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Is Wim Hoff a prophet? He got his breathing method while studying yoga books but with no real source and his own spin it looks divinely inspired. There were medical studies on WHM that proved it works. He was pretty popular a few years ago after getting on Rogan. Do any of you still practice it?
His method is just very, very basic qigong. He discounts the spiritual part of it without acknowledging, or perhaps not knowing, that part helps to protect your organs in practice.
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>Is Wim Hoff a prophet
Hes an ascetic at most and I'm really complimenting him here.
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Psychic much? You guessed my age perfectly. But look up Tumo it's way different than WHM
>His method is just very, very basic qigong
Do you know if it's dangerous for someone to practice his method without a teacher? Supposedly, it's dangerous to practice qigong without a teacher. Unless, qigong is safe to do without a teacher, but it's internal alchemy that's unsafe to practice alone.
If you actually perform yoga as an internal exploration of cosmic forces, then intuition will guide you better than any external source of information.
It's like doing you're own car work, if you do it by yourself without knowing anything you can drain the oil while the engine is running or fill the gas tank with antifreeze but it takes a special kind of retard to really do that much damage. At most you'll strip a lug nut or two then you know what not to do for the rest of your tires and the next car you own won't have to put up with your early mistakes but we only get one body per lifetime so it's better to have a teacher, somebody that knows what they're doing and can point out your mistakes and help you do what's right.
Really simple qigong like Holding the Tree or the Feel the Qi routine can be practiced from a description or video instruction. Anything more than that, like other internal martial arts practice, really requires a teacher.
Something like the WHM, any serious qigong or Tumo absolutely should have a teacher - you're working on raising your body temperature in a consistent manner well above normal human energy output, you need guidance on pushing that heat where it needs to go instead of cooking your nerves and organs.
Internal alchemy alone? You will be coughing up blood.
1. Do a maximum exhale (empty lungs as much as possible).
2. Maximum inhale and hold.
3. Suction lock the tongue against the roof of the mouth (tip of tongue behind and touching teeth) and do a Kegel clench lock.
4. Hold breath for as long as possible.
5. Exhale and unlock tongue and Kegel.
Do you know if the above is enough to cook nerves and organs? If so, is there a way to undo the damage?
so trve + digits
>4. Hold breath for as long as possible.
>hold breath
No. Just don't. Breath needs to flow naturally in and out of the body. Holding it creates restrictions that need to be worked out - this is true in swimming as much as qigong.
That method probably isn't enough to generate much heat but it presents other dangers.
>it presents other dangers
Do you know what they are? Would it be dangerous to hold one's breath without doing the tongue and Kegel lock?
if anything about wim hof method is dangerous its the cold exposure not hte breathing
>Psychic much?
dude he is not a psychic he just figured you out as a newfag please lurk moar
the retarded hyperventilating probably doesn't help
>But look up Tumo it's way different than WHM
way different is clearly an exaggeration
he didnt have a wrathful deity teach it to him, lol
>Do you know if it's dangerous for someone to practice his method without a teacher?
so long as its not taken to extremes like those kidney-adrenal damaging long sits in viciously freezing water, and you follow up those ice cold shower blasts with stillness meditation to properly absorb and settle
>Supposedly, it's dangerous to practice qigong without a teacher.
it depends what kind of chi kung. iron crotch? you better have one! 8 broacades baduanjin? videos are fine.
>Unless, qigong is safe to do without a teacher, but it's internal alchemy that's unsafe to practice alone.
true but you gotta start somewhere and you cant run before you crawl
I'll echo that other dude, these breath holds are not what you want to be doing
what you want to do is get everything as quiet as during the breath hold, but via streamlined meditative breathing pattern trained absolutely diligently so as to maximally program the autonomic response with a completely silent breath
dude this is why a lot of teachings are protected by oaths, so that piecemeal bullshit doesnt get found under a rock by someone completely naive of how to properly perform these practices
there's no telling what sort of plinko disaster will come tumbling down, its rather an individual thing that we cant give you but "here's what some reports have been"
its just a tech to manifest a certain effect, you dont keep doing it for a ridiculously long time
Wim hof ruptured his intestines by taking a swim in a lake in a park and giving himself an enema from the park fountain, the force of which ripped through him (he has talked about this). He almost died. So yeah maybe he is, desu his breath stuff is great
>He got his breathing method while studying yoga books
that canibalistic people from india does the same shit as he does in the cold.
His breathing exercises are powerful and the cold exposure is useful also to a point. His personal philosophy that he aimlessly goes on about in his talks is just a bunch of assorted incoherent boomer hippie platitudes with a Buddhist bent. These days he’s really bought into his whole personality cult and not worth listening to. You can learn the breathing exercises on your own but have to be aware of some of the risks of doing the cold exposure on your own, several people have accidentally drown by passing out so be aware.
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I mean, Breathing technique is the basis of a whole lot of esoteric teaching & meditation practice, you do not need to "study" a lot of ancient esoteric book to know this fact. Hell, Holotropic breathing was invented by Stanislas Grof in the 70s to continue his research after the ban on psychotropics substances.

He went intense on it to cure his depression and continue on this road by trying extreme sport like some folk do. Even cold therapy was a thing way before him, especially in northern Europe.

So what he did was take inspiration on this many things and put a spin on it, he gain momentum with early internet social media trend and the rest is history.

It's preparation, talent, and then some luck. He put some ancient knowledge in a digestible form to be consume by the Western Market.

If you look closely, many a social media "influencer" anons try nowadays to take more or less obscure internet things to make them go virals or bring product to it (on semen retention, mushrooms, and whatnots). But it's mostly untalented & unprepared twats that try to make a quick buck on late stage capitalism consumerism. Wim Hoff are nothing like them which add to his genuine aura.
>social media "influencer" anons
I know what you mean. I see many life coach types who take reddit subreddit type material and make clickbait for it.

Like you acknowledged, some popularizers are actually talented though. Such as this Stanislas Grof material is interesting. For example we have Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette's popularization of Jungian archetypes in "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover"

Another example I find interesting is August Dunning who is trying to popularize dry fasting
>Do you know what they are? Would it be dangerous to hold one's breath without doing the tongue and Kegel lock?
Holding your breath isn't necessarily healthy. You might have to do it but as anyone who snorkels will tell you, you can get painful mini-cramps. These are energetic blockages. Doesn't matter your posture. Don't hold your breath during qigong.
These posts. Re-read them.
>giving himself an enema from the park fountain
>ruptured intestines
What. The. Fuck.
cold exposure is good. the breathing he does can be attained in a little known practice in the western world known as "exercise."
>breathwork is a more intense form of meditation
>I give thee the path to higher life
>broccoli and exercise
also if you take a look at your pets, notice what they look like when they are relaxed. they breathe through their nose, slowly. when you see an animal hyperventilating or panting, you instinctively know that it is distressed in some way. the physical and the mental are a feedback loop. wim hof is inducing a stress state that induces a temporary euphoria. it cranks adrenaline and cortisol, which means it is vasoconstrictive, which means that it isn't "increasing bloodflow." your body redirects blood away from your extremities (including your head) to try to keep you alive. this isn't necessarily a "bad" thing but you can attain the same benefits with less physical stress with slow, controlled, deep breathing into your belly through your nose, and trying to maintain this state as much as possible even when you are stressed, exercise, expose yourself to the cold, etc. this will actually also give you superhuman breath holding capabilities and resilience. box breathing can chill you out as much as hyperventilating for ten minutes. also it will improve your meditation. im not saying the tummo guys are wrong but that's just what i have discovered from research and practice and they have different goals than most people. also i recall hearing a freediver say that professional freedivers would NEVER use the wim hof method to train their breath holds and that if anything it's counterproductive and dangerous for what they are trying to do. instead what you have to do is increase your CO2 tolerance. buteyko was the real prophet
He’s done some rather dumb stuff, desu. On his first attempt at the ice swim he did it no goggles, shut his eyes. Swam eyes closed underwater, lids froze & he couldn’t open them, nearly didnt find the exit hole in the ice.
No, and quit looking for people to worship.
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He never claims to be a spiritual teacher in any form whatsoever, yet he generates mountains of seethe and butthurt from hindus and buddhists for giving the layman an easiliy accessible, man-of-the-street set of techniques for breathing and finding mental stability. He blows the lid off of the pretentiousness of eastern mysticism by making the people who self-proclaim to be "enlightened" enter thrashing hissy fits, like many ITT are doing. You don't need to know sanskrit texts, or perfectly mimic mula bandhas, or qi gong "microcosmic orbital" energy transfers, or all of the le super esoteric and forbidden temple knowledge to move your feet forward with self cultivation. Point this out, and watch swathes of false prophet faggots who apparently experienced "ego death" enter neurotic and rage induced meltdowns

Get your ass in cold water, do some breath work, and meditate. Keep it simple, stupid. You already have all the tools you need to spiritually move forward in the room with you.
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nothing is original, just wrapped up and regurgitated over and over again in different packages
Who is that? yetti?
Thanks Jesus
is wim hoff method just pushing hands ripoff
Russian Porfiry Ivanov popularized cold water dousing like 100 years before Wim.
And north people the world over have been doing hot-cold therapy since forever. So?
I feel this point is worth stressing. A teacher can help, but a teacher doesn't need to be a human either.
cold exposure and holding breath hone willpower. 2 minute breath hold is sheer willpower or altered mental state.

it decouples flight fight response from rational mind overwrite. that gives you better way to deal with daily stress

denying oxygen to the brain alone helps kill brain cells and feel euphoria.

Wim Hoff gives that hyperborean energy. dangerous stuff to revive...
Sauce on the method to build willpower? I could use a bit of a boost. Thanks fren
not a single merchant is interested in spirituality
>Wim Hoff are nothing like them which add to his genuine aura.
and he's exactly like them
>>He never claims to be a spiritual teacher in any form whatsoever, yet he generates mountains of seethe and butthurt from hindus and buddhists for giving the layman an easiliy accessible, man-of-the-street set of techniques for breathing and finding mental stability.
Glad you acknowledge he is part of he mercantile spiritual materialism.
>Sauce on the method to build willpower
you sit and practice
and dont skip
Not even on leg day?
I did it for a couple of weeks and noticed how my cold tolerance got a lil bit better and how cold showers could be a great alternative to caffeine to wake up in the morning. I've always been a bit letargic because of my sedentary lifestyle, and the shock of being under cold water did help.
especially not on leg day!
I can do 1:40
I did the breathing exercises a lot but never the cold plunge stuff. There's definitely something to it, I did it when I felt myself getting sick again during coof and I'd be fine the next day. I haven't been sick since. Also tweaked my ankle real bad and it helped it heap abnormally fast
Could you post a link to a recommended tummo practice? I'm eager to try it this winter
What's wrong, You don't take enemas daily in the local park? What else is the water for?

Goddamn dutch
Redpill me on cold showers
Authentic tummo is weird as shit. It's monks smacking and rubbing themselves while doing pranayama and they shake and jump up and down.


Lowers stress hormones and increases brown fat which is good for some reason.

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