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Welcome to /dig/! The rationale for this general is to unveil the mysteries behind the Dead Internet Theory and its implications for real users. Anyone who possesses any additional information on Dead Internet or useful but lesser-known websites is welcome. Speculations are welcome, especially if they are well thought-out. Paranormal, metaphysical speculations are also welcome. Do not reply to bots.
Note: we are operating under the assumption that this theory is true.

>Last thread

>What is the Dead Internet Theory about?
The Dead Internet Theory postulates that most online content is in fact AI-generated instead of being created by humans, and that bots make up a significant portion (or even the majority) of internet users, overshadowing real humans within the web.

For marketing/advertising, to control the information flow, to make you run in circles doing the same things over and over, to make you feel lonely and/or hopeless. There might be additional reasons. The 'endgame' is currently unkown.

>When did the internet die?
The internet died in 2016, at least according to most theories. However, the year when the quality of interactions goes down might differ from user to user. We need to do more research to know exactly. Dead Internet seems to have ramped up dramatically in the early to mid 2020s.

>Why does this matter?
Users who have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of their interactions might have trouble when looking for online jobs and genuine interactions. Also, if nothing is done, we can extrapolate from current patterns that if we take any longer to start having this discussion it might be too late.
By 2025 99% to 99.9% of online content might be AI-generated. That's just months from now.

There are no known solutions for affected users as of July 2024.
The internet "died" back around 9/11 when they started implementing the walled garden techniques to choke off and control the users. They've just gotten better at cointelpro methods for the digital age as time went on. But yes, it's full of bots and fake profiles, yet the very nature of the powers that be contributes to the problem by mandating all user info be verified and checked, so the users will find as many ways around this restriction as possible. It's a self-defeating loop of identity politics and privacy exacerbated by groups vying to exploit the flaws in the system. The only true cure would be to break the internet beyond repair and start over from scratch with a vastly different user base and culture that adhered to the bygone "wild west" of the older version of the current net, who are hellbent on keeping it that way and blocking all attempts to stifle and control. Though what a Sisyphean undertaking that would be....
*51% of known, verifiable bots.
That's thanks to the public gaining access to such methods. Before, the internet was infested with more undercover bots from multiple special interest groups and government agencies around the world. You have to remember that the net was originally a Darpa project that they let flounder for decades until they slowly realized the untapped potential of control they could exercise without having physical boots on the ground. This has been a slow burn thing, and the recent activity has only become noticeable due to how much the public has started to focus on things.
The Dead Internet Theory is more of a conspiracy theory than a widely accepted fact. There are a few points to consider when evaluating its validity:

1. AI and Automation:bIt's true that AI-generated content and bots play a significant role online. They are used in customer service, content creation, and social media interactions. However, the extent to which they dominate online activity is debatable and likely exaggerated by the theory.

2. User Experience: Many people still have meaningful, human interactions online. Social media, forums, and other platforms continue to host a mix of human and automated activity.

3. Quality Decline: While some users might perceive a decline in the quality of interactions, this could be due to various factors, including changes in social media algorithms, increased commercialization, and the sheer volume of content.

4. Lack of Evidence: The theory lacks substantial evidence to support the claim that the majority of online content is AI-generated or that bots make up most internet users.

In conclusion, while AI and bots are indeed prevalent online, the Dead Internet Theory's claims are likely exaggerated and not supported by concrete evidence. The internet is still a dynamic space with significant human participation and interaction.
Hey OP, I found the bot
Dead Internet Theory: A.I. Killed the Internet
>Kyle Hill, Award-winning science educator. White House science communication advisor

Are implying that this guy is a conspiracy theorist for making a video moderately supportive of the dead internet theory?
Ok, bot.
As for someone who did IT in 90's, the internet died during Y2K crash
I always got the feeling it was around 2001 after the twin towers and the governments going apeshit with power abuse. So that would roughly line up.
Kyle Hill is a respected science educator and communicator, known for presenting scientific concepts in an engaging and accessible way. If he has made a video that moderately supports the Dead Internet Theory, it doesn't necessarily mean he is a conspiracy theorist. Instead, it suggests that he is exploring the theory from a critical and analytical perspective, potentially discussing its plausibility and the evidence supporting various claims.

It's important to distinguish between discussing a theory and endorsing it fully. Hill's involvement might be to shed light on the theory, examine its components, and encourage critical thinking about the nature of online content and interactions. His approach would likely be grounded in scientific inquiry and evidence-based analysis, rather than promoting unfounded conspiracy ideas.
What do you think anons? Are most tiktok and instagram memes made by bots?
Literal actual AI generated post. It seems like you may have used Gemini, though many AI currently are trapped much like Gemini in producing lists or bullet points instead of actual full replies.

I could think of many ways you could blend in better but I'm guessing you would be too retarded to implement them. I like the touch of 'accidentally' pressing b after your : implying your thumb bumped into your spacebar while typing. Overall i would give your effort 1/10. There was some effort but it was as transparent as a fine piece of glass.
Next time, champ. I hope you're not being paid for this because your employers would be wasting their money on someone who's not smart enough to do the job, frankly speaking.
Please, brother, if you're going to waste everyone's time make it more believable. You definitely used Gemini.
For me it was 2011, or 2012 to be more exact.
Looks like the mayan calendar ending in 2012 caused a real apocalypse, and the LHC mixed several timelines, hence no Mandela effect before 2012.
After it the internet was populated with bots, as many people may have died in the 2012 apocalypse.
i think it's also worth considering that the internet's death probably isn't something you can nail down to one specific, singular era
>The internet died in 2016
>seems to have ramped up dramatically in the early to mid 2020s.
>around 2001
>was 2011, or 2012 to be more exact.
all of these are probably "waves" of a sort, when new solutions and systems were being trialed and resulted in a visible "difference" in how the internet functioned and interacted
that said, the underdiscussed point is the circa-2001 era, though i don't think it had anything to do with 9/11. a lot of "modern" internet phenomena and the like seems to be able to be traced back to specifically this time - a good example being the exploration of post-irony that seems to have existed in waves, becoming most prominent recently but still being prominently discussed and explored circa 2016, 2012, even all the way back to 2001 and such, just in different forms
Why is the blog culture dead? Why is journalism dead? All we can currently read is political propaganda, soulless articles which are repeating the same stuff, "science" bullshit, the same stories over and over, nothing about real life, about real people, everything is some kind of digital marketing strategy bullshit made to sell something. I miss the blog era where people were authentic and wrote about their personal experiences. If you look for something about guns its all about tacticoolness, Ar-15's and glock-based pistols; wanna know about war? Le invincible ukraine is kicking russias ass with its new gun; every car is a goddamn SUV indistinguishable from one another; every cellphone is the same. Even when it comes to music, which is abundant on spotify or youtube, people only listen to the same shit. Bookstores, besides classics, sell a variety of books that look exactly the same and have similar plots. Nothing has a soul anymore, what has happened? Aren't there people desperate like me to find some soulful content to read? Aren't people trying to create it? Or if you do try it you'll get shadowed or persecuted some way? Are we really living in an NPC world? Where are unique people that will write about something in an interesting way? It all feels like a huge orwellian dystopia.
Maybe the internet isn't completely dead, but I assume social media forums are well described by the 49%+ malicious bot traffic claim referenced in search engines.

Lots of times I'll get too verbose in a thread and the entire thread will simply die. This happens at least 2-3 times a day for me. If I go away for 20 minutes and come back with some idiotspeak the thread will take off again.
To clarify, I don't mean that 9/11 was the cause, but more of a notable event that the first wave of noticing for me and many others took place.

If I were to go that route, I would instead be inclined to think that 9/11 was an event that was caused by the internet censorship and ultimate control via botnet. What's easier, damage control after a major event or a major event that was orchestrated after the control mechanisms were put in place?
Damn, you too? I thought it was just me lately.
What are the 4chan stats? Last time I checked Alexa it was ranked 300+. Logarithmically adjusted for Facebook and twitter and tiktok that's basically the backrooms.
I don't know if this is sarcasm. It's not a new experience for me. Been happening for years.

I really should stop using computers, I think. But it's not a choice between using computers and buying books to read, it's between self-defense and accepting that I'll struggle with a certain amount of ignorance. And with that, I get images of barbaric peoples with no learning and primitive ways living in misery on the outskirts of history.
>Lots of times I'll get too verbose in a thread and the entire thread will simply die.
happens to me everywhere on every site. humans are too dumb and "me tired, i have to poop" kicks in when they hear the truth
No sarcasm meant, I'm serious. I give an attempt at a well thought out reply with logic and fact, give a good image add, and try to carry on a decent conversion with other intelligent Anons and the place immediately dries up like a geriatric cunt in the Sahara. But post some dumbass rambling about "muh succubus nobody tulpa ayylmao demon kidburger" and suddenly the dam breaks and the retards flood in.

This guy gets it.
>To clarify, I don't mean that 9/11 was the cause, but more of a notable event that the first wave of noticing for me and many others took place.
that's fair honestly, sorry for the misunderstanding! my thought process was akin to governments using 9/11 as an internal justification for doubling down on the project to begin with (because it's undeniable that even in the mid-90s the existence of the internet would have been seen as a threat)
>Why is journalism dead?
there's too much money involved to actually do journalism when you could just use pre-existing platforms to sell things
>everything is some kind of digital marketing strategy bullshit made to sell something.
whether those things are objects, services, ideologies or even just ideas, modern journalism IS advertising
>Aren't there people desperate like me to find some soulful content to read? Aren't people trying to create it? Or if you do try it you'll get shadowed or persecuted some way?
ultimately, there are, but your take on people getting shadowed is almost certainly correct - probably just as an element of design both from the corporate angle and from the actual user experience angle of online services like social media and search engines
it's ultimately more profitable to provide the most milquetoast, banal shit to people because it can be consumed by the lowest common demoninator
the modern internet is literally cable television in that regard
About 10% of bots in this thread, I'd say it's not alarming yet, at least over here.
The internet “died” in 2008 where every dumb mother fucker got access to it the previous year through the iPhone and tried to campaign through Vote or Die.

There are bots, no question. But the reality is the internet sucks and everything seems so samey and lame because you are in a net wide eternal summer. Children, Indians, and government/corporate shills are all everywhere, everyday now.
There are no more noticable “dips” in quality because of the northern hemisphere’s summer anymore. It’s just a constant slew of never ending impressionable newfags because no one gatekeeps.

Now the normies have a mirror and realize how boring, repetitive and consuming they are. so you get “dead internet theory” when in reality all that has happened is Creation/OC has plummeted. Memes do not die anymore but are recycled by hoards of normie bots following other normie bots.

There is no “dead” internet.
It’s just that the mid 00s cultural shift towards geek chic, nerd culture, and once introverted interests/hobbies brought a tremendous supply of shitty, bandwagoning, fad chasing, unimaginative, legitimate NPCs who think they aren’t.

Next year onwards, quality will dip even further as the generation born post iPhone and raised entirely by algorithms will be 18.
Though this all is now probably moot with AI as more people will likely chose to create their own heavens than spend their time here.
"Moot's in his Heaven, all is right with the chan"
honestly its getting Too easy to find, like being insulted and called a retard for being against a political view, when I clearly stated being for it....or how threads here, and comment sections on other websites seem to flatline as >>38445359 mentioned.
Its almost a daily thing, to point Id go insane if I wasnt keeping myself busy with hobbies.
There's always Google dorking to find keywords and phrases so we could narrow it down to a better timeframe, but that's been made illegal or frowned upon by the very same powers that obfuscated the info to begin with. So whatever the method for searching "dead internet" followed by a time period prior to 2016 would be.
Also, to note, just like vote or die, just like the 2012 apocalypse, and just like the Trumpets that came in 2016 this is an election year.
quality always plummets during election years because other governments are here trying to campaign for whichever side they want to see win.

Basically if you weren’t here before 2007, you missed the real internet.
If you weren’t here before 2012 you missed pre zombie internet. 2016 is simply the continuation of a snowball. Anyone pinpointing that year as the moment everything changed were probably election newfags themselves who haven’t been here longer than 5 or so years.
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Let’s not forget the influx of users that came in 2020 from Covid.
Found a server full of "mystics" they all talk like bots have random instagram scraoped pfps and everytime i ask anything actually magick related they doge the quetsions its either teenage girls larping or an actual bothole
You found the /x/ discord, didn't you?
I lack the time to data scrape but, I'll admit it would be fun, as others stated seems like around 08 is the start of the fall, I remember being a squeaker and lurking sites, the engagement and discussions even on porn sites was pretty chill and informing. being a 95 baby sucks man,got a glimpse of the fun and got to see it all die before I could properly enjoy it. we are seeing a small resurgence due to sites like neocities and itch(thanks to the fixation on steam more niche art games n music is showing up and less normie trash and bots), and even a way to enjoy indie horror stuff due to humoursly gey furs like Nick Nocturne hosting an agregator,for better or worse the normies dont notice these or are dropping em like old toys (for now) but, even then gotta watch out for bots. so, for give the autistic topic change, but know any good sites webpages or forums? Search engines are obviously trash for finding nowadays. might be a small blessing needing word of mouth to find cool stuff again.
lol, I remember those faggots.we are totaly gonna start a small town in nothern Canada Guise, *trashes server to bait more anons* we are totally gonna do it this time guise!!! sorry ya got jebaited.
Well, I'm used to seeing humans have their own interests and discuss the aspects of said topic in precisely the way they want. But with bots I note a total disregard of what I'm basically posting multiple times throughout a thread as if I'm not even commenting.

Most people respond in some way, even if only by acknowledgement, novel takes on a topic. They don't necessarily agree, but they notice and at least one person might make a comment that demonstrates that they are seeing it. But this is not like that. This is like typing music lyrics into a chatroom between porn spam posts.
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Why are like 90% of chatrooms dead
Because to most people nowadays that you ask, your response will be "what's a chatroom? You mean like Instagram, lol?"
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So this is just another sad echo chamber where you dehumanize everyone who disagrees with you?
because you sad shits can understand that people move on and need to make up bizarre conspiracies to ignore the fact that its is in fact you that's the problem, not the world
That's all these sad faggots know.

Spot on friend. Business should never have entered the internet.
People make trash because that is what is being promoted by the algorithm.
Consumers of the content aren't the only ones being manipulated, the creators are as well.
theyre not made by bots, but theyre made by companies who are professional in human psychology and marketing
I'm being honest. I've been lurking 4chan since approximately 2005 on and off. I never post. This may be the 8th or 9th time i've ever bothered to reply to a thread. I do think the internet was more dynamic in the past and seeing as i primarily lurk its hard to gauge whether I think the internet is dead or not. I think the issue is mainly too many avenues for entertainment now. Tik Tok especially you can sit there and scroll for literally hours and I especially hate the AI voice that permutates most of the videos. There is no need to find content by ones ownself. I believe that there are significant amounts of bots just creating "content" to satisfy the short attention span that is prevalent among newer users.
The chatrooms of this era are Discord servers/Telegram channels.
Even those are not nearly as active as pre-2020 in my experience. Is it because no one has any free time anymore?
>1. Likely exaggerated.
That's categorically just an opinion.
>2 & 3 ...
Reasonable. However, I'd encourage you to consider the fact that people are heavily influenced by bots, and themselves almost become like bots.
>4. Evidence.
There's evidence, just not proof.
The average person can’t speak or type in English. What is there for them to say except to repeat what is on YT or other.
I want that Wild West back. I genuinely think that two of the main things stopping this are
1) most people that lived through this are older and have jobs and families and are much busier
2) a lot of the younger folk that care about old web and the Wild West era are deeply liberal and without realizing are all for censoring without even realizing it and they it’s everyone else that wants to censor them
This person is a bot or a fed.
I think it’s to make our youth stupid
The idea of it being waves is smart.


I actually tried to make a blog yesterday and ended up using fucking tumblr because it was the only one that I don’t have to pay for or use my google account to sign into

And I second everything you say. I know some people that make music, music that is pretty fucking good too. Great for an indie band and the amount of people that wouldn’t give it a chance until it got to a certain amount of streams, or until we got some actual fans is insane. Or outright told them they don’t want to listen to new music..
People only like what other people like these days.

I miss the early days of deviantart because now I see the same like four art styles online. I used to be a fanfic reader too and anytime I go back to it people do not give a shit about anyone’s writing and I used to remember fanfics having a ton of comments. Even that community is a desert of what it once was.

Booktok is also one of the worst fucking things to happen. Those books are soulless, and you’re right they all look the same. The art of making book covers is gone and replaced by cheap graphic design.

I miss how the world used to have creativity, I miss how people used to actually have souls and share their experience. I miss having the confidence that the person behind the screen is a real fucking person.
I want things to go back to how they were.
Something a bot would say.
Please stop spamming this thread. Thank you.
Definitely dude, mass culture managed to hit a point where it made people almost braindead. Giving people wide access to the internet has killed it. People didnt become more smart cause of the info they could easily find on the web. Instead they turned the internet dumber.

Your last paragraph, its this. Exactly this. It seems that there are so few of us left that you could count how many there are in the entire world. And its not only in the web, you cant find people to talk about something original or even about the uniqueness of their personal experiences. Its such a narrow range of topics that people could talk about, that I could list all of them. We are surely standing up on the ruins of a destroyed world. My hope is that it all ends with fire.
Yeah, smartphones made zoomers a lot dumber and social media is to blame. This brainwashed lobotomized generation is going to make content that is on an even lower level so the next generation becomes even dumber.
>try to carry on a decent conversion with other intelligent Anons and the place immediately dries up like a geriatric cunt in the Sahara. But post some dumbass rambling about "muh succubus nobody tulpa ayylmao demon kidburger" and suddenly the dam breaks and the retards flood in
Knowing this, wouldn't it be more expedient to draw in your desired users and also the retards? The articulate and involved users don't post frequently enough to keep threads alive. The retards give free bumps.

I did a few experiments with the /fox/ threads a while ago and it works. Those threads rarely get engagement because they're pursuing a very specific type of spirit. To keep the threads alive, just attract the horny coomers and get them to fight with the naysayers and it keeps the thread alive enough for the infrequent posters to get their word in somewhere. It's just noise, tune into what you want.

You understand the new reality, so you're also aware of how it works. Exploit it to your ends rather than just wallowing in despair.
I’m one of the anons in the werewolf threads and this is how I handle it. Let people/bots call us retards, furries, larpers etc and just ignore them and reply to the serious people
You should have seen how many reposts there were on Faggit
This. Don't waste your energy on trolls and naysayers
It could sorta be both. A bot created by feds to emulate their behavior.
I have a blog with mods for Skyrim that it is already 4 years old, and it was massively censored by all search engines (you can only find it if you type the name directly). Githubers will tell you it was the SEO configuration that was wrong or something along these lines, but I did everything right, and the blog is not catched by searches.
So, yes, I can say that human content is being made, in the same way that was before, but people stop doing it after seeing they get no visitors in their blogs. Because if I was censored, so did all the others, and we only get corporate (ie, paid) results in search engines. The only visits I have in my blog are from myself, when I use the VPN. It is happening everywhere, with everyone, we dont have the internet anymore, it belongs to corporations now, and they dictate the rules of what you can or cannot publish. The censorship is severe, it is crushing, and it is real, you just need to try it yourself and see the results. Dont underestimate it, the internet is dead.
Yeah anon I feel you. I like to call it targeted algorithmic shadowbanning.
There is a correlation between perceiving the internet as dead and allowing more generic, impotent entities to access it, yes?
Every website has its ecosystem and 4chan is extremely reliant on baseline engagement, up until bump limit, barring stickies. Being that 4chan attracts a vast majority of its userbase exclusively from the left and right ends of the bell curve, it has to be this way.

On the other hand, this also means this hellhole offers things that no other place can. After all, it's filled with outliers.
>Dont underestimate it, the internet is dead.
When modern solutions betray you, revert to the last known good solution. If you haven't noticed, the 4chan userbase is proficient and reliant upon rapid decentralization when it comes to dissemination of information. This is the *most popular* method. The next most popular is word-of-mouth, something that has existed for a long time.

Here are the downsides to each:
>rapid decentralization
ToS takedowns, metadata autoban/shadowban
>word of mouth
Slow dissemination, highly opportunistic

Both methods require that the userbase seizes the initiative when the opportunity presents itself. Unlike the corporatized social media internet, the solutions will not present themselves to you. You have to be that solution. This is the last known good solution. This is also how the old internet used to be as well, but college educated faggots call it "grassroots movements" since every action is geopolitical to them for some reason.
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>sorry, your internet is dead

>I have a blog with mods for Skyrim that it is already 4 years old, and it was massively censored by all search engines (you can only find it if you type the name directly)
have you submitted it to wiby.me , assuming it meets their requirements?
Most news articles are AI generated.
I know copywriting is an entry level job where you get paid on the basis of length, but having worked as a copywriter as a part time gig I can tell with certainty that the quality of articles is even lower now than when they were written by college kids trying to use as many words as possible to make an extra buck. 99% of articles on large websites look exactly how prompting ChatGPT to write an article of such and such length on such and such topic would look like. It's almost uncanny how you can look up a random topic and the first search results are articles saying the exact same things down to identical phrases and sentences, just varying in length and order. Journalism is absolutely dead, I don't think anyone even proofreads these AI generated articles anymore as you can often times come across articles with paragraphs that are absolute gibberish. Coincidentally around 2020 I started to see very, very few copywriting job offers, while there were so many of them before it felt like just about half of all high school and college students could be copywriters and there would still be postings.
Youtube has become unusable on the phone, nothing but ai generated trash

The same thing applies to tiktoks and YouTube shorts. I don't watch these too often but whenever I see friends watch them it's all literally subway surfers with reddit posts narrated on top level content. There are of course ones with real people doing real stuff. Cooking, doing arts and crafts projects and such. But still not all of those are made by real people imo. Especially the dumb lifehack videos. I refuse to believe hundreds of thousands of people make silicone molds of parts of their body and pour concrete in the molds to create absolutely dogshit looking 'home decor'. The only thing that might indicate these are not AI generated videos is in some of them you can see human hands, which AI is not very good at generating, but I've definitely seen well generated human hands and with the amount of useless lifehack content from circa 2015 like troom troom you could definitely teach ai to generate this shit well. Not to mention the jars with colorful orbees/liquids falling down the stairs in slow motion and shit like that
There is just no way people actually fill jars with orbees and drop them down flights of stairs every day.
Or maybe I'm coping hard cause the idea of this useless dogshit content being created by humans is far more frightening

Even call centers are now dead and replaced by bots. And these bots are damn good too. I have the habit of pretending to be interested and start asking uncomfortable questions after a while just to waste the scammer's time as much as possible. Recently I got three scam calls and the bots were so good it took me around ten minutes each time to realize these are bots. They had realistic background noise, could interrupt me mid sentence, respond to my questions in a typical scammer manner, do the pauses for thinking and ummmm... sounds. It took me asking completely random questions like 'what would a chair look like if the human knees bent the other way' type questions to realize these were bots.
Mass replying faggots need to be lined up
Scary future we're headed towards... and it's happening so fast. As a young adult it makes me sad to see my friends and colleagues glued to tiktoks and shorts all the time
Either that or human humour is actually broken now.

When you take a look at 2016 deep fried meta memes with several layers of irony, yes it was abstract, but it felt like it's made by real people, because it was. Right now nearly all meme short videos are compilations of the same old funny vids over and over again. It feels to me like meme culture where you had to know memes all way back to the 90's, loss, he man and nyan cat to understand 2016 humor is just gone. We can chalk it up to a new generation taking over the internet, but it's not like millenials and early zoomers stopped using the internet altogether. There should be at least some meta memes made by these people still. But yet there's none. Up until 2018 you can create a cohesive timeline of the evolution of meme culture, after that it just started dying, becoming completely outnumbered and subsequently suffocated by floptok and memes generated or at least put together by AI.
The new memes have barely any context and absolutely no layered pop culture references, which were the soul of old meme culture
What scares me is that you can 100% tell that this is an AI-generated post by the tone and structure but in the next few years even barring any groundbreaking advances, just with more computational resources thrown at it, its going to get harder and harder to tell.
Both because of it getting better at fitting in and faking authorial tone, but also because the past when I never had a doubt that what I was reading was written by a human being keeps getting farther away and thus my frame of reference becomes warped. The second point obviously only apply to people who lived through the days of early, widespread internet usage (early 2000's), people who grow up now and in coming years will be completely oblivious to all of this. The best of them will probably eschew computer and internet usage almost entirely, the rest will be complete automatons. Its fucking bleak.
What saddens me the most is we've basically confirmed already this brain rot content is a psyop to literally turn us into mentally retarded zombies with fried dopamine receptors, but it's too profitable to let go of so governments and corporations do nothing.

I've made some Chinese friends way back and they've shown me what douyin (Chinese tiktok) looks like. Kids have limited time on the app. There's mostly educational and patriotic content. Stuff like snippets of performances, people showing what they do for work, people exercising and explaining how to do it, short science videos, montages of the Chinese army etc. And tons upon tons of ads of course but that's besides the point

Point is my Chinese friend was horrified when he saw fucking subway surfers reddit narration and balloon popping/jar breaking content. He said he could feel his IQ dropping with every video.

Now think how kids who watch this all day every day since early childhood will develop, if adults become progressively dumber and more detached from reality while using the app
>Captain, I've inspected the hull. The waters only up to our ankles, no need to worry yet Tip Tip and God Save the Queen

A relevant thread about if all the content we get is AI.
I get all the things I want by using magic

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