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what the fuck is in there
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"muh psyop" get off my thread schizo. you are not smart for saying you dont trust anything without proof
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I trust some people.
I just totally not trust NASA.
>imagining your opinion matters beyond being a personal delusion
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dont look there we havent rendered it yet
OP's mom
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NASA are the last group that literally anyone should trust with regards to any and all information regarding space/universe.

They're nothing but a public cover for military operations and are more like an Intel Agency than an institution for discovery and knowledge.
And how do you know that? Because someone else’s shitty YT video said so? Fucking spastic.
This is especially funny:
From their track record and getting caught in lies.
Imagine simping for a government agency and thinking they're honest and forthcoming. You even had to create a fantasy version of me in your head just to reply, and I'm the spaz? lol

Keep your own consumerism habits and need to be told what to think to yourself. Don't project them onto me.
You're free to look into things yourself. You shouldn't need someone else to tell you what to think so you can feel like you match consensus and "fit in."

Let me help you by making an easier link:

I think people would be shocked if they learned just how many things get "classified" with no publicly given logical reason.
The patent office has no problem designating inventions as "State Secrets" if they feel it will impact mega corporations or the economy.

We can all thank the "Invention Secrecy Act of 1951."

All they have to do is say it's a threat to the economy and you'll never know it exists. Cars that can get 200 miles per gallon? Already invented (numerous times in different variations). It just threatened Oil companies and the US Petro Dollar.

As for your video: isn't it amazing that they'd classify even the ability to properly observe our own planet and the universe around us?
Can't imagine why that would be... Oh, wait, I'll take a guess and say their reason is that it's "for our security."

You want to be secure, right, anon?
they are finding some planets far away with chemical signatures of water on planets at the right distance from their star like us. They cant see them yet so who knows what's there. could be life
you got this all form youtube nigga, fuck off, anyone who unironically uses the term petrodollar needs the rope
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>i dont read and wait for others to tell me what to think, so others must do the same!
>i'll just pretend my image of him is real life.

You're boring, dude. Just a sperg throwing a tantrum and looking for attention. You have nothing other than puerile insults. Get some friends or something. Maybe talk to a therapist.

And at least learn the meaning of irony.
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The Block.
Private aerospace anon here, NASA is full of shit and basically the institutional version of a welfare queen.
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If said welfare queen was also somehow designated the "community leader" and had the authority to dictate what everyone else can and can't do or say.
Any interesting shit you've heard or know that most don't?
Rocks, gas, and a shit-ton of Reese's peanut butter cups.
Who made the Reese's pieces factory there?

We're through the looking glass here, people...
>I get my “facts” from YouTube. I don’t have any friends but if I take an uninformed and contrarian position it makes me feel special.
Amirite? By the way, tell your mom to post more ass2mouth vids.
Cool story, kid. It's funny how many of your habits you revealed in one post and that you can only reply by playing make believe. lol
>From their track record and getting caught in lies.
NTA but which lies do they tell other than the moon landing & possibly some space station stuff as well??? If everything they said was bullshit then some other space agencies or companies or universities would come out with a different story. I don't see why they would lie about the existence of some random ass planet & it's chemical signatures
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picrel is you
NTA either but you should probably pay closer attention. Every photo they ever produce is doctored. They withhold data (so how the hell would those mentioned know?) mostly in the form of high resolution imagery, support climate hysteria for energy/economic purposes.
Where's all the Clementine imagery? High res Mars photos have been shown to be doctored, same with moon and other places in solar system. Withholding high res images of Antarctica. They say they lost all the moon landing tech. Over wrote all the video or lost it. Can't explain how they got through the Van Allen belt. Withholding audio we see in transcripts of anomalous events. Participated in Operation Paperclip. Have colluded with the USGS to create fake "moon surface" pictures. Have actively participated in operations meant to shame people into silence for UFO curiosity. If someone does find something odd in the few images they release, guess what happens? It gets removed and replaced with said thing removed and replaced. Have detonated nukes in space without public knowledge or consent (Operation Starfish Prime) while being oblivious of the potential consequences. Those are just off the top of my head.
Of course they'd still serve their purpose as a public front for their real objectives. It would be retarded not to. Like people are seriously retarded if they think a government agency like NASA wouldn't be for the main purpose of military and government affairs. As if in any reality they would be allowed to tell the truth?
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picrel is you

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