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/x/ - Paranormal

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/x/, i need help with superstitious stuff. I don't really know how to tell stories or whatever, so i will go in a somewhat chronological order.
I have problems. Not giant ones, but persistent, with luck especially. But nowadays, im also fucked in terms of employment. I was just going through my usual day, but at some point (when i was especially sad) remembered someone from here telling that demons are actually not that bad, and you can ask them for help in small stuff and atone for your sins later. I laughed at the time, but 2 days ago the desperation sank in and i did it. I vaguely remember what anon told me
>no need for sacrifices, just ask without hiding your heart and feelings
>pray as if you are asking God himself
>do it before going to bed (on your knees) and continue doing it while drifting to sleep
>say whatever, just open your heart and they will understand
I asked just for luck, nothing much. And today i had a dream with me standing in the middle of nowhere, it's pitch dark, the only thing i can is a road and constant traffic. I also have this insane urge to run away from something, "i have to cross the street of im dead" kind of feeling. I also had an object in my hand (picture). It was a silky smooth triangularly shaped stone with this painting on it. For some reason i just lifted it above my head and everything became so peaceful, man, like im at home. Cars stopped, fear stopped, i safely crossed the street and woke up. Woke up to my hand tightly squeezing nothing. I barely managed to open my fist, because my forearm muscles worked at 100% (felt like it). The strange thing didn't end there, i just dismissed everything as me bamboozling myself for no reason, started having breakfast, turned on tv to listen to music and, i kid you not, on 2 separate music channels they were playing Daniel Powter's Bad Day song. You know, the one with lyrics about being down on luck? Almost shat my pants. I did not accidentally sell my soul, right?
Matthew 16:26 New International Version (NIV)

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
You can't sell your soul. Some entity in your surroundings thought it'd be funny to help you out, or some aspect of you on a higher level signed a pact with them.
It is impossible to sell your soul. Ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.
Wrong, as stated in the first post best post, it can be traded
You mean, from the christian propaganda poster?
Tell me, what matters more, the book of your cult, or the personal experience that OP can attest to?
Your cult doesn't determine the truths of this world. You thrive on ignorance. It is through personal understanding that one grows beyond the violent spewings of your cult, and develops into a rational human being.
OP has experienced a taste of spirituality, and in the future, he will become a powerful adept. Your ramblings will not change the future. You are utterly powerless.
>Some entity in your surroundings thought it'd be funny to help you out, or some aspect of you on a higher level signed a pact with them.
Well, am i fucked?
You are posting on a computer or smart device, through an internet connection, with your fingers on a keyboard. Everything except your fingers were invented by somebody else that you have no relation to what so ever. You have their fruits. Again, I'll post the ESV version so you can understand.

Matthew 16:26
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

In the second sentence, it implies that your soul has already been taken. Turn to Christ brother. Or war for Lucifer, I don't give a fuck
No. There's enough literature on the subject of banishing and overcoming personal demons out there, but as long as you understand that you hold more power than any being not endowed with the soul of a human being, you're fine.
You have never experienced God. You have never experienced Christ. You have never experienced Lucifer. Your mad ramblings are that of an ignoramus. I thank those who give me the capacity to argue with you here, transcribing my thoughts into runes that serve as sigils for my own empowerment and for the triumph of my will over others.
aww little baby mad he ain't omnipotent with infinite knowledge so he just assumes a little bit more everyday
The one who claims grand truths without experience, based upon the writings of a religion whose grandest enemy is Knowledge itself; that being is surely the most wise, no?
> I thank those who give me the capacity to argue with you here
whoops looks like he got his personal army everybody pack it up he won we surrender
Okay, you sound like someone who knows about this stuff. I will try asking for it's (whatever "that" is) help before going to my job interview.
I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying
>The one who claims grand truths without experience, based upon the writings of a religion whose grandest enemy is Knowledge itself; that being is surely the most wise, no?

No. But looks like the boomers are based

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