. Sudden endings can be frequent, but the bittersweet essence of those relationships should over weigh loss. You likely don’t see this because you are highly emotional and could have attachment issues.
Your biggest problem is self esteem issues and frankly wishing things would go wrong, it gives off the same energy as pre teens wanting to have various mental illnesses. You don’t realize how good you have it. Cancer stellium. However, again, this is one of the most positively placed charts I’ve seen in a long time. Some earth placements would do you good but unfortunately you’re going to have to master your emotions with your own will. After that, all is well. Learn detachment.
>You likely don’t see this because you are highly emotional and could have attachment issues. Your biggest problem is self esteem issues and frankly wishing things would go wrong, it gives off the same energy as pre teens wanting to have various mental illnesses. You don’t realize how good you have it.
Thank you, it seems correct.
> At worst, you grew up with unconventional parents, hippies or maybe drug addicts, absent/confusion in some way. Problems in grade school, could be a learning disability or bullying
None of these happened.
>Cancer stellium
It's interesting, is there anything more to know?
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Hello fellow retards. Would be tickled if anyone could give their input on my chart. I live in a state of going head first through every piece of drywall I see.
>Aquarius sun with Capricorn moon
Why am i living like a schizoid when i am extrovert? What am i doing wrong under this planetary technology that sets our personalities at birth? How can i manipulate it?
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I feel lost and alone and hopeless and faithless, without connection or coherent future or confidence in any part of myself. I don't know what I want or expect from here other than something to give me a crumb of direction, some vector from outside myself to follow without second-guessing myself to death. Thanks to anyone who has input for me.
>have a personality that is as stereotypical aquarius as they come
>Have zero planets in aquarius, and instead only have planets in earth signs
Explain this astrofags
Pluto is not a planet
Look up chiron in the 12th.
You can be a tranny without having aquarius placements. You’re probably really easy to manipulate and can’t think for yourself and have an afflicted mercury.
Trannydom is a retarded modern trend that has nothing to do with having artistic or intellectual inclinations
The explanation is that you're deluded by terrestrial matters. Connect with your energies here. Ground yourself. Get off the computer and in tune with your surroundings.
About to get paid in a week. I need a get rich quick scheme. Should I short stocks, long them, go to an Indian casino, or buy crypto?
Makes sense, thanks. I... don't really know what to say to bounce off it. I guess I have some regular work to go tomorrow.
can someone do a birth chart for me? 9/26/95 5:30 hershey pennsylvania
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is it normal to experience personality shifts?
I went from intp, to istp, to infp over the span of a couple years and had my life drastically change along the way corresponding to the changes in my attitude and feelings about things
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What do you guys think? Never really looked into this before.
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gonna do some random charts but I'd appreciate if anyone had anything to say about mine as well. also take everything I say with a grain of salt
shy people pleaser
you rely a lot on your friend group and they'll probably take you far
smart but self centered
i think stocks based on venus in the 8th but I can't say any more than that
you're probably a sweetheart but I'm guessing you may have a disability or something that stops you from connecting with people/ making friends
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Guide me stars
You need to travel
cmon answer someone peer into my being
Does anyone here use astrology for trading? I’ve been having some success in crypto using basic predictive astrology but I’d love to hear how others are going about it.
Could you give me some insight on my chart please?
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Can anyone tell me why I have tran-like identity problems? Except I don't think I'm a woman, I think I'm a bird. Unfortunately I am completely serious.
Am i making the right choice?

So it's been a couple of rough months for me, long story short, last year I decided to pursue my passion and get a degree in art, didn't really liked the experience, made me reconsider a bunch of things about myself, and now I've decided to go for History instead, now, listen I know I know, is not anything that could ever make me rich or even get me a job but I have a pretty good plan for getting a job in the future and it doesn't really bother me if is not in a related field. My question boils down to: is this what's right for me? Like, when I get old, would I look back and think to myself "what a life well spent!" Or would I be filled with regrets that I didn't made the right choice in a crucial moment and therefore never reached my full potential. Idk, I'm confused, any insight would be appreciated.
get a sidereal astrology chart and get enlightend fren
who told you that aquarius is artistic or intelligent lol
Any tips?
Predictive Astrology and Financial Astrology aren’t the same and use different baselines + different methods. So I’m curious what you mean by you’ve been using Predictive
?? ya you’re going to change and mature as you get older? do you have a learning disability?? you shouldn’t be the same person that you were even 6 months ago. this is common sense i fear
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Can someone give me advice on how to improve my love life?
went from entp to enfp couple of years ago, 4 months now since the breakup with my ex of 6 years, anyway. I'm just bored. I dont have a steering yet I feel, and i dont want to date. Shall I trust the universe to take the wheel or am I supposed to do something? I still feel a bit lost.
i just wanna fucc fr fr
>It's interesting, is there anything more to know?

I question your masculinity and expect you to triple down on steroids to build yourself up and show the world what a real man is.

Also I hate chart reading bros, but I love the themes of the stars and what they mean.

Can we talk more about how Saturn rules Aquarius, and not faggot Uranus who's dick got chopped off by him?
Why are you responding to a comment that wasn’t for you?
Because this is an open forum.
Post chart to address the root of your chopped dick, fag.
>Mars-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius
You take things to the extremes. A very satirical, silly way of degrading people in discussions and expressing superiority, a patronizing way of learning philosophy and spirituality.
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Is astrology racism simulator from the stars and universe? Why are Taurus and Capricorns described as low vitality, subsentient beings with limited self-awareness? Do they even have a soul? You would be amazed at looking their personality patterns; these are absolutely grounded and spirituality is lacking. Zombies don't have a soul that's why they think in concrete terms. Abstract thinking is for actual humans bearers of a soul.
These filthy subhumans are the personification of the fictional zombie. Soulless, emotionless, dead inside, materialistic (only care about eating human flesh) and shitting the remains of your body. Taurus trannies are fat fucks with no pussy, the live essence of the boomer, an obese zombie of L4D2. They eat shit endlessly and vomit their expansive tummy bile when you try to convince them they're wrong, fat fucks. Capricorns are the tanks, they build a massive hill of "money" and a social status how to feel important when in reality they're only colossal in getting cucked by the brave Aries.
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Is there any tutorial on how to read this thing?
I just want to know more about me.
Not that I can see. Best I can come up with is you have the Moon closely conjunct Jupiter, and Jupiter is a very encouraging planet that loves to nourish things. So maybe in your case you nourish retarded delusions in your mind (the Moon).
I don't exactly see art indicated in this chart, if that's what you are asking. The lord of the 5th is Mars, the malefic contrary to sect, and it is in the 6th house.
If anything, I would say that you would have better luck as an art theorist or some sort of architecture theorist (Mercury-Venus conjunction in Capricorn, indicating a merge of thinking faculty and aesthetic sense). Maybe poetry?
I feel like the 7th and 8th houses are probably most important in this chart. So, people, romance partners, business partners, and financial activities or property management.
Stop trying to convince people that Cancer is feminine. It's not.
Fr*g posters are certainly worse by far.
Let's see...
A firebrand, good luck with money, strong need to connect to others, dangerous ideologies and opinions, overall success in public life. Might lack direction in life and be extra dependent on social connections to find one's way.
How's that sound?
What about

Sun libra 11th house

Venus virgo 11th house

Mars 11th house

North node 5th house pisces south node 11th house virgo

Lilith 11th house
Lilith is in virgo
Mars is in libra
>>38449904 I consider myself to be kind. No physical disabilities but got a lot of mental shit going on.
>>38450005 Been considering it a lot lately.
>>38452798 Early on in my philosophical journey I was like this but I have grown a little in that regard.
Only Taurus is described as lazy. Capricorn isn’t what you described at all. Although it seems like you have autism, so that nullifies the entire chart.
Interesting. Is the moon commonly associated with retarded delusion?
You will never be a real woman, anon. Attention fagging and social status is for women. I just say you you're still on this to not chop your dick.
Only sometimes. The Moon generally represents any mundane thinking and consciousness. Some things are more likely to indicate retarded delusions than others. So for example, having the Moon conjunct Neptune can indicate obsessive use of the imagination for escapist fantasies, or a drug addiction.
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what jobs or career would best serve me
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As a long time lurker of /x/ + /biz/, here's a financial astrology guide for making it and preparing for the future:

Long-term macro predictions for the markets:
>Jupiter (planet of multiplicity, luck, blessings) conjoined with Uranus in the sign of Taurus in 21st April 2024. Very bullish for crypto and new tech, as this conjunction historically has seen huge technological advancements (The PC, all normies using the internet, smart phones, etc)
>2024 will be a great year for stocks and crypto, due to Jupiter entering the sign of Gemini and remaining there until mid-2025
>according to Professor Weston's cycle (which is based on the 20 year Gann master cycle of Jupiter & Saturn), there will be swing high points for stocks in April and November 2024. This model accurately called the 2021 tops, the 2022 dump and the 2023 reversal. He noted also that there is a 3 week deviation to these dates
>in 14th of April 2025 the Lunar Node will conjoin with Saturn. A giga bearish aspect that symbolizes karmic lessons, unexpected changes and pushes you to leave your comfort zone.
>in late 2026/early 2027 when the Lunar Nodes transition into Aquarius, there will be a full-blown economic crisis. According to the 18.6 year cycle by Louise McWhirter. This cycle is based on the movement of the Lunar Nodes and has eerily called the beginning of previous market crash in 2008
>In 2026, Uranus will be in Gemini and also at a hard 90-degrees to the Node. This astro positioning warns of a negative economic time. It also warns of possible war in 2027. This cycle occurs every 84th year and involves the US in a major war (war of independence, the civil war and WW2)

Do whatever you want with this info and plan accordingly.
>I question your masculinity
I don't. I've got athletic body and masculine spirit. Using steroids is lame and it's one of the least masculine things one can do.
I was responding to the other anon. So,,,
We have been in a bear market since 2021. Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Statistically variating between 2-5% increase and decrease isn’t considered a pump, friend. There hasn’t been a reversal in over three years. You obviously don’t actually trade anything if you’re not paying attention to the markets enough to understand that. Also, GANN is used for individual charts…you’d know that if you had actually studied GANN instead of google searching an image.
Can someone please help me? I want to know what my natal chart means
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>bear market
>new all time highs in stocks and crypto
Even sub-saharan 62 IQ niggers understand that new highs = bull run. Study this and prepare for the next crisis. https://youtu.be/X34qC31Xvqw?si=Vqc9QhYmJzjAVcMv
Lol. You must be new. Thats alright though.
how would you explain the difference between water and fire - if both are meant to be about emotion/passion?
beyond just "fire is masc, water fem"
>taurus has life essence of boomer
can confirm

>earth signs are soulless
I have yet to hear a good counterargument to this.
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Why have I been so incredibly anxious the last 3 months, despite nothing really going wrong in my life? I had the death of my grandmother, but that was a long time coming and a blessing as she was in pain for the last few months of her life. Never posted ITT before, hopefully this chart is what is needed for a query
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Love and career prospects?
Strive to create and contribute to this world even with the knowledge you might not find recognition. You're above the terrestrial. Saturn is on your side. Consider travel. You may find what you're looking for abroad. Occult-inclined.
what are some chuddy placements?
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Ok so I have to take a very important public and oral exam in either November or December. Which month should I pick? Any dates in particular? Im nervous asf. Any general readings appreciated, can read your chart too.
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Why do I think so much about death and things I can't know like if there's any meaning to existence. I've been struggling with these thoughts my entire life, I'm always deeply disturbed by simply existing, I hardly know any peace of mind, my body is always aching in some way. I go from one fleeting desire to another: get it, lose it, want to die, repeat. Just can't stop thinking about death, but also power and money, sex, mostly sex. I'm just really exhausted, I feel like the endless nap would fit me so well, all the time. Why am I this massive cretin? Therapy, medication, beliefs, I've tried it all. I just want to feel at ease and less hesitating about the things I think would give any meaning to my life, but I don't even know what to do with my thoughts, imagine acting in the real world.
I feel like I've lived a decent life considering. I'm still finding my way. Any idea what to look forward to?
you're a scorpio with a bunch of 8th house placements. the 8th house is the "death" house for some and it's scorpios house as well. even your mind (mercury) is scorpio which carries the same themes of power, sex and death etc. sun square saturn/pluto can be depressing as well. you fit the archetype well
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Can you point me to some deep analysis on the archetype of Scorpio? I really would like to understand more about astrology, but I've only learned some really basic things. I can't put it all together, even though people keep saying I visibly am my chart. Another question, is it really that bad? Shouldn't the Sagittarius placements balance things out a little?
chiron conj mars
cancer moon
aquarius sun/moon/rising/venus/mars/merc
leo sun/rising
pisces moon
north node in the 4th,
direction and purpose in life revolves around creating a family and/or a home
so, if you haven’t already, start a family, buy a house or create some sort of stability when it comes to your family/home life, curate the home you didn’t have as a child
me when I lie
Fucking Leo Anon is a retard gook. He's been hanging around with poopjeets in Discord and got kicked for dating trannies in a pop astrology server. I came here because he told me about this place, don't read his chart.
what is his chart so we can shit on him?
huh? what is the lie? some of you simply can’t take even an ounce of criticism. you see something negative about a placement you have and start pissing and shitting yourself a NUH UH! LIAR!!! NOT TRUE!! I’m a Aqua Mars and I’m a CHAD I SWEAR!!!
Which transit is responsible for blacks quadrupling in population? Tired of it
name a more kino depiction of the shared energy between the gemini & sag opposition

It feels like there is great potential and some positive outcomes have materialized. But things are not clear at the moment, and this chart appears to lack balance and is a bit off to my untrained eyes. Any ideas?
He's the OP. Leo Anon is a regular here and usually chimps out when people don't read his chart. He's currently hanging out with streetshitters in Discord because they practice pajeet astrology and he feels a sense of belonging in that environment.
ahh, I see. the threads for the last few weeks have been annoying ever since coming back. thank you
What about 5th house pisces North node?
what about it
Hi I'm a aqua sun cap moon scorp rising. Dude. Your schizoid ness will save you NO JOKE! No fucking joke. The world is against you but you need to harness it in a way that is most attractive and intelligent (this would be hard if you're a guy lol so if you are one I can't help you, try to style yourself according to your venus). Literally just be attractive and schizo and people will let you do whatever you want.
What would be the direction and purpose of someone who has north node 5th house pisces?
Thanks for the advice, i am fairly attractive male already, not buying into looksmaxxing internet bot info fog but certainly there is a room for improvement, i can give it a shot.
How did you cope with your isolation?
Personally i am gifted with a lot of creativity and energy, so i keep making art for years now (sun in 12th house).
I will never shake of the underlying, that stale misery from total loneliness unless i am not, best i can do is to slightly mitigate it.
I am not even sure how i did end on this path, everyone drifted away and noone new came in. The cycle turned out to not be a circle, that's still a mystery to me.
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My chart
Describe my personality so i can have a good laugh and confirm that astrology is bullshit
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What is the friendless loser interested in art and history sign?
It's just called having good genetics for me.

>How did you cope with your isolation?
I self isolated a lot as a kid, I couldn't really stand being around people for long periods of time.. Like.. people always say I'm a personable person but like.. That's surface level. If I'm ever in a room with anyone for too long, I get drained and feel the need to isolate.

But in circumstances where I've been isolated by a choice that wasn't one of my own, I usually go deep into my thoughts and start thinking about concepts... usually for my own writing.. I like to be lost in my own thoughts.

I'm also fond of the arts, I draw a lot and I write here and there... I'm more focused on learning stuff like biology and physics though (not for like.. education purposes but just because it's an interest of mine)

Honestly... I'm more than familiar with the false circle/cycle of loneliness. Maybe too familiar. I've realized you need to recognize it as a sign that you need to learn to be able to be with yourself and your own thoughts... Unironically. I feel like it's hard for us (aqua suns and cap moons) to be alone with our thoughts and have little to no access to people that most would take for granted (friends, family) because it feels *vulnerable*. If you had something stimulating, like constantly focusing on art, or perhaps picking a new hobby like cooking.. It wouldn't be difficult to be alone. But sometimes we need to cool down and stay away from being alone and doing something stimulating 24/7 and just socialize. So you might be asking "what then?" Well... Shadow work. Unironically. When you realize that you're too tired to draw, or paint, or cook, or read about physics. You have to face yourself and not in the egotistical way. Like... You actually have to look into yourself. The ugly part of yourself and it SUCKS. But only then will the doors of companionship open up for you. Or you could just stay lucid all the time and wait for someone to come by.
Virgo I guess?

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