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The Empty World is a parallel plane of reality mere milimeters away from our world in the 4th dimension. It is in a different frequency vibration, at a different octave compared to our world. The Empty World is a mirror or clone of our world, with the same landscapes, the same buildings, the same cities. It is a world with the same buildings, natural formations, trees and plants. But there are no people or animals. Because of this, it is called the Empty World, AKA the Silent World. Because in this world there is a jarring lack of the usual sounds, no animal sounds, no insect sounds, no people talking, no cars, no airplanes. Only the sound of the wind, the sound of running water in nearby rivers, and the echoing sound of your own footsteps and labored breathing as you wander about this seemingly abandoned world. Yet because it is a copy of our own world, none of the buildings are abandoned, unless they are actually abandoned in our world as well. The city is exactly as it is, except without any of the people or cars. although parked cars and any objects tha have been staitionary for a long time are existing in this world as well, and can be driven. This world is ideal for urban exploration and getting into places that you normally wouldn't be able to get in, because of a lack of people/guards. However there is the chance that one can get stuck in that empty world if one stays too long in it. I am a member of a secret society which is not known to the general public or to local authorities, whose sole purpose is to exploration of this Empty world which appears to be a clone of our own world, and making our way into locations that normally are out of access. Ask me anything, although depending on the content of the questions, some of them I'll refrain from answering, because information is my trade, and in a secret society secrecy is paramount.
fake and gay but if this is an “exact copy of our world” or whatever, how does it change? when someone builds a house here, does the house just fly together from the component parts in the empty world? is shit just flying around all the time? does the house just appear?
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where do you "start at" when you travel to this world? and, HOW do you travel?
where do you procure yourself food and drink?
I want to explore stuff like big cult compounds\ secret bases and maybe catacombs, cave systems, etc... Maybe grand canyon cave system, to see what's truly there?
>have you done stuff like swimming to Antartica? do you have your real body or some kind of astral body?
You maybe wondering why the heck is a member of a secret society posting on 4chan. Well, I can say that it is simply because I am somewhat of a braggart. Because we have found a way of consistently entering into this world and exploring it, something that to my knowledge no human has been able to willfully replicate. But we can. And so we are taking the opportunity for boasting and seeing what kinds of reactions we can gleam. We have but a few members in our secret society, spread over the United States, the Balkans, and some South American countries.

When we enter into this Empty World, from your perspective it would appear as though the person has vanished without a trace. This can be used for example if one wants to hide within his own house. The practitioner can phase into the Empty World, and see all the objects in his house exactly as they have been left for a long time. Although this doesn't apply to any objects that have been recently moved in the real world. then the person can just hide in his or her house, sipping tea, while people in the real world are frantically trying to find the practitioner. The search party may be even in the same room as the member of the secret society. Their searching is in vain however, as the practioner is in a parallel plane called the "empty world" by us, and therefore there is no leakage of noises. This technique is very handy for hide-and-seek games, I must say. As it is for breaking into other people's homes and offices for information gathering. We are still yet to fully explore the capabilities of this parallel world and all that can be done with it. As most of our members, we are just exploring this empty world out of mere curiosity without any ulterior motives. Although evading search parties and effortless "place hacking" is thrilling in it's own right, as is exploring this empty world and finding answers to the mysteries as to how this world came about and why there is normally no living activity in this world.
Some good questions.

To answer you, this is "an exact copy of our world" with some caveats. It appears that this is a "save point" of our world, for lack of a better terminology. Meaning that any objects that have been stationary for longer than a certain threshold of time in the real world, are made "clones" and appear materialized in the empty world. From there on, these objects can be manipulated in the empty world, without making any changes to counterparts of the objects in the real world. From our experiments, we have concluded that periodically there are made "clones" of these stationary objects from the real world, and they get "saved" into the empty world. It is not known exactly why or how this happens, or even what the threshold is. Only thing we know is that objects that are in motion or commonly modified in the real world do not appear in the empty world. So cars that are commonly driven in the real world do not appear in the empty world, however cars that have been abandoned in the real world and lying motionless do appear in the empty world, and are driveable in the empty world. Moreover, returning to the real world these abandoned cars are untouched. Thus suggesting that they are made clones into the empty world. Again, we do not know how or why this happens. We just know that it happens.
Basically like the upside down from stranger things but less disgusting? How do I enter that place tell me, Exploreranon
>when someone builds a house here, does the house just fly together from the component parts in the empty world? is shit just flying around all the time? does the house just appear?

I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability. All the buildings in the empty world appear as they are in the real world. We can enter into people's houses and see their belongings, however we cannot see, nor hear, nor interact with the occupants of these houses. We have not tried observing the construction of a house in the real world, to see what the effects of the construction would be onto the empty world. We only know that changes to objects in the empty world do not get reflected into the real world. But changes to objects in the real world do get reflected into the empty world, albeit after some amount of time. We do not know what that amount of time is. Only that certain buildings in the empty world appear to be past versions of buildings in the real world. Meaning that if one store was a Walgreens in the past, and now it is an Organic Foods shop in the present ... we would see the building appear as a Wallgreens in the empty world. I hope it answers your questions. There is yet still so much that we don't know about this other realm. And yet we are hesitant to explore it for certain reasons. Or to make reckless experiments that might cost our lives or sanity.
also if you answer this I have related questions but more specific and also in-depth
>where do you "start at" when you travel to this world?

We can start at any point on the map. You may be wondering how do we enter into the empty world from the real world? I will simply say that we are able to do this at any time, from any location, given enough time and concentration. Any one of our practitioners can start at any point on the map, and then use a technique to "disappear" from the map. What actually happens is that the practitioner phases out of the real world and enters into the empty world in a split second. An outside observer will see the person simply disappear into thin air. Along with any clothes that the person happens to be wearing or any objects holding. Although the objects have to be small enough. It the person is holding onto a handle of a refrigerator, or the inside of an elevator, "the jump" will not work. It will work if the person is standing on a surface, but not being "attached" to any large object. For example, holding onto a railing or a doorknob will not work. but just standing in a locked room such as a bathroom or an elevator, will work. Indeed we often try to use rooms that are closed off to the public, because someone would be shocked to see a person disappearing into thin air.

>and, HOW do you travel?

Same as in this world. The empty world has the same physics. We travel on foot, or sometimes hijacking an unattended vehicle. However it is quite a hassle to find the keys to activate such a vehicle, therefore walking is our preffered method of getting around in the empty world.
There are plants but no animals - that's fucking retarded. That doesn't make any sense and this is just stupid faggy backrooms shit repackaged
>where do you procure yourself food and drink?

When we first started out explorations of this parallel world, we would bring our food and drink with us. anything that we could carry in our hands. Such as a water bottles, chocolate bars, cereal boxes. However we soon discovered that we could procure food and drink from grocery stores in the empty world by simply walking into the building and taking as much food and drink as we pleased. The taste is indistinguishable from food in the real world. We can confidently say that as long as the grocery stores keep restocking in the real world, we will never run out of provisions. we can just walk into a gas station for example and grab items off the shelves. When we return to the real world, the establishments that we have raided in the empty world seem untouched. Leading to the conclusion that the empty world is some kind of "clone" or "mirror" of the real world. So far we see no reason not to looting the food stores in the empty world.
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thanks, I will try to ask my questions in a concise manner to not bother you. Im almost "reality shift" myself a couple of times this few past weeks, Im confident I can access the empty world if I really try...anyways:
>Have you gone to any of the top "sacred\power spots" of earth? Vatican private churches , Potala palace of tibetan buddhism, mecca's kaaba etc?
>I still don't understand quite well how the body works there in the Empty world. for example if I train myself here running 6KM a day + sprint training, and then go to Empty, will I benefit from all the training I did, and thus be able to move there much more gracefully, nimbly, quickly? maybe even do parkour or urban climbing...
>also for food: since it's empty, i guess you just throw a stone, break a window and get into a gas station, and take all the snacks and soda you want? Its like Dr Stone +Im Legend kinda lifestyle there?
>I want to explore stuff like big cult compounds\ secret bases and maybe catacombs,?

Our secret society is very obscure, and we have not revealed ourselves to the general public, nor do we want to be known to any other groups. Hence we are simply known as "the Explorers". A rather generic and quite fitting name. Actually it's true, we do not yet have any official name for ourselves. Yes, we are a bunch of amateurs, using Discord and phone calls to communicate with each other.
We are amateurs. Many of us are neither athletic enough nor brave enough to enter into top secret areas in the empty world. so far we have limited ourselves to exploring our local cities and the surrounding areas. There are still a lot of places that we haven't explored. Maybe we will explore into secret bases or compounds. Even though there are usually no people in the empty world (with some notable exceptions), no security guards, no police officers who could arrest us. Breaking into a top secret compound or military base (or to be more exact, it's counterpart in the empty world), would be no small feat. One would have to break the locks, climb over the fences, destroy doors using brute force, and that's something that we are physically incapable of doing as we are not anime superheroes. We simply have not attempted something like that ever before. For now we are keeping a low profile and exploring this empty world, keeping to places that are "safe".

>cave systems, etc... Maybe grand canyon cave system, to see what's truly there

Personally I'm not brave enough to exploring a cave systems, neither in the real world, nor in the empty world. Even if there are no animals, the environment itself is hostile, cave systems themselves are dangerous. If one would get stuck in a cave or a mine in the empty world, no one is coming to rescue you, because quite simply you are the only one there.
Now that you have more of an idea of who we are, I can answer the following questions.

>Have you gone to any of the top "sacred\power spots" of earth? Vatican private churches , Potala palace of tibetan buddhism, mecca's kaaba etc?

We have members in the United States, Columbia, and the Balkans. One of our members is a Serbian. He has explored various Serbian Orthodox churches and historical sites (or their counterparts) in the empty world. He has been to Kosovo in the empty world, a feat that he can't achieve in the real world because there are soldiers at the border and they won't let him in. In the empty world there are still fortifications and guard stations, but without the guards. He has explored the ancient Serbian temples and historical places in Kosovo without fear of arrest by the military.
I am located in the United States. I have broken into several local Protestant churches in my city in the empty world, for fun. I will not tell you what city. Only I have explored the interiors of these churches. Only after visiting these churches for the first time in the empty world, I came back to the real world, and attended Sunday services in these churches, and I have indeed confirmed that the interiors are identical, the layouts are the same as I remember them from when I explored in the empty world. But Tibet, Mecca, or the Vatican are too far away to travel.
If you were expecting to seeing angels or paranormal creatures in these sacred places, I would have to disappoint you. There is literally nothing there. Other than the man made religious artifacts. No magic, no ghosts, no angels. Sorry.
>also for food: since it's empty, i guess you just throw a stone, break a window and get into a gas station, and take all the snacks and soda you want?

Yes, any food and supplies is free to take. And no one is stopping you. that's why it's pointless to break into a bank in the empty world, where you can just break into a store and take all the items.

>do you have your real body or some kind of astral body?

The "emtpy world" is a physical realm. And the practitioner is simply "teleported" from one realm into another, for lack of a better word. Therefore, yes, you do have your real physical body. and you can get hurt or die if you are too reckless. That is why we refrain from taking too much risks. Being conservative to stay on the safe side.

>have you done stuff like swimming to Antartica

No, we have not. The water would be too cold to swim, and you can still drown or die in the empty world. So we have to be careful exploring. If you accidentally fall and break your leg, then you still feel the injury.

>for example if I train myself here running 6KM a day + sprint training, and then go to Empty, will I benefit from all the training I did, and thus be able to move there much more gracefully, nimbly, quickly? maybe even do parkour or urban climbing...

Training in the real world is the same as in the empty world. You still have your body. any trainings or any injuries in the real world carry over into the empty world, and vice versa. All your physical abilities (or lack thereof) are the same. Namely what stops us from exploring more boldly is that most of us aren't particularly athletic or healthy.
>There are plants but no animals - that's fucking retarded.

There are objects that have been motionless in the real world for a long time. These objects show up in the empty world. This includes both man made structures, as well as trees and plants. There are no animals or insects in this world. Why I think this is the case: because animals and insects are always in motion. Objects get "mirrored" into the empty world, only those that have been motionless for a long amount of time. We do not know how or why this happens, only that is is.
^^^ This is my comment above, I forgot to write the name.
Ok but how does wind get there then
Based off what you're saying there would no oxygen at all since it would all be moving too much
Even more than that it would eliminate the vegetation since they don't need oxygen but rather cardon dioxide which wouldn't be there without animals
This is a good question. I do not know how to explain it. All I know is that when we phase into the empty world, we can breathe freely. We have no difficulties in breathing, indicating that the atmosphere is the same. It could be that the atmosphere is shared between the real world and the empty world, or that it is cloned somehow. We can speculate, but I do not know the answer to any of these questions. I am just as clueless as you are. In fact, we have not thought about these questions before. These are all very good questions to investigate.
>I am a member of a secret society
How'd you become a member and what's the recruitment process like?
>the practitioner phases out of the real world and enters into the empty world
Might you be able to elaborate how it's done?
>Even though there are usually no people in the empty world (with some notable exceptions)
Are you able to say?
Are there other people inside the Empty Plane that are not part of your group? Did someone you know get stuck there? Have you seen places that no longer exist in our world?
If I was given access to your personal dimension, I would start my own farm, but I'm not sure if plants can grow there normally.
Not OP but most O2 on Earth is from cyanobacteria AKA blue-green algae (plants contribute the rest) so that's where they would begin their investigation as to why the air is breathable there. See if algae or other microorganisms exist there.
>How'd you become a member and what's the recruitment process like?

I would say that the recruitment process is very informal and usually based on what some might call "nepotism". I got inducted into this secret society only because I knew the founders in my personal life. Most of us were either originally friends, or knew someone who knew someone, or had been introduced via a personal recommendation. Personal reccomendation meaning that one of our members had found a person in real life, had a chat with that person, and after ascertaining that the person is trustworthy, informally introduced that person to "the Explorers". There have been some exceptions though. But we do not take new member requests at this time, and especially not on the internet, as we have no way of verifying the person's identity. Since this is a completely anonymous forum, I cannot disclose much too sensitive information, for obvious reasons. It's a secret society for a reason.

>Might you be able to elaborate how it's done?

The technique is something that can be theoretically done by anyone, yet not everyone has the aptitude or ability to do it, as not everyone can be a mathematician or athlete. No special technology is required. It is a psychic technique. I cannot reveal too much about how exactly it is performed, as if the secret were leaked to the general public, then potentially thousands of people would be exploring the empty world. Obviously we want to keep information restricted. You may think that we are bad people. Although you will see that it is for the greater good. This technique is based on changing the vibrational frequency of the practitioner's body, thus shifting into the empty world and doing the process in reverse to go back again. It is based on willpower, some amount of practice, and additionally there is some sort of trick to it. But that's as much as I am willing to reveal.
I cannot tell you the specifics of this technique. And if I reveal too much information, I may accidentally give a clue, and someone experienced would be able to reinvent this technique. I fear the consequences of it being available to the general public.

Let's think about what can be done with this technique. Obviously the empty world is a convenient place to hide from the authorities of this world. At least the police are not aware of it. I do not know if any higher ups in the government are aware of the existence of this plane, but so far we have seen no evidence of their presence there. The practitioner can hide in his or her house evading search parties. While within the empty world, the practioner is invisible to anyone in the real world, and vice versa, and sound also does not propogate. We have performed experiments proving this. a limited form of "teleportation" can also be performed via using the empty plane. This entails phasing from the real world into the empty world, then walking somewhere on foot in the empty world, potentially jumping over fences, breaking windows, and picking locks, to get into secret places, then phasing back into the real world. the practitioner would find himself or herself in the exact same place in the real world. However from the perspective of people in the real world, that person would have disappeared in one place and reappeared in another, thus teleporting, although it is not instantaneous. But the advantage is getting into secret places and bypassing security. this technique could be useful for theft, bulglary, assasination, espionage, finding incriminating documents, blackmail and all kinds of crimes.
One could for instance brute force one's way into secret places, jumping fences, breaking locks and such, destroying doors in the empty world, in order to reach a certain location. Then when phasing back into the real world everything remains the same, the damage is limited to the empty world. So what happened? the practitioner has entered into the empty world, then entered into the destination location, without attempting to stay hidden since there's no one in the empty world anyway, destroying infrastructure in the process of forced entry, then the practitioner has exited the empty world and returned back into the real world again. But now he is inside of the destination location, and since changes to objects in the empty world aren't mirrored in the real world, all the doors remain locked, and no one suspects a thing. According to an outside observer, a person disappeared in one place, and after some amount of time, reappeared in another place, perhaps inside of a locked room. Then that person is free to do literally anything.

Imagine what the mafia would do with such abilities. Or imagine what the governments of the world would do with such abilities. Or corporations. Or mercenaries. Or criminals. Or any other people hungry for power or money.

This is why the technique must be a tightly guarded secret. And we cannot allow anyone to know how to access into the empty plane. As this will give the wielder of the technique disproportionate power. I am writing this on 4chan only because I do not intend to reveal any sensitive information. and no one would believe me anyway, thinking that this is just a shitpost.

We are simply a secret society of amateurs, esotericists, "place hackers", explorers and pioneers. We are mostly with anarchist leanings. But we adhere to a strict moral code. We do not use our abilities for evil, we do not try to hurt any people. Nor would we ever serve any worldly masters. And we do not accept "jobs" from anyone.
>If I was given access to your personal dimension, I would start my own farm, but I'm not sure if plants can grow there normally.

In the absence of herbivores, the plants in the empty plane grow quite vigorously indeed. Most places are overgrown by weeds, vines, and plants, giving the impression of some kind of post-apocalyptic abandonment. Plants growing in the cracks of asphalt, plants growing over old abandoned buildings. This is also combined with the curious phenomenon that any bushes or grass that are trimmed regularly in the real world stay that way in the empty world, and they are not overgrown. So you can see which plants are trimmed and which ones are not. It all looks very weird.

Plants grow normally, even more vigorously than in the real world, because there are no insects. We have explored farms and gardens. They are typically overgrown by weeds or vegetables such as huge bushes or plants of pumpkins and cucumbers covering absolutely everything. We have not attempted to start our own farm. We are for now content with scavenging the local gas stations for packaged snacks as food.
How'd The Explorers originate? How long has it been around? If an Explorer destroyed a door in the Empty World, would it stay that way indefinitely? Have members undergone medical tests after returning from the Empty World? If so, were there changes? Do members notice side effects after returning from the Empty World? Have any members noticed being placed under surveillance after joining?
>Are there other people inside the Empty Plane that are not part of your group? Did someone you know get stuck there?

In my explorations of the empty plane I have found one woman who had somehow gotten stuck there, and lived there for three years before I found her. She had simply gone out of her apartment one day to take a walk outside, however she soon discovered that everyone disappeared from her point of view. And she had somehow gotten stuck in the empty plane with no way to return back. She thought that the rapture happened, and she was left behind, alone in the world. For reasons unknown, when she was 23 she spontaneously phased into the empty world, and she was 26 years old when I found her. She has been a part of my life ever since. She had been surviving by scavenging the local grocery stores and gas stations for food, as we usually do. While she was able to survive, she had sufferred stress and depression because of the isolation. We were able to phase her back into the real world. While in the empty world, I tried to perform the technique while holding her, to return to the real world with her, but I was unable to do it by myself. Then one of our members went into the empty world, found us, and did the technique together with me while holding this woman, and that was sufficient to bring her back to the real world. She is now doing well. We have taught her how to perform the technique, and she was inducted into our secret society. I am now in a relationship with her. I cannot say anything else. In our secret society we have an agreement for not revealing the identity of our members. Hers is a special case, in which a new member was inducted into our secret society without taking the usual precautions, because of the special circumstances.

So far we have not seen any other cases of people who had gotten stuck in the empty plane. But we have only explored a small portion of the empty plane.
>How'd The Explorers originate? How long has it been around?

The Explorers group originated in an apartment belonging to one of our co-founders, who was the creator of the technique. For the purposes of this discussion, I will refer to him as "the Professor", although he is not actually a university professor, he is an elderly man posessing great knowledge and intuition. We originated as a group focused on meditation and spiritual healing, think reiki. The Explorers gradually grew out of this earlier meditation group, acquiring new members mainly via familiarity and personal reccomendation. We were an informal group of friends, relatives, and acquaintances who gradually started using the technique to explore the empty world, for fun and curiosity.

As "The Explorers", the group has been together for about 6 years now, although the meditation and spiritual healing group has been in existence for many years prior. There are multiple members more skilled and experienced than me. I am now the "press relations" of our "secret society", and now writing this information to 4chan. Although a "private club" would be a more accurate description of who we are.
>If an Explorer destroyed a door in the Empty World, would it stay that way indefinitely?

It would stay that way indefinitely in the empty world only. But it's counterpart in the real world would be undamaged. Any changes in the empty world are limited to the empty world only.

>Have members undergone medical tests after returning from the Empty World?


>If so, were there changes? Do members notice side effects after returning from the Empty World?

No changes or side effects. Except if one gets injured while in the empty world, the injuries to the body are persistent even in the real world. The word "real world" is a misnomer. The "empty world" is as real and physical as our own.

>Have any members noticed being placed under surveillance after joining?

Not that we know of. If yes, then we have no knowledge of that. Anyway, this is the first time that we have published any information about our activities to non-members.
Have members tried leaving items in the Empty World? If so, did they remain there? Have members tried using alternative vision technology in the Empty World? Such as night vision or infrared. What about detecting sounds outside the spectrum of what the human ear can hear? What's the weather like in the Empty World? Is it always daytime?
>there is the chance that one can get stuck in that empty world if one stays too long in it
Has the safe maximum duration been determined?
>I will refer to him as "the Professor"
Did he discover the method by accident? How long does it typically take to learn?
>we are a bunch of amateurs, using Discord and phone calls to communicate with each other
Members might need to find an alternative way to communicate. Communication capable technology in the Non-Empty World is backdoored.
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Nice larp. Anyways, if you found a working technique to "shift your frequency to a parallel world", in this case the "empty world", you could try variations on that technique to shift to other places.
yeah I saw this movie too
In Stephen King's Langoliers story, this silent world is simply the past, being devoured by the Langoliers. There are probably only plant formations and buildings and dead objects in this silent world, because time passes differently for non-living things than it does for living things.
Are these the houses of the settlement on the mountain from the movie Edward with the Scissor Hands?
when i hear people talk about worlds being a frequency or a vibration i cant help but think about the universe as a radio wave. All radio waves are transmitted simultaniously from the same place. Your brain is your car radio and can only be tuned to one frequency at a time. Ayys have a radio that can switch to different stations. Am I saying something here or just talking?

nice concept.
I hate threads like these. My whole life I've been looking for a scenario like this to play out and whenever I see threads like this it hits hard. My life has no meaning except my significant other and even after so many years, I still take walks in case I might bump into something out of the ordinary and begin an adventure. I hate it if OP is telling the truth because he won't disclose information, shutting my dream down and I hate it if OP is LARPing because I realize there are more people like me that would actually waste time to write fiction presenting it as truth. Psychedelics have made me go through this experience but they are so overwhelming I can take them once per year and that is IF I'm feeling okay at the given time. If you can elaborate any further on the techniques used to achieve this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Even if it's a lie, there will be something to look forward to in the future. Thank you OP for this piece of fiction, you've sparked that empty feeling of longing and nostalgia for something I haven't experienced.
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The closest thing you'll find to explicit applied /x/-ness (apart from "meditate", "do drugs" and "talk to imaginary friends"), are schematics for weird electromagnetic shit or scalar fields. Presumably those can actually be built and run, but I haven't met any /x/ engineer.
>Have members tried leaving items in the Empty World? If so, did they remain there?

Yes. It is possible to perform the technique to shift into the Empty World and back, while holding onto any small items. They will also be transferred over. But if the practitioner is holding onto a large object, such as a railing of an elevator or staircase or lamppost, then the technique will not work. We have only tried it with small items that we can carry in hand.

We have tried bringing items from the Real World into the Empty World and vice versa. These items are indistinguishable. One of the more curious discoveries that we have made. We have raided a gas station in the Empty World, completely cleaned it out, taken all the snacks out of it. We can eat the food and it tastes the same. However when we visit that same gas station in the Real World, obviously no one has any knowledge of the theft. All the snacks, all the items are untouched. None of the gas station employees notice anything amiss, business as usual. It is because we have raided only the counterpart or mirror of that gas station in the Empty World. The version of the gas station in the real world, all the goods remain untouched and are being sold to regular customers. We have tried bringing the stolen snacks from the empty world into the real world.
>Have members tried leaving items in the Empty World? If so, did they remain there?

I have taken a bag of chips in the empty world gas station. I went into the restroom and phased out of the empty world back to the real world, ending up in the restroom of the gas station in the real world. I came out of that restroom with the bag of chips in hand. In the real world, on the shelf was the exact bag of chips that I had just taken out of the empty world. I am now holding a duplicate of that bag of chips in my hand, which is indistinguishable from it's counterpart in the real world. I believe that we have stumbled on an item duplication glitch. For every inanimate item, there is a clone of it in the empty world. If small enough, this item can be taken back to the real world and placed together with the original item from the real world. You have now duplicated that item.
>Have members tried using alternative vision technology in the Empty World? Such as night vision or infrared. What about detecting sounds outside the spectrum of what the human ear can hear?

No to all of the above. Regarding sounds, the reason why the Empty World is so quiet is that any sounds from the Real World do not go into the Empty World, and vice versa. Which makes the Empty World an ideal place for secret meetings if you don't want to be eavesdropped.

>What's the weather like in the Empty World? Is it always daytime?

The Empty World has it's own weather. Usually it is cloudy or overcast. Sometimes it rains, when during the same time in the Real World there is no rain. Sometimes there are thunder storms. Both planes appear to have their separate weather systems.

Ball lightning is a more common phenomenon in the empty world than in the real world. We see those plasma spheres flying in the sky just underneath the clouds quite frequently that it is no longer an unusual occurrence to see them flying about. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I am 100% positive that these are indeed lightning balls rather than UFOs or crafts. They look exactly like ball lightning in videos on the internet.
>What's the weather like in the Empty World? Is it always daytime?

It always appears as "daytime" but a little bit dimmer. Neither Sun nor Moon is seen, however the sky is lit up and we can see objects well. There are also no "normal shadows". Regular objects such as lamp posts do not cast shadows, nor do any of the Explorers. But any areas that are shadowed all the time are permanently cast in a shadow darker than in the real world. I mean places like back alleys, places in the interior of abandoned buildings. And there is a jarring contrast between these two kinds of places. Any location that is outdoors and under open sky is well lit, but there are no shadows. Any location that is surrounded by buildings or constructions on multiple sides, obscuring view of the sky, is shrouded in a permanent darkness.

This is our theory why such a phenomenon occurrs. The only objects that we have seen in the empty world are those that have been motionless for a long time. However as per the rotation of the Earth, the Sun and Moon are constantly in different positions in the sky. This is why we can't see them in the empty world. They are just invisible. However the resulting lighting conditions appear to be an average of daytime and nighttime. Hence it always appears as a dimmer version of "daytime", since the day is proportionately so much lighter than the night. For whatever reason it seems that we see an average of all the days and nights. The Sun and Moon move too fast across the sky to be visible, yet their effects are seen by lighting the sky in a consistent glow. And hence there are also no shadows in outdoors areas.
The only places where shadows do appear are indoor locations where the lights are on. The light switches in most buildings work, and when the light is turned on it casts a shadow behind objects as usual. This implies that power plants, generators, etc are still up and running in the empty world as well, although we have been warned not to come close to them. Our technique consists of controlling the energy of the body, causing it to vibrate at a higher frequency than normal. When we come into the empty world we "gain" energy, and when we exit out of the empty world back into the real world we "release" energy. The Professor has warned us to stay away from the power plants and the lightning balls and any other high energy things in the empty world, since it is not known what will happen if we come into contact with them. According to theory, such an encounter might disrupt our technique, possibly overwriting the energy signature, thus preventing us from returning back into the real world. There are still many things that we do not know, but we are not willing to risk our lives to answer these questions.
>Has the safe maximum duration been determined?

No, it has not. Some of our members have had sessions in the empty world lasting several days. The Professor has had a session lasting about one week before returning to the real world. In the case of my girlfriend, she had been stranded in the empty world for three years, completely on accident due to no fault of her own. By the time I found her, she was on the verge of losing her sanity. After I comforted her she has remained with me ever since. This is the danger of the empty world, staying for too long and slowly losing your sanity because of lack of seeing any other people and severe depression. Another danger of the empty world is that you could injure yourself, and unless you have friends, there would be no one to heal your wounds. Since our technique requires concentration and energy control, it could be the case that upon injury the practitioner could no longer successfully perform this technique to return, thus being stranded in the empty world. Then coming into contact with high energy devices might "reset" the energy of the practitioner, also preventing him or her from getting back to the real world. So we tend to avoid taking any unnecessary risks. We have determined that if someone gets stranded, it takes two practitioners performing the technique in reverse, while holding the person, to get that person back into the real world. although we consider ourselves lucky that we were able to get her out at all, since the two practitioners need to perform the technique in perfect synchronization, otherwise it will not work. Not a small feat by any standards.
>Did he discover the method by accident?

No, that is unlike him. The Professor is a very theoretical man. The technique was created via theorizing. He created a theory, then derived the technique based on fundamental principles. I cannot tell you what those principles are, as they are way over my head. I just know how to perform the technique and explore the emtpy world, and how to return back to the real world.

If you're asking, the technique was rigorously derived. Only he discovered that it lead into the emtpy world by accident. The empty world was an accidental discovery. We had no way of knowing that performing the technique would lead us into this parallel plane.

>How long does it typically take to learn?

Several days to several months. It took me about a month. The record for one of the members learning the technique was just in a several days. We also have some members of our secret society who have not been able to master the technique, hence they cannot travel to the empty world. However they are our acquaintances, they are still within our group.
There is no guarantee that you will be able to successfully learn this technique even if I tell you all about it. There is no guarantee that you will be able to successfully perform this technique every single time, even if you have successfully performed it before. Not every attempt is successful.

>Nice larp. Anyways, if you found a working technique to "shift your frequency to a parallel world", in this case the "empty world", you could try variations on that technique to shift to other places.

So far we have not tried it. What would it entail? To layer one sequence of the technique on top of another one? We merely got lucky that it sent us into the empty world. It could send us into outer space, or into literal hell, for all we can speculate. Hence we are hesitant to shift to other places as we have no way of knowing what awaits us there. The empty world is already eerie and bizaare enough.
>If you can elaborate any further on the techniques used to achieve this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

No psychidelics and no special devices are necessary. I will only say that this technique can be theoretically mastered by anyone, but not everyone is capable of this.

We have an agreement in our secret society not to divulge too much information. I cannot elaborate any further on the technique. Because if I would, some experienced mystic might be able to replicate or derive the technique independently. Do you know what will happen then? Our secret will be out. We consider ourselves as the self-appointed stewards of the empty world. Therefore we are extremely selective of new members into our secret society. We only accept a person if that person is extremely trustworthy.

Access to the empty world grants special abilities. For example, a ninja could suddenly appear in the bedroom of a politician, and murder the politician with a sword, and then disappear into thin air. Such are the capabilities of our technique and the empty realm. The number of political assasinations would skyrocket. We are scared of what might transpire if this knowledge falls into the wrong hands. Power corrupts people, it makes people evil. By definition, we do not trust powerful people. If you want to get ahold of us via email, phone, or real life, forget it. We will never reveal our true identities to anyone. This is because we could be physically threatened or tortured by powerful people to divulge the secret technique.

>Thank you OP for this piece of fiction

It would be better for you all to think of it as fiction, made up stories. No one would believe it. And that allows us to keep a low profile. We don't want to get targeted by the governments and corporations because of the knowledge that we possess. It would be best if we would be taken not so seriously, simply a story.
>In Stephen King's Langoliers story, this silent world is simply the past, being devoured by the Langoliers.

I don't know who Stephen King is and I have never heard of the Langoliers. I don't even know what that word means.
wew, for a second I thought you may have jumped to Toonworld
bullet dodged, my friend, bullet dodged
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Have members tried doing comparisons between food from the Empty and Non-Empty Worlds? Like, do they smell and/or taste the same? Do they get one to the same level of fullness? Has anyone tried comparing expired food from both worlds? If so, was the expired food from the Empty World at the same level of spoiled (smell and/or taste) as its counterpart from the Non-Empty World? Have stool samples been sent to a lab? If so, were there differences when a member ate all Non-Empty World food for a week vs all Empty World food for a week? How long have The Explorers been exploring the Empty World? Do they keep track of all visits? If so, how many have been made? Does performing the entry method have requirements? Like extra sleep and/or nutrition. Does performing the method tire the person? How do The Explorers get funding? Has anyone tried mining crypto in the Empty World? Has any video of the Empty World been taken? If so, do you think it's safe to share?
>The technique was created via theorizing
Do you know what the Professor was trying to achieve while creating it?
>I still take walks in case I might bump into something out of the ordinary and begin an adventure
>The closest thing you'll find to explicit applied /x/-ness [...] are schematics for weird electromagnetic [...] or scalar fields
One can use a portal to travel to the Inner Earth.
>you can open up these portals
OP ,if you're still here (lovely info you're giving, makes me emotional as I would LOVE to explore Nature, churches and holy shrines, etc -but high crime and police/border patrol/park rangers prevent me!):
How does Time work? If i go "there" to the Empty World and stay 10 years there, I understand "here" 10 real years would have passed, instead of time being dilated and only a few minutes expiring here. Is my understanding correct, about this?
>And if I die I die for realsies right? So I'd go to Heaven or hell or toll houses or wherever people who die IRL go
>Have members tried doing comparisons between food from the Empty and Non-Empty Worlds? Like, do they smell and/or taste the same? Do they get one to the same level of fullness?

They're the same for all intents and purposes. Same taste, everything.

>Has anyone tried comparing expired food from both worlds? If so, was the expired food from the Empty World at the same level of spoiled (smell and/or taste) as its counterpart from the Non-Empty World? Have stool samples been sent to a lab? If so, were there differences when a member ate all Non-Empty World food for a week vs all Empty World food for a week?

No to all of the above.

>How long have The Explorers been exploring the Empty World?

6 years so far.

>Do they keep track of all visits? If so, how many have been made?

No one keeps track of the visits. I'd say that visits are done on a weekly basis. Visits are completely voluntary and ad-hoc, depending on the personal schedules of each member. Once the member has been inducted into the Explorers, and has mastered the technique, he or she can visit the Empty world for personal exploration on a whim. However sometimes we do get together to perform coordinated exploration sessions. Not too often though.

>Does performing the entry method have requirements? Like extra sleep and/or nutrition. Does performing the method tire the person?

It does have some requirements, and it does tire the practitioner. Mostly it is a mental effort, intense concentration. Some people can do it with minimal effects, others tire quite quickly. With practice it gets easier. But it is not inordinately difficult.
>How do The Explorers get funding?

Each one of us work our own jobs. Remote online work with a flexible schedule is ideal for exploration. So exploration sessions really took off during/after covid, when many members started working fully remotely. No one at the job asks question regarding the wherabouts of the members.

>Has anyone tried mining crypto in the Empty World? Has any video of the Empty World been taken? If so, do you think it's safe to share?

One of the features of the Empty World is that electronic devices don't seem to work. We cannot bring active phones with us, because due to their energy they disrupt the technique. One limitation is that we can only bring energy-neutral objects with us. Which precludes any active electronic devices.

I have disassembled my phone, entered into the Empty World holding the phone, but then when I reassembled the phone it wouldn't turn on. And the same phenomenon happens to all other electronic devices. Any devices that we find in the Empty World, such as computers and security cameras are seemingly dead, and won't turn on even if plugged into a power supply. Lamps work if plugged into the same power supply, lights on in buildings, the power plants apparently are working in the Empty World. Only electronic circuits don't seem to work in the Empty World. This is currently a mystery that doesn't have an answer.

>Do you know what the Professor was trying to achieve while creating it?

I know but I can't reveal that information.

>One can use a portal to travel to the Inner Earth.

Our technique is not based on portals or any advanced technology. We do not open up portals for traveling. I don't think that the Empty world is the "Inner Earth" though. What do you mean by that?
>How does Time work? If i go "there" to the Empty World and stay 10 years there, I understand "here" 10 real years would have passed, instead of time being dilated and only a few minutes expiring here. Is my understanding correct, about this?

Yes, time seems to flow at the same pace. 30 minutes of exploration in the Empty World means that the Explorer was absent 30 minutes from the Non-Empty world. We all seem to age at the same rate. No time dilation or lost time has been observed.
>And if I die I die for realsies right? So I'd go to Heaven or hell or toll houses or wherever people who die IRL go

I don't know much about heaven or hell, so there is not much that I can say about that. I can't say what happens to people after death

I can only say that any injuries sustained in the Empty World affect your real body, and they hurt, and they are semi-permanent meaning that they eventually get healed with proper medical treatment. That's one of the things that we watch out for, avoiding any injuries in the Empty World. Because the technique requires some amount of concentration, which cannot be done while in a state of pain or injury, or drunk or drugged or sleepy for that matter. One has to be mentally alert and well and calm. Injuries and exhaustion and dehydration are avoided. Better to be safe than sorry. I suppose that it is possible to die in the Empty World just as in the Real World, although we have not had any fatalities. So when you die in the Empty World, yes I think that you die for real. I want to be clear that this is not a dream world or anything. The Empty World is as real and physical as our own. Even though there are no people, no creatures, and no monsters, urban exploration itself is dangerous.

So when you die, I think that you die for real. Where the soul goes is a question in and of itself. It is maybe possible that for some obscure reason the Empty World has it's own laws of physics or something, I don't know. Maybe you become a ghost or undead, I don't know. It would be unwise to test this theory. On the slim chance that you become a ghost wandering the Empty Plane for eternity, you definitely don't want that. But so far we have seen nothing, no ghosts, no zombies.
ah, I see. so it's 100% real and all "stats" (fitness, injury, aging) are transferable between the 2 worlds . And what about Space? earlier in the thread you say you pick where to "spawn into", in the Empty World, but when you switch back to this world: do you appear in your place of choice? in your bedroom\wherever people expect you to be? the equivalent location in here\ from there?
Is this why you're afraid of criminals finding out, they can just appear on the other corner of the earth or any other country?
What if you take an object from the empty world into the real world and let it sit for a long time? Will a clone of the clone be made?
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Have members taken medical tests after returning from the Empty World? If so, were changes noticed? Do members feel different? More tired? Do their minds feel different? Have their dreams changed? Do they feel like a piece of their soul was taken? Have water samples been taken from the Empty World? Faucets, hoses, rain, rivers, lakes, swamps, the ocean, etc. Has any ocean exploration been done?
>I don't think that the Empty world is the "Inner Earth" though. What do you mean by that?
Hollow Earth Theory. Meaning, the Earth has a world at its center, with the 2 largest entrances being the North and South Poles. While there are many other smaller entrances that involve a network of tunnels and caves. There's an inner Sun and a city. There's also a maglev or vacuum tube network that might be from antediluvian times.
>One of the features of the Empty World is that electronic devices don't seem to work
Has anyone tried getting simple electronics (like a flashlight or lamp from the Non-Empty World) to turn on in the Empty World? Basically anything that doesn't contain solid-state parts or circuits, isn't digital, or seems simple enough.
can I enter and deliberately not leave until I die? contact me and find me, you know what I am
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So ,can I "sneak up" unto the Empty \Mirror world when Im home alone or supposedly sleeping (yes, I live with my parents...RENT FREE) to go to a gym for free, or go to the local swimming pool (sneaking into, somehow in the mirror world..I kinda have it figured out I guess) to have the huge pool all for me? and then come back -and, albeit tired- no one notices?
>We consider ourselves as the self-appointed stewards of the empty world.
That's quite the presumption.
OP, you seemed to be a wisened man wary of spiritual things to which the average chump is oblivious. Tell me, what does it mean when the universe is obsessive and feverish towards trying to make a particular person insane, angry, and immoral vis sending them interruptions, nightmares, stress, distractions, loneliness, humiliation, and all sorts of peculiar and externally-given psychological struggles which would not exist in a normal person in the context in which they are received? At the same time the level of destruction is not total and all encompassing; it's kept within a particular narrow range as if to avoid stagnation at all costs. Let's just day it's like life is a daily humiliation ritual and that I can never just be to live a quiet, normal life of peace and solitude.

There's more I can talk about involving the supernatural, but I am a bit frightened of getting too "real." I think if I stay in the realm of implications it's better.
based mysticneet maxxer
>ah, I see. so it's 100% real and all "stats" (fitness, injury, aging) are transferable between the 2 worlds . And what about Space? earlier in the thread you say you pick where to "spawn into", in the Empty World, but when you switch back to this world: do you appear in your place of choice? in your bedroom\wherever people expect you to be? the equivalent location in here\ from there?

Yes, you "spawn into" the equivalent location, going both ways. This is best attempted in an open space. One other danger of exploration, is that if you "spawn into" a location that contains objects there, you risk hurting yourself by getting hit by these objects. Such as falling on top of furniture and breaking your arm. This is complicated by the property that locations in the empty world are slightly different than in the real world. If they have been abandoned or untouched for a long time, they are the same. But if the furniture has been recently moved, then the counterpart of the room will be different. The furniture and other objects will be in a different place than you expected them to be. And you wouldn't want to accidentally hit yourself by spawning into a furniture.

>Is this why you're afraid of criminals finding out, they can just appear on the other corner of the earth or any other country?

Yes, it is possible to appear out of thin air into any location, even a locked and guarded area. Only the person has to physically get to that location in the empty world and perform the technique in reverse to get back into the real world again. You could get into homes and offices.
>What if you take an object from the empty world into the real world and let it sit for a long time? Will a clone of the clone be made?

That I don't know. We haven't tried it yet. I should mention that after we have modified locations and objects in the empty world, they don't seem to get "updated". For example when we raided the empty world gas station, it never "restocked" with supplies. It seems that locations in the empty world do get "updated", except for those that have been modified by the explorers. We do not know why that is.
>Have members taken medical tests after returning from the Empty World? If so, were changes noticed? Do members feel different? More tired? Do their minds feel different? Have their dreams changed? Do they feel like a piece of their soul was taken? Have water samples been taken from the Empty World? Faucets, hoses, rain, rivers, lakes, swamps, the ocean, etc. Has any ocean exploration been done?

No to all of the above. The bodies of water are devoid of fish. Many are overgrown with lillies and other water plants. I suppose that it's the same for the oceans.

>Has anyone tried getting simple electronics (like a flashlight or lamp from the Non-Empty World) to turn on in the Empty World? Basically anything that doesn't contain solid-state parts or circuits, isn't digital, or seems simple enough.

Flashlights work but phones do not.


Yes, that is indeed possible. If you spend for example two hours in the empty world, you will be missing for two hours in the real world until you come back.
The above three posts are mine. I forgot to put the name field again, sorry.
It's alright, sir!
Not OP, but it's clearly because you are more pure than most people so the demons target you because it's a way of getting to God. Obviously, you make them seethe at a primordial level. I'm guessing you are a man with a deep connection to the Almighty and demons froth in their boots where they stand that they can't split you apart.
Other than the woman you found in the Empty World, did you find others? Did she feel the need to sleep while she lived in the Empty World? Were her dreams the same? Have other members tried sleeping in the Empty World? Has anyone done fitness testing in the Empty World? Like using a treadmill or running around a track. What about weight lifting? If so, does strength, performance, sweating, and getting tired work the same way as in the Non-Empty World? Psychologically, mentally, and emotionally, do members feel different when they're in the Empty World?
>Other than the woman you found in the Empty World, did you find others?

No, so far we did not find any others. Right now one of our priorities is exploring this empty world for possibly finding other people who have gotten stuck there possibly, and bring them over to the real world. When she was in the Empty World though, she didn't meet any other people, although one day she did see a fresh chemtrail in the sky, the cloud-line that is emitted after a plane flies over. What can we conclude about the plane that left this trail? Did the plane somehow phase into the empty world for a limited amount of time? Was the chemtrail itself cloned from the real world into the empty world? We can make speculations, one more bizaare than the other. Though this makes me wonder, what happens to the people who are missing or disappeared suddenly without a trace? Do they end up in the Empty World, or in some other world? Can we find them and bring them back? Does something similar happen to the ships and planes that get lost in the Bermuda Triangle area? Are there also other such Bermuda Triangle areas all over the world? One of our long term goals is to hijack an unattended boat in the empty world, and sail to the Bermuda Triangle area in the empty world, see if we can find anything, although that would take a lot of time and effort.
>Did she feel the need to sleep while she lived in the Empty World? Have other members tried sleeping in the Empty World?

Yes, human beings feel the need for sleep. If you're wondering, nothing about human physiology is any different in the Empty World. Physical tireness can be a hinderance to performing the technique to get back, so in that case we reccomend Explorers to rest for a bit. She did have to sleep in the Empty world, but her circadian rhythm was messed up due to a lack of usual day-night cycle that we are used to. As mentioned above, the sky is perpetually daylight, but just somewhat dimmer. And we think that this is the average of the day and the night. But we do not see the Sun and Moon, merely an illuminated blue-grey sky. See my responses on the climate there. But either you are so disciplined that you fall asleep at a certain time by habit, or you just sleep whenever you are tired or whenever you feel like it. Obviously being active for too long is discouraged otherwise you get insomnia.

>Psychologically, mentally, and emotionally, do members feel different when they're in the Empty World?

Hard to say, but mostly no. No different, if the lack of usual day-night cycle and lack of creatures can be ignored.

>If so, does strength, performance, sweating, and getting tired work the same way as in the Non-Empty World?

Yes, it's the exact same. We haven't done any physical fitness in the Empty World deliberately. Mostly amateur parkour, breaking into buildings, urban exploration, and a whole bunch of walking to places by foot. So somewhat physically demanding for an average office nerd, but nothing for our cavemen ancestors.
Assuming an analog multimeter can be turned on in the Empty World, has anyone tried using one to test an electrical outlet in the Empty World to see if the results are identical to an outlet in the Non-Empty World? Have any members found earlier era aircraft without advanced electronics? If so, were they able to start the engines? What about earlier era trains?
Ah, a philosophical question, not related to the main topic. In this case I will answer from myself.
I believe that the universe, or the omniverse (everything that is ever in existence) is indeed a computer simulation of sorts. And that reality follows some kinds of computer laws.

As a tangent, I would like to discuss the properties of the Empty World that we have observed. To some extent, it is non-sensical. It looks like a "clone" or "mirror" of the Real World. Except that could not have originated via causality. The buildings in the city look like they were built by construction workers. They are indistinguishable. But then where are the construction workers who built it? Logistically speaking it doesn't add up. Where are the people who built it? Where are the people who stocked all the shops? The items are just there. We have lots of things that don't make logical sense, many unanswered questions. But we have to choice other than to accept what reality is before our eyes. No point in wondering why this thing or that thing is like that. It just is, it just is. Such are things in the Empty World. Things are just as they are and you have to deal with it.

I will tell you about my philosophy a bit. It is a combination of radical acceptance and radical responsibility. The former, meaning accepting things as they are, regardless if they make sense or not, maybe not asking too many questions. The latter, taking everything as your responsibility, either direct or indirect. It may not be your fault, but it is your problem regardless. And it is up to you to do something about it. Who cares, it's your fault or not?
Your question seems like, "why is the world unfair" or "why does the universe trying to give a particular person a bad day or a bad life". My answer going off on my previous points, no use in asking why, it just is. Radical acceptance and radical responsibility. Regardless if the universe is treating you unfairly or not, it's your responsibility to do something about it. So try to do some kind of work. I truly believe that hard work is rewarded sooner or later. Either in this life or the next. Try to better your life in some way. Treat this life as a kind of video game in which you are the main character. This doesn't mean to live recklessly. You can still get hurt, sure. But it means taking your life into your own hands, taking your problems into your own hands, even if it's not your fault, even if it's external forces hurting and sabotaging you. I truly believe that the human will is stronger than circumstance.

Who is to say that the problems that you face in life are more or lesser than those of any other person? Some l struggles which would not exist in a normal person, you say? I would say that a normal person has the same problems as you, he just doesn't tell you. He maybe dealing with a divorce and drug problems while he looks like a successful businessman. People have their problems, they just don't show it. The other thing that I can say is that sometimes events happen that are beyond our control. So we must focus on things that we can actually control or improve in some way. And these maybe more than we think. But sometimes shit just happens. Just be grateful that you are not spontaneously teleported into the Empty World or some other parallel world. Although some might find the solitude peaceful, idk.
I believe this because I’ve heard stories of people “slipping” into empty type worlds, similar to what you are describing. Everything is just vibrations and you are maybe seeing echos of the “real” world. Very cool, sounds like an interesting society. Good luck!
What else can I say? You asked why is the universe trying to make a particular person miserable, but at the same time the level of destruction is kept within a narrow range? To avoid stagnation on one hand, and total destruction on another hand? I think that this is some kind of "program" or "simulation". Think back to the video game analogy. I grew up as a 2000s kid playing video games, which were simulations or approximations of the real world, but with some rules in them. There were levels, enemies, and bosses that you had to "beat". And furthermore, it was difficult, but the difficulty level was kept in a narrow range. Not too difficult that you would quit the game.

I believe that life is a simulation, somehow similar. These trials, stresses, and problems that you are facing are like "enemies" in a video game. You undergo stresses and then you "level up". Each time you "level up" your stats increases, your abilities increases, but the difficulty level also increases. That's why when you solve old problems, there may come new problems, even harder than before. I think that's when you "level up". It's a "stress test". To see how much stress you can take. But I believe that anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So the only thing that you can ever do is to make yourself stronger and more resilient to the "attacks" that life throws at you.

It seems that "the enemy" is trying to make a particular person insane, angry, and immoral. If you give into these temptations, you have lost the game. It is a constant battle of the will. And by exercising your will, by holding yourself together, by keeping your sanity, by never relaxing, you are "playing the game" and you are "winning the game". If you are a video game character, no point in asking why it's like that, no point in asking why you are here or why you deserve it. The only thing that you can do is play the game and "beat" that level.
Why do some people suffer in life, while others bask in wealth without having to break a sweat? Now why do some people have life way harder than others? I think that it is because they are fighting at level 1000 where all the "monsters" and "enemies" are way stronger. The other people are at level 5, where the "video game" is much easier. So I think when you "level up" the "game" becomes harder.

Some people asked about heaven and hell. I don't know, I think that reincarnation makes more sense to me. So those people who are having inordinate difficulties in life are "old souls", those who have beaten the easy levels of the video game in their previous lifetimes. And now in this lifetime they are living life on hard mode, they are playing in expert level difficulty. I think that if you are able to overcome these problems, then you become really badass. Because then problems that make level 5 people panic, don't even stress you. They are just ordinary nuisances, instead of existential threats. For you "real problems" are on an entirely different level. Somewhat like the meme of the dog sitting in the burning house "this is fine", but inverted. You become used to hardships, you become used to problems. Like kids who grow up in battlefields have much more mental toughness than kids who grew up in suburbia watching tiktoks. A moderate level of hardship is good for the soul. It's like workouts. That's why I think the hardship is kept in a narrow range. Just difficult enough that you feel the pain, but not too difficult so that you are given a chance to overcome that level of difficulty.

What if at the end of the road you overcome all your problems? I believe that you are given the chance to evolve into a higher being. Become a superhuman or obtain some special abilities.
Do you happen to know anything about other universes besides this empty world? And how to travel to them? A bit off topic I know, but I figured I'd ask. Anyways, thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
Have you ever heard the story of how the last knight standing on the battlefield, after the battle is over becomes the king of the kingdom? This is what I'm alluding.
>Do you happen to know anything about other universes besides this empty world? And how to travel to them?

No, I don't have knowledge of any other universes.

>I believe this because I’ve heard stories of people “slipping” into empty type worlds, similar to what you are describing

Have other people visited the empty world? Is it a common occurrence? Are they still stuck there? And can we find them somehow and help get them back into the real world again?

>Have any members found earlier era aircraft without advanced electronics? If so, were they able to start the engines? What about earlier era trains?

We have indeed found earlier era aircraft in small town airstrips in the United States. Ironically some of these aircrafts had the keys laying on the pilot's seat. We were able to fly these aircrafts in the Empty World, on one occasion using them to fly from one airstrip to another one. The airplane persisted in the Empty World but it was not present in the Non-Empty world.

Boats also work. No information about trains. Older era cars also work. Although we need the keys to start the ignition, and that can be a hassle to find. Newer cars with the electronics do not work.
Something about that picture giving me a real strong nostalgic feeling. Very odd. Hit me really strong when I first looked at it but I'm just chasing the feeling.
Do any members know how to remote view? If so, have they tried using it to find people in the Empty World? How'd you run into the woman you found in the Empty World?
Does it feel like looking at a liminal space photo?
It’s not common, but people have reported being “transported” to the same places they were used to, but empty. Any clue for the initiated on how to do it on command? I won’t abuse it.
>Do any members know how to remote view?

Not to my knowledge.

>If so, have they tried using it to find people in the Empty World?

No. I don't even know where to start.

>How'd you run into the woman you found in the Empty World?

Completely on accident. Actually, hearing some footsteps while exploring and investigating the source. In the absence of any other people, sound travels far.

>Does it feel like looking at a liminal space photo?

I just searched for "empty suburbs pictures". It's not actually how the Empty World looks like. The Empty World looks realistic, but more abandoned and run down. This picture was only intended as a click-bait for new readers.
Maybe not you, but other readers will abuse it. I know for certain that government agents are reading these forums. Along with other types of unsavory individuals. Therefore I must be careful not to reveal too much information. Meanwhile, how do we know you're who you say you are? Trust issues. These are the inherent problems in online communications.
Has anyone tried taking photos in the Empty World with earlier era cameras?
Hey bitch, this one is for all the real grinders in the real world and not your fake video game cope.

You are stupid as fuck
Cave diving on a ghost planet has got to qualify you for the ultimate Darwin award.
Cool thread, OP. Thanks for sharing this info.
>not free solo-ing, white river rafting under tain at night, base-jumping and skysuit-ing on a ghost planet
Damn, you're really close to being just a LARP.
My question is about how this relates to the theory that such a world exists, say, a few seconds away in the future, and when that time lapse occurs, we all move into it, and leave such an empty world behind?
I think they even made a movie about it, the langoliers or something?
If I accidentally went to the empty world where could I go to hopefully run into a member to bring me back?

You guys should make "check here" hubs for accidental arrivals.
what kind of drugs do you guys do? ( for travel purposes)

I completely disagree. The only things that matter are wealth, power, beauty, and pleasure. My life has been sabotaged by team of apes and I hope hell is real so God can torture them in maximum pain for eternity.
IF this stuff is real, it's exciting for many reasons and has important applications:
>can become an eternal, international, daily global odd job-er \homeless\ hitchhiker
>can explore "top forbidden" areas like Area 51, Dulce base, etc
>everything you can do alone, but is free. Amsterdan for free weed 24\7, free gas stations snacks
>you can set shit on fire, throw fireworks, create explosions of all kinds
OP. ya off exploring?
Can I switch off and on to hang out with animals or humans at given places, and the phase out to escape if needed/dodge ticket and fees?
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This is an interesting thread. Not because its believable, but because I can tell that this "Explorer" is working on his worldbuilding for a story he is working on. A /lit/ reject perhaps? If not, post your writings in their Science Fiction and Fantasy generals, you may get some more interesting responses and questions about your "experiences".

I wish this were real though as I've been attempting to change my vibrational frequency to reality shift for almost a decade. Either I've made no progress, or it is fiction.
>except my significant other
Here is your problem, you are a sexhaver, this means you are a npc and have no control over your soul. Get rid of her if you want to embrace the paranormal.
There might be guy in Italy, @kilmaru on tiktok. There are animals in his world though.
>If I accidentally went to the empty world where could I go to hopefully run into a member to bring me back?

If you are in North America, go to the Texas/Arkansas area. If you are Europe, go to Serbia. Respectively Texarkana and Nish. In public areas such as malls, grocery stores, and gas stations. Make some noise, since sound goes far in the empty world due to lack of any other noises. Find a car engine or some other machinery that you can activate. Or actually the simplest idea would be to create a big huge bonfire that could be seen from a distance.

>You guys should make "check here" hubs for accidental arrivals.

Good idea, maybe we should paint over billboards explaining what is this place and where to proceed for rescuing.

True, that's why we refrain from doing anything too risky.

Yes to all of the above. Except I wouldn't recommend exploring "top forbidden" areas such as DUMBs in the empty world, for the same reason as cave diving. Even if you do manage to break down the doors, you wouldn't want to get stuck there. And if you phase back into the real world while you're still there you would be found and caught by the guards. Only enter into those places that you can get out of safely for double and triple sure. Pack enough supplies for the trip, food, water, and also climbing equipment to get in and get out.

Yes to all of the above. The technique can indeed be used to bypass security checkpoints. As a form of "teleportation". I wouldn't reccomend doing anything illegal, for obvious reasons.

I've never heard of that theory before. No, I don't think that's how the empty world works. You're on the wrong track.

No, not yet. Can I have some recommendations? You mean early 20th century cameras? I suppose it's time for looting some museums in the empty world!
Okay, thank you for answering. I hope for the best for you and others too.
Okay, so how about people in comas that haven't moved in a long time. Are they closed in the empty world too?
I meant cloned, not closed

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