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According to most reports, the world will face an underpopulation crisis by 2100 AD. The future won't be overcrowded polluted cyberpunk landscapes, but rather empty cities struggling to maintain it's infrastructure.

How did it get this way after over a century of overpopulation fearmongering? And is there a precise endgoal?
If this is true, towns and small cities will be the first to be hit hard by it. A lot of colleges in small towns/cities have been closing lately.
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The human species didn't effectively prepare infrastructure to prepare for a population boom like the one we're living in. Our global way of living just isn't sustainable. Fortunately, first world problems make people breed less, even thirdies, so it will balance itself out naturally.

>And is there a precise endgoal?
The WEF wants to institute a global government which presides over neo-localist pod hives. Localism combined with global infrastructure would not necessarily be that bad. It would be the logical conclusion of a population collapse whether we devolve into a dystopian feudalist shithole planet or not.
>muh birthrates, we are dying out, population must always grow
Jews must really be a master race. No other meme notion, not even the hollow coast is that much accepted and retranslated by LITERALLY EVERYONE regardless of their race, nationality, religion, social status and frequented websites. EVERYONE bought the human population pyramid scheme. We have reached the levels of hilarious that shouldn't even be possible.
Fertility rates will rise again. Natural selection is selecting for people with a strong innate desire to reproduce. Although a lot of those breeders will be insane religious fundamentalists.


>Europe and White America will be converging with the state of Israel today, with TFRs approaching 3 children per woman and looking to triple-quadruple their populations in the coming century, reaching the demographic scale of Asia today by 2200.
>The US may end that century as majority White again, having lost that status around the 2040s.
>The precise details of what will happen in Europe will depend on unknowables, such as the extent to which it becomes Africanized during the 21st century, and the interplay of shifting ethnic proportions with Islamic conversion. However, one minimal thing we can say is that after reaching a minimum sometime in the second half of the 21st century, the share of the indigenous European population will begin to increase again in the 22nd century. They will be concentrated in the small towns and rural areas, and will begin to demographically push back into the Afro-Islamic big cities.
The future will be citadels, built like massive towers, with thousands of floors, and operated by robots. In these city-states you will stake cryptocurrencies in pools to use its services, including a roof over your head. You will earn crypto through games in virtual spaces, and AIs will manage the city. Around the tower there will be massive domed farms, and the food will be free for citizens. Then there will be a massive wall in a bigger perimeter around the tower, to protect the city against the rabble outside.
Also, like in the Matrix movies, humans will be no longer born from females, but will be grown and harvested like plants, in massive facilities operated by robots. Then they will be connected through cables to a VR world, where they will participate in the games to earn crypto and thus, be able to rent better services in the city. There will be no need for workers, and even coding will be done by AI. People will have free time to do what they please, and AI will give incentives for the npcs to compete in massive multiplayer games.
there won't be any underpopulation.

Any fertility gap will be filled with niggers overflowing from africa. The elite will import any number of niggers necessary to upkeep GDP.
Only total collapse due to nog rioting will end it, followed by gangs of machete wielding niggers going house to house, murdering any white people they can find.

The only surviving white people will be an international diaspora. They have no racial in group bias so they'll integrate and the white species will go extinct.

What follows will be a dark age in which public access to technology will fall back to a lower level and never recover. Eventually the tech hoarding elite will be wiped out by a mogol like zurg rush and all high technology will cease.

Other than guns, people will live pre industrial lives all over the world. The barbarism will go on indefinitely.

Maybe a genocidal warlord manages to conquer the world but his empire will fall apart as soon as he dies as his hundreds of sons murder one another and grasp for power.

This goes on for 100,000 years until a new ice age occurs. Global population is reduced to less than a million people and tech falls back to pre gun powder. If humanity survives at all it is a shell of its former self.

The only hope is that new white people would evolve and not fuck up next time before going out to live in space.

This is ironically only the second worst timeline. The absolute worst would be white people hanging on just long enough to put niggers in space. Then the history of white people spreading out across the cosmos, forever pursued by niggers that simultaneously hate them and want to leach off of them is repeated for eons until AI really gets invented and all biological life ends.

In the best possible timeline white people get tired of all this shit and murder the elite, swiftly followed by every other race on earth. They don't bother with computing because its not our limiting factor, instead biotechnology becomes the main focus.
We have over 8 billion people. There isn't any threat of extinction nor significant risk any time soon.

We are in a mode of extreme resource scarcity for a lot of things. Whereas its for homes, partners, valuable genetics, quality areas. There's simply no way to sustain population growth when you look in context of modern European/Asian populations simply unwilling to live in third world conditions like the other groups.

The fearmongering is entirely driven by the corporate class because it affects their profit lines. Technically a society that declines in population count becomes a better one since there are more resources per head, particularly with advances in automation. But they don't want that. They want to pack everything like a sardine so their number on a computer keeps going up to infinity.

Its obvious that they will just use foreign populations as replacements for cheap labor. Whether this works out, who knows. I would argue that places in Europe and Canada are already in a decline to third world status with culture, quality, and human stock dropping to Brazil-tiers.
Cool midwit fantasy
you retards need to read up on Malthus and behavioral sink. everything that's happening is predictable. if you want to avoid the trap, we need to do something about the elderly who grip the market to kill the youth whenever they start to outnumber them. think like a lion. they always kill the cubs if they're an existential threat. survival comes before rearing (reproduction), even if these faggots say they'd die for their children (utter lies).
it's called the adaptive cycle. things boom and bust, its all part of a cycle, unfortunately we have been kicking the can down the road and the bust should have happened long ago, now it's going to be bigger and worse when it finally arrives.
ah yes the ole "women are just like men" fallacy. lol. sorry but no. they have the same hundreds of years of evoluton that have made them the way they are today, it's still survival of the fittest. more so now that we are in a matriarchal system, women are already selecting the best mates they can find. thats why incels exist, they are the discarded surplus. only way out of that loop is to destroy the matriarchal system, notice how islam doesn't have incels, thers no such thing, everyman can have a wife in islam. but maybe the genetic outcome isn't as good. everyone is marginally the same where in western society theres more variations in gene expression.
I'm a father of four and no one else I know my age (41) has kids.
the fuck are you talking about, america along has to throw out food because it produces so much
America has to throw out food instead of selling it because a lot of European nations engage in active economic protectionism to keep American grain, beer, beef and other products off the shelves, and Asia's money isn't worth as much as the amount of food they need + transportation. Some business still gets done in spite of this, but if people were willing to streamline trade and just allow America to be the bread basket of the world, none of its crops would be going to waste because there's always someone hungry somewhere.

Of course, everyone who isn't an american would seethe about it because it would make a wealthy and productive nation even more wealthy and productive.
and people think the world is about to end?
Not the world, just our complex interconnected system of systems. Its not an event without precedence either, See: Bronze Age Collapse, Fall of Rome, Decolonization Era in Europe.

None of us alive today, regardless of skillset or background will survive living in the proverbial jungle, where there are no property rights, no protections, no hope and no future. It'll require a different breed of human being, and we're 500 years removed from it. When this system goes down, we all go down with it. It won't be the end of the human race, just most of the individuals alive currently. People aren't trying to have an ethical discussion about the greater survival of the homo sapiens species, they're trying to get people to realize that they, and those people, will both be dead, and it won't matter to them what happens to the species after that.
At the rate indians and niggers are reproducing the future looks awfully like a monkeys black ass you dumbass
you're very intelligent
You forget that US products are shit tier poison that would actively harm any population consuming them.
Planet of the apes, except niggers are even more primitive than chimps
We don't need to survive as Amazon tribes in the jungle. We just need to survive as preppers in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max society. And that we can do.
Since Whites and Asians are the highest IQ races, who created the majority of the technology, if the percentage of Whites and Asians falls below a certain threshold, then advanced technology will no longer be created. Russia is the biggest nation of White people. China is the biggest nation of Asian people. Either China and Russia will rule the world, or the world will fall and revert back to a non-technological society as the other guy wrote. The only good timeline is a China + Russia dominated autocratic world order. But it will all be for the better.
>How did it get this way after over a century of overpopulation fearmongering

Thanks to footsoldiers like Gates et al, who pushed for sterilization and depopulation programs.
>Fortunately, first world problems make people breed less, even thirdies, so it will balance itself out naturally.

Too bad, the first world has effectively became second world now thanks to jewish-induced brown migration.
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The actual world population today is about 2 billion, 1 in the urban areas and 1 at the rurals. The NWO plan is to reduce that down to half a billion, kept in megacities (maybe with closed borders) and have no more countryside people. Also the planed future for humanity is non-binary, humans without sex, and babies (or adult clones) being produced in factories.
the people running things have no idea what they're doing
they're stabbing at things in the dark like everyone else, but they have trillions of dollars
all good plans of mice and men fail, or something like that
there will always be people (not transhumans), there will always be white people, black people, asians, etc.
nothing under the sun is new
you just aren't paying attention.
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>the people running things have no idea what they're doing
nice try fedboi
There are many LARPers among us who wish to use a trip and edgy name to make themselves seem "cool" and "big." I will tell you now, that I can see into the future without any doubt. There are two futures for humanity. In the coming years, much energy will be focused, and we will enter only one.

Timeline one:
The american civil war starts before 2040, and after 2025. The world economy collapses. The world returns to various states of anarchy and monarchy, one rising to rule indefinitely over greater north america. The world population plummets dramatically to only 100k within 250 years, and world peace is achieved through borders never meeting, instead giant stretches of wilderness and wasteland dividing them. Free, infinite power is devised before 2500, and earth enters the golden space age by 2750, finally making it possible to colonize other planets. Within multiple millennia, humanity shapes an untold number of empires in the starts.
Timeline two:
The world holds together by a thread up until 2050, when all society and government falls except for a few elites, namely the rich, the powerful, and the occult as was previously mentioned. These elites would rise from the ashes of the anarchy fueled world, taking it over, and making a one world government. From here, infinite energy solutions are revealed rather quickly (Being taken from tesla and hidden until now). The earth enters a Chinese style social system amped up to ten, everyone working on a virtually monitored societal credit as to appease the rich whom profit from them. In due time, the earth's sun is literally blocked out by nano technology as part of the now practically religious cult formed around "science" and "climate change". Within a hundred years, 2/3rds of humanity is gone, and the remaining live in cold, super dense, super corrupt megacities within asia. Population lowers, population density rises. Imagine new york city with 25 million people instead of 8.5 million. From this point, no personal freedom is retained. All farming and construction is managed by robots, and the human population is retained simply as a means to operate society as AI is not advanced enough. All humans will work office-type jobs, solving advanced learning programs (Imagine the captcha x1000) for incredibly long hours, supplemented by pills and caffeine. After how ever many years, be it 100 to 300, AI will advance far enough to where the elites can totally wipe out humanity except for less than 50.000. They will attempt to use AI as their brains, to make space travel, and to bring them beyond the stars. The AI eventually becomes rouge, triggering a series of failures, resulting in most technology being lost. From that point forward, all that remains are the few living elites inside of old bunkers, hiding from the cold hell they created. This timeline is the end of humanity.
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>I can see into the future without any doubt
>finally making it possible to colonize other planets
Anon, you can't even see the shape of the earth below your feet.

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