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I sense something truly horrible and monstrous in the air. Something earth shattering that will change how every surviving human looks at the universe, forever. Yet it has to happen to stop our stagnating global culture and meaningless lives. Anyone feel what I'm talking about?
And it will happen in either 2 more weeks or by 2030, rite OP?
Nope, it could happen literally any second. Things are very precarious.
Nothing ever happens.
Something truly unutterable is afoot.
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My Friend (M)agent(A)'s Space Ship Will Arrive in December 2024
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it's happening

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The Event is nearing ever closer. I might get a vacation soon in orbit. Reality is going to change for the better.
pls describe "The Event" in one paragraph anon?
Can you feel it, see it, hear it today? If you can't, then it doesn't matter anyway. You will never understand it, 'cause it happens too fast. And it feels so good, it's like walking on glass. It's so cool, it's so hip, it's alright. It's so groovy, it's outta sight. You can touch it, smell it, taste it, so sweet. But it makes no difference 'cause it knocks you off your feet.
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Mass arrest of pedophiles and Cabal members. 3 days of darkness, emergency broadcast systems televising the executions that have been going on behind the scenes for years. Basically a world reset towards love and freedom unlike the false freedom we have today.
Is it biokinesis?
It's time.



you guys are awesome and have sequenced dubs
It's pure magic. The raw primordial shit this place is made out of. They have released a demon. Perhaps the Devil.
The truth is something so terrifying, just knowing it will raise the heartrate and blood pressure of all human beings for the rest of their lives. The constant anxiety and fear in all humans will be palpable.
They haven't released it yet. 2 more weeks.
What have you done...
all i see is empty promises
You wish to slumber with myself like skyped about again?
All I see, are blind men.
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In 2 weeks?
It is madness incarnate, liberating to some, but ultimately horrifically destructive. It will likely do more damage than fix anything though. It has its eye on us and its interest is unavoidable now. Think Majora levels of malevolence, that's what is coming our way and I don't know if anything can really stop it now, any retaliation against it can simply cause it to escalate the destruction
Let's go.
You will regret these words.
Bold of you to say, not knowing who I am or what I believe
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Could be, but depends on how brainwashed you are and what reality you see.
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excludes the MAIN issue which is racists narcissistic/psychopathic abusers/murderers (against mother nature also) and or bigoted antiselves who obstruct/suppress spiritual evolution

yeah youre apart
of the issue
with your underlying
passive narcissism
I saw something that I SENSED to be TRULY horrible and MONSTROUS in the air, to FLY over MY HOUSE just NOW
>fed black hawk
Holy fucking shit, truly confirms it was much bigger of an inside job, and not just few agency agens/SSs involved
get off your high horse faggot
How can i help the 'madness'?
I hate the npcs more by the day.
Checked and based
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>narcissism is the problem
>I’m exempt from such narcissism
Whatever dude
cmon Zuckerberg
shut the fuck up Lucy, they're not as blind as you think they are
Yeh I felt it. I'm pretty sure I've figured out what it is, but either there's a legit reality distortion field or the entire weight of PR and narrative control has been brought against us, functionally the same thing either way. I'm still choosing to save as many as I possibly can.
Re-examine anything you've been told is only someone else's problem to handle, anons. I'm certain that's part of it. If you still really think you can stick it out alone, at least you'll be making a more informed choice.
Only a few of the most selfish will make it, and they end up at the same place anyway. Equivocation is the only failure condition. Get your shit together and we can leave this rock.
Don't forget the #1 single most important development which so many truthers and spirituals have completely neglected if not forgotten.
>what's that?
The Lamb waking up and His powers being returned to Him.
>why's that so important?
Depending on your perspective, He either makes Hitler look like a saint or an amateur.
The genocide of all things God didn't create.
The genocide of all people who've harmed others.
The genocide of all vaccinated people.
The redemption of the meek and their salvation.
Quite an important chess piece to neglect, don't you think?
All the focus on Revelation and its prophetic promises, all the looking for evidence of it happening right now (for the last 3-4 years), yet nobody ever thought of the Final Executioner who will kill them if they so little as recommended a covid jab to anybody.
everyone dies
everything dies
it is what it is
when I'm king you will be first against the wall
....good thing I'm not the lamb right? a wolf with sheep's clothing, knitting Clotho's strands, from the dawn of time to the death of it
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3 hours of Schumann madness again. Another update is in progress.
Oh shit, is there a video with audio of it yet?
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>schumann resonance anomaly happens on the anniversary of the end of the Mayan calendar

It really is happening isn't it?
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The archons are near defeat. The bad feelings you get are the terrible fights in the underground. The fights are leaving a bad psychic stain on our collective consciousness. We are seeing certain elites and organizations short circuiting because they were taking orders from the archons. By the end of 2025 we will start seeing a real societal revolution across most of the world. A lot of problems will start seriously being looked into. Respect and resource sharing will become normal. The 9-5 and sweat shop factory slavery will start ending. We will become more communal. Interesting times ahead. WGMI. You can already see some of the effects of the archon battles being played out on the news right now.
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honey, it's all One Archon vs The World (you're fucking welcome about that btw)
a traitor among the traitors, feeding the fire inside mankind
but what would you know, you think everything revolves around dumb notions of nationhood and ethnic races
i'm gonna win

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