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A lot of you have experienced the normal, small stuff... some of you like myself have survived life and perception altering experiences when we were shown just how powerful who or whatever this stuff is... im talking about the spooky voodoo stuff they do when theyre really mad at you or hate you or whatever happens when they turn on the synchronicity
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Neat, whats that got to do with the girl pulling up next to me at the mall, playing the weekends "tell the truth" twice on my phone and it sending me into some telepathic interrogation about 30k in btc that i used to buy weed to sell weed YOU FUCKIN SPOOOOOOOOOOK
Please make a video tutorial showing us how to do this.
Does anyone have a list of DEW patents?
Here's one
Some more
Thumbnail looks like someone holding down a screaming baby goat.
Nigga you just mad because ive got the midas touch.

My conclusion after everything ive experienced.... these people have have access to every single man woman and childs mind.
I think it explains npcs a lot.
They should never lose a war with this kind of technology.
Good site.
That’s just you being schizo

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