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In your own words, what is gnosis?
Matrix for religious people.
Imaginary concept of "understanding". Just another cope for the fact that we either live in a realm controlled by evil and/or pointless chaos. But hey follow one of a million paths and you'll transcend maaaan. You'll talk to God....or become God....or join with God...or get the secrets from God...I dunno...fuck you. It's bullshit. And even if it's real its only achievable by such a ludicrously small percentage of the population as to render it ultimately pointless.
a knife
taking a big shit first thing in the morning
>>if you have to ask then you don't know
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>what is gnosis?
Whatever frees you from the Archons realm.
NPC Christians first chain rattle
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I dont think I have the ability to explain it within the confines of language, as language is just a poor translation of our inner working. I cant help but think of this quote however, make of it what you will.
Potential to comprehend every part of what base realities may be composed of.
Furthermore, the ability to determine the ends of specific combinations without allowing them to happen.

In a very crude example, take three entities with the following qualities:
[1] can see but not remember nor think.
[2] can see and remember, but not think.
[3] can see, remember and think.
..and put them in a following scenario - they are in a well-lit room with a few barrels of a highly explosive material while carrying a gun with a large amount of ammunition. There are signs, the first of which details what the gun and the ammo is composed of along with the properties of the materials which were used for it. The second does the same, but for the barrels. The third explicitly shows what happens when you blast them enough.

The test is to resist curiosity.
[1] fails because they failed to remember the truth.
[2] witnesses [1] dying an claims to have succeeded on the basis of allowing [1] to die, claiming it was necessary.
[3] takes the gun and reads through the first two signs. They think, "so given these elements, if they were to clash, they'd explode, right?". They imagine all the given elements and test the chances in their mind. You could say [3] failed to resist curiosity, but at the same time, they comprehended the elements and drew the potential ends without committing to them for the sake of it.

This is what "gnosis" means to me.
Embracing the truth despite the lies
My questions are as they follow:

What circumstances are needed for [3] to emerge?

Why am I then stuck in a perpetual suffering matrix between the countless [1] and [2] archetypes?

What is the point?
The acquisition of ineffable truth.
Direct knowledge of God.
Imagine you lost your wallet, you spend all day looking for it panicking, and then you realize it was in your back pocket. that feeling of relief is gnosis
When you get quads twice in a row.
Why are you even on this board then? Just to whine like an impotent baby? Is it your vent box where you express your envy that others enjoy life and its mysteries while you wallow in misery and nihilism?

You're a liar. You wouldn't even be here if you didn't instinctually hold such thoughts/beliefs; however, you just want to appear as if you're above them. You're like a drowning man, grasping at straws and willing to drag anyone you can down with you.

Your mindset is your own doing; as is your misery which you wish to spread. Your lack of gratitude and shallow material obsessions make you bitter towards the world around you. Even if you're in pain, as appears to be the case, you shouldn't wish to spread that, but should look for ways to heal it instead.

The world can be a brutal and difficult enough place as it is already. There's no need to add to it by becoming just another cog in the misery machine. It's certainly the easiest route to take, there's no doubt about that, however, it's also the least fulfilling and won't even do you any good in the end.
You could, instead, spend your time cherishing your brothers and sisters all around you and have gratitude for the blessings received through your journey. Those who would spit on you for it won't be worth the burden to bother with, but you'll find countless others who will feel blessed by your presence.
You don't need to indulge your dark impulses just because you've been granted anonymity. If anything, they'll only illuminate who you truly are.
The Demi-Urge coming to save my life as an inanimate, constructed, esoteric philosophical peak.
It feel good being an npc
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>the Archons realm
Affirming their ownership.

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It's gnowing your sis, obviously
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Intuitive, unfiltered, direct knowledge of God
Truth filtered through personal experience. The reason you are incarnate.
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When my sister is trying to spill tea but I'm tired and had a long day I tell her gnosis
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Oh you...
reason guided by god. divine intellect. look into terry davis and temple os for more gnosis etc. beware of those who glow
The perception of the divine without hinting at it, without noticing it, yet seeing it.
White People Enlightenment
Nobody fucking knows apparently. I kind of tired of hearing about it. Seems like yet another infinitely re-interpretable conceptual placeholder into which schizos on this evil site direct their mental energies.
Certainty of the existence of the Monad, the Sufis call it the Yaqin
Gnosis is what Gnostics believe to be Enlightenment.

Gnostics are just Buddhists who can't abandon belief in judeo-abrahamic fairy tales.
It's for depressed, sexless, sad people that are very fragile and can't handle the negative aspects of this world. So they hijacked Plato's concepts but made everything flawed and malicious and a trap.
gay tree
let em have a few i say
Buddhists are the only gnostics. And they are too based to be rebuked.
The jewish gnositicism has no gnosis in it because their whole teaching is a fairy tale. Exactly like with the retard plotinus by the way.
To understand this, you start with the goal of buddhism, which is to eradicate suffering at all cost. Now it turns out it's possible and it turns out to end suffering forever is done thru ''gnosis'' ie 'rigth knowledge'' ie ''insights'' ie ''wisdom''.
The major point of the Budhda is that the jhanas are cool and all, but they only reduce drastically suffering. It's a huge result by itself, and 99% of all the humans who ever lived will be happy with just that, if they ever get it, but meditation is not enough when strictly speaking the goal is to cut off suffering like a ''palm stump''.

So to get fully enlightened you have to have insights and this makes buddhism the proper ''Gnosticism''. The jewsih version of Gnosticism is a complete joke and comparing other branches of judaism like christianity to buddhim is just embarrassing for judaism.
-Jews' goal is not to end suffering in the first place
-Jews don't have any good meditation practice. In fact they shy away from it, after the mess of their nicaea schism. It's not even they have the wrong meditation, like in many other religions like mahayana hinduism jainism, it's that they really have zero meditation and their little cope about introducing meditation thru the back door with their rosary and jesus prayer is infantile even compared to failures like mahayna hinduism jainism
-Jews don't have the right knowledge. Even if they had the super duper meditation, like the buddha said, it's not enough to kill suffering because insights in to the aggregates are necessary and jews will never ever get those with judaism and whatever branches gentiles made up from it
the direct opposite of faith
when intuition eclipses reason
sensing and not perceiving
knowledge and not theory as hard as it is for moderns to conceptualize it.
The jhanas are resting grounds from vipassana.
so basically,
anal sex and sodomy bad
despite what hollywood tells us

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