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Is there a spell or prayer to get rid of these demons? I've been plagued by them since I hit puberty, and I'm almost 30 now and have achieved nothing in life. If I had to sum my life up in one sentence it would be "I don't care, at all"
the magic spell called "taking responsibility and not being a vantablack ingrown manchild"
Yeah it's called grabbing a pen and paper and writing down some short term and long term goals and working towards them.
If you are aware of negative thinking, just stay aware and don't get sucked in.
It's hard in the beginning I know.
There is no fairy coming *wooosh you are free of negative thoughts*.

Be glad to have that skill.
Most people live in their Minds, they don't really have a choice.
We need to start a hermitage that supplies three hots and a cot for all phlegmatics.
^ get a load of these naive souls who think the game is real
I don't have an answer but I hope you find yours op. I'm in the same predicament. I feel paralyzed and stuck, a prisoner of my own mind, and hope is swiftly fleeting for me. No one should have to suffer this much.

Eucharist, Rosary and prayer.

Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 is good too.

Allso, Saint Benedict medailon is good too against witchcraft.


The good thing is, you at last asked. Try stay away from magic.
>I don't care, at all"
Go someplace else and be around people unlike you at all.

Not for an afternoon...leave for a looong time and dont come back until youre a new man.
Allso, try forgive and let go.
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Forgot link.

>off by one
Damn, you really are cursed.
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"If you ignore the missile, it can't hit you." fnord
i'm in the same state as OP. the funny thing is that everyone dies no matter how much they tried in their life. no matter if someone sits around doing nothing or traveling the world, both their bodies end up six feet under eventually. hahaha what a funny game my eternal being is playing. this vr game called earth is so immersive i actually forget who I am.
Thanks for all the replies. I tried praying, since I'm a Christian. But it never seems to work. Every time I try to pray, I get a hollow, empty feeling in my chest. I can't put any emotion into it for whatever reason. It doesn't feel genuine, and I don't know how to fix it. It's like I can only express emotions when I'm drunk. When I'm drunk I feel like my prayers have weight, and that I can somewhat have emotions towards thing. But normally I'm just empty.
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>But it never seems to work.
Stop trying to buy God's love...thats Satanic.
>I did the thing, where is my token to get into heaven?!...

>It doesn't feel genuine
Because it isnt.
>and I don't know how to fix it.
Because you skip over wisdom to pick up the garbage you have always picked up because you always, its habitual, and YOU DONT STOP AND LISTEN.
Super Vampire here, thanks for the loosh
>Because you skip over wisdom to pick up the garbage you have always picked up because you always, its habitual, and YOU DONT STOP AND LISTEN.

What should I listen to? My heart is empty and my soul trapped in an abyss of darkness. How can I hear?
I had a similar experience and it was repressed trauma
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Holy shit. Kek
It's a sign
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>How can I hear?
Youre looking at your empty cup and not realizing its empty BECAUSE YOU FOCUS ON (((Your Cup))).

Read your (own...Jesus fucking Christ) thread, dude...
Tārā practice genuinely turned me from a babbling demonically possessed schizo stuck in the depths of porn addiction and self harm to a person doing so well in life that my mother cried tears of joy into my arms last time she saw me.
Brother in Christ, I'm severely socially retarded so I have no Idea what you are talking about, but thank you anyways.
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>in Christ

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Things that have helped me: diary keeping, setting small incremental, achievable, goals (which if not met you simply note in the diary and try to understand why), asking "the big questions" and trying to find personal answers to them by studying science n philosophy n history n religions/esoterica, experimenting with mind altering techniques sober (yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic like the LBRP), visualization exercises etc), experimenting with psychedelics, learning to dance (I now head to raves at least once a month and have for over a decade and often go sober just to enjoy dancing and the people there), finding communities of people with shared interests but who don't necessarily share your exact worldview (this is to avoid joining unhealthy culty echochambers), pick up some hobbies you're not even sure you'll be any good at just for the fun of trying (learning to make music, make n edit videos, biking, swimming, sports, table-top gaming there's endless possibilities), study your insecurities without identifying with them (if you can unravel their source and untangle them they'll drop away and reveal more of the "real you"), be honest with yourself your your likes and dislikes regardless of whether or not others (or your subconscious) thinks they are "cringe", seek the fun and humour in situations which feel overly "important", seek the seriousness in situations which feel overly "unimportant"... if any of these are helpful I can go into more depth or suggest others.

As many other psychonauts can attest to on some level, often hidden under the clouds of our minds and cultures, our existence is one of pure joy; all sorrows are but as shadows. They pass and are done but there is that which remains. When you can learn to know and feel the Sun's presence even when perceptibly it is only shining brightly above the clouds or on the other side of the Earth you'll give off better and better vibes which will attract better and better friends and lovers into your life.
Practice seeing Yourself in The World and The World in Yourself. Doing this, in your current state, will result in seeing pain, sadness, isolation, meaningless etc at first but with practice will result in you seeing universal community, beauty, providence and wonders. Don't fear the fear of those first results. Through them you'll be more easily able to understand the humanity and shared human experience of your experience. By seeing yourself in others and others in yourself you can begin recognizing the root causes for the problems you're facing and can devise ways to untangle them.

I mentioned the LBRP before which is a literal way to "banish demons" by invoking angels and divine names. It does not matter whether or not you truly believe in these things all that matter is that you imbue the symbolism with emotions and concepts you directly experience and are part of your psyche. You can even rewrite the ritual with non-religious terms and it'll be just as effective because "magick" isn't about superstition it's about interacting with The Mind through outward dramatized psychology.

For an example of how it could be done without religious stuff here's the Qabalistic Cross using basic psychological words instead of Divine Names (if the words sound silly just translate them to Greek and you'll sound all magical again :P):

Forehead: Touch your forehead and visualize a brilliant white light. Say: "SELF-AWARENESS."
Chest: Bring your hand down to your chest, visualizing the light descending through you. Say: "SELF-CONFIDENCE."
Right Shoulder: Touch your right shoulder and visualize the light moving horizontally across your body. Say: "SELF-EXPRESSION."
Left Shoulder: Touch your left shoulder and visualize the light completing the horizontal line. Say: "SELF-REFLECTION."
Clasp Hands: Clasp your hands at your chest and visualize the light filling your entire being. Say: "INTEGRATED SELF."
what a nice threD
thanks faggotz one more time
what is the goal to be achieved of being here?

is it to be able to afford your hobbies?
be able to buy food and pay bills for yout family?
to even have a family?

because all of this requires wageslaving
social hierarchies and socialization
there's a great deal of gatekeeping being done to anyone who's even little bit on the tism spectrum
so unless you inherited money from family, you can forget owning any interesting sports car or any expensive camera or music hobbies
unless you wanna be wageslaving like a normie
but you probably can't, the jobs are for normies, not for people like us. It's not that we choose not to work, it's because the system chooses to leave us out for whatever reason (maybe because power that does kneel to masonry is danger to system, so they don't want let people who're in the know, but don't pledge loyalty to system, to be able to gather power)

it's not a system of meritocrasy, it's a system of nepotism
it's a nepotism of satanism and masonry. only those who adhere to system's rules get to work and enjoy more stuff, access to middle class lifestyle (and I'm even talking about boating or driving kart cars, just a 8-20k sports car for god's sake..)

it's a real problem because it also limits what sorts of women you will attract. some really good looking "innocent" christian women sadly all come from families that probably are all masonic. so if you happen to have attraction for fine pious women with low body counts, then you're cursed, because those women have high expectations/standards for their men.
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Something for good wibe.

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