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Which foods align with which gunas and which chakras? I'm seeing a lot of conflicting info on this.
The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that red meat is tamasic and that coffee and peppers are rajasic.
They'll say fresh fruits and vegetables are sattvic but then list 100 that aren't.
They'll say milk is sattvic, but you practically have to drink it straight from the cow.
What's the purest sattvic diet a westerner can easily maintain just from the grocery store?
And as for the chakras, most stuff on the internet just picks foods that match the color. Which seems dumb.
I've seen potatoes aligned with all 3 fucking gunas
People can't decide if onions/garlic are tamasic or rajasic
Same with fried foods
And then they'll say that actually anything that isn't 100% organic and eaten straight from your garden without any cooking whatsoever is actually incredibly tamasic
I hardcore believe that the only thing remotely resembling an esoteric diet is one consisting of food you’ve grown/raised/hunted yourself. It is a completely different experience and puts you in touch with nature in a way you didn’t previously realize was possible. It also just fucking tastes better.

My intuition tells me this is probably closest to the truth, but also that its a spectrum where you can start reaping benefits just by cutting out the worst goyslop, start cooking for yourself, never order takeout or fast food, frozen dinners, etc. I feel considerably better than I did years ago when I was just eating any and all slop.
As fresh as possible and closest to natural state. The lingering energy is maintained for a period. Any processing destroys it, including freezing, cooking, fermenting (although these have other needs but not for unclogging bioelectricity or energy field/aura). What is even more important is the type of care maintained downright to the health of the soil. No GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, chemicals, sprays, toxic fertilizers, monocrops, antibiotics or hormones to be used at any stage of life. Means home grown preferably or at the very least as organic as possible.
just lift bro
meat and coffee definitely have noticeable spiritual effects on me
what about refrigerating
what can i eat to help open my third eye
too cold will kill/change good bacterias.

Read Dr Weston Prices studies on indigenous tribes if you want to learn about healthy natural diets,
Then read Aajonus Vonderplanitz primal diet.
Then read about how in India they don't eat the cow, and they worship it. because of the great life energy provided by its milk
>100 that aren't
Onions, garlic, carrots, turnips, fungi arent plants but still shouldnt be eaten
What else? Dont use hyperbole
Drink straight from the cow... youll get sick. Has to be boiled at least once
Why play stupid? You already studied so just practice it
Ah, the problem is you listen to those traitorous weasels at iskcon. Did you know they poisoned Prabhupada? You know they change his books? You know how those homo jews took over the mission, filled it with their own, and kicked out most of Prabhupadas disciples, if not outright kill them?
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>What else? Dont use hyperbole
dark lentils
black beans
winter squash
brussel sprouts
coconut milk
macadamia nuts
pine nuts
sesame seeds
sunflower seeds
kidney beans
navy beans
pinto beans
hemp seeds
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Pure moonshine all day is the way. Also smoke datura, but not to the point ofdelirium, just to the point where you wont be able to puke the moonshine
Where did you learn this? Yes, cocoa and tea are forbidden, seaweed i can see why, but where do you get that mango, for example, is not allowed?
Enzymes, you heard it here first
Ayurvedic guidelines across various websites
Mangoes and some other citrus fruits were occasionally mentioned as rajasic
>not allowed
I didn't say anything about not allowed, I said not sattvic
Just be a vegetarian but give your body what it's asking for. The best diet is a conscious one.
Meat does have its place but it should primarily be used for a grounding tool. And if the body is craving to be grounded then give it that.
If you have to set up strict rules and prod yourself towards what to eat/avoid then you have more fundamental consciousness work to do before something like diet is going to hold you back.
Don't put the cart before the horse.
I've witnessed changes in my diet radically improve or hinder that consciousness work so I disagree with you
Then that means the witness consciousness within you was ready for the evolution to take place.
Before that point it was not ready hence the insight did not come to you through the universe.
Keep going.
People before us went through the work to find out which berries were poison, so that we could learn from them and not have to get poisoned ourselves
Well, then expand the scope of your awareness beyond the individual perspective and the anthropological lens and appreciate the broader context of the singularity of consciousness's non-dual origin that is learning and evolving through humans.
Adopting a macrological or micrological perspective is not determined by reality's circumstances but by the approach one holds to perceiving it.
As above so below.
The key to this round is Vegetarianism.

Later, when you develop Etheric Vision, you can concern yourself with minutiae and verify any veracity of the Vedic superstitions about onions and so on.
where do eggs and american dairy fit into this
A hint:

Consult Agrippa. Herbs, spices, foods... all have astral resonances and sympathies.
Animal cruelty spoils both, of course, on the more spiritual levels above the physical, they are poisonous.

What happens to the chickens and cows in America, Europe, Asia, and all over the world is horrendous... ill-treatment, forcible confinement, abusive horrors beyond the pale - animals are workers without any rights, dignity, or voice.
Carrots suffer too before we eat them.
True story. Tool even wrote a song about it.
so by vegetarian you mean vegan
You know, in the middle of the Path you get crucified, but at the end, you're the one staring at the wall for sixteen hours a day.

Yes, you will forego the sensory-pleasures that are the product of cruelty. Without question.
Given that there's now bird flu in your milk and in your cheeseburgers... well...
so stupid that it shouldn't even be dignified with a response, except to make it Divine and Official:

You're a moron.
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Do you think your own selfish mistreatment of other beings justifies anything except your own continued immiseration in a predatory world of endless suffering?
>Bites carrot.
This is necessary.
Eat all the carrots you want. Stop hurting the animals if you want to get out of here.
I'll whatever I please.
If you really want to go to spiritual extremes, then even veganism won't be good enough: you won't touch a carrot, because you won't move, and you won't think. You will sit still under a tree and wait for enlightenment, even as it begins to rain and the mosquitoes and ants bite away at you.
You can have a perfect, superior diet and immortality and Divinity, or you can be a demon upon the earth and continue torturing the animals and destroying Earth.

You can do whatever you please.
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The Revolution Is Harmlessness
... the Planets are Gods, Pluto's the Holy of Holies, and I'm the real Messiah.

Vegetarianism is the Law of this round.
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Aight. Then lets just go by what Krsna says
"Prasade sarva duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate", and "yajña shishta asina santo mucyante sarva kilbishaih", and "patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati". So lets all just eat whatever food is offered to Krsna. So no meat, eggs, garlic, onion, fungi
But fruits and flowers as long as arent poisonous, can be
You, or op, asks about the esoteric. Well, just being herbivore without a care for offering it to God, or the spiritual part, the esoteric, wont get us anywhere
Like in haiti they eat human flesh and corpses in the graveyard. Not just for any reason, but because they are heavily satanic and the ghosts and demons they worship want to taste human flesh
hey, those are our future doctors and engineers you're talking about
They don't need to eat it to offer it
Sounds like they just wanted an excuse to eat people
There are certain hours and days for the eating of onions and fungi. Sunday and Monday, fyi. You're sure that spirituality depends on you not eating garlic? Really?
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Ωniversal Morality.
why am I seeing cacao and garlic cited as third eye opening foods if they're so detrimental to spirituality
Sattvic consciousness is rhythmic, and partakes of the rajasic and tamasic. There is no prohibition against garlic, except that which the ignorance have erected for themselves.
*ignorant. typos in
No, you dont know anything about witchcraft or spiritism. Its for the better
Still gonna tell you. Spirits possess people and eat the offerings through them
Not like God who doesnt need to do that. Angani yasya sakalendriya vrtti manti pashyanti panti kalayanti. God doesnt need gross senses to eat our offerings. And its not the offering but the devotion which He wants
But as you know, satanism or whitchcraft or black magic, being an inversion of everything good and holy, has to do the same but perverted. So the ghosts and demons do want the gross enjoyement of things and for that they use their witch servants and their bodies
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Dont play retarded. I clearly said vegetarianism or veganism in themselves wont help you if divorced from God consciousness. Its not about being vegetarian for vegetarianism sakes. Its eating what God allows us and takes pleasure in. If He would ask for meat, we would give Him meat. But He doesnt, so we follow
Again, just so you can keep playing(?) retard, spirituality depends upon our understanding of God, Krsna, and why He doesnt eat toxic plants like garlic and onion. You can eat them if you please, but thats not what Krsna wants
Offtopic, but I think your pic was one of the earlier pictures posted on /pol/ regarding covid 19 that was posted somewhere between october 2019-early january 2020.

Also offtopic, but I think that UPC barcodes for food at the store have "rare" barcodes that when scanned, alerts medical researchers of the purchase, because the particular item was laced with substances that the researchers then know who they should be observing to see what side effects do/n't occur.
I am God.

Vegetarianism is the Law of this round.
Do you want to rescue the dogs? You have to give up the cheeseburgers.
First, that the reason we are confronted by the pairs of opposites, and so frequently choose that line of activity or attitude of mind which produces in us pleasure or pain, is because we fail to distinguish between the lower nature and the higher, between the personal self (functioning as a physical, an emotional, and a mental unit) and the divine spirit to be found in each of us. We identify ourselves with the form aspect, and not with the spirit. We regard ourselves as the not-self, for aeons of time and forget our sonship, our unity with the father and the fact that we are, in reality, the indwelling self.

Second, that the purpose of form is simply to enable the self to contact worlds otherwise closed to it, and to develop full awareness in all parts of the Father’s kingdom, and thus demonstrate as a fully conscious son of God. Through the form, experience is gained, consciousness awakened, faculty is developed and powers are unfolded.

Third, that as this fact is grasped intellectually and meditated upon interiorly, awareness of one’s identity with the spiritual nature and one’s distinction from the form is developed. One knows oneself in truth to be, not the form but the indweller, not the material self but the spiritual, not the differentiated aspects but the One alone, and thus the great process of liberation is carried forward. One becomes what one is, and one accomplishes this through meditation on the intelligent soul, the middle aspect, the Christ principle which links the Father (spirit) and the Mother (matter).
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Thus the great triplicity is again to be seen:

1. The Father, or spirit, the one who manifests, who creates, who indwells,

2. The Son who reveals, meditates and links the highest aspect with the lower,

3. The Holy Ghost, overshadowing the Mother, intelligent material substance providing the forms through which experience and development are gained.

The one who experiences, who incarnates and who achieves divine expression through the medium of form is the soul, the self, the spiritual conscious man, the Christ within. When through this experience he has achieved maturity, he reveals the Father or spirit and so fulfills the words of Christ, when He said (in reply to Philip’s question “Lord, show us the Father”), “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John XIV.).
your own tradition recognizes garlic as a blood purifier
Do you always need to de worm or purify or expel parasites? Do you always need to take medicine? Yeah, lets take medicine everyday to stay healthy. Same thing my retarded ass stoner brother says as to why hes always smoking the shit. Woah dude, its medicineee maaaan. Piece of shit addicts
Yes, garlic and onion have medical applications. Thats just the more proof theyre toxic under normal circumstances
You're talking to a person who is giving food advice about 'avoiding rajas' - the mind *is* rajasic, when it is stimulated to activity. Raja Yoga is the Kingly Science of the Soul.

Have as much coffee and cacao as you want.
>medicine is toxic because taking it every day is bad for you
Virtually anything will kill you if you consume too much of it
If you can't still still, then that's too much Rajas, and you need to chill out on the coffee.

Garlic isn't going to prevent you from meditating.
Did i say avoid rajas? If mango is rajas and im saying it can be offered to Krsna
But you cant even tell coffee or cacao or garlic and onion are not rajas anymore, they are tamasic
For a guy whi claims to be god you cant even read properly
Just claiming you are god is enough to ignore you as a mad fool, a rascal
how the hell is coffee tamasic instead of rajasic
I am Krishna. You don't have to wave your food at me, you can just stick it in your mouth.

Stop hurting the animals.
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Our bodies are made to consume fat and flesh. Stop eating br**d.
All these dietary superstitions betray a curiously materialistic interpretation of spirituality, and of course, betray materialism and science - there's no evidence whatsoever of garlic or onions being bad for anyone.

Instead, fools have misinterpreted the words of the Wise, and now preach that abstaining from certain herbs is the path to Enlightenment. Not true! You can even smoke some of them.

Curiously absent is their complete lack of moral and ethical consideration for what they eat. A glaring omission.
I don't care what some genital-mutilating merchants had to say about the matter while getting lost in a desert
Bread is spirit.

The demons would have you eat corpses instead.
Bread, baked goods, cakes: Wednesdays, Fridays
When the tiger begins to eat, you will fertilize the land.
Honey, honeycomb, bee pollen, etc: Friday.
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>which foods align with which chakras
solar plexus - altrazyne
heart - seed oils
throat - onions phytoestrogen
third eye - micro plastics
American blacks disprove Dr Weston Price's theory. They eat the most processed, sugar filled diet but have perfect teeth
Based love aajonus, raw meat is the way .
It makes you instantly happy
The person I train under has actual siddhis cultivated through high level Shen practices and his two biggest things are always
1. Remove caffeine and alcohol from your diet, pretty much every drugs needs to go though you can have a few cigarettes with little issue (he does not smoke however, that's just what he said)
2. No cold drinks, lukewarm water is ok but hot water is the best. Absolutely no ice.
There is certainly better and worse foods but diet varies person to person. Look up a bland diet, the kind of thing you give to people going through chemo treatments. Do that for a few days and slowly add in more and more, judge for yourself how those new things are making you feel. Some people can get away with eating foods like onions and garlic, some cannot so you need to test these things for yourself.
Eating whatever you want as long as it's fresh, you've cooked it yourself and have done so with love, understanding and appreciation for the food.
Also, eating only when you're hungry, and eating until you're sated, not full.
Paleo/Primal/Keto/Mediterranean. Fasting has to be a component regardless. A rotating regimen of the broadest spectrum of spices and herbs possible (particularly anti-parasitic ones) is ideal.
A video on the benefits of Fasting:

>eat a bland diet
>eat all the spices you can
Never change, /x/
Spices are fine as long as you know for a fact they work with you. It's start with a bland diet and add things in slowly monitoring how it effects your body andental state.
Nothing is more important that knowing what works for your personal body.
To addon it's why you have posts like >>38443160 because people with make sweeping generalizations for all people based on their own personal experiences.
Some people can never do onions, others absolutely can.
>Do you think your own selfish mistreatment of other beings justifies anything except your own continued immiseration in a predatory world of endless suffering?


Sometimes I suspect that it's all a test. Put us in a situation in which we must take life to continue living. What will you do? Any decent person would refuse and voluntarily starve. But those who love their own life will lose it. We die anyways just the same. I finally know why I am in this hell world. I am here because I deserve to be here. Anyone who would take the life of another to prolong their own deserves to suffer, deserves to dwell in Hell. If I wasn't that sort of person I simply wouldn't be here anymore. I'd have long ago ascended to a better world where there is no selfishness or death. I belong here. Everyone who is here belongs here.

Even the strictest asceticism is no more than a cowardly compromise
>put you in world where you must eat to survive
>eat to survive
yeah if someone does that when I die, I'm not gonna care
we have dominion over the animals anyways, be that God-given right or by our own hand, in this bloodbath, we have attained a tenuous position at the top of the food chain and I will not apologize for it, I will not feel guilt for it
If this place is hell? Then it's not so bad, just needs some rennovations
should add, not that I will die
they'll probably have to come chat with me in person, I'll live till the sun burns out and oversee construction of a new one
and then some more after that
and then some more after that
and some more after that
forever, unless I get bored after rennovations are complete and its time for a new job

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