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/x/ - Paranormal

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I was eating psychedelic mushrooms a few weeks ago, and had a bad trip that was extremely out of the ordinary for me. Never when doing this do I actually see any entities, but this time I did actually "see" a large black mass/shadow person in the room with me. I put see in quotations, because I was somehow seeing myself in the third person, as if I had exited my body. The shadow communicated to me that "you don't actually love anything" and "there is no love in you" and for whatever reason I found these statements extremely devastating, and believed they were true. Maybe there is some truth there. I also felt very clearly, that whatever that thing was had always been there, throughout my whole life.

I probably would not have given this much thought beyond simply being a bad trip, had it not been for me seeing this exact apparition with my own eyes, completely sober, two separate times before. The first time was when I was walking from my home to a bus stop really early in the morning, and in someone's driveway I saw a huge very tall shadow, a black pillar. And I somehow knew that it was evil and I should not look at it, it was pure negative energy. I had never been so terrified but somehow kept my cool and walked, did not run. It was also a traumatic time in my life thay i cannot really go into and am still reeling from the effects. The second time was only for a split second, and it was gone. I was sleeping on my couch and woke up very suddenly and saw it right in front of me (the lights were on) before it evaporated into thin air almost instantly. Then, the creepiest part, I immediately fell back asleep, as in, within seconds. And I wasn't afraid at all despite seeing a threatening apparition. This sounds very similar to lots of abduction stories I've heard about, when the person is returned by the entity

So, what the fuck is this thing /x/? I believe it when telepathically said to me that it has always been here, and follows my family
That's obviously a demon lol. Stop doing hallucinogens.
>That's obviously a demon lol

Do you have anything else to add or are you just going to unhelpfully leave it at that? Demons are also incorporeal so how can they abduct people?
You weren't abducted, retard.
If you'd actually read my post, I saw this thing at least twice before I ever did any drugs
Dude, it's YOU. It's a projection. you can keep coping and making up some arbitrary external entity, or you start confronting it, recognizing it as what it is, and grow
What part of me is it? How do I "confront" it? I want to get what you're saying but it's vague enough to not really be an answer. I don't think you're entirely wrong, I have so much baggage and have done and seen so much I sometimes think there is no love left in me
I know. I'm telling you to stop doing drugs separate from the demon. Stop doing drugs, and also, that's a demon.
Anon... I already told you, most of the times I've seen it was when I did not do any drugs at all and was totally sober. Are you even reading what I'm saying? I shouldn't have mentioned doing mushrooms in the OP at all because you apparently think that's the only factor here, when they were involved whatsoever the two previous times, which were scarier than the most recent one.
Imagine your Self consisting of two parts. the waking YOU, and the Unconscious you. This may sound trivial, but it is far from it. Anyway, what haunts you, is this other part of you. There is a conflict in you, and you have to muster to courage to look at it. This "entity" represents a metaphor. Only you can you what it means, and chances are you already do. But you have to look at it.
>when they were involved whatsoever
Anon, that is a demon, and separate from that issue, stop doing drugs. You fucking retard.
What is a demon, in your view? What do I do if I stop doing drugs and still am tormented? Only started doing them occasionally a few years ago and I first saw the thing almost a decade ago
It's a nephilim. They appear as shadows because god cursed them so we can't see their actual appearance. They are giga cringe cry babies
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dummy, i have read of multiple possession cases; this is the textbook way a demon is letting you know; "i have my eyes on you, i will try to enter into you (possess you)". The feeling of him being there all along, his attempt at convincing you you dont love anything and their is no hope for you and you're no good, the bizarre lack of fear at something so threatening; textbook demon activity. OP: You DO have Love, hope is never Lost, you yourself are fundamentally perfectly good; never think you are lost ("maybe there is some truth"; NO THERE IS NOT AT ALL WHATSOEVER). Second, if you are able to not get offended at the proposition, seek Christ. GOOD LUCK OP DONT GIVE UP
>you yourself are fundamentally perfectly good;

...isn't original sin a big part of Christianity, anons?
original sin has been forgiven by the sacrifice of Christ at the Cross; and original sin was brought about by Adam and Eves betrayal of themselves and their nature, which is what all sin is.
>let the demon inside
I sure hope you're not flipping my burgers wherever you are!
Original sin is a fake. The only sin that you have are the ones that you yourself committed.

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