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How do I cure my BPD the /x/ way I hate psychfags

get mad
stay mad

Bandpas delays being procesed is an part of the musical subchan board being. Please avoid mixing these things with reality.
https://youtu.be/vChNrlMAG18?si=qauiD0lrUy2R-HEm this is the best thing which has helped me a lot
BPD is a made up label to call people hysterical. Don't reduce yourself to that. Anyway, post natal chart
thx anon I’ll check it out
What’s a natal chart?
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>How do I cure my BPD the /x/ way?
There was never such a thing as BPD. Once you realize this, you'll know it was never something you could have had so you were fine all along.
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This what u want?
Ask a demon of knowledge to bestow upon you the ability to pull your head out of your ass and do some CBT/DBT worksheets, you can find them online. You not self reflecting properly or having the emotional intelligence to regulate is the entire problem, doing these forces you to learn proper reflection and regulation techniques over time

- t. diagnosed with bpd, used to do hard drugs, sleep around, escort, multiple suicide attempts, self harm, abuse others, whole grocery list of shit nurtured by my bpd that was ruining my life. Now lead boring average stable life, stable 10 year relationship, etc

Anything short of that is just you wanting attention and making excuses, point blank.
Magnesium and Zinc should temper your moods. Eat more like a prehistoric man rather than an effeminate tranny and you might end up more level headed.
I thought that stuff had to be done with psychs, good to know!
Sooooo more meat?
Working out or even just getting a good walk, jog or run in also does wonders for mood enhancement and stability. Using these along with >>38442760 will set you on the right path. You'll slip up and fuck up but if you really want to change, you can. Bpd is an entirely manageable thing once you get tired of being a retard with the emotional depth of a puddle.
If by BPD you mean you're emotional, for me what helped was accepting that emotions are tools for manipulating yourself and others. Try subjecting yourself to strong emotions and then meditate on them. Realize that fear is awareness, hatred is desire, sadness is knowledge (or the opposite extremes if you want to pretend to be a good person). Focus on yourself. Fear yourself. Hate yourself. Know yourself. Then you have achieved self control. You will still feel the same but it wont be you suffering.
Oh yeah I should also mention since it's brought up a lot in this thread. Vitamins like Zinc and Magnesium are only to improve cognitive function. It can give you a clear mind and could be what you need but for the specific purpose of mood stabilization ashwaganda and tea with adaptations are better.
If youre borderline, it's for life.
You will forever live life on the edge.
Just embrace it. Life in technicolor.
Good to know, I definitely need a clearer head lol
But I’m tired of pushing everyone away and making them hate me
BPD isnt real
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How tf do you contact a demon of knowledge?
Wow so few aspects
Is that good or bad xD
It's fucked, unaspected planetary energy has very few, limited ways to express itself.
Sooooooooooooo is there anything I can do abt it? Any upsides or what lol idk anything abt astrology
You can deal with your issues so you don't lash out in unconsciousness.
But, you will forever be a loose cannon.
Any special advice as to how?
>bpd isnt real
So whats with all those girls who mysteriously have the same eyes, tantrums, and cut themselves all while lying cheating and stealing? Just a weird coincidence?
Use your all seeing eye to recognize the nuance in people's motivations
Try the Cosmic Death Fungus NAC protocol
Women are inherently followers of trends and live on attention. It is currently trendy to have these issues when you conveniently have the lighting and camera setup to record it.

This isn’t even a conspiracy theory. If you just use your eyes and ears it’s pretty easy to see.
Realize that someone wanting to do something a way you don’t isn’t a goddamn attack.
People are allowed to say “no” to you.

You won’t listen because you are an asshole with “BPD”
You don't have BPD. You act in radically different ways, but this is to your advantage. Think about it, the bpd girl or guy can get away with drug use, promiscuity etc. Even if you aren't aware, you are doing it. You are choosing to act like that. It hurt me to realize this because of all the potential lifelong relationships I ruined.
If you didn't choose it, how can you ever choose not have it?
Dialectical behavioral therapy and heal any bodily trauma with physical therapy or edmr.
All is folly. The world is vanity, vexation, and fools playing fetch.
All mental health conditions are to be resolved by the mind, soul, and spirit.

Emotional instability always leads to indulgence, impulsivity, and suffering, and suffering leads to redemption, an island of stability.

The cycle of suffering-redemption becomes addictive.

You must still the lower mind and begin to break the cycle. The path is ascetic: renounce the lower desires and the lower mind. The desired object, once acquired, brings only temporary pleasure and satiety. Happiness does not come from acquiring possessions.

Bliss comes from within, when the mind and the body of the yogi are at peace.
Of course, Desire extends beyond the physical world into the lower astral. We can desire things from other people, emotionally.

In BPD, in women especially, this has to be renounced.
Realize that any idea you have of someone's personality is an image you have created of them that likely isn't in alignment with what they are. Realize that your experience of them comes from your internal world's projections and interactions with itself and you're only hurting yourself by making assumptions about their perceived intentions toward you.
pretty sure most women dont cut themselves and rob stores
Relationships are mirrors to be shattered...

The yogi abides in bliss, self-luminous, without attachment, and cannot be disturbed. Masters control their emotions.

Be still. Turn inside.
I don’t wanna be like this tho that’s why I’m asking u guys
How do u know I don’t? Granted I’m not diagnosed but I’ve known people that ARE diagnosed and I act in exactly the same manner, ik online tests can be pretty junk but literally every one says high bpd likelihood
I KNOW that that’s true but it doesn’t change the fact that when something happens I freak the fuck out. I don’t WANT to even when it’s happening but I can’t stop myself and I hate it cus it just makes everything worse and pushes my friends away
Bpd, so called, comes from shitty parenting. So just open up the vault of your memories and face what you went through. Then cut your parents off.
Or the other way around if necessary. You might also need to release bodily trauma if it was really bad.
I mean yea my relationship with my mom isn’t great but I wasn’t really abused or anything, just yelled at
Jung, internal family systems, a willingness to be honest and improve your life. That's the way.
Ok anon listen. I've got it, im still figuring it out considering my life is still a mess but I HAVE found out some things maybe they might help or something.

1. be streight edge (not even alcohol), maybe even lower caffeine (worked for me i only dirnk tea), routine, ALWAYS sleep the same (no euphoric all nighters or sleeping in), cardio, eat three meals a day, easy. basic stuff that every online thing will tell you but it works

2. The biggest thing is you have to work on your extreme emotional neccessity for validation, you have to learn to take risks in your expression and not need validation and be ok if people dont accept you; you have to literally be shinji; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un4p-6lzIpI. You have to be yourself™ and as long as you are sincere and genuine you have to tell yourself you are doing all you need to be doing.

3. Communication; describe without explanation simply your emotions and needs and if someone resists dont blame them or over explain or etc. just keep repeating the same thing (what you feel and what you want/a bargain of what you want). " I can't stop crying, i cant sleep, i feel in extreme distress and i wish for this"

4. Stop manipulating people

5. Final goal is to start having people around you who completely understand you and wont leave you, but of course you didnt manipulate in various ways to stay with you.

The second step is the most important; stop trying to control your life and you have to consider being yourself as the only rule, even with dire consequences; im serious. And just say how you feel and keep repeating it.... i dunno
1. Already pretty much straightedge, I'm 19 so I only drink a bit of wine every once in a while.
2. Idk really how to be myself, I don't know who I actually am lol; I've had so many different personalities to put on with different ppl and social situations and changed identities so much idk what I really am anymore.
3. I kinda try to do that but I always devolve into a panic to get them to listen to me
4. I feel like I'm PRETTY good about that, I don't think I'm manipulating anyone lol.
5. I used to have someone like that but I kinda ruined it by being like this, we're still friends just not as stable/trusting
>zoomer bpd
Unironically kill yourself, things will not get better for you. Not trying to be mean, but no BPD person has ever been happy. You just burden everyone
: (
Sure thing, pal. Keep coping and you will never heal. She's probably a narcissistic bitch- speaking from experience.
These identity issues are a clear sign of narcissistic abuse. If you dont cut the whore out, she will never stop.
I guess but I really like her when she's nice
>don't know who I am
Yes because your attachment to validation is so great your brain literally is constantly only geared towards getting it and so you can't even fathom anything beyond it. You have to try to just truly "connect" with others and stay in the moment with them. You have to "stay in the moment"; there is a real you and a real other such as you and me right now. The more you think the worse you'll do; don't think and stop trying to control things. It will feel like youll lose everything in the relationship and they'll leave you but it's the only way to get over it; it gets much better the longer you keep at it. Suddenly being real with relationships where people are used to your fake manipulative personality is the worst; it's easier to start with someone new first and then work with those you know. It's ok if others leave you; as long as you are trying to be real; it's what you have to keep telling yourself. Unironically watching shows where people behave In an expressive way helped me a lot like eva which is stupid to say but it's true.

Also, don't cut out your mom.
Seconding this as a borderline. There's a reason we're the PD with the highest suicide rate. Life is suffering for everything regardless, we just receive a lot more of it.
Death is the solution but it doesn't have to be physical, if you want to check out early it would be helpful if you throw away the ego entirely, that's the false self that identifies and associates with everything. My name is blah blah, I am this age, I have BPD etc Non duality/non association/self enquiry will separate you from le bullshit. Just meditate or visualise putting everything you are or think you are into a box and being into the truth of whatever remains. Sit silently with your emotions as an observer in the now as much as you can practice that. It'll be pure hell but you'll find yourself inadvertently hurting yourself and those around you less and less.
That's of course if you don't want to suffer a life, I'm sorry, but if you want to live as a person you will suffer greatly because you have BPD and as I'm sure you're aware by now, its the human experience on impossible difficulty.
Of course you do. You were born into her web of lies and deceit. You are her slave. She never allowed you to individuate. She parasites off you in her endless cycles of idealization and devaluation. Your mother is a monster and you know it. Remove the parasite, or stfu.
OP DONT LISTEN TO THIS STUPID IDIOT!!!!!!!!!! DONT EVER GIVE IN ¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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this guy is a fag and op you are currently a fag but you can be cool like me and realise bpd is litteratly a personality of screen narcissm do drugs have ego death or actually have a ego death then youll see sliver of reality after that you abandon desire and become strong. read into eastern philosophy that stuff has meaning, if it doesnt have meaning to you that means you are still being a fag. when it starts making sense your breaking out of the fag personality. just admit your garbage and and you wernt told to shut the fuck up enough as a kid, try going to therapist but make sure they tell you to shut the fuck up every time you act out like a fag. its only way to cure personality disorder if you cant be strong you dont deserve to be free from retard fag brain
You are in complete control over your reality. your emotions heavily influence your reality. Emotions are magic (think Green Lantern and Pretty Cure). Emotions are consent for certain entities to possess you. Riots occur because an emotional zeitgeist possess a group of people, bad emotions become a social contagion and riots occur in a group think, mob. Have you ever seen a video of gang or mob violence and think "how can they be human?" their emotions possess them in a group think way. Like a school of fish that are perfectly coordinated without language so are the mob, emotionally coordinated.

You have absolute control over your emotions. do not forget that. Do not despair. If sudden negative emotion overwhelms you think " i can change my reality, I can change my emotions".
With BPD your emotions are unstable and that causes your perceptions of reality to bend leading to splitting, emptiness and paranoia. Take control of your emotions, do some very light chakra work or meditate. if you are unable to control your emotions do not engage in any high level magic/spiritual practices as it is dangerous for an overtly emotional person to potentially interact with entities. Master the very basics of meditation first so that they can aid you in controlling your emotions.
Certain entities feed off of negative emotions, do not become a farm for them.
You are strong OP. You are a human and so have tremendous power over your reality. You will heal.
I only really have two friends lol and I’d 100 percent kill myself if I lost them. Remote town and I hate discord/social media so idk how to make new friends to practice on lol
Can I do that shit without drugs I think drugs are gay
Shit I’ve actually been wanting to talk to angels, do I fr need to hold off on that till I get better at managing my emotions
Unironically nutrition, vaping, smoking, weed, alcohol, or being on uppers and downer prescriptions. If you eat natural, start taking iodine (with magnesium, selenium, and zinc), and either supplement or get actual nutrients through diet most mental problems go away. No boxed shit. The boxed shit and added sugars can come back after you stabilize yourself and realize what you can handle.
Unironically seek Christ. I would have responded the same way you probably will reading this, but I tried everything else. I would also recommend avoiding sugars and ultra processed food to the best of your ability, make more and more of your diet as unprocessed as possible (fruits, vegetables, beans). Anything inflammatory is not good. Exercise when you’re having an episode as impossible as that may seem. Learn communication skills both with yourself and others (that you value and value you in return). Make sure you’re not deficient in anything especially vitamin D. Black and white thinking and many traits you have are actually very positive, you just have to hone your application and develop a strong genuinely righteous moral code. Be careful with the people you hang around, don’t ditch people for being too good to you and don’t cling to people who are bad for you. Reflection will help with this. Truth be told I think there are so few genuine BPD resources because I had to hit rock bottom in many ways at once while having a spiritual transformation to get better. I wouldn’t recommend that, and Christ is the answer (discernment, protection, lack of loneliness / the void) any way you spin it. But ultimately you might have to discover that for yourself.
For me it was Stoicism. Maybe not the most /x/ thing but it’s really what saved me from reaching the point of accepting meds.
I gave you the real answer. The problem
Is your mother. But you want a solution that doesn't make you confront the problem. None of these normies telling you 'don't cut off mommy' understands what it is to be born of a narcissistic hellspawn- i do.
Ironically, breathing techniques and mantras and remembering to not be a fag and grounding and channeling your mania into creating something good and your depression into a cool guy demeanor that will attract women.
No offense but I knew one stoicism dude at work once and he was a huge fag about it and kinda put me off the idea of that shit forever xD happy it worked for u tho
I don't REALLY see what that would accomplish tho, besides family drama I really don't want she doesn't really impact me emotionally that much anymore
Prayers against the spirit of wrath. Prayers against the spirit of fear. Prayers against the spirit of sullenness. Prayers against the spirit of heaviness. Prayers for peace. Prayers for a new mind. specifically
Keep playing dumb. Your problems are a result of your (sick) mother not allowing you to individuate. For you to heal, you need to become your own man. For this to happen, you need to cut out the parasite physically first, then mentally later. Don't worry, it took me years to face the truth. You decide how bad you want it to get (she will only get worse with time) until you take the necessary action. One day you will remember me, as the stone cold nigger who told you the brutal truth.
If you have to ask ...

Psych meds are lobotomy pills for golem goym. Are you such a thing? Wait, no need to answer.
let a million homeless niggas fuck you in the ass until you die
Sex and money cures bpd quite nicely. It's over. Some of us actually live only to do slave labor. That's so disgusting. Lol, I can't even believe this is real. In constant shock. Nearly constant shock that this reality is real. They do this to people. I've tracked them. The planets are talking to us.
Yeah there's literally a planet that talks. It doesn't help us commit self destruct module 1. That's a weird decision. We're all totally confused. He actually installs 666 on the guns too. And draws his artwork at the suicide spots. If this is actually being read, that's surprising me. Stop surprising me like that.
kys. bpd people are literally evil selfish demons in human skin.
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saw ur 19. dont kys. just be a considerate person.
Lying badly.
You can't change sex, sorry.
No, like I said I hate psychs, kill yourself dumbshit you didn’t even read my post
That’s schizophrenia retard
Funny thing actually I’m a biological male but I got socially groomed in high school into being a tranny for a while, luckily I got snapped out of it but wew lad did it make my identity issues worse
try 40mg prozac a day. has to be a big dose. totally cured my sister.
Meds are gay
Nice OP pic

I highly suggest you take meds
so what if at a point in my life I became incapable of sleeping and ended up in the psych ward or blacked out for weeks hallucinating and waking up in jail and can no longer sleep if I don't take medication that makes me sleep. That and years of depression both disappeared upon taking a medication used to treat bipolar disorder. however without this medication sleep does not come naturally to me anymore.
I think it's a great looking chart, well balanced. Sagittarius/Scorpio strong is great if you can keep yourself from being a braggart (from the Sag fire). The moon in Cancer is rough. It probably makes you gloomier than you'd like to be and easily hurt but the houses are good. Really, it's a solid chart.
My mistake. Your moon in Leo is solid. Great chart.
Don't ever put on the title of Lucifer again you piece of shit
Holy shit you're retarded

>Got groomed into being a tranny

You deserve your suffering
Interesting, I definitely am on the self hatred side of things so I don’t think I have to worry about being a braggart
I was a lonely high schooler with about three friends total, one of whom I constantly fought with and the other constantly played on my insecurity around/fear of rejection and being unwanted. When trooning out is presented as something that will make you instantly popular and also solve all my identity issues of course I was gonna take that. Luckily I got away from that shit and found a friend that actually cared about me and snapped me out of it
No advice, but wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
Thx anon, you too :)
you will never be a woman
I agree, trannies will never be women but I’m not a tranny lol
>BPD is much more common in women than men
>OP has been roleplaying as a mentally ill woman for hours on a Taiwanese tapestry forum
stop dude this is embarrassing
Nothing wrong with trans folks

Imagine being open demonic influence but can't handle forms of gender expression.
>Take control of the wheel in my life
>"Ok I want to express myself how I want"
>No no no not like that!?!?
Feel like most people here have given good advice. Just avoid literally conjuring demonic entities and you should be ok.
Transgenders are either groomed into it like I was or are gross fetishists, with maybe half a percentage point having the actual mental illness of gender dysphoria. Sorry but the AGP sissy BNWO pedophile groomers on Roblox and Mr beast are far more demonic than me :)
I may freak out sometimes but that’s in spite of my conscious desire to be good.
It’s not the expression I have an issue with, true transsexuals I couldn’t give less of a shit about, but the fetishists and grooming victims are symptoms of a diseased mind and society respectively and shouldn’t be tolerated.
Eventually been planning to summon angels, is that ok or should I hold off till I get a better handle on things xD
In the majority of sexual assault cases men are the perpetrators. Does that mean all men are monsters? Lol no

Literally invoking demonic influences is the most idiotic thing you can do. ;)
Agreed. Unfortunately some people feed into all that crap within themselves. Fetishists and trend followers just destroy themselves, kind of interesting how it reveals monsters. Like some high drug to excuse their terrible desires

>>38464989 also me
Ok, say that they’re not mainly fetishists or even groomed, they have a legitimate mental illness wherein they feel that they are truly meant to be the opposite gender. Even then how do you justify not just tolerating but actively affirming and encouraging what is by any definition a delusion? I wouldn’t want someone to affirm my freaking out by saying “your friend doesn’t even like you and has secret group chats where he makes fun of you with others”; yet that is what would be and is in fact happening en masse. It’s a common refrain but we don’t tell the schizos on this board to rent a steam shovel and try to find the underground reptilian lair. Why? Because that’s FUCKING stupid and completely delusional, same as thinking that you’re secretly totally the wrong sex guise!!1!!1
Sorry if I’m rambling it’s very late and I’m about to pass out.
Also how am I invoking demonic influences lmfao
Mythology has even stranger tales, is it so hard to believe that a man or woman might have been put into an opposite vessel?

We live in an age where men act like women and vice-versa.
This is a terrible opinion but it's what I did

Just go with the swings. Swing with the pendulum, not against it.. it's going to swing anyway so at least go with it. The rollercoaster ride is going to happen so trying to scream before it starts is dumb, and while it's happening you just accept that's it happening.
Eventually you learn how the pendulum swings, you can mitigate it in many ways. It's still difficult but you realize if the pendulum stopped entirely.. your not really 'you'.. so halting the pendulum is ideal.. what's more ideal is controlling when the pendulum even STARTS.. wouldn't that be a gift.
Pretty sure 99% if not all religious texts or mythological tales have way wilder shit. Reading them over long periods has me doing a double take if I'm reading myths or some fetish fanfic.

Not the filtered/censored crap you read in schools.


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