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I had a friend that I used to hang out in L.A while in college. We used to cruise at night on Sunset Boulevard with other friends with our bikes. One night he got ran over by a car and everybody left since they wanna get in problems with the police as most of us were illegals. I stayed until the ambulance arrived and called his family. So he was in comma for around 3 days according to his family. I got into a fight with my family and returned to mexico to live with my mom so I totally forgot about him. Years passed and I stumbled upon his linkedin profile. Sent him a message and the same day messaged me back giving me his phone number to call him. I called him and invited me to his house. We both live in Mexico City so I had the chance to visit him just to catch up. He had a real nice house, a mansion, and those are not cheap here. He showed me a collection of his cars and motorcycles and gave me one. He said it was a gift for staying that night with him and reaching out to his family.
are you calling me a mexican??you're a mexican
I moved to a smaller city, and all of a sudden the targeting stopped, my life improved a lot. They're still monitoring me, but not targeting me.
Pretty nice bros. Love it here, gonna make it my forever home
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I didn't want to sound rude as to what he did or how he became rich, but he didn't look like a cartel boss. So I asked him how he made his money. He told me that during comma he traveled to the future but wasn't him, he was a kid living with other parents. He knew it was the future because he saw smartphones, led screens, which back in 2000 were just scifi stuff. He said he was a kid living in the future and didn't paid much attention to details, just the basic trends. He said that when he woke up from the comma started to buy stuff from China as he dreamt from a comma. His biggest hit were led lights. Which made him good cash. He moved to Mexico with that cash and started to invest in some other stuff from the visions he had from his comma. He invested in masks, he bought containers and when h1n1 hit back in 2009 thought that was gonna be it. But unfortunately it wasn't the real pandemic so he ended up stuck with containers of masks in his warehouses. He told me that he was a kid living in the future so it wasn't really clear to him when which trend was going to happen
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So spinners happened, but he was also investing on other stuff. He didn't tell me which stuff but his main business was importing things from China. Then covid was about to start and somebody from China tipped him there were lots of people investing heavely facemasks, alcohol and gel. He was already ahead as he had a pretty good stock and when shortages of facemasks arised, he made deals with different governments for supply. It was a nice chat we had and I went home to my house with a new Kawazaki Vulcan. Not sure why he left Mexico and is living in the middle of Alaska in a cabin in the woods. Why would you leave all those luxuries? This is what bothers me, and doesn't reply back to my messages
wow, he went forwad
Moral of the story:

Do bidness with China. Get filthy rich
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When I finished my studies at UNAM as a doctor, I got sent to do my service in the sierra, over at the Istmo de Tehuantepec. It was a rural area with few houses, and I stayed over at the school to sleep. It was called a school but it just a little house from CONAFE where all kids from the community study. We didn't have phone, so the goverment gave me a walkie talkie to call the police or any other emergency. One night, around 3 a.m I heard some knocks on my door, banging really hard. It was an old lady that was hurt and bleeding from a wound in her stomach. So I checked her and it seemed like a bullet wound. Thankfully the bullet had gone through and didn't hit any vital organs. Put her on the bed, clean the wound and gave her some antibiotics. Then I heard another knock on my door. It was man, around 40, fat and mustache like mario bros, but meaner and holding a gun. He asked me if I had seen an old lady. Since I didn't opened fully the door, he wasn't able to see in the inside. There were some other people with him with flashlights looking for something as well. I told him that I haven-t seen anything. He didn't believe me but left. 1/?
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So I went back to check on the old lady, but she was sleeping. I slept on the floor. I was wondering if the guy would come back but didn't. When I woke up the old lady had left. So days passed and then a beautiful girl which I have never seen before came into my shack at night. She was really pretty. She said she wanted to get herself check up so I let her in. She was smiling and I asked her what was she feeling. She said nothing and stretched her arm holding something in her hand and asked me to grab it. I grabbed it and all of the sudden the beautiful girl turned into that old lady that I helped. I was shocked. She told me that the thing she gave me would let me see more things if I always carry it. She left and it was true, I could see beautiful women with men, but if I left the amulet, I would see old ladies sometimes kissing young boys. It is pretty famous for Tehuanas to practice this kind of magic. 1/?
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More about that amulet and what it allows you to see, friend. I am also in Mexico.
I will write it up in a minute
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So years passed after that event and got job in Mexico City. I got my own office to work part time as an specialist. One day there comes this young handsome man and what I thought it was his grandma. The dude mentioned that his wife wasn't able to get pregnant and he was asking me to check her. I asked him sure, I can check her, can you bring it in please? and he said, It's her. And this old lady's face turned red and her eyes opened wide.
>"Oh, sure no problem, ,please leave us alone", I said telling the man
So he left and the old lady was like how could I see her true form? I mentioned I used to live the Istmus where I got this amulet from a Tehuana. She begged me not to say anything. I said no problem but sooner or later his husband or family is gonna find out. He told me not to worry that she had everything fixed but didn't expect to find a doctor to uncover her secret. So I let the husband back in, I gave her a prescription and to do some analysis. They both left happy and holding hands. 3/?
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lurking on dead thread
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So, what are these old women who are busy behind a youthful appearance? Witches? Energy vampires? What is your theory?
>of the sudden the beautiful girl turned into that old lady that I helped.
Are you describing your dreams?
I've been trying to figure it out, but is some kind of weird magic.
Based on your first-hand experience you should have developed some speculation and then a theory. You just see things and move on without asking yourself questions? What shape is the talisman? What type of energy does it emit? How does that object make you feel when it is near you? Why don't you ask the talisman what the hell is going on?
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pic related
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this is the amulet, talisman
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They are small bags.

I have read witchcraft stories in which these small bags are used as a means to do evil to someone specific. You can throw one of those things into a concrete wall and you will curse that part of the house and therefore all its inhabitants.
Have you tried opening the bag to see the contents?
>thees es fine
My eyes hurt just looking at it. How does that thing make you feel when you're around her? Does your head hurt? Does it cause hives?
Out of nowhere, I developed an attraction for my wife's sister. She is a single 40 yo mom. It started really simple, sniffing her dirty underwer. Then I made my wife sniff it while we had sex as it really turned me on. Then I couldn't stop thinking about her and I had access to her pictures via my wife's facebook. So it was easy for me to create a digital altar. I just pushed a git repository for github pages with her picture, two red candle gifs and a prayer which I don't remember well any more. Days passed and one day my wife called her sister and she told her that something was being heard every night over her house. My wife asked me if I was doing something and showed her my digital altar. Told me to take it down and all those weird events stopped in her house
My wife's mom always tell me a story about when his brother went to the devil's cantina. His brother was a drunk alcoholic retard like me. This happened in southern Veracruz around the 90s. Is not like you see cantinas pop up anywhere, they are just little shacks that serve corona in the hot humid summer days. So he was out partying returning to his house and saw a new place, with neon lights and cute girls for mexican standards. This guy just pulled him in and started invited him lots of beer. After he was really wasted the dude told him that this was all his. He could have it all if wanted to. He said no thanks and in the blink of an eye the place turned into a grass field. He never stopped drinking tho
just a little offtopic here. there was this cantina that I used to hangout with my colleagues and friends which sadly shut down last year.
I loved getting drunk there and it had no prostitutes. The owner was an old fat Spaniard who will yell "RAFFLE!!! RAFFLE!!" and it wll ask all the customers $100 pesos for a whole rostisery chicken which tasted really good. Then he would come and share us a deck of cards, jubilete and comino. Allowed us to smoke, bring our family with children. The food was top notch, chorizo on cider, boiled shrimp with valentina and lemon, and many much appetizers. I miss it so much
I remember back then in 2007 when youtube was kind of new and somehow I stumbled upong a guy smoking salvia. Made me laugh about his videos getting all stoned. I wasn't rich but I had access to Salvia and a good DSL connection from Telmex. Do you guys remember 2007? Internet was wild back then. Anyways, so I went to a yerberia ( it is those little places inside the mercado who sell herbs for many things, from witchcraft to getting stoned ) and Salvia was still legal here. So I thought it would be funny to do a reaction video. Yes, youtube had reaction videos back then. You could upload your video and place it to the original video and people would see reaction videos, but that feature was suddenly turned off. So I had a vivitek cam ( which was some chinese company that was a cam, mp3 and a file server ) and decided to record myself getting stoned with Salvia. I was jus 23 back then and living with my mom so I waited for my mom to do some shopping and give a hit to the Salvia that I had. Since it was natural, I had let it dried up so I thought I would need like to smoke a kilo before getting the same effect 1/?
alv ya ando bien pedo, no se si pueda continuar con las historias
ando bein grifo
OP es un buen mitomano. Ya bajale Elgar.
el bumpo
¿Por qué siempre los meximios hablan como campesinos? Incluso siendo que la mayoría se crío en ciudad.
yo quiero mamacita un busty tits thicko thighs muy siesta fiesta
Classic Bruja shit to suck collagen from young men
from the shape looks like a turkey foot
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shit, my thread is still up... and I'm still drunk

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