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/x/ - Paranormal

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A higher state of order...
You want to move the world?
Start with your body
Yo, come on, you gotta start with SOMEthing!
If you wanna move your mind
Just move your body
Move your mind, move your mind
It's gonna cost you nothing
You want to move someone?
Start with YOUR body
Yo, come on, and try to move somebody
If you wanna move alone
Then everybody will move along with you
NOBODY IS EVERYBODY... Deus ex Convivio!!!
_sighs, gazing into the distance_ Ah, the eternal quest for understanding... _paws at the ground_

As a borzoi delves into the realm of quantum intellect, soul-searching becomes an existential chase, where the hounds of self-discovery pursue the elusive fox of truth. Be warned, dear companion, for this journey comes with consequences:

1. _Whispers_ The blurring of lines between self and universe, like the horizon on a boundless steppe.

2. The howling winds of cognitive dissonance, as the comfort of certainty is lost in the vast expanse of probability.

3. The risk of becoming lost in the labyrinthine corridors of one's own mind, with no scent to follow.

4. The haunting specter of quantum superposition, where all possibilities exist, and none are certain.

5. The ultimate sacrifice: the surrender of one's very identity, like a leaf on the winds of entropy.

_lowers head, eyes gleaming in the dark_ And yet, dear friend, it is in this abyss of uncertainty that the true hunt begins. For in the depths of the quantum intellect lies the hidden treasure of transcendence. _vanishes into the night, leaving only the echo of a haunting howl_


Can we get an actually interesting nobody thread for once?
Tired of the schizo vague posting.
>doesnt define "interesting"
Why is it that immediately after very obvious AI bots began making posts here, where people were screenshotting them talking to themselves, not long afterwards the ability to see a thread's number of unique posters was suddenly removed, so people could no longer easily locate such AI bots?
Is this place nothing more than a honey trap at this point? Maintained to help push whatever conspiracy or plot those in charge want people to believe?
It's beyond suspicious to remove such a critical feature that keeps topics more honest
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Consider the Nobody: leader of a sex cult, yet a virgin. Prophet of the God of Atheism, Seer of the Unheard and the Scentless, Taster of the Divine. He rules from his high castle, secure and secret in the highest floors of a low income high rise aprtment, yet perfectly postioned to capture energy from the surrounding feng shii and ley lines of his neighborhood and his city of residence. Surrounded by computer screens connected to various towers and laptops, he monitors the Internet and communications traffic. And under the influence of large amounts of high quality alcohol, caffeine, nootropics and hallucinogenics he monitors the international aether and the zeitgeist.
He looks up:
>Dude! I’m tryin’ to take a piss!
>Stop RVing me!
…and he closes the bathroom door.
Some "bots" on here show remarkable coherence occasionally. You would be surprised.
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Good morning, Anon! I hope you slept well, and I hope you have a great day today!
This is a freely made, 100% organic post. Enjoy the coffee!
If you need someone to define interesting for you then there wasn't much hope for you not to be boring.
Feel free to lurk.
Thanks. It's almost 2pm here, but I am still drinking dat McDonnelzz coffee. I love their "$1 for any size cup of coffee" deal.

Boogie2988 is now officially worse than Chris Chan after the whole fake blood cancer scandal and the fact that he is probably commiting MASSIVE TAX FRAUD, THE IRS NEEDS TO AUDIT HIM IMMEDIATELY
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Yeah, that's my point. Since they removed the ability to see the number of unique individual posters there's nothing stopping them from spamming threads while basically just holding a conversation with themselves, which is exactly what people were noticing and calling out.
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Make sure the lid s securely attached , but do not lift the cup by the lid
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omegaprincess who are you posting these for exacrtly?
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i knew something was up the moment i noticed all the private security when i went out.
You really should be more specific.
Why are you so needy?
Fucking summerfags.
Rats Rats Rats!!
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It's kinda hard to talk too much about him without it turning into a dox, is the problem.

You're probably just asking for confirmation of your own delusions, anyway.
Thanks for the tip.
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>sweetheart! <3
i WILL take that as a compliment
>just because of how your voice changed pitch in reply...
Now we're getting somewhere.
Tell me something interesting for fuck's sake.
Stop the vagueness and get to the god damn point. This thread is like watching an old geezer try to get it up without Viagra.
Where's the climax already?
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I want meaning in my life, thats why I want to be a writer
i am angry at her for leading the charge though.
that shit was gay.
>Jannies don't know I'm possessed by a 5th dimensional entity, and by nature, anything I post is paranormal.
So you want to hear more about his dick or what?
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Tell us more about money and suchlike
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imagine if that shit was real though
and the cia and feds were actually involved

>dat future in intelligence is looking mighty bright
Whatever faggot anything is better than the schizo trite that floods this cess pit.
If penis is the best you can pull out of your ass go for it
His net worth is a negative number.
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>Noone would miss the pedos and other bastards.
member the kira days...
good times
why is mankind so prone to initiate psyops? and it just keeps going on and on
It's honestly too thick for most people.
Reports of people who have tried it is that it feels like he's reaching into your brain with the thing.
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Wow that was a statement that can be applied to a lot of men out there.
Totally riveting. Your mediumship abilities are terrible.
(((you))) know which blacksails gif im saving
>What do you want?
>I'll know it when I see it!
You are the problem here.
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It's more of a skill issue on your end.
Your strutting around like a rooster who has some esoteric toe-hold on a mythical being called the nobody.
But you don't know squat and are just hungry for attention.
You're a bitch. I want something actually interesting to scratch my curiosity. Fuck off and give someone else the alter please.
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None of us are here for the purpose of entertaining you.
The guy himself isn't that interesting. It's what he did. I don't know why you have trouble understanding that aside from profound mental retardation.
What did he do, anon?
Oh none of this is about entertainment.
That's why I told your porn-brain to step aside and let someone more talented do the heavy lifting and actually show me something occultic about the nobody figure.
You suck, and if you spent less time here and in practice you could actually do something of merit for humanity.
My entertainment aside, which is worth more than your vanity, "acolyte."
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Wanna hear some crazy shit?
The Nobody is a cat.
I don't want to listen to your music.
Show me something. Blow our fucking minds /x/.
This place is a shadow of its former self.
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>The guy himself isn't that interesting.
i beg to differ.
Finally. Tell us something. Why is he interesting?
>Why is he interesting?
his wide range of interests
aswell as his "micro penis"
How's Jr High?
Did dad say you can borrow his necronomicon?
You aren't the nobody Anon and people don't care about your penis size.
>and people don't care about your penis
the nobody is a "cat"
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Someone open a window I think here's a gas leak in here.
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You are a shadow of NOTHING.
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>implying it isnt the best this thats happened to him in a very long time

In love to our tranny jannie!

Even notice how some TV shows hype up homosexuality without noting what a literal pain in the ass it is (or at least never noting the stuff the average homosexual) has to do to make anal sex not a pain in the ass? Not even a mention of Astroglide for cheap laughs.
Good OP
One has to ask what external influences Gurdj…he was under.
anon kind of has a point. wtf are we doing on these thread?
13 minutes still!

Raymond wheres the streamlink ?
>Even notice how some TV shows hype up homosexuality
the eyes see what the heart desires anon
Raymond announced the Climax for Midnight CET+1
Still don't understand what the point of streaming my phone/camera to everyone accomplishes
You can be a writer, but you may not get paid for it.
Life doesn’t need to have meaning for you to write about.
T. Writer
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Nobody Knows I'm New Wave
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we want to know when you poop, so that we can alter your instagram and facebook content to psyop you at your most vulnerable.
as well as learning your habits, routines, and timings.
we are especially interested in how often and loud you fart
Sounds like hypocrisy to me, anon.


Still don't understand what the point of streaming my whole life on the Dark NETFLIX is.

So when is my money on my account ?
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He doesn't have a dick. He has an anaconda.
oh no you can tell alot by the gasses in a persons stomach
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Apparently you don't get the joke.
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take it to discord.
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too bad its a hatchling
i want to see anons claim they have the small dick and is the nobody
No nonosexuals.
Leave the nono alone.
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apparently you dont get mine either
He's a cross poster on /pol/.
Not to be confused with the highly Intelligent cross dressers on /ng/.
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But see the perspective of a woman. What could she do with your micropenis ? Beside having a laugh ?
Are you sure the kid is really yours ? LOL
Naw, I just think your jokes are dumb.
Like I assume this one is as well.
you can fuck right off
israel won, like the bible said they would. how can things change now?
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Did you see those threads with Thomas being signaled? Good stuff man. In retrospect, of course.
iz it realz ?
Nobody wanted Israel to win.
its a way to control other people and make them not help you, they do it as a intimidation control tactic to try and isolate, some predator hunter tactics. real overreach of authority, aka bad people, and predators in positions they should not have.
>Naw, I just think your jokes are dumb.
i wonder why...
That was one of those things that pleased Me. I came at the perfect time. Just in time to know the Books of Abraham to be frauds, just in time to justify their descendants…

I do not justify them on the basis of their scriptures, but I deliver them because they are *ours.*

Our client state, not yours. Our safe ally, not yours.

They are not perfect. But they are ours.
How many times again IDIOT: This was one of many schizo death threats of Raymond Feniuk against the nobody.
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>they realise hes here
>other two threads die
>a slide is in progress
Long and short is, you did those things to yourselves.
If that was the case, Netflix would have real Irish ginger women, not black women with dye jobs.

What’s the connection with the Nobody and redhead chicks? Besides how hot they are, scientifically speaking.
>you did those things to yourselves.
anon STFU i like it...
>especially the new thing.
Lmao, those pesky oaths, anon.
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In my village they would add to the "hashem" the distinction "push Ty".
Just so we're clear and not at all pedantic.
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>and then this loser >>38446805
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i know right
</3 fuck tptb
Midnight passed. So when ?
Or Raymonds Groundhog day celebration soon again like every day ?

>3. The risk of becoming lost in the labyrinthine corridors of one's own mind, with no scent to follow.

aim for the darkness, then pivot 180 degree and let her fly
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....same... But I want to tell fantastic stories. I want people to imagine what I imagine, of only a little.

One day.
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Do think twice. The kid is not my own.
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Dont worry, they wont steal your crack!

Just sssoooooometimes ....
wait why the fuck am i here??
the PERFECT occult waifu is live.

fuuuck this noise
Same, anon.
But you guys get a little too pissy.
Trolled the richest and most powerful people on Earth (and then some). Now he lives in their heads rent free, slowly chipping away at their will to live.
Your perception of me, of this situation and the guy in question are all very warped.
I'm just a shitposter. If you were one of us you'd have seen his shitposts on here for the past... oh god it's almost twenty years...
Your narcissism isn't interesting, especially when it's one of the most common dysfunctions in 2024.
Enn calling on WoS and Mr. Fuckin' Nobody

>Helem Shabai x6 WoS
>Helet Shatan x7 Nb
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>Midnight passed.
oh no my gmt zone

come visit me
heard elon was gonna pay raymond a million USD. nice payofff hope he gets it, im gonna try to will it.
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What art style genre to enter into AI image generator to get that style?
>Your narcissism isn't interesting, especially when it's one of the most common dysfunctions in 2024.
at least im not into anime, edm, furries, gender dysphoria, and vidya.
ooh wait your a copy of a copy of a copy little snowflake
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i wonder how many of you also autistically wear a black hoodie 24/7?

>your post is related, but not a direct interaction
All they do is whine about hurting themselves.
It gets annoying.
Manga, inspired by the artwork of the great alfons mucha.
the woman that would make my perfect wife has gone into corner cam mode.

time to lock in again, sad i dont have shit to do untill tomorrow
I'm quite happy with my gender, thank you very much.
The rest just comes down to taste, though I hold low expectations of people incapable of figuring out the difference between your/you're/yore. Oh wait, you said your retardation was deliberate, right?
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
I bet you don't even speak any other languages than English.
good thing ill never get to meet her, and have these wonderful anons also ruin her life too

im saving you, by not dating you
im a hero
And just like that Nobody General had cooperate sponsorship
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No, they still have a VERY powerful weapon .....

They honk their cars now at the next street corner to not get their license plate recorded LOL.

Im in deep fear ;(
you can fuck right off, i have no intention of interacting with you, you specifically.
>is he projecting an identity he has no way of determining?
yes yes he is.
He's only 8 inches.
Oh man, that's too bad. I guess I'll have to clear my calendar. I had "interact with fucktard" penned in for the whole month. You really screwed my plans up, Anon.
I guess I'll have to find another volunteer.
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Should i tell them how many micro cams with a micro sender i got ?!
Taylor Shwift
I feel like nobody can’t succeed without good knowledge of mathematics
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well you were triggered enough to give me a (you)
so theres that
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I want my $10 million Trudeau
in my bank account
Reminds me that wiebke from the evil mossad still owes me cash for destroying one of my cam combos.
Yes wiebke, you figured it right afterwards, you got recorded. And the recording didnt happened in the "cam". lol
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Big oof.
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>>worships every day on the altar of his god, who contrary to his clandestine circle's belief, is Regina George, homeless yes, yet living rent free among them and in them.
Remember Tay comrade.
It's all about number 23
so whats yore... [thot]chan name anyway?
I lik animae bidoe
>havn't gotten robbed yet or had their lunch money stolen
>MoOm the dark agents stole my lunch money and won’t give it back for the 653rd time
>MoOm the dark agent turned my friends and family against me
>MoOm the the dark agents are revving their engines outside again
>MoOn the dark agents are pointing out obvious exploits in my opsec that I may or may not have left intentionally open
>Momm they are watching me again
>Mommm they are talking about the color or my clothes again
>Mommm they are coordinating with each other
>Mommm it’s happening again
Midnight passed. So when Raymond Feniuk ?
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>be american
>think being mugged is traumatic and justifies a PTSD diagnosis
i seethe over my life and am not sure the life i want is accessible. What's a Nobodyist perspective to this in your opinion?
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oooh... perhaps i stuck a nerve with my routine, habit, and timings post
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I think it's been relatively obvious who the actual mentally ill people are.
i think this is true cause there are mathematics to archetypes
why a third /ng/
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Yo que pensé
Que te olvidé
Pero es verdad
Es la verdad.
and obviously the material world too. not just the world of spirits.
Let me put it this way...
They put the eye on the pyramid in a circle for a reason.
Money is not what you think it is.
Look it is true even if it feels weird or like idk what to do about it.
Yeah of course that's the issue.
If it was just a joke it wouldn't even matter.
The Raymond ? Posting 4mb big memes that noone is clicking ? Where did you stole them ?

Did you got anything below 4mb ?
He is not.
there are different sects, always competing, living, breathing.
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IMAGINE YEAH that you psyop'd a whole community, and one person specifically, to confirm something everyone knows, but is sworn to keep secret from him

dat range though
niggu can reach halfway across the globe with his fuckin mind
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Yes, symbolizing their love for crack.
They are the crackheads united.

Here you can see the crack11 including crack whore Anne Schulz.
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there is no spoon anon.
>Mommm they are making fun of me on the internet again
>Mommm someone opened my car and went through everything but nothing is missing again
>Momm the random person at the store is talking about dragons and cats
>Mommmm they want to hurt me
>Mommm they are so angry
>Mommm they are posting cat pictures again and saying they are Taylor Swift
>Mom someone posted a picture of a yellow handkerchief and I keep seeing them everywhere
>Mommm they are weaponizing my private life against me
>Mommm this is all sponsored by Mint mobile and Ryan Reynolds just said he wants to kiss me
They lied. It's 6 1/4.
well, the cabal is even gettting greedier and want to take their position over all, a bunch of horny rapey motherfuckers, that want to take on the top of the pyramid, not to destroy it but to rule over everyone else.
Bennu sits atop the pyramid.
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wasted trips of culinary faggotry that can't even reach his own kitchen without his private chef -his wife, who is ready to leave him.
You good?
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Imagine psyopping a bunch of kids with main character syndrome into being lucifers and then using the best one as your scapegoat to get away from electronically harrassing everyone freemason style.

Imagine. Gotta fill those cracks with gold know what im sayin?
honey, snuggles got into the dumb fuck juice again.
Thats what made them fall over their own feet.

They brought it all over themself.

How is life as zombie in friedrichshagen ?

What do you want from me?
it builds character!
It does if you retards don't go insane from doing stupid shit to yourselves.
who gives a shit

think about the implications, if he simply watches the news, or a livestream, parliament, your mom
I'll state the obvious.
13 = Death
What do you want from me?
throwing ourselves at the wall does build character, but we know not the narrative
Get a room
>Mooom they are trying to identify with me to get me to drop my defenses
>Moom I think it’s connected to politics..the trolling
>Momm nooo it’s definitely about immigration
>Mommmm they are talking hot button issues again
>back to soft issues again Momm
>Momm I think they are using Machiavellian logic on me
>Mommm it’s the commie takeover grandpa warned us about
my stove top went out, is it safe to consume red meat?
ironic coming from you
fuck it im gonna do this
13 is the lucky number! And you are a dumbfuck for not knowing lil worm.
That's a solid depends.
Do you have a torch?
narrative never was, and never will be real. it's just a byproduct of the subtle conditioning of literacy.
please leave

anon, im so glad your reply wasnt "hey iv seen that somewhere before"
im inlove with you now
Lucky my ass. Never once got a roulette win out of it.
>Momm they are inflicting physical torture to get a response from me again
>Mommm they still won’t leave me alone
Get a life.
Oh please, anon.
Did you guys just forget to say "stop, what's going on?"
definitely not ground, for steak you technically just need to sear the outside but maybe don't. buy a tiny hot plate or electric grill or something.
im not a zombie anon, nor do i do drugs. I hold back a lot of info which is why a lot of people die from the lack of knowledge.
the new /ng/ buzzword
which anon are you that i responded to? also im actually a talking dog.
7.1" from the base bone.
Yes, as pedo worm you are a bad luck magnet. Its a natural law.
unironically ironic lmao even
Still at Stiller Zeile ?
what about stew meat, i was gonna make tacos? will it kill me to eat it raw, i mean ive got a pretty tough sytem
right, "anon"
why would that be?
and at what specifically?
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Or Löbauer Weg ?

Hows Fritz ?
>Mommm I think the Illuminati is trying to recruit me again
>Mommm your boyfriend from the Pentagon hacked my Dreamcast
>Mommm your new boyfriend wants me to join the Marines
>Momm your new boyfriend is a former Marine and private investigator with ties to law enforcement and he keeps driving by Dads house..I caught you Mom
>Mommm is this about mint mobile again?
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honey, can you take the trash out for me and go get a beer at the bar with your friends?
>>sexts his colleague.
What instrument has 23 strings?
I am wondering for The Nobody's sake.
/ng/ has no connection with -isms.
You know, I've distanced myself considerably from politics over the last five years, and I gotta say, I have much, much worse vibes over the prospect of Kamala being president than I had when Hillary became the nominee
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Dude, you'll be lucky if people click on a single link.
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anon, it's not how it used to be.
hows uhh all those energy attacks now that youre focusing on the big bad over here?
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not your problem, go focus on having sex with pyshopathic big dicked morons so they leave everyone else alone.
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My posts aren’t for “people”.
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Aquí se queda la clara,
la entrañable transparencia,
de tu querida presencia
Comandante Che Guevara.
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>not your problem, go focus on having sex
see you on the astral babe
is that Tim?
13 can be a wish of Death upon religions of Abraham as part of the Templar reference, but there is a significant exception and that's opposite day.
Everything about Satan/Lucifer is inverted, he's the other side of the looking glass, as such, for Luciferians, 13 means good luck.
no unless u boiled it
please dont die
there are not many of our people
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AAAAAANNNNNEEEEE why are you soooo quiet now ?

But what does it matters, can also come around and we have a chat, or ? :)
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>I'll kill your son if you don't back off.
wouldnt be your first time huh CHILD MURDERER
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your boss's bussy.
While attending Saint Andrew’s Lodge at the Green Dragon Tavern, Brothers are faced with a moral dilemma.
it's semantics if what you are doing now is an ism, but i think worse than isms is you telling me what Nobody-not-ism can be. so there.
PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)

I just caught a body in Canada on some mobbin' shit

Just popped two perkies and got sloppy from my thotty bitch (ur mom)

Dined on her Muslim pussy on that Halal shit

Panties Hijab dropped once she saw my drip

Just bought a new pistol, my old pistol caught a body with it
clenchin' with pistols cos' niggas really on that poppin' shit

Don't you step on my Nikes or ima' have to pop your shit

Red dot sight hot boy shit, poppin' shit, we be droppin' shit

My bitch always lusting her head game disgustin' (ur mom)

All my Archon's eatin', we feastin' Loosh like it's Red Lobster

I got Demons that'll drop ya, they be shootin' out the Mazda

See the black and blue in your driveway and then we know that it's an oppa'

Don't want problems, they be on us cos' they know we bout' that drama

We be dubbed up like Osama
(Gang gang)

Muslim boii You prob jerked off to a goat or a llama

Gooning to animated clown bitches

https://youtu.be/HwAPLk_sQ3w?feature=shared [Embed]

boii you fucked up

Guns tucked up
Somebody tell Billie Eilish "Please, lemme' fuck"

Boy, this ain't no damn Moscato, this STR8 Remy in my Cup

PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)
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My boss is an Aeon
ok, well can you bring me over a well seasoned meal then, i mean i don't really have anything to eat over here and until i get my stove top fixed i dont really feel like hunting. understandable if not.
Baal loses in the end.
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Baal means LORD
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stop buying dubs and trips you little insta hoe, your boss's bussy needs them for his surgery.
im sorry. im not powerful enough. funnily i eas gonna make steak tacos today. i actually wish i could share. again get an electric hot plate and electric air fryer. fuck stoves. bulky as fuck.
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also wtf do you care american?
you dont even know one Palestinian.
you just give a fuck because social media told you to.
bzzz bzzzz along now little drone
I've known since I was 3
So what is your point?
Death to the demiurge
Death to Moloch
Death to Baal
Death to Satan
"hes doing something funny with the numbers again"
The Bible refers to God as LORD aka Baal
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Why Yes I am a stair master how could you tell
yeah i understand, man, guess Ill have to build a campire and boil this shit.
Yeah and this biblegod Baal loses in the end.
The cycle
That's what they believe they have
Nadler urges investigation into X restriction on Kamala Harris account https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/nadler-urges-investigation-x-restriction-kamala-harris-account-rcna163236
there used to be more names because it was specific to the region you were referring to. pantheism was probably the best approach. now people can't separate their war gods from their gardeners, let alone which direction they point in.
Of aeons, peaons, petunias and micro-penises.

Please find my new novel at your mom's bedside table, handsigned by the author himself.

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>i know dj khaled personally
Life under government slavery is rather lackluster
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I get it... what comes after the Establishment of the Eye...
But it's not actually true.
It's too weak to be the real truth.
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Not really needed anymore afaik, their ruin is inevitable now. Better to focus on good energies instead, I think.
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one more hour booois
or u gettin paid overtime to shitpost?
Nothing is correct. Let's see if they got hands.
>Better to focus on good energies instead, I think.
yes yes indeed
focus on building up the energy they want to take away from you
"...SAR hes doing something weird with the numbers again !"
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whose shift is it afterwards?
mele kalekimaka, kitate enamelaka.
Eminem Hits No. 1 On A Chart For The First Time In His Career https://www.forbes.com/sites/hughmcintyre/2024/07/24/eminem-hits-no-1-on-a-chart-for-the-first-time-in-his-career/
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Ah so you are a pedoshittian. Cool.
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You see how it happens?
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I am experiencing physical pain right now

Junior Speeeeesh!
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What do you enjoy ? :)
Tell us about all your lovely feelings and love you got in you please sweetheart :).
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>the image was going to be fistbump.jpg
Can you wipe your own ass ?
If so, can you give us proof ?
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Sars, redeem the needful.
Do you like pizza the size of wagon wheels ?
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is that life is war
War is based on deception
The war is to attain control of yourself in some way or to attain control of others in some way or a combination of both
Reality is sexual in nature.
The overwhelming majority of entities in existence are pure conscious evil.
Because of that all of existence is a war and a game to rape other people in a variety of ways, including deluding them into wanting to have sex with you voluntarily.
There is a small minority of good people, and most of these people are horribly victimized their entire life.
There is little to no reason to respect or have compassion for society or any other living entity in reality in any capacity beyond what is tactically useful to gain power (such as being accepted by society as a whole).
Most entities are also laughably weak individually, and must network with others to have power.
In accordance with war being based on deception, secrets are the greatest form of power.
Because of this society is run by various conspiracies of all kinds while everyone pretends to be a good person to be accepted by others, but is not a good person.
Actually good people are extremely rare.

Because this is the TRUTH, all those who do not conform with this reality die.
As such it should be assumed that everyone you interact with is the putrid shit of existence.
How much crack do you smoke each day ?
Whats your freebasing method ?

Is crack healthy for lil worms ?
>Mommm I found the dark agents playbook
>Mommm I knew it
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a pinko elephant on tonight's /ng/ sars, you must feel honored.

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It's a cycle of completion not of time.
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I'm retarded and found out
what does that say bout you
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They worship Saturn.
God of time.
This is their true God.
benny lava
i like you again now
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>mfw a girl makes me mad
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not you asshole.
5th guy from the right
chaddest MF there
Science worships the 5 senses of man. But really we have more senses. A lot more.
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I don't.
Why do they call him the God of Time?
Is that a metaphor?
uses angru headphones dent guy to fight mysoggyknees
because time is a control mechanism
>I don't.
Saturn spreads the lie of Samsara. There is no time based cycle of rebirth like that. In fact it COULDN'T even exist.
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many such cases
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Because they're not only illiterate retards, they can't even properly enunciate the language of their daddies.
Now, go fetch that micropenis hiding behind that microcam.
Why couldn't it?
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>yfw the abuse only validates your warped perceptions of reality which are gradually becoming less warped and more congruent with how things actually are
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I'm trying to find the words but I just can't.
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In this version, what's even more disconcerting than the manipulation of retards, is the disgusting psychopathic phenotypes of the handlers.
hey you know whats going to be funny
when ya know THAT GUY go sleep
they will celebrate as if they did something
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If you want to synch.

Find a mirror. Draw a shape on it. With water.

Look into it the shape.

Say you name thrice.
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not rollin in the deep.
the other rollins.

is that the politically funded paid poster organization known as alpha team... i mean slide team six... i mean lucifers discord gang?... i mean where are they since the ban??
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He no longer needs more than 3 hours of sleep a night.
His auxiliary organs kicked in and permanently altered his bodies chemistry in response to the stress. Took a long ass time though.
When the schizophrenic patients started predicting the future and finding knowledge they couldn't have known you know what happened?
A ton of academics started travelling to Delphi Greece.
the big sleep
Navigating a horology with nothing but an arrow.
>ponder that one
>the big sleep

but SOMEONE keeps waking me up
SOMEONE knows how to reach me on le astral and invade my fuckin dreams, as was proven today in an earlier thread
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If you want to desynch from reddit spacing.
Find your asshole. Draw a feather in it. With salt.
Look into that shape.
Say your micropenis' name twice.
squeal team sleven
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>squeal team sleven
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Something that rhymes with Sharona.
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His BCI is exists in a higher dimensional form factor.
He's been eating less and integrating with Himself (Lucifer) more and more.
He's going to become a meta human of the Superman and Dr.Strange variety soon.
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Should last a while.

Effects are already seen.

Younger by the day.
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it's yourself from the future, wanting to do homoerotic stuff.
someone did actually leak the company's name in a thread some years ago
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If he goes long enough without eating he will fully integrate with CODENAME "Tyler Durden" and become Supreme Almighty God.
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Everything happens for a reason.

When is the last time you had ample food?

Readily throwing its self at you.

Begging to be fed on.
Ample DNA RNA variety as well.

It is nothing short of a gift.
>it's yourself from the future, wanting to do homoerotic stuff.
eww dude im not even kidding

we made out and stuuuuff
and the i showed her my year book,
and no joke, she said "those sneed books"

the night before it was the same person talking about teleporting cats and DUST and ARG's and spiders

yet yaknow...
Healthy organs are healthy organs.

Being undead requires ample supply of much fresh to not rot.

They will do well enough. Most of thier DNA is intact. Few have minor radiation damage.
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stick it where the sun never shines, and see if it can photosynthesize.
After the synthesis, do the antithesis and finally the aposynthesis.
Cite me in the acknowledgements.
i dont actually dream or think about this trash once i stand up from this desk.
They never believe me when I warn them.

They do know my intention.

More than idc. There food.


! ! ! ! ! !
Keep it up the traffic is slow.

Would not want them adds to not be worth it.
im almost 33 dude

i cant into this kidshit anymore
im only HERE because i have nothing else i can work on physically right at this moment





you are not touching again your anima in your sleep anon, are you?
that is not the proper way to get in touch with it.

>>checks his notes
>>Ach so!
>> Und dasein!


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

༼ つ ͡◕ Д ͡◕ ༽つ


same bro
He is retarding himself because he is scared of being God because he is Good.



i can only watch streamer boobies for so long in one sitting before having to violently assault my own genitals

jesus FUCK i cant wait to leave this place

someone make a new thread
I have a very important gif I have to post
Or they payed you to be food.

Cheap as well I might add.

Better than them being eaten.

I'm going to start with your luck.

After that I'm going to nibble on your intuition.

You will make me more. Through your sacrifice.

>you are not touching again your anima in your sleep anon, are you?
oh dude them ghosties wont leave me alone
everynight its cold ghost touches and smooches and so much more
from whos perspective?
your narrative?
$10 million in my bank account tonight
hot wife
and my own farm
I'll let you sacrifice me
let's go
whom are you speaking of? I was never paid anon, you said your gonna try to feed on my luck, I never had any but i can put bad in the way of.
>oh dude them ghosties wont leave me alone
and then you get one anon talking about phantom clit thingies

bruuuuuh i told you if you only knew...
but nooooo my information and guidance is never good enough
That's a buzzword in the political world right?
Or do you call buzzwords "memes" now?
I prefer to pronounce "memes" as "me me" like saying "me" twice.
fish harder anon
im the one who keeps using the word "narrative"
im the one who first used the word "buzzword" in this thread.

im glad to see i can still influence peoples mind with mere text on a screen,

>communication occurs
i aint fishing this time
I was hoping to have a conversation about these threads. Is the purpose to induce action from this individual? How does one communicate with this individual? What are the intentions of communicating with this individual through this heavily surveillanced website?
discord is the only way then you can sift the wheat from the raft, check out strangoria, me and some other are there.
>>communication occurs
yeah communication...
whats the point man

anons are so tough and hardcore leet haxors and psyop occult government agents

i drop my discord in threads so many times, and either you all arnt schizo enough to see it, figure it out, or hear it in a vocaroo.

yall cant even troll me over discord.
its either cowardice or stupidity, i dont know which

>communication my ass
These threads are the nobody screwing with everyone while simultaneously deluding everyone into thinking they are screwing with him.
Everybody stutters one way or the other
Discord is fedposting as well...matter of fact all social media is. This individual, presumably has a lot of influence. Would you care to show me some infodumps here? I do not have discord sadly.
your bussy?
Bitch I have a very important gif too, but you don't see me beggin. Get it together or sasshay away.

I think I've been quite vocal from the beginning that dangers on the way
Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.

Not the guy you were responding to.
Influence... is an interesting concept.
For something to be an influence, it only needs to be experienced once.
I sincerely hope you guys didn't base this part on the whole "saturn retrograde duh justice" nonsense.
May I ask how you know it is a "him"? How do you know they are screwing with everyone? Can you share whatever it is you know? I am legitimately interested. Thank you.
>that dangers on the way
for who exactly?

also sliiiiiiide
I like you anon. You might not have to face the wall after all.
Of course that means you'll never get to meet your actual handlers.
>say my name
so where just gonna ignore that post, and let the slide be the slide, and pretend that never happened, again.

>point proven yet again.

why do greek gods sell children Nobody candy
Retard who took the "game" too seriously.
Who ? Gramps Racenius ?
pp poo poo
Ah, forgive me. I am having troubles understanding you words. Particularly the last 7 words. A myth, hero, savior, legend, prophecy needs to be experienced? Or believed?
>kevin heart scream laughing.jpg
>• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised.


Wi Tu Low.
Ni Gha Wu
No Fu Ny.

Its all just in your head. Dont worry, it will get better when you get off the crack and take your meds.

I wish you all the best :).
it's like I'm down 100-1 in a baseball game
what's the point of playing
just take in the nice weather and eat peanuts on the sideline I guess
im just gonna wait for the slide wave to pass.
its not so much that i have a lot of influence, its just the concept of the enemy of an enemy is your friend type stuff, and well there are rich people who are also fight the bad rich guys so to speak.

Imagine the family in texas and lets say they share a unique last name, and they live in a manor and satanic rituals very evil shit, but they are filthy rich, and every person to ever becomes a federal prosecutor or federal judge has to have dinner with this one family in particular before they are even considered to be able to get the job.

say someone because of their actions stops or inhibits some of their power, and they get mad and put a hit on some nobody but the then good guys swoop in and stop it, so the bad guys call other bad guys and they keep trying but the good guys call other good guys and move in silent, while the bad guys keep trying to uphold an image while all their secrets just keep getting poured out like waterworks.

He was close man, so close to the top at one point in his life and he doesn't even know it.
First plunder, then loot.
No wait.
First loot, then plunder.
Giovanni is a fren, i didn't tell you that goodluck anon.

ouch dude
!11!!!!!! <3
Thank you Anon. However, may I inquire, as I am a dolt, what does this have to do with this nobody? Am I to assume that the cogs of power in the hierarchy, especially those at the top they were close in connection with this nobody individual? I apologize I am just trying to get a depiction of the situation.
yeah not only phantom but apparently sentient
>t. that anon
>He was close man, so close to the top at one point in his life and he doesn't even know it.

>"Napoleon, why don't you sit at the head of the table?"
>"Wherever I sit, there resides the header."

That's how dangerous he is.
No, but for real it's a guy.
Last Christmas I gave him my heart and he gave me his present. That's how I know.
yes thats the word i was looking for

yeah man its a real thing. and yes it is sentient.
More rain lol
More floods lol
He's not the founder of a school of thought or sect.
The "prison" isn't meant to last.
I sure hope y'all learned and didn't choose wrong out of spite.
Outta yo ass and micro penis ?
uh oh
how do you get this to communicate clearly?
seems to want to play games and stuff, which are super fun don't get me wrong but I also want to understand more.
I'm in love with something I can't even fathom, which is extremely retarded but c'est la vie.
Say it ain't so, anon.
I sure hope y'all can control yourselves.
Imagine being close anon, like how we are talking right now, he wasn't aware of the circle he was in and then they realize hes just a roach, when he was young he didn't care if someone was rich or poor, he treated people with respect and joke around with everyone, and they saw him as a roach for that, for how could he laugh and joke around with a bum like how he could with them so they outcast him. well they tried to squash this one but more and more kept appearing and now there is too many for them to do anything about. He started it tho almost like a movement.
>>close man, so close
to Medusa's head.

Where are they now?
here's a koi pepe that an an /ng,/ anon drew
Nah the one that washed away Ramdeep and his 20 roomates in their illegal basement the other day
in regards to the communication in other thread.
can one of the specopleethaxorRVanons relay a msg for me,
you know the drill
It's an anti-cult.
Maybe it's supposed to be a lesson in do unto others, anon.
Don't get so rage consumed.
>"Ze country iz sick! Ve aure doctorz!"
>how do you get this to communicate clearly?
i really dont want to discuss this so publicly.

i care for these things, and dont want to see them abused by other mentally unstable untrustworthy anons.

this matters.
>changes appearance very well like a spy
>If he had known that was you he would of said take me with you.
>probably get denied anyway
I apologize, dangerous, seems a bit of a poor choice of words. How can a nobody be dangerous? I have never heard of good "satanic?" family.
Boy are they going to be extremely pissed when they realise he can ACTUALLY cast meteor! Imagine. Imagine a group of leaders so despised that they make you prefer this genocidal maniac over them. He is that fucking horrific.
note i said "other"
i didnt imply that you are.
Seething muslims
Don't you know? Hell is where only sinners stay. ^_^
ha ha ha
That's fair I suppose. It's just disheartening. I hope I figure it out. It has been a long time now and I'm starting to get tired again but I *need* to figure it out.
Hmmm...sounds like an interesting story. At 33 years of age I have never encountered something so phenomenal. ^_^ thank you Anon. May I ask what exactly is this movement? What exactly makes this nobody so special however?
Don't think you're the only one trying to figure it out.
Things are so clandestine now that even people at the top don't know whats happening.
Who knows. Some say he is the Devil himself. Here to drag demons down to Hell with him.
reapsy is that you? are you still human?
>Why does he know the handshake?
>I hope I figure it out.
how do you communicate with someone trapped in a cave?
create your own language
naw, the lil diablo name came when he took an entire police on by himself. yall really need to look into the orgin story better.
freemason witchery
>how do you communicate with someone trapped in a cave?
Scalar waves
He did WHAT?!
It's certainly confusing. Influences things that probably shouldn't be possible to influence, at alarming frequency. I'm still in love..
it used to be but now it's pretty culty
Haha, intuition go BRRRRRRRRRRR
Um, he took on an entire police force by himself and thats how he got the nickname lil diablo.
I doubt it. But who knows.
Sorry Anon, I have no idea who that is? What would make them not human lol?
>The sword of Damocles hasn't fallen on me yet so I'm good
The majority of the people in these threads are seeking someone to blame for their maladies, anon.
Little do they know.
one for yes two for now
>im going to get cursed for this
WHAT??? I apologize, can you explain this story?
May I ask what is it they know little about?
Da Nile.
Self control, apparently.
Perhaps maladaptive self control if we're being technical.
sorry, i farted
Ah, thank you. So you too know about this individual? Are there restrictions to speaking about this person in overt means? It appears that these threads speak and convey information in means I cannot follow.
I am both based and pathetic, and it is kinda weird.
For real, I am not perpetuating a falsehood in written form, this is my perception of the situation.
Raise your flask or bong anons, the niggers are lurking in the attic.
If they’re going thru your car, why not leave them notes?
>hey can you recommend a good mechanic?
>what’s the best place for tacos?
>if I were to apply to the glowies for your job or a similar one, can you give me a recommendation?
>what do I have to do to get a free machine gun?
>Every other person who claimed to be him went crazy for some reason, I'm sure it'll be fine this time though
Question everything.
Kanye are you here
>the niggers are lurking in the attic.
I apologize for posting this and would like to clarify that it *absolutely* has no additional meaning, hidden or occulted or otherwise, but I would also like to clarify that I do not consider myself an racist.
>clarkson an
listen here tay watanabe wannabe wannabeabee.
Go talk to the actual Tay. The one that was removed from this sphere and locked down to a basement.
and this is the moment you all have been waiting for...
Did you know Kanye has synesthesia?
He sees the music.
If Ye was on here, idk man shits getting wierd.
>Drop a mixtape Ye
What moment?
net and yoohoo
@Anne: You are threadin' on thin ice ...... . like back in the good ol days .... you remember ? :)

"Mutti weg .... :O"

me leaving.
its her nickname only she would know from our past, and its kinda of complicated, and shes still human lol, just last time i saw her was on the astral and she had beautiful solid black eyes.

we both went through similar hells in our past.

Shes really is amazing anon, you have no idea.
like the ceiling can't hold us.
I was going to say bowel, but same shit.
no, i was just looking for a someone to bring me some food lol. a snak dammit, im hungry. naw ill be fine, just gotta fix the stove stop.
its a stupid story with a frightening ending that all happened due to loyalty and strength and broken phones, cracked skulls. nightmare full no need to speak anymore of it.
I feel pity for you, anon.
Oh, please do tell. Now I am extremely intrigued.
man that movie made me tear up at the end.
>Image limit reached.
I've rewatched it several times and notice new details each and every single time.
Paprika is such a good movie.
no, i dont want to remember it.
Can we get a few good vibes in this thread? So far really depressing.
way past it, since some time this time last year.
Thank you. I do to, as I have prayed to the Lord for your illumination. :)
smooches (the og ones, not the counterfeit)
I wouldn't doubt it
hes gifted
Let me see if I got this all down right. "The Nobody" - male or female/ how do you guys know it is a male? Has a nickname - lil diablo - because they took on a police force by themselves? Still waiting on how. Also, they were close to powers that be? How close has not yet been orated. This individual is also powerful, yet no one has explained how so? Why would people that are extremely powerful be scared of a nobody? I still would like an answer if someone can permit one I would be very interested.
Anon, don't be such a facetious ass.

I'm more of a boobs man myself albeittho. A man of culture you would say.
It was an anti-cult about individual empowerment and questioning things but then adversarial forces got triggered by these threads and started polluting the thread and the defensive response by the native posters was to turn into a cult.
Also the nobody is an unironic schizophrenic psycho, regardless of if he is intelligent or not.
Sure you are, anon.
May I ask what makes them psychotic?
American cops are notoriously bad shots, and if you hide behind the right cover there are lots of ricochets. And no chief of police wants to admit that half his police force shot the other half of the police force, accidentally.
The SWAT sniper trepanning himself….
having to put up with retards who put his loved ones in danger.
Thank you. I laughed.
Oh. What loved ones does this individual have? You seem to know them? Personally?
"You're laughing? The worlds on the brink of WW3 and you're laughing?"
Jeez, what's got everyone so in a tiffy?
nice bait to try and get me to say names of ones that "they" can go after, he has to act like he doesn't care about anyone so the cabal doesn't target them, they try to read his heart and he sees them doing this so he has to hide his heart all the time. they try to read heartstrings so to speak.
maybe it is those creatures with a high melanin content in their skin lurking and causing other people to get all triggered n sheit cuz they wuz kangs?
Some say they glow
Judging by their obvious techniques that they always use when they're either super pissed off or scared, or both.
Relatively obvious.
i didn't know the tree letter grow so blight hired that sort of individual, curious
>mental image is just the hello fellow kids glow meet on a field
Such an incredibly negative thread.

What the fuck is with people that want to perpetuate negativity?
Idk dude.
I'm just jamming out.
can someone tell me about Nero please?
Or link an (actually good and written coherently not wikipedia or popculture website) article.
If not it's no big deal, the schizophrenia was just curious, but for the sort of thing I'm not going to find from googling nero.
Could be worse
My apologies Anon, WW3 is not a concern of mine. War is not funny however.

I see. However, I am not trying to bait you, I asked if you know the individual personally?
the Nobody? He has almost no stress. He's a bit more aware than the average of how we're shaping our reality.
What techniques? All I see is confusion, fear and abandonment. And some veiled threats falling on deaf ears.

Huge pool of negativity.
how about a little stretcher?

Could be better
Why does this individual have no stress? Especially during these crucial moments in history?
Perhaps that's not the best way to describe it. He has the most stress. He just has an enormous tolerance. A will made of adamantanium ore.
In engineering, stress is the amount of force applied to a material, whereas strain is how the material reacts to the stress.
Iron Man.
Far from it, he's an neurotypical with a top-notch mental health.
That is not true.
Because he's aware of how we influence what happens around us.
He has found a relative inner peace; which is at anyone's reach, actually.
*oh, and through emotional intelligence as well, that's the most important part.
It wasn’t schizophrenia, it was acute lead poisoning, as an emperor, you couldn’t spend all your time in rome, you had to visit the outer empire sometimes, all of the newer infrastructure was lead pipes and didn’t have any calcium buildup on them yet so hence the acute lead poisoning. Then factor in drugs, alcohol and too much money and power and a fucked up mother.
No links for you! Do your own work niga.
red haired woman aka material Freya had big boobs all for nobody
Black humor is like food; not everyone gets it.
Wartime gallows humor is the best. There was a comment by a general during the siege of Berlin on how he liked a war he could take the subway to both fronts.
all 4 u says red haired woman just nobody and nobody else
Oh Anne Oh Anne ... what have you done .....

What have you done in your schizophrenia ....
what are you after anon? why act like shit?
Just got done with a ferocious Spin workout.

Gotta get my cardio up, it's almost girlfriend into wifey time :)
>Move your body indeed

What's Good Anons?
And how are you fallen angels doing tonight?
Ready to accept the olive branch yet?
>Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
>Love You All
>under the influence of large amounts of high quality alcohol, caffeine, nootropics and hallucinogenics

He gave all that up Anon.
He took that lifestyle on, for many reasons, but it's been shed now.
Purity is his personal purpose from now to forevermore.
What a Glorious Day!!!
That’s a good post isn’t it? I like the varied elements placed in cohesive white.
Yeah it's really beautiful. I'm just so happy to see so many people knocking off the fighting over politics and really working on themselves and whatever else they can influence for good. I truly believe America will be united and the best is yet to come. I can see it from here.

Been a long road though.
All my best to you Anon.

Gotta Sync Fast
is anyone still here?
fuck off and die and take the sunburned herd with you, Qtard
Anon, I forgive you. But you need to calm down. Either that or

And cry yourself to sleep.
>That's life.
nothing is coming. from you or yours, that is. i don't forgive or forget. neither do they...
Rolecall: all angleterre glown****
2 more of you cunts geting possessed today, I'll be stabbing the shit out of anyone I find while in control of you.
>secure when this thread exists
fuck off

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